Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

In the Metal [Akkuma]

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
Around Sousuke's workshop in the Journeyhall walked about a singular metal clone, or it seemed to be the case. The singular metallic figure looked left and then right before closing the door. For a metal clone this seemed to be far too animate, far too self aware, and seemingly intent on doing something. The metallic skeleton walked forward and glowed a bright blue for a moment. The chakra being conjured seemed very healthy. Anyone who had known the Steward for a long time knew that whenever he was using chakra that it looked sickly and weakened. Despite the appearance, Sousuke was very capable of creating high powered ninjutsus and genjutsus. He was able to mesh his chakra with his weaponry to deliver devastating blows.

The metallic skeleton which glowed blue walked towards a particular forge. The metallic skeleton placed his fingertips on the machine and powered it. The sounds of hammering could be hear as the devices worked and worked. A singular block appeared. It was flesh coloured and seemed to be almost liquid like. The block was acquired and was being worked on. The metallic digits cut through the block and was working on what first seemed to be like an oval. The more and the more it was being worked on that oval shape disappeared. It was turning into a mask of a human face. The features were being toyed with and various expressions showed up on the face. Smiles were easiest. Frowns were hardest. It was easier to smile than it was to frown. The Lord Steward was not known for his smiles, or any expression really. He was known for being expressionless. He had perfected this. The more and more the masked was being worked on the more it began to look like the fact of the Steward. The labourer of this mask was indeed the Lord Steward. It had been twenty-four days since the 'accident' He was not far more machine than he was flesh. He still wore armours to cover up his nakedness. The Steward had been given perspective of layers.

In public he wore a far thicker suit of armour. He had been wearing armour for far too long for the past weeks. People didn't question it. They knew it would be awkward to see him without his armour. Eventually a dinner party would take place soon, and he would have to have a flesh-face. He considered the notion people might stay away from him or see him as something else now. They knew he had metallic parts, but now it was far more. Too much in fact. Fear grasped the Lord Steward. It was something that did not grasp him often, but here it was.

Sousuke was also fearful. He considered visiting Yume and trying to start things over now. Things had settled down and for the time being Shouki had been dead for a long time. He loved Yume, but he had to let her go. It was for her own safety. Shouki was a mass murdering psychopath. Sousuke had participated in his death twice. Things were bound to happen for a third time. Yet things did not come to pass. He considered this a sign of sorts. On the other hand he was also afraid of Okibi returning and finding him in this state. He also had Teke to consider as well. It was very difficult being the Steward.

Sousuke looked down at his work, and found himself staring down at his flesh mask. There were no eyes, but there were those sharp features. Avian almost. Katsuo didn't know, neither did Roku. They did not know that the soul was in the machine.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Years had passed since his death. Too him though it had been but a blink in the ebb of time. He'd slowly started to regain some semblance of himself. Occasionally gaining enough strength to briefly make it through the veil. But he had failed to anchor himself successfully, Immortality was a tricky thing. Having never experienced this kind of undeath he had no idea on how to truly return. Akkuma focused & attempted to make the journey to the other side once more. There would be the faintest flicker of green chakra as a small mass of flesh-like tendrils with a singular emerald eye at its core, seemed to materialize from nowhere. Lifting himself up he looked around & managed to see a glimpse of what looked like Sousuke entering a nearby room. Of course! If anyone could aid him in his return it would be the Steward. Shifting himself towards the door using the mass of fleshy tendrils to give himself mobility. Squeezing under the door at the expense of his eye shifted along the floor blindly until it reformed.

He heard machinery come up to life & as his eye began to reform could make at the blue chakra flowing over the skeletal frame. Perhaps it was a clone, Akkuma had known Sousuke's chakra to be of a more sickly nature. The 'clone' seemed to be working on some type of mask. Perhaps Sousuke was developing something for infiltration for his Anbu? He'd not have put it past the Robokage to develop such identity protecting measures. Little did Akkuma know that the truth was far more incredible then he could have realized. Slowly a tendril would slide out across the ground & slowly attempt to siphon some chakra from the robokage's clone. Attempting to use Energy Transfer to attain more chakra to further speed up his development. Working on creating more mass, followed by organs so he would be able to communicate. If Sousuke turned around at this moment he would see something truly horrible. A fleshy humanoid mass of tendrils, that encased partially formed & exposed organs. There was a singular emerald eye that looked out from the misshapen mass as it continued to grow.

Eventually the begins of a mouth, airway & vocal system would start to form. However it would still take a few moments for them to develop enough to communicate. Instead all he could do was produce a guttural almost demonic noise as he attempted to gain the Robokage's attention. That was when Akkuma noticed it, the mask in the 'clones' hand was that of Sousuke's face. The eyes gaze shifted from the clone to the mask before a sudden realization dawned upon Akkuma. This wasn't a clone, Sousuke had changed so much of himself he was barely even human now. He felt a mixture of emotions towards the being upon this realization. How long had he been carrying this burden? Not that it surprised him the shinobi possessed a great scientific mind & given his proclivity for experiments it seemed only a matter of time...but even Akkuma had not imagined just how far Sousuke had pushed himself. Perhaps this had been why he'd often warned Akkuma of the dangers his experimentation held. Had he been burned by his own work & anticipated the same or worse fate to befall the demon?

