Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Joy. [Private]

Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
After a long drought he seemed to leave himself a bit alone with the idea that he would need to manage himself a bit better. Zo was often found gazing around aimlessly without a clue as to what this life would ultimately mean to the likes of foreigners. What did that even mean? Who knew but he wondered and found himself near a place where he would find a bit of solace in the quiet time he'd have. He sent a note to Shashu for a relaxing day before they'd head home with no noticeable things that could be found in this place... He'd wondered how her mission had gone at least. So with that dressed in his clad black attire, Zo found himself again journeying alone. Maybe this was going to be something of substance, and maybe this would be the day Shashu would get over the face she didnt have feelings for the young Kyoubaku.

But Zo was changing. The centrifuge he'd been using to synthesize the plants and chakra from his own plants seemed to be infusing themselves together for a new serum. It would help him acquire another functioning organ for his travel. . . Who cared though. This was all just pish posh talk out the behind of a passerby. The auther who was just trying to get to the point where the imagination could run a bit more fluidly. . .

"Saito left. . . I'll catch up but he should know I stayed for Shashu's safety as well."
So. He wants me to meet him at the Sea for some R&R before we leave huh? How...convenient...

Shashu stared accusingly at the note for a moment before crumpling it in her fist. Hyazo. That bastard had a way of conveniently showing up along her path, that was for sure. Whether by accident or design mattered little. The important part was that he was just so damn...distracting. Something about the man stole her focus every time he showed up, and she had to fight to take it back. This entire mission had been rife with his presence at every turn: he had been there for the entire trip here, then again at the colosseum, and now he was showing up at the last stage as well. She'd even caught his scent here and there during the time she'd spent following the trail to this Souji, and each time it was just....distracting.

She sighed. She'd be there, but not for him. Or so she could tell herself, at any rate. Her end goal, the man named Souji, was said to dwell with his snakes in the lake of Arcadia as well. Her mission had been to find Ayumi's killer and bring them to justice, and despite the very, very cold trail she'd found bits of information here and there that pointed the way. First the bookie from whom she'd extracted the name of an underworld information dealer, then the name of a well-connected ex-shinobi, and at last a guardsman with big ears and small pockets who'd pointed her on her way. This Souji was her last lead. By all accounts he was the only one who knew Ayumi's fate directly; if he wasn't the killer, then he knew who was.

A flick of her wrist cast the note into a nearby brazier as she left the room. It was time to get to the bottom of this mystery.

* * *​

Hrmm...maybe this won't be so bad after all.

The Sea was an interesting place indeed, Shashu decided. It was an underground hot spring lake of enormous size, just as advertised, but despite the heat of the water the air was surprisingly tolerable. It reminded her of the mountainous hotsprings back home, where the cold air swept aside the steam just above the waterline while they let the heat steal away their burdens. It'd been too long since she'd been to one. Somehow, even with a couple years of assignment to the village she'd never found the time to visit.

At any rate, she had no idea where to begin. Her trail ended on the shores of this lake, and short of canvassing the local population, a terrible idea if she wanted to lay low, she had no way of finding Souji without a direct search. Though, as she thought about it, it would likely not be necessary. Surely a man who went through these lengths to hide would have his ear to the ground. Perhaps literally. There was a chance he would find her if she gave him some time. The question of what to do while she waited was answered by that damning scent.

She tracked him to a small grotto on smell alone, something she was becoming increasingly conflicted about. Why should his scent be so clear to her? Not even Ayumu's was...

No, no time for half-thoughts. We need to be focused on the here and now. Souji could arrive at any time. She snickered quietly to herself. It's probably cause he doesn't wash properly anyways.

"Hey there edgelord. That note had me thinking you bought into that scum-sucker's crap about R&R, yet here you are staring off into space while you lament the sorrows of your past! Tsk tsk."
She waggled a finger in Hyazo's direction. "You really ought to get those razor blades out of your head. And what's this about my safety? You think I can't take care of myself?"

