Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Items for medicine [Solo Self-Modded Mission: B rank]


Feb 14, 2014
It had been several days that Hazuna had been running low on herbs that she used to aid in the healing arts whether making remedies or salves to help with wounds of those in need. She hated to do this seeing as Shin was busy with his training but she knew her little brother would help if she asked him, that's just how Shin was as a person.

Hazuna found Shin outside taking a small break from training and explained to him of what was going on and to request his help going and gathering items she needed.
Shin smiled at his oldest sister "Yea I can go get them sis, what one are you needing?"

She explained what was needed there was a total of six different things that Shin needed to get for her consisting of two different types of stones two different herbs and a thing of bark from a tree and sap from the same tree.
Shin was handed a list just to make sure he remembered the ones needed as well as a large bag to carry the items in. With his preparations for his mission set he looked down at the small fox kit Kyibi and motioned for him to hop onto his shoulder so they could head on their way. With Kyibi on his shoulder Shin waved to his sister and set out to gather the items. He gazed over the list as he walked trying to determine what would be the most effective order to get gather the items. He debated on this for a few moments to himself before deciding to gather the more difficult items before the others which happened to be a special herb and a cluster of minerals that seemed to be found most often up on small rock formations.

"Ok Kyibi we are going to go get these two first ok?" Shin spoke to the small fox as he pointed at the list. Kyibi just tilted his head at Shin as for the fact if Kyibi could understand this list or not did honestly not matter this was normal for Shin to share his thoughts with Kyibi as it had been for some time now.

Shin raced over the area hopping from roof to roof as to make it to the area that was his destination. After about a bit of running he reached the area and began his search. Looking around for about 20 minutes he managed to find s small cluster of the mineral up on a rock surface and chipped a section away with a small blade.

"One down five more to go Kyibi." He said with a smile.

After a few more minutes he found the other item on the list, it was a small flower that had beautiful violet petals. There were not many of these that he found so he decided he would only take a small amount of them and leave the rest as to not take more then what his sister may need. With two items now in the bag he looked down at the list again to see what the other items were again.

"Bark, Sap another herb and one more mineral..ok." With the refreshing himself on the list he headed out down towards the area he normally trained at as the items grew around that area in general. After a while more of running he made his way to the spot, at this point it had started to get darker out but the large tree he always napped under was the tree that the bark and sap came from. He walked over to the large tree and pulled out a small blade and chipped off a section of bark that exposed a portion of sap that Shin gathered in a small glass jar that was in the bag his sister gave him.

"Ok Kyibi two more." Shin said to the small fox that had started to yawn as if to tell Shin to hurry up so that they could go home and rest.
"The one herb is found near the edge of water as well as the rocks." He mumbled as he scanned the area for them.

After a few more minutes Shin had found the two items and gathered them into the bag and prepared to head back home.

"Ok Kyibi lets go home" He said with a smile to the young fox as he made his way back home to rest and give Hazuna the items.

[OOC WC: 751]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