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
The Lord Steward considered calling Yume. He knew her schedule. Tonight was her late night and she would be getting home around this time, being that it was 11:16pm. He knew that the call would do both of them good. The Steward as he worked on the mask placed it down for a moment. He would pull open a drawer and reveal a phone. The metallic fingers reached for the receiver and began to dial the number. He stopped at the seventh digit. He had that feeling he was being watched. He put the phone down and placed it back into the drawer. Charka steadily burned from the eye sockets as blue mist rose up. Sousuke stepped back and found himself stepping onto something. He looked down and found a tendril ensnaring his leg. The expression was strange. Sousuke's metallic jaw shifted. The tendril was very... chakra flesh infused. It took him a moment to realize it was draining him slightly. The Steward would then follow the tendril to...

Ah. Of course. Shouki. The Steward heard gutteral howls and demonic speech. The Steward held out his hand and psionically called to him his weaponry. The Lunar Great Axe flew at will to Sousuke. The blade of the axe glowed blue as it was grabbed by Sousuke. The super heated axe was immediately brought down with great force and cut the tendril and the floor itself. Sousuke shook his foot free. He was staring down a reanimating mass. He left the axe in the ground. Sousuke was doing the math in his head. Beings that could regenerate from nothing? Rare. There was one name that came to mind immediately. "Ishii Shouki. Go back to the abyss, or face utter deletion."<i></i> He was wrong, but it did fit the bill. Shouki could only come back through regeneration through his god Jashin. If there was very a moment of PTSD to be had, this was one of them. There was something wrong with the data, but Sousuke was in his head constructing Shouki's face on the head. That snarky grin. Those piercings. That red hair. More chakra mist poured out of the eye sockets. The Steward would allow his free hand to fall to his side. He willed another weapon to himself. A firearm was being psionically called forth. The weapon was of an ornate design. It was a dark grey, that at the muzzle and the was a golden beak. The gun had three barrels that were coming out of the beak. Along the rear sight there were two violet gemstones that looked like eyes. The firearm was cocked and it was unloaded. The barrel rotated as each shot was fired. The animating mass was being shot at. Electrical bullets were fired at. The clip was emptied, and it was immediately reloaded. The Steward held off before emptying that clip. He was analyzing. He made need to change weapons to deal with Shouki. The other bit of it was to watch how the virus laced bullets were going to work on the reforming mass.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
The Lord Steward picked up a phone, only momentarily before placing it back down. Akkuma wondered who he'd been about to call? Perhaps a confidant of his? One of the few he allowed to get under that metallic frame of his. It was then the Robokage stepped back onto the tendril that was absorbing chakra from the metallic being. An expression he'd never seen upon Sousuke was held by the metallic frame. He watched as the Lord Steward summoned weaponry, attempting to regenerate as quick as he could knowing what was about to come. At least he'd thought so but before he could even react Sousuke had ignited the blade of the Axe & brought it down severing the tendril. Akkuma recoiled from the pain as the Lord Steward left the Axe embedded in the ground.

When the Lord Steward spoke it was then why Akkuma realized Sousuke was being so unlike himself. He believed the mass that was Akkuma to be Ishii Shouki, what Sunan shinobi wouldn't have this reaction? Particularly Sousuke given the horrors his people had suffered because of the man. Chakra flowed from the eyes of the Steward as he summoned another weapon. This time he summoned a rather impressive firearm. Akkuma's most hated weapon type, there was nothing he despised more then having to dig projectiles from his flesh. Then it happened, Sousuke emptied the weapon into the mass that was Akkuma. Each shot stung with a pain that seemed to spread through each thread of his body slowly.

Sousuke instantly reloaded the firearm & eyed the writhing mass. No doubt deducing whether he'd done sufficient damage or still trying to discern if he's initial identification of the mass was accurate. Akkuma tried to speak but he accomplished nothing more then an incomprehensible string of sounds, granted they did sound less monster-like & more human. But he doubted the Lord Steward would give what he thought to be Shouki time to regenerate enough to communicate. No, he would need t act. While he'd not wanted to hurt the Steward the beings hesitation was momentarily lost after being shot. Several tendrils of flesh would fly towards Sousuke, attempting to not only spear his frame but wrap themselves between his limbs & joints. Should he fail he would re-attempt the attack attempting to drain chakra via any tendrils attached to Sousuke.

If he managed to gain anymore chakra he would once more pour it into his regeneration. Resulting in an almost skinless version of himself, his blood still crimson & not the tar-like black it usually was when fully formed. He needed to get the Lord Steward to realize no matter how much damage Sousuke unleashed upon him Akkuma would continue on his course of action. "So..vio...violent Lord Ste...Steward, it's I scare you so?" he would manage to utter out in a mixture of frustration & teasing sarcasm. He could still feel himself weaker & not because of the regeneration. Whatever Sousuke had done to the Demon was affecting his regenerative progress. Yes, he had achieved something that should have been impossible. He'd done so without the help of a God, for he was his own God. A being of Chaos now truly Eternal, that was if he played his cards right for the rest of Eternity.

[OOC: Feel free to dodge or attack as you wish. Even lop of the head before he gets the chance to finish speaking if you want. =D]

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
Sousuke watched as more tendrils were coming his way. He would again open fire but the clip ran empty. He was in the process of reloading when the tendril wrapped around his metallic arm. The Steward twisted his arm in a way to attempt to twist and break the tendril. The tendril proved to be far more resilient. Recalculating. More tendrils were coming and oddly were taking a defensive measures. It was uncharacteristic as Shouki did not really fight defensively. It was perplexing. There was usually the gestures or vocalization of a desire for more pain. Perhaps the regeneration process needed more time, and that was the strange part in all of this. Shouki wanted to be caught in the moment at the exact moment in time, as one could not get him in the future, or rely on past tricks. Uncharacteristic. Against chakra portions were being siphoned. Well, this was being annoying.