Shashu planted her hands on her hips and stared up at him, putting a glint of accusation in her eyes. Sure, she was somewhat irritated to hear those words. but she really just wanted to keep the man on his toes. It bothered the hell out of her how Hyazo always seemed to steal flow of conversation. This time, she would be in control. Hopefully.

Walking along the sides of a ridge he'd sense the spider queen coming up. Though, it wasnt something that he truly cared about at the moment. Shashu was a dame. Quite the dime piece, but Zo wasnt the type to chase people. He wanted things to be more so mutual, more so on the terms of them both. Not just the endless pursuit of a dying man's ambition for a woman's undergarments. And it wasnt about that. . . companionship. He wanted it. He wanted someone to be with till death due him apart from them. Was Shashu that woman? Maybe. . . She was devoted. She was loyal from what he knew. Maybe he was thinking too much. . .

"Oioi. . . Edgelord? Thats a new one. . ." a simple chuckle he wouldnt complain. . . yet, but he would listen to the rest of her monologue, she seemed to be. . . quite the woman. He could feel things resonating with her that he didnt too much get with other people, so with that he would nod. "Ah. . . Well I know you can take care of yourself. You're an independent Kumogakurian woman and you dont need no man. . ." He'd smirk a he snapped his fingers in a stereotypical fashion. Chuckling a bit more, "I just wanna make sure this wonderful woman that's caught my attention is okay. . . I'm also quite wanting to help you relax. . . And get done with this mission, ya?", he'd question as he stepped down the cliffside holding a hand out to her.

"Shall we?"
He's mocking me, isn't he. Shashu thought to herself, staring at Hyazo's outstretched hand.

That was another thing about Hyazo. As distracting as his presence could be, actually conversing with him was infuriating. He was serious to a fault when it came to his job, but in casual situations like this he was almost too easygoing. Stuff just seemed to slide right off him. Like just now, she'd tried to needle a reaction out of him, get him riled up at least a little bit, and he just laughed it off.

'Independent woman who don't need no man' my ass. Smug bastard.

And then there how he just casually threw compliments her way without a thought, like it was perfectly normal. Shashu wasn't stupid; she knew full well she was attractive, and made good use of it in her work. She'd be here all week if she had to count all the half-assed pickup lines and lewd innuendos she'd received from drunken bar-goers alone, but with Hyazo it was somehow different. Obviously he was teasing and flirting, that was a given, but there wasn't any pressure in his words. Some men went after their prey with nets, trying to 'capture' them, but Hyazo...he seemed to be content to set out food and wait for her to come and take it. It was suspicious as all hell.

And it pissed her off that it was working.

"'Relax' huh?" she muttered, batting aside his hand. She could feel a slight flush on her cheeks already, and it irritated her all the more. Why did this have to be so damn difficult?

"We'll see about that. Don't get any ideas; I'm only going along with you cause the guy I'm hoping to draw out is supposed to be around here. With any luck, he'll have heard somebody was after him and search me out himself."

Shashu crossed her arms and glanced out over the Sea, grateful for a reason to look away from the infuriating man. Her target was out there, somewhere. What had that guard said...'his snakes have been seen around the Sea'? That pegged him as a contract summoner at least, which was interesting, but didn't give any clues as to his exact location. Her best bet really was to wait him out, but in the meantime...

"Well, what are you waiting for? Lead on. Show me how you intend to help me 'relax'." In case the sarcasm in her voice wasn't heavy enough, she made sure to throw in air quotes for emphasis.

"And if it's anything lewd I'm gonna send you crying to Saito minus your squishy bits."

Understandably so Zo wasnt about to be going on any high profile excursions anytime soon but this was just something that would end up in a long standing Making his way down the side of the slope he'd ninja jump with a bit of serene elegance as he made his way down. His eyes never leaving the next ledge he would leap to. As he would continue down, he'd finally land on the soft sands with his black boots. "Oioi, This is a nice spot. . .", he'd nod looking back to Shashu before rolling his shoulders and nodding once again. He felt as if this wasnt going to be too eventful but he needed to calm down from the moving... but soon he'd go out of Stone and make his way out of this place going back home.

