Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Izanagi Kuro

Kishinami Kou

Oct 31, 2017

Name: Izanagi Kuro

Age: 17

Gender: Male

General Description:

One would say the tragedy that is his life shows both on his Body and his character, but let's look at one after the other. Starting with his appearence one will notice the not so common perfecty white hair atop his head. This hair is the first thing to tell about his past, since it used to be of a ravenous black color, but it turned white in his early childhood after his body got affected by all the stress he was confronted with. His red eyes seem to be very prominent due to his rather pale skin and a look into them gives of something that makes them feel wild and unpredictable. He's said to generally have good looks, but also comes of a somewhat of a Punk, keeping his hair wild and uncombed, with earrings and multiple piercings in each ear. His body is well toned and is build rather athletic, but it wouldn't get the good marks on looks as much as he would just looking at his face. Reason for that is the multiple dozen Scars across his upper body and arms, but especially on his back, which are the second physical reminder of his past.

For clothes he is usually found wearing long black pants and single color shirts without symbols or brands on it. Outside he is almost always wearing a black jacket. He dislikes having to wear uniforms being told how to dress for that matter. He is for the most time either wearing his headband around his waist like a belt or just keeps it inside a pocket inside his jacket, clearly not caring for what it symbolises.

Links on his looks:

Now then, on to his character it is not quite as easy to see the scars of his past, although wthout actually knowing about him, one has to wonder what drove Kuro to become the person he is today. The white-haired young man is on first glance a regular youth, he's nice to most new people he meets and has interests in all kinds of things a young adult would, one of those things is making his own music whenever he has free time, he loves to be creative. Although he was told to be talented, he is probably one of the hardest working people one will meet, it has become a habbit, no something he forces himself to, that if he has to complete a task and/or be serious, he won't ever play around, somewhat of a perfectionist. But, one the other hand, if something is not so important or he doesn't care about it, he is known to purposely not do it and says it would be bothersome to do. On the other side though, getting to know him closer, one will notice that he always seems a bit distant, never really seeking to be to close to anyone for too long, reason for that is that he developed a fear of being betrayed by others and/or them causing him pain either emotionally or physically. He got to hate humans, not to a level where he wants to hurt or even kill them, but he dislikes their Nature and loves to be alone and even more so then fooling around with playing music, he loves to paint, overall a big fan of Art in all different forms, even writing. While he doesn't hurt humans without reason, he doesn't have a problem to hurt them if he needs to or wants, if he flips his switch, he can actually be pretty brutal about it without feeling remorse. He is open minded to learning about new things and one could even say he is obsessed with getting his hands on news, if it is important he wants to be the first one to know about it, he even goes as far as to trade information with other people, even for money. Part of his obsession for news, comes from the belief that knowledge is power and power is what he wants. Again, not to abuse it or hurt others. For him having power and being strong is a way of selfconfirmation and a consequence of his upbringing. As stated, to others who know of him, he is viewed as somewhat of a punk and an outsider, he is generally disliked because he seems lazy at first, but to people who actually try to get to know him he will just seems like a person who has his own mind and is from time to time a little mean in a teasing manner. Lastly, although he strives to be strong and even comes of as mentally strong, if there was something to shake his heart, he could crumble under the pressure and make more then just a wrong descision.

Other things he enjoys: Orange juice (it's just the best); smoking (even though he'S to young); Landscapes and watching the sky

Some more things he dislikes: people who tak to much; chocolate; constantly having to follow orders