In the precious seconds acquired Akkuma was able to acquire enough of his being in order to speak. The words uttered were strained. It didn't sound like Shouki, at least verbally. The words spoken were not in his character either. Within a few more seconds Sousuke figured it out. He made a gesture with his hand to call the heat axe to him once again. He cut the tendril again. He stared at Akkuma for several moments. "Ah. Apologies. Your reformation was quite spontaneous. Made me think of someone else. So the tales of your demise were false?"<i></i>/ The Lord Steward was a well informed man. He knew things before the public did. This was one of those things. Several more moments would pass as Sousuke would say nothing but he would just shoot Akkuma again. This time he would shoot him in the shoulder. "That I'm not apologizing for, because it's you."<i></i> Sousuke would turn his back on Akkuma. Some might consider this wise, but Akkuma knew the game of politics. Sousuke was perhaps the best politician he knew, mainly because he was neutral in most things and remained that way. He would put the gun down on the desk. He would return to his work on the flesh mask. He was patting it out, and inserting the various markings on the face which Sousuke had on his face, when he did indeed have a flesh face. The flesh mask was given the impression of scar tissues. "Most people when presented with a writhing mass... well some people would perhaps die due to the fear. Some might flee the scene. Suffice to say I've been awaiting the regeneration of one particular individual."<i></i> He admitted. He would continue to work on the face. "You caught me at an inappropriate time, and I seem to have done the same."<i></i> Sousuke would turn his metallic head to the side. His eyes narrowed. "I trust that certain things remain in this room. I trust your family members have had some internal squabbles about the absence of a leader, as such you're not a position yet to make a notable appearance. Should I be expecting fighting in the streets, and I will have to personally step in?"<i></i> Sousuke was able to figure out things quickly enough, absent in all of this conversation was his own situation. The Lord Steward meant to keep it that way.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
More rounds were fired from the weapon into the Demon's flesh as Akkuma attempted to restrain the Steward long enough to make him realize who he was. Finally it seemed the Lord Steward had realized, that was at least after he'd slashed the remaining tendrils siphoning chakra from him. When Sousuke spoke the humanoid mass of sinew that was Akkuma would speak. "Of course. It's the only logical conclusion given that I was rather secretive about my capabilities. Naturally, do you think I'd allow myself to ever truly fall?" he'd chuckle monstrously due to his form still taking hold. To his surprise Sousuke shot him again this time saying he wouldn't apologize for it because it was Akkuma. What could be called a smile formed upon the masses face. Perhaps he'd not noticed how use to him Sousuke had become because the Lord Steward turned his back upon the Demon & continued working. There were few who knew Akkuma that would dare do so, particularly after the realization of what he was.

"Ishii Shouki. Expecting him are you?" he'd ask curiously as the sludge-like oozing of his tendrils ceased. The liquid would harden looking flawlessly smooth as it coated his form. After a moment it would begin to crack & crumble away revealing Akkuma. Those emerald eyes holding Sousuke in his gaze as he continued his response. "Of course Lord Steward. I wouldn't want to ruin the surprise for your people, besides they need you. We both know humans have a tendency to overreact when confronted with something they can't comprehend. I'm sure you could say the same for my own. I doubt there will be civil war between the boys. They seem to lack the stomach to do what must be done." he would say with a sigh shaking his head to free his hair from the crumbling coating. "Though perhaps a visit from the Lord Steward would persuade them to pick a new Leader. It is well overdue, the council will begin vying for power if they don't. I'd hate to have to return so soon." he would say stepping out of the remains of his healing process. With a snap of his fingers Akkuma would incinerate the remaining signs of his regenerative process.

Standing there he would lean closer to Sousuke inspecting himself on the Lord Stewards form. His fingers traced his own neck & there was a scar encircling it from where he'd been beheaded. Upon his chest & back was the scared tissue from where his heart had been cut from him. Curious that this form had healed with those scars from the blades, yet there were no signs of how they'd disposed of him. Perhaps only the wounds sustained while he was alive would remain or show? He'd have to do further investigation & run some experiments. It was then that he realized he was without attire & standing rather close to the Robo-Steward. "Tell me where are we? Also I'm sure if you wanted I could attempt to create a method of replicating your original form over that. It'd take time but I believe I could make the process easier for you..." performing a series of One-Handed seals the Demon would cause flames to dance over his flesh, covering his modesty. Those emerald eyes scanned the room around them "..ease the burden of you having to go through this process." he'd say wondering just how long Sousuke had been forced to go through this process of remaking himself.