"Oioi, I think I can feel something across the lake. . .?", then from afar Shashu would be able to spot a rather Large Blue Skinned individual. . . Who was this man? He seemed to have tattoos all over his body and he was riddled with scars. . . but who knew.

[OOC: Sorry tryna get back into my grove.]
Shashu cocked her head to the side and watched Hyazo jump down the slope without a single word.

What, is he actually ignoring me? Did I manage to actually piss him off for once? Or is he just taking the mission thing seriously... She sighed and followed suit, hopping down the slope with ease. This was the exact thing that kept throwing her off. He was always trying to be suave and slick, buttering her up and trying to get close, and then stopping right when she was ready to fight back.

Would you make up your mind already?

"Hey, you know there is a footpath right?" She touched down on the sand as Hyazo mentioned this area being a nice spot. She raised an eyebrow, but let it go. One bit of beach was as good as any other when it came to relaxing as long as there wasn't any people around. If it came to a fight the sand would be an annoyance, but not much of a deal. It would do.

She was about to open her mouth to ask what the 'plan' was when Hyazo pointed out a rather strange figure across the lake, indicating what appeared to be a large and bulky blue humanoid covered in tattoos and prominent scars. More importantly, he was making a point of staring straight at them. Shashu knew at a glance this wasn't their target, as Souji was described as much more mundane in appearance, but there was the possibility that this was his messenger. Rather than act, she simply crossed her arms and waited for the strange man to make a move. She wanted to see what his intentions were before she committed to anything. It could be a trap, after all. One always had to be wary.

It was somehow, and somewhat awkward, this day had been quite long. Maybe months that they had been in Stone on this mission, but time had no relevance here right? Who honestly cared as long as you were with the ones you loved. In Hyazo's case, he wouldnt allow Shashu to go through things alone. Especially a high level intel mission, but who cared about things like that? It honestly didnt matter at all to Zo, he just didnt like Shashu going off alone. Saito could take care of himself the man was a Kage for a reason and he was quite capable of taking care of individuals with a flick of his wrist. So it wasnt hard to understand that this was going to be something that he could just look over. In the eyes of the Tendrils, or the man who held the power of them, there was a certain thought that seemed to roam. An idea, from which came from some of the deepest parts of the damned.

"Aye aye. There is a footpath here, but I am a shinobi. A warrior unlike many others who call themselves such things." nodding he would look back to the blue being that seemed to be minding his own business. Though, a smaller child would come out tugging on the blue man's pant leg. They were far enough off that Shashu and Zo would be unnoticeable unless they were focused on them. They seemed to be playing or something. Who knew, but Zo would look to Shashu and smile.

"Also, to what you said earlier, why cant I make any moves on you? You seem to get flustered from time to time when Im around, or is that just apart of your charm...", she was likely a woman that used her looks to get things in 'certain missions' but sometimes that was just sleazy to think about, because it was disrespectful that there were such missions for women to go on like that. . . It sucked. Zo would do his part not to put Shashu through such thoughts. . . So with that he'd await her. . .
"The fact that you can doesn't mean you have to." Shashu muttered, but left it at that. Her impulse was to needle Hyazo further about the footpath thing, but she disliked being a hypocrite. She too had a habit of using and showing off her abilities for no other reason than she could. It just felt good to not hold oneself back. If Shashu was being honest with herself she was just looking for things to nitpick about, and she wasn't desperate enough, or bitch enough, to rag on every little detail just to piss someone else off. Yet.

And it wasn't like she didn't have an ego either. She knew, for a fact, that she was one of the best, if not the best, at what she did. She was proud of that. There were even times she'd shoved it in someone's face to prove a point. Chalk another point for similarity between them.

Fayth curse it, why does that bother me so much? Everybody has something in common. Even Shukun and I...

Shashu let her thoughts trail off. That was a train of thought she really did not want to explore, mostly because she already knew where that led and did not care for the answer. Fortunately she had the mission at hand to focus on. Switching tracks, she returned her attention to the blue humanoid across the lake and was somewhat surprised to find it joined by a child. From this distance it was impossible to be certain of what they were doing, but they at least seemed familiar. She thumbed a seal on her armor and produced a pair of binoculars for a better look, but before she could put them to use Hyazo spoke up and threw her completely off course once again.