As already stated, Kuro's story is one of full pain and darkness, but how did it come to be this way? Well that is easily answered with the word 'abuse'. Or rather that is what it was called after Kuro was saved from his family, but more on that later. The Izanagi were not a full blown clan, more of like a sligthly bigger family. Despite of that fact, they were pretty wealthy and proud of it ontop of that. But proudness spreads it's roots deep and nurtures other emotions when it is taken to far and that happened at the generation of Kuros Grand-grand parents, being just wealthy family of decent ninjas had not been good enough for them anymore, they wanted to be more and were ready to do everything to get that idea rooted deep into the minds of their children. SO it finally came down to Kuro. His parents hata both become pretty strong Ninja of their own right, but they were everything said and done, still nothing special compared to some of Konohagakures top clans members. More and more feelings got mixed and expanded, until one day Kuro was finally born. Immediatly a happiness went through all Familymembers, but that was probably not connected to a sense of love that one would wish someone ever. Reason for this was, that growing up the boy was pushed forward every day of his life, he had to become better, be something special, learn faster, improve even more. All those things expected from crazy parents of a child was too much, eventually he couldn't keep up with their expectations and they resorted to different manners. At one point he was hit or as they would call it disciplined, whenever he couldn't fullfill what they wanted from him. At the Age of 7 his hair started to loose color, but nobody seemed to care, not his family especially, afterall they were responsible for what was happening to him. Still, he almost went insane, but if there was one thing he accomplished, it was that he somehow despite all the stress managed to keep his growth going and he improved, fast. But as much as he as improving, his character was changing aswell. By the time he entered the ninja academy, he had grown to be top of his class, but he couldn't find a single friend, not that he should have, the boy had grown to become quite aggresive and somehow his parents ideals reflected into him, he was quite high on himself and behaved like he was better then the others. His behaviour was a kind a selfprotection mode, that tried to keep him from being hurt, due to trying to become what his parents expected of him. Still, he was never peerfect, not in physical classes nor in any scientific studies, which triggered his parents elitism and only got him more pain, even to the point they purposely cut into his skin so he would never forget how flawed he was upon seeing his body. But it was only a matter of time that someone would find out about his abuse and that was when he suddenly started to bleed during sparring in class. His teacher got suspicious and in the next few days everything got out, with which, every adult in the family got taken in and send to either prison or a mental help facility. The only one that was left in the end was Kuro himself, a child that had to bear the tragedy that was his families newly forged history. The boy became an outsider and people called him insane like his family without knowing anything. His body started to heal, but even after he passed the genin exams with little effort, his heart was scarred. He eventually got better by meeting new people who were similiar to him, they had no families or ran away from home, some of them were homeless and some just wanted company from like minded shinobi. They weren't really a positive influence, but he was able to cool down and talk to people who didn't have prjuices against him. Things like starting to smoke with 14 although it was much to early, were only the little things that changed, but he found his love for creativity. He didn't manage to change his need to feel he had to improve and be strong, that was still inside him, if not for his family then to be independent. Lastly, he more and more got in contact with not bad people per se, but ones that would definetly be called shady, trading mainly news about the village with them. All this time he didn't really care for anything, responsibilities were not so much his thing, he went on doing his ninja work casually, but didn't really care for a team or anything, he just like to get to his free time, still looking for a greater purpose to his existence.

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
As you are requesting to start as a Gennin, this is now taken to council for Council to look at. Please be patient with us and we will get back to you shortly. In the mean time please feel free to check out discord if you have any questions please ask them inside of Discord and someone can answer them for you.

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank

Congratulations, you've been accepted to Konohagakure!
Thank you for your patience!

Please post a request for a Leaf Gennin HERE. If needed please request a Name Change HERE to make your account name match your character name.

Now you're ready to go forth and roleplay! Have a nice stay here!
The spring of youth!

Once in Leaf Usergroup please post your character profile HERE
As a new player opting out of the Student package, please post your starting stats as reflected as below in your profile. We commend you for advancing beyond the student stage and starting from scratch at genin, it's easy to make up for the starting package.

Agility: 5/50
Stamina: 5/50
Taijutsu: 5/50
Ninjutsu: 5/50
Genjutsu: 5/50
Chakra Control: 0%/50%

Starting Yen has been given, and Leaf Access has been granted!

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