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
At the mention of Akkuma falling, a laugh emerged from the Steward. It was a very hard and sharp ha, that was delivered with enthusasiam unheard of or unseen before in the Steward. It might even give Akkuma pause or perhaps a fright given the emotional outburst. "You? Fall. Entirely possible, given who you are betrothed to."<i></i> Sousuke worked with the flesh mask more, he aligned it along the lower parts of his jaw. He then ran the flesh mask up and around his features. The air was being pushed out as it was forming tightly around the jaw. The mask was worked onto the faceplate. There was a lot of adjusting but everything was fitting into place. "Fiction has gone great ways to show great celestial beings falling from grace to become what they hate most. On the flip side, great sinister entities have redeemed themselves to become ... holy even."<i></i> Sousuke would run his metallic fingers against the flesh mask. He would turn to a mirror. The mirror would show his old face. Old scars and all. He moved his lips and jaw. He noticed a small wrinkle, and he pushed it out. "You falling would technically be ascending depending on who you ask. I suppose someday I'll expect you to be golden and clothed in white."<i></i> Highly unlikely, but entirely possible.

The Steward would next open a drawer and pull out a violet coloured wig. He would put the wig on his metallic scalp and work the hair into the skin mask. "Things occur in threes, that and Shouki's patron is Jashin. Immortality is a troubling thing when concerned with the safety of others."<i></i> Slowly but surely Sousuke was looking more like his old self. The flash mask had taken weeks to figure out. The wig was now the new part. He continued to work on tucking in various parts of it into the flesh mask. He refrained from commenting about showing up in the Miroku Clan household and throwing down with them in a verbal encounter to get their act together. Then came the natural questions of where he was. The Steward stopped for a moment and turned around to look at Akkuma. "The Orders of Sungakure. Specifically the Hall of Hammers."<i></i> It was an odd thing that Akkuma had lived here for so long and never been in one of the Order Halls. Akkuma wasn't considered a citizen of Sungakure, a resident maybe. If the citizenship trial became a thing, Sousuke suspected it would be weighed heavily in favour against Akkuma. Roku and Katuso would be con, and Sousuke himself might be the most positive thing Akkuma had fighting for him in the sense Sousuke would be neutral.

Akkuma then covered himself up. Sousuke went back to working on his face. "I was once forced into a beauty pageant for men being judged by women. One of the contestants burnt his clothes up but had his defining male features covered. That was an awkward experience... but I did win over the crowd of screaming women with a plasma show of lights and plasma projections."<i></i> He admitted. He listened to Akkuma make him an offer about helping him in his current predicament. "This is ..."<i></i> He spoke motioning to his mechanical body, "This is what happens when Demons and old enemies work against you and have at you in your own household. Like I said earlier, immortality is annoying. I suppose having a working soul for the first time in ... forever is a boon."<i></i> He considered the proposal, but shook his head. A smile seemed to appear on Sousuke's face. "You see ... if I walk about in a demonically flesh suit, while it may look my old self, it will turn some heads. I'd rather not explain to a bunch of people I'm still the same old me, but I'm just strutting about in a demon flesh suit that radiates evil. You would be very surprised how many people we have who are ... attuned to detecting these things."<i></i>

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma was slightly taken aback by the outburst from Sousuke, but when he heard the mans reasoning he couldn't help but chuckle. It was true if anyone had the potential ability to destroy him, it was her. However the Stewards next words made a half smile appear on the Demons face. He knew all too well that he would never be regarded as a Hero or Holy individual. Not to those who 'mattered' in society. But the broken & outcasts of society? To a vast majority of them he was all they had. They prayed for the favor of the Immortal Trickster. The faithful petitioned him for favors & a cost of course. Not that Akkuma hadn't once aspired to be the Hero of the story. He just realized Monsters had the means & the power to do what was necessary. In his cloak of darkness & isolation he needn't worry about those he cared about. For anyone who knew anything about the being believed him to be completely self serving. This served his agenda perfectly & would in the end make it easier on those in his life when his final plan did come to fruition.

A chuckle would escape those demonic lips of the Demon's. "I suppose you're right..." he'd say wondering if there was any hope for redemption for his actions. How would he be punished in this life or his next by the Fates for the crimes done in this cycle? He nodded as he listened to Sousuke explaining his reasoning for believing Shouki would return. Naturally Sousuke disliked the idea of sustaining oneself at the expense of others. How would he react knowing Akkuma sustained himself on the souls of those he'd defeated? Perhaps that would be a detail best left hidden for now. No doubt silence would not go unnoticed by the Steward so Akkuma would speak. "Ah Jashin...I've not encountered one of his followers for quite sometime." he spoke reminiscing his encounter with the madwoman. Fortunately Akkuma had been adapted quickly, he was quite capable of making it difficult for others to utilize chakra. With his knowledge of seals & glyphs he'd separated her bond with her mad god. At least long enough to fell the woman, her body was buried in pieces in Kirigakure & her head tossed into the ocean. To this day he still waited for when he would once more encounter or hear of her. "You know I always intended to come visit the Orders but never got around to it..." he'd say with a smile well he would have his opportunity today.

He raised an eyebrow & chuckled at the Stewards memory of a pageant. "Naturally you had to be coerced into doing, Wind Countries superiority had to be asserted." he would say with a chuckle imagining how against the idea the Steward would have been. "Something I'm familiar with I can assure you..." he would say with all certainty. For the Demon's time in Sunagakure had been intriguing, he'd regained some humanity & even his soul. All to sacrifice it all in a ritual that bound him to Chaos all with the instruction of Pandemonium. Blindly he'd followed her in his moment of need & she'd ascended him. No longer was he the Demon he had once been, now he was something altogether different. When Sousuke commented about the amount of individuals in Suna that were aware & perceptive of Another chuckle would escape his lip "The diverse pool of capabilities exhibited by your citizens has not gone unnoticed by me I assure you." in fact he'd played his part in tutoring & guiding some of them. A few willingly but others without their realizing the gifts he'd given them.

Acting as the monster to give them the tools that now gave them purpose but a true chance at life the way they wanted it. A thin smile would appear on the Demon's lips "Who said it'd be demonic flesh? Homunculi are something that I've been doing quite a bit of research into. Although I am quite curious as to how your soul got restored. I know firsthand that such things are possible..." he would say with a smile, for his soul was his vessel now. Now he was more monstrous then he'd ever been. He was curious as to what he would look like to those with True Sight. Particularly while he was an empty husk without any spare souls. Let alone when he possessed the souls of five others. No he would need the means to keep them hidden. "The journeyman are the craftsman of your village are they not? Tell me do you know if they have any means to store souls? So that the contents cannot be easily discerned." he would ask with obvious curiosity. "I contemplated using the similar method of the Human Puppets...but such methods are apparently obvious in regards to the contents." he would say in a matter of fact manner.

It seemed Akkuma needed to safely store his soul, leading one to deduce that it currently was not stored safely. Perhaps like Shouki this was Akkuma's weakest moment. Should the Steward wish to be free of the Demon & guarantee his secrets keeping now would be his chance. Although sometimes it paid to have friends in low places. Particularly a Demon such as himself.


Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
Temptation. Temptation grasped at the Steward. It was a rare sensation. It would make things easier in the context that the body was going to be something he was used to. This metallic shell, which was something he had for three weeks, was still new. At the same time, there were still some form of moral implications. Anything Akkuma was giving him was going to be a double edged sword. The Steward knew full well to distrust Akkuma. He did not want to be indebted to Akkuma either. It was very dangerous to be indebted to a man like Akkuma, who knew what the cost would be to repay him. The Steward would resist the temptation ultimately. He would not ask Akkuma to craft him a flesh suit. He could always make use and make more of the flesh masks.

The conversation faded and turned to a new topic. He was inquired as to how his soul was restored. Sousuke's metallic hand would form a fist, and an index finger would press against the forehead to the side. "I am not certain either."<i></i> He would answer at first, "I'm not educated enough in the matter to make an intelligent hypothesis either."<i></i> Souls were a curious thing that sorcery loved to use in terms of a currency or a power source. Due to the power of souls, it made Sousuke push himself all the more harder to have technology best sorcery. Technology needed resources as well, but those resources being consumed did not carry such a cost. Akkuma then inquired if Sousuke had to knowledge to store souls. He was met with no answer. Sousuke knew how to do so. Granted crafting the vessel to hold a soul was never quite the same because the method to make one was not going to be the same. "I do have to ask... is it for yourself, or is it for someone else?"<i></i> There was a pause, "If it is for someone else, then who?"<i></i> He would further inquire.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
There was that trademark Miroku smirk upon the Demon's face as he stood before Sousuke. He wondered if for just a moment the Steward had considered it. Not that he'd ever accept the aid Akkuma offered. What was important is that he offered it nonetheless. It was curious that the Steward was unable to explain as to how his soul had become intact. But then again this world was full of mysterious happenings, many of them beyond the understanding of those they affected. "Perhaps it is for the best..." he'd say in regards to both matters. Sousuke's question gave Akkuma the opinion the individual knew how to do what Akkuma asked. Or at least those who were capable of such feats. The Demon had encountered the Steward enough times to get a handle of the beings nature.

He rested his gaze upon Sousuke wondering for the briefest of moments how the Steward would react to the news. "It's for myself, although there are individuals within your community who could benefit from such devices." he state truthfully to the Steward. Although Akkuma did not truly need the device, it was simply a security measure. An extra precaution for a being who knew all to well just how many wished him dead. That was not to say that he did not know of beings within the village who could utilize such designs. Citizens of Sunagakure to be precise. But such knowledge had been given to him under oath of binding & he would not reveal their identities. That was not to say that he would not ensure that such information found it's way into the Lord Stewards hands. It was not something he was willing to actively reveal. The Demon was nothing without his deals after all.

"Before you ask Sousuke I cannot reveal their identities. After all I wouldn't be much of a Demon if I couldn't hold up my end of a deal." he'd say as he leaned back against a nearby wall. The flames still protectively dancing over his body keeping his immodest form from view. "I can promise you this. I am doing my best to ensure that those I know of are both safe & able to sustain themselves. Although the task is difficult when it comes to matters of discreetly transporting the souls. Before you say anything I would remind you that not all beings have a choice in regard to this existence. Some do not wish to live this way, others are ignorant of their needs & will die if inaction is allowed to continue." he would say in a matter of fact tone.

Despite what others thought of him Akkuma had a soft spot for the damned & cursed individuals of society. Having been born a Half-Breed had been far more detrimental then beneficial. Given the numerous forms he'd assumed over the years Akkuma had a rather unique & varied well of experience to draw upon when it came to dealing with such matters. It gave him both the ability to genuinely understand things from their perspective & most importantly aid them in overcoming the obstacles they would face. It had been no secret that the Immortal Trickster had been quite busy ensuring he had ties in all tiers of Society. There were few who had escaped the vast net he'd cast over the village. He'd accumulated power & done stopped at nothing to ensure his place within the village.


Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
OOC Rank
Data meant a difference. Sousuke was given some sort of self assurance given the answer. "I can make such an item with the aid of another."</I><i></i> Sousuke would reveal in an untimely manner. He would allow that to sink. "Granted that my usage of a soul containing object is different. You would be surprised at the medical use of it. A body sometimes needs to be reconstructed and there is a particular pain level that some people cannot take because they've become far too aware of things."<i></i> There was a revelation in this. It was a hearty one at best. The Steward in his revelation was... if anything lacking the utmost in a sinister intent.

Akkuma needed something to hold his soul. It made him curious. Akkuma then revealed to him that there were others who needed that tech as well. Akkuma would not reveal who wanted the tech. It was something he could have held him to, and push him to reveal something. Akkuma was vulnerable. "Can't say I can understand why or how being a demon is relevant to keeping one's word. One doesn't have to be a type to keep one's word."<i></i> Sousuke would quietly make other considerations. He would open up a shelf and reveal a series of gemstones. He would reach for an emerald and put it on the table. He would be silent and mulled something over in his mind. "If I do this one thing for you. Two things of concern, you do not repeat what I'm doing. No two soul gems are the same. The second if I reserve the right to call in a favour of my choosing and time. Be assured I will not ask you to fall upon your sword."<i></i> He would roll them gemstone around in his hand. There was a stipulation to be had here. Sousuke wanted it to be known to Akkuma. "None of this monkey's paw at work either."<i></i> The concept was there is an object able to grant wishes, being the monkey's paw, which was dangerous because the wish could indeed be granted, but it happened at a cost.

<I>"How do you feel about jewelry?" He inquired before throwing the emerald at Akkuma. He would allow the demon to have a look at it. Demons were usually the ones willing to make contracts and pacts to have people in their debt. This was the reverse. Sousuke over the years had several debts he could call it by several individuals. He hadn't though. Suffice to say most people were comfortable with being indebted to the Steward due to this. Sousuke was known for being reasonable. He was also known for late in terms of the collection of debts.

Miroku Akkuma

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Oct 24, 2012
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Naturally, Sousuke was all about his reassurances after all. Couldn't have the Steward stressing over trivial matters. Akkuma would raise an eyebrow wondering just who it was the Lord Steward would require to aid him in his creation. "Sousuke I think if there's anyone that could comprehend the potential of such items I am one of them. Granted our medical practices no doubt differ." he would concede to the being before him. When the Steward spoke of pain Akkuma knew all too well what he meant. Not only had the being survived multiple deaths but his soul had been split asunder & renewed time after time. He chuckled when Sousuke conceded he didn't understand what being a demon had to do with anything. "You wouldn' least not at first. Do you forget the reputation being a Demon carries with it? For this reason I ensure that those dealing with me have no reason to fear my nature, nor I theirs." he would finish with a slightly harsh tone. Growing up as a Half-breed with no status allowed him to see how the world & those who inhabited it truly were.

"I accept your terms." he'd say before chuckling at Sousuke's amendment to the deal. "That would defeat the purpose of the compact my friend. Really it's as if you don't know me." he'd say with a devilish grin, the flames still dancing around his form. The Lord Steward would ask Akkuma how he felt about Jewellery, to be truthful the Demon cared not for it. Although he had found it's addition to outfits beneficial among certain members of society. A means of flaunting ones status or wealth, trivial things that could be used to better infiltrate the ignorant. "I have no objections, whatever design you make should be acceptable I'm sure." he would say before performing a few handseals. "Don't mind me, I'm just going to make a slight adjustment to my Cursed Seals design. My would be usurpers revealed a flaw I cannot allow to persist." with that statement he would set to work slowly altering the designs of the seal & thus it's purpose. Holding his hand above the seal his Chakra altered the enzymes at his command.

Slowly the demonic enzymes would set to work, they enhancing his biological limitations. Starting with his reflexive capabilities & then moving onto his chakra system. The enzymes worked slowly slightly widening blood vessels & substituting tissue with more receptive demonic cells. Once complete the enzymes & cells would return to their normal restrictions. Akkuma could feel chakra coursing readily through his body, like a tsunami ready to burst fourth from his body. Little did he know but with practice the Demon would soon be able to perform Barriers without the use of seals. A feat that would surely allow him to enjoy his monologues against his foes. After all there were few things he loathed more than being interrupted. But now was not the time nor the place for such tests of newfound capabilities. For neither Sousuke or himself were in acceptable appearances to be seen by the public. Although he couldn't help but chuckle at the rumors that might get around if someone were to see him in all his fiery modesty accompanied by non-other than Sousuke.

Given some of the articles that had been posted about him in the past it was a thought that made him chuckle. Although he suddenly imagined someone discovering the two of them & wondered whether or not an uninformed party would believe the Steward to be himself. After all it was known that Akkuma dabbled in experimental procedures & technology. It was a thought that both made him chuckle & troubled him. That was not something he needed, particularly not given his intent to officially make himself apart of the village in the coming weeks. Before then though he had much to prepare for & even more that concerned him. Already he'd been reckless with the reputation he'd grown within the village walls. But in doing so his connections rippled throughout the many tiers & hierarchies of society. Everyone needed their own monster every now & then. One thing was undeniable the Demon was proficient at producing profits from services & trade. Although his methods & interests were at best unethical. Now here he stood bound to the will of Sousuke, his compact made so that should the being ever call upon him the Demon would be forced to obey the command.

Sousuke swore he'd not make the Demon fall on his sword, but he did not put such actions beyond the being before him. He knew there was little Sousuke wouldn't do to protect his people when push came to shove. Akkuma found Sousuke to be the much more measured form of himself. Perhaps what he could've been had he not stuck so firmly to the path he'd believed to be the only one. His seal would glow before fading indicating the process was complete & breaking him from his train of thought.

[Cursed Sealing Used to Alter Seal]

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
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Sousuke would simply nod his head at Akkuma. "I don't think several people would appreciate it if you were to fall upon your sword because I asked for it. Some people would, but I'm certain I could get most of your ... smiling people and associates to frown like never before. It may cause something absurd like ... the gravitational pull to invert itself to happen. "<i></i> Sousuke would dress himself with more metal. He would look like a much fuller being now. He would await for Akkuma to throw him back the gemstone back at him. He would then put the gem on the table. "Let's see how her mood is today, and how she's feeling."<i></i>

As Akkuma would begin to re-program his cursed seal, the Steward would place a metallic hand on the table and conjure a summoning circle. In the middle of the circle a backpack would appear. The pack would move as something would crawl out of it. An elderly toad figure who looked as old as time itself would emerge. She was worn with too many age lines, and looked to be exhausted. She would crawl out of the bag and would look to Sousuke and then to Akkuma. "This is the Devil who wrought the Westlands in fire and ash. He is the Devil who begot the terror in the Deadlands before they were in the finality of the--" The creature would fall onto her knees and weep loud and dreadfully. She cried and moaned before falling silent again. Her mood shifted quickly again. "Deary. Are you here for one of Maya's old stories? She has many stories about the death and rebirth of many." A flash of anger then showed in her eyes. "Useless ape. I will see you shattered and boarded in the nether. I will see your corpse cleaned by the defilers in the ocean! Drown in your own piss!" The Lord Steward warned Akkuma. He warned him. The entity before Akkuma was not of sound mind, but had a sickness of the mind. Sousuke would quietly approach her and kneel down. He would place a metallic hand on her shoulder. The creature turned her head back to Sousuke. "Lord Steward. Maya knows you like her stories. She also knows you helped to defeat Shouki, but know this Lord Steward: That red haired Devil will return. You will have to conjure a star and burn him in it. That or throw his body into the heart of a dying star. That can be tricky because by the time you've seen a dying star, it will already be dead." Her words carried knowledge and power, but the mind was not intact.

"Maya would you please tell me how to forge a soul gem like in the Elder Days?"<i></i>

The Toad crone would grasp at Sousuke's fingers. She would raise his hand with her little feeble digits and would place his hand on the floor. The Toad would puff herself up a bit. "I once saw a serpent from the sea rise up. He threatened a town." Sousuke would instantly get up and run to his supplies he would produce a sapphire gemstone. He would await her next words. "I saw it approach with fangs the size of swords. It was a storm of swords. I knew that the town would be frightened, but the town had been lucky. In its halls there was a hero. He had a crown of thunder and a beard of plants. He was the original Wild Man. He was mistaken by some as a barbarian from the West, they were feared because they lived with evil in their hearts. This Wild Man rose and called for the creatures of the forest to come to him. All manner of birds and beasts came to his side to conquer this vile Serpent." As the tale continued Sousuke was working on the gem. He had needles come out of his finger tips as he chiseled and worked at the stone. He was making images in the stones of a great snake. "He went out on a bridge of elks who gave him the ground he needed to walk upon. He needed the ground to walk upon or else he would be drowned!" Sousuke continued to work. He would open his palm and blast the stone with a plasma blast. "There were many drowned creatures that day, but their decomposing bodies helped the hero. He was devoured by the serpent, but she choked on the bodies, and died. The hero's body was never recovered, but those who lived in that town gave away the civil ways. They became but a fraction of his power, but the Wild Man would live on in their hearts." The story seemed to come to its conclusion as Maya began to crawl back towards the backpack and she would open it once again and enter it. She crawled into it and slept. Sousuke would place the gem into the socket of a ring. He would drop the piece of jewelry into a glass of water. It needed to cool down as much steam rose from the glass. He would look to Akkuma and await the Demon to respond to what he had heard or seen.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
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Akkuma chuckled at Sousuke's words for the Demon did not doubt a single one of them. For it was in fact known that there were many within the walls of the village who'd be pleased by his death, yet there were just as many would would be most displeased by his departure from this realm. It was a balance that had kept him & his activities safe for quite sometime. One could not deny the Demon had a natural talent when it came to establishing bonds with beings, although not always positive the value of a bond was still undeniable. Each had their own use & purpose to the Demon. "No doubt some perversion to the natural order would occur should such a feat be accomplished." the Trickster would say in agreement.

Sousuke stated they would see how her mood was & how she was feeling. It seemed they would be meeting this second necessary individual quicker then he'd anticipated. The reason so becoming more obvious as Sousuke performed a summoning. The Demon observed a Toad Ancient in appearance gazing upon them as he worked upon his seal. Her gaze shifted from the Robo-Steward to Akkuma & upon seeing him she erupted in a proclamation. He stepped back as she spoke his eyes wide as his mind raced back to the fragmented memories that had returned to him the day he'd truly met Seika's greatest power. His gaze shifted from the Ancient Toad to Sousuke, how much was she capable of seeing? What else could she reveal? Was it truly about him or was she simply mad? One of the many struggles one faced when you were a being that had been forced to walk the earth time & time again.

When faced with such situations one could never be sure whether they applied to them or if they were simply the ravings of individuals who's sanity was fractured by the knowledge or experiences they had. In a brief time the small Toad had exhibited a variety of behavioral shifts, one thing was apparent she was mad. But that did not mean that there was not value hidden in the words she spoke. This would soon be proven as Sousuke set to work designing & working to Maya's almost fae-like instructions for creating the stone. Before long the process was complete & Maya made her way into Sousuke's backpack to rest. The Demon stood there for a moment his gaze lingering upon Sousuke wondering whether he should address the proclamation made by the Ancient Toad.

Deciding it best not to cast any more suspicion on himself when his past was lost to even himself it would prove pointless to raise more questions he could not answer for the Steward. "People say I keep curious company, if only they knew what your inner circle contained." he'd say with a chuckle before stepping forward & leaning down to inspect the stone in the steaming water. "It was a curious process to observe, your work was flawless to watch. I do hope you have an apprentice it would be a shame for your knowledge to be lost from this world should you ever depart from it." the Trickster would say. After all that was why Akkuma left various stores of shinobi arts, research & experiments scattered in his travels at hidden locations.

Like time-locked vaults for the curious should they be willing. But like anything of value such things would come at a cost to those who found them. Which would bring him to his next question. "What are the capabilities of this device? Can it be modified? What are it's limitations?" he was curious & wondered just how many souls it could contain. Whether he would be able to easily work the device as an anchor into his jutsu & rituals more importantly.

Takahashi Aki

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
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Sousuke would make a motion with his hands. The summoning circle would fade from view. Along with the circle the bag would disappear with it. Sousuke would tap the bottom of his flesh mask jaw with his index finger. Akkuma would remark about the company that the Steward kept. "It shouldn't be surprising being I am who I am. On the opposite end, my enemies are far more fantastic than my allies."<i></i> It was one thing to admit that his allies were very different, but his enemies which were far more numerous were far more fantastic. "Most people have come to get used to this sort of thing. When you've been in politics for as long as I have ... well life has found a way to do some very curious and frustrating things."<i></i> The Lord Steward silently mulled it over in his head.

Akkuma spoke of how it was a wonder to watch him work. Sousuke never quite expected him to say such a thing. "I will take your compliment."<i></i> The second thing he had said was a little more telling. Sousuke had an heir, but Teke was not well equipped. Teke was more into the fighting and the using of weapons. Her forging skills were developing at best. "I'm working on that. My heiress is ... developing her power set. She prefers the smashing part and not so much the building part."<i></i> Sousuke would reveal. It was a more personable moment with the Steward. Yes, he was openly talking to Akkuma about the affairs of his household, but he was still somewhat on edge. He would not openly refer to his heir by name. There was some trust in Akkuma, but it was not absolute trust. He did infact trust Akkuma's nature to interfere with his overall state of being. "I have come closer than one would think to departing from this world. It is why things ... are they way they are presently."<i></i>

Naturally Akkuma would inquire about the object. By this time Sousuke would take it out of the water glass. He would hand it to Akkuma. "Limited to one soul. Attuned to you specifically. The soul can be transferred a number of times. You would in fact have to figure or ... create the means of the soul swapping. You need to press the gemstone to your head or your heart. I'm told it has a pulling sensation to it."<i></i>

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma chuckled at Sousuke's words the Lord Steward was right. "You're not wrong your enemies are quite interesting..." when the Steward continued on he smiled. Akkuma knew all too well the frustrations & curiosities that could be brought about by politics. The situations & circles one found themselves in were surprisingly less dull then one would think. The Steward next words made him chuckle louder "Worry not Sousuke I'm sure you'll do better then myself." he'd say with that smirk that was found upon the face of so many of his kin. Sousuke spoke of his current position & an almost sympathetic look would briefly appear on the Demons face. "We both know shinobi don't live to our ages without losing parts of themselves along the way. It is the duty of all Shinobi to endure whatever life throws at us, no matter how we can." he would say after all he had not forgotten who he'd once been.

They were both different now for better or worse. That would be something for the Fates to decide. A single soul would suffice, this would be his ace. He'd fashion it into an object & decide on a worthy guardian. Whether that individual would be informed of what they had he'd yet to decide. Accepting the gem he'd hold it, examining it in the process. To think such a small item would be the potential key to his resurrection. "Thank you Sousuke, I appreciate your assistance with this matter...I'm sure your discretion is something I don't have to be concerned about?" he 'd ask his gaze casually shifting to Sousuke, there was a discerning look to it. He trusted Sousuke, to the extent that he'd trust any being that may eventually consider him a threat. There was little reason to believe the Lord Steward would betray his secret he wondered if it would be something leveraged against him in the future.

"I assure you I shall have no issues with utilizing this..." he said with that smirk upon his face, already the gears were turning within his mind. "Fortunately I have a great deal with experience in such matters." he would say before turning to face the door. With some quick handseals a mask appeared upon his face, an ocean blue Oni Mask. One he'd not adorned for years but he couldn't risk being identified so soon. "Until next time Lord Steward..." with those words the flames that danced over his modesty wreathed themselves around his entire body. With those final words the Immortal Trickster would open the door & vanish into the halls. Before long he'd be back onto the streets of Sunagakure & moving through the depths towards one of his labs. One of the benefits of being a shinobi was that one could do handy things such as traverse through the earth.

[Topic Left, Unless Stopped]
[I shall see you again soon ;)]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