"You, y-you...flustered?! Me? Over you?" Shashu sputtered and recoiled, jamming her binoculars forward with one finger pointed accusingly in Hyazo's direction. "Ha! As if! There's no way I'd get worked up over the likes of you!"

The second the words left her mouth Shashu could feel a crimson flush creeping up from her neck to paint her a liar. She found herself vehemently wishing she had just gone full bitch and harassed him from the moment they arrived, if only to avoid this situation.

How am I even supposed to answer that? Bastard, putting me on the spot...

"You can't make any moves on me 'cause I'm not interested, damn it! Isn't it obvious? And charm? Ha! If I wanted to charm you you'd be charmed, make no mistake. Like I'd waste my talents on somebody I'm not even interested in, even if you are a potential mate! And definitely not somebody who smells the hell it is you smell like!"

Shashu was practically shouting by the time she finished; hands clenched at her side and face flushed from the more than just exertion. Her chest rose and fell in deep, heaving breaths to catch her wind while mentally readied herself for Hyazo's response...until her breath froze as she realized what she had just let slip.

Oh, fuck.

There was something subtle to say about this place. The way the rocks had been carved into to make life sustainable and to make the idea that there was once a flourishing abundance of life and culture down in these depths, it made Zo think about living here... and what it would've been like. Though, he would likely have been a different person. Completely deeper in the fayth. Deeper into his intuitions of himself and these thoughts that often roamed his mind's eye. Though with the hearts beating in his chest he would come to find that the only 'Gods' in this world were the shinobi that inhabited it. So to the fayth that he would have. . . he himself as he stood now across from the blue meanie, shunned the thought of the weak mindedness he would have succumbed to. However, it was something nice to think about. . . a simple life. Thinking that a god above was watching them, guiding them, and allowing them to breath air into their lungs that they may pay homage back to it with great tidings. Who knew what this life held though. . . maybe he would be proven wrong...

It came as no surprise that this was getting quite awkward. Especially with Zo knowing that Shashu was into him... even just a little bit. But she wouldnt be able to give in to her own thoughts. It was something he would have to let her battle with. In other news though, the Blue being would be gazing now directly at them, its voice carried across the lake, calming in what he said but stern, "Oi! Why hath ya come down to this part of Ar-kay-dee-ahh! Trespassin' aint allowed ya know!", causing Zo to smirk, looking back up to the woman still slightly above him. "Aye, I sense this big guy might be able to help us...", the boy would begin. Though he'd have no choice but to wait and see how Shashu felt. He wouldnt speak up to the beast of a man... not just yet.


Her subconscious had found its voice and told him for her, and there was no taking that back. All she could hope for was damage control. Shashu waited with baited breath for Hyazo's comeback, mind racing to find ways to counter how he would snatch up what she had let slip and bring it to bear.

But...he didn't.

The rotten bastard took it in and acted like nothing had changed. Had she been so transparent? Even if she had, the things she had said...he should be at least curious. She had expected him to seize her words like the damning shackles they were and use them to face the niggling doubts she carried like a plague.

But he didn't.

No, she could see it in his eyes now. He knew what it all meant, and it changed nothing for him. He intended to let her use the shackles herself, to give in to those desires and admit they were real. It left her feeling furious and helpless. If he had tried to corner her she could have at least fought back. But was like he was simply holding up a mirror. She had known for a while now that she couldn't hide from those feelings forever. This just put a nail in that coffin. Shashu had to choice but to face the truth of things.

I'm in love with him.

No point denying it anymore. Her body had long ago been telling Hyazo what her mouth couldn't...but that was the problem, wasn't it? That was why she couldn't accept it. She wanted to choose who she loved, not let a collection of instincts and urges pick a mate for her, and she had chosen Ayumu. What she felt for Hyazo-the love she felt for him-couldn't be denied, but she didn't have to let it become a reality.

Shashu closed her eyes and finally let a breath out with that thought. Sooner or later she had to make a decision and give Hyazo a real answer, to tell him how she really felt and turn him down, and that meant finally facing Ayumu as well. Without without knowing if she had a future with the man she'd been chasing all this time, how could she answer the man in front of her? No more running. When they returned things would be decided for good. Even if the answer wasn't what she wanted to hear.

Right now though, there were more pressing matters. The blue figure across the lake had noticed her outburst and called them out as trespassers, signaling their cue to move into action. Shashu nodded at Taro and shook herself, loosening up before walking across the lake. Shortly she stood before the giant of a man, if it was a man, and stared it in the eye.

"I'm looking for someone, maybe you've heard of him. They say he keeps snakes."

There always seemed to be things unsaid between parties. Blank faces met with many things the heart wished and yearned for but could not have, for reasons unreal and unclear. Either way Zo found himself gazing up to Shashu for the moment. HE might've felt the same for her. . . thought that was obvious. It was something he couldnt act on with forces beyond his control. It would come to a head sooner or later and he would figure it out to see if the idea of this potential could be something worth going for... the both of them needed it. But did they want it enough? "Oi, You're looking for THE Guardian? Who be lookin faw-r him?", the Blue being would say beginning to move closer to the Duo. Which caused Zo's slight of hand to flick, under his sleeve. he had a kunai waiting just incase, Shashu would be able to hear the move under his clothing. . . but the blue being seemed far enough away not to hear the mechanism.

"Oi.. Kumogakure's lookin" His chest puffed out and such. . . Zo wasnt one to back down, but he had 'insurance policies' just in case things popped off. "Hm, Whats Kumo g-", with a swirl of black heat from the shadow of the blue being a male older than Zo and Shashu, likely in his mid thirties stepped from behind the big Blue man beast, ". . .What seems to be the problem Blue. . . my son is trying to sleep before his training begins again. . .", then looking out he would spot the duo of Shashu and Zo before nodding his head and bowing then whispering something to The Blue man. . .

"Oi Shashu. . . be prepared.", he'd simply nod and leave it at that.

Guardian, hmm? An interesting title... Shashu thought to herself as the ogre-like man approached. He was an imposing figure to be sure, all meat and muscle, reminding her of an oni straight from folklore. She half expected to see him reach behind a rock and pull out a giant spiked club to threaten them with. Immediately Hyazo tensed next to her, ready for a fight as he ever was, and the telltale sound of steel against cloth reached her ears.

"Eager one, aren't you..." she murmured to Hyazo under her breath, drawing a bit of his attention away from the blue-skinned giant. He really needed to lighten up. Rather than follow his example she relaxed, loosening up her muscles and letting body language convey her ease here. If it came to a fight, she was ready. If not, even better. Hyazo still puffed out his chest of course, but the posturing cut to a welcome close when a new player entered the game.

". . .What seems to be the problem Blue. . . my son is trying to sleep before his training begins again. . ."

And the man himself finally arrives, just as planned. Shashu thought to herself, looking over the new arrival. He matched the descriptions she'd received mostly to a T, save what the passing of three years adds to a man. A bit older, perhaps, but otherwise how he should be. His body language bespoke the easy yet careful stance of an experienced shinobi as he measured the two Kumo-nin up. For now, at least, diplomacy was on the table. Hyazo warned her to be prepared, almost drawing a retort out of her before she stifled herself. Of course she was prepared. This meeting had been on her mind long before they even arrived.

"Greetings, Guardian Souji of Iwagakure." She dipped a short curtsy to keep things formal while dropping his name and title to let him know she was serious. "I am Shashu, of Kumogakure, and this is Hyazo, of the same." No aliases here; they weren't coming as masked ANBU, and as such using them would be foolish. Let their guise as diplomats serve.

Though, if he's half a brain he'll realize we're not. But appearances are important, after all. Let's get this done.

"We're here to seek your assistance in uncovering the events behind the disappearance of one of our shinobi. Does the name Daiki Ayumi sound familiar to you? She was last seen at your gates three years ago, and the locals have named you as the person most likely to know what happened." Left out was the fact that she knew he was the sole remaining witness to what would have befallen the girl. He could probably fill in the blanks.

Souji would nod whispering more to Big Blue before he'd smile sinking into shadows and leaving Big Blue seemingly alone. Which The Blue Man would nod to and smile, "Hm, Ri, Jus' le'me know if ya need help with it Souji.", nodding the Blue man would turn back and head to the caverns, Appearing in some shadows nearby to Zo's left, Souji would find himself pacing over to them, hands behind his back, non-aggressive as ever. Taking his time before he managed to begin the conversation. This was going to get quite interesting. "Oi, The name is familiar. She was the woman that was causing much trouble Here with some of the Iwa warriors. When I went to confront her about it she tried to flee the village, and I caught her. As would in some villages ANBU or Gate protocol would merit you to do.", nodding more Zo would speak up.

". . Makes sense but, what happened to her after your... 'talk'...", the question was met with a tone that was sure he already knew what happened, but assurance was needed. Hm, such was the life of a Policing force. "Ah, well, she began to spout lies about people whom I've known for years. About how they attacked her, yet she had no scratches or anything relatively and remotely looking like she had been harmed on her... So with the situation I was brought with a decision.... Kill the woman and deal with the consequences... or Let her go with whatever she had on her, to lie and start a war over being attacked. And while I do apologize for my personal actions I cannot say if the shoe was on the other foot the end result would be the same. Alas, you are here... Three years later doing your investigation?" nodding Souji would tilt his head looking directly at Shashu now.

"I know how some people work, and it is the same reason my village has gotten run into shambles a shell of its former self. As new ideas came in, the ANBU took over my Guardian life. Saying it was ancient and misused. Aye, it is religion to say things should change over time, but with the wave of these ideas, they have found a way to change my way of life. Thus with this woman, came many more ideals about this. My most sincerest apologies for her untimely death, but again If I had the body in my possession, you'd have had it years ago.", and with that he would nod, wondering what would come next as his eyes glazed over from the time and exhaustion of this weary concept. IT was something he would have to tell his son one day. Maybe today... but yet the boy was too young, yet he was already able to meld and use Shadow techniques. . . such a wonderful child. He had his mothers heart... but his father's mind.

Shashu remained relaxed and ready, keeping her expression still while she nodded when necessary in response to Souji's story. It seemed to add up based on what little she had gleaned from her investigation, three years cold as the trail was. The consensus had been that Ayumi had tried to flee the village after being attacked, or claiming she had, and Souji corroborated that in his own way. His viewpoint was skewed there, of course, but that was to be expected. She couldn't entirely fault his reasoning given the cutthroat nature of ANBU work, where one had to make judgement calls on the spot and hope they held up later, but still. No evidence of wounds? Had the guy never heard of healing jutsu? And since when did 'I was attacked' automatically mean wounded? She resisted rolling her eyes. Critiquing his competence wasn't her job here. Discovering what really happened was, as was delivering the Kage's justice...if necessary.

He seems a cautious man, not the type to kill out of bloodthirst. And considering he's holed up down here... Shashu took a moment to look Souji over carefully, tapping a finger on her lips as she considered not what he said, but how he said it. I'd say he's tired of the intrigue, a liability they can't get rid of, or trying to stay under the radar. Probably more than one. Either way...

"Well, your story checks out so far from what I've gathered. It's a shame about the body, but...well, after three years it's not likely I'll ever find that. Bodies have a way of disappearing in our line of work, as I'm sure you know. What do I want to know though, is who exactly did she claim attacked her that you knew so well? I need names. Help me piece together how this went down."

She gave him a meaningful look, letting him know this wasn't a request. One way or the other, she was leaving here with a verdict to give the Kage. Responsibility had to fall somewhere, and if Souji wasn't willing to reveal what he knew...well, sometimes the knife paid for the hand's mistakes.


Current Ninpocho Time:
