Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

just training


Jan 27, 2021
OOC Rank
He had to lay low for his actions of taking out a crime syndicate, even though it was only a small time crime group. Okay, so maybe he was reacting mainly on memories and impressions leftover from the body that he now inhabits. But that won't stop him from training to get stronger. And by training, he also means to get more power through questionable methods. He felt the cursed seal that he has had for such a long time, that seemed to be imprinted on his soul finally fading away. Would it be because of so much power brimming inside this body? Who knows, but maybe it is for the best. He went ahead and found another questionable doctor that could increase Kureji's power even more. This time, it would be more of a making the body more denser, type of thing. He really doesn't know much, since he was knocked out from a sleeping agent for most of it, maybe a day or two, but he was told that one of his bones were replaced with a Kaguya bone, and that should strengthen his overall durability in battle.

Once that was done, he decided to focus on two different things. His ability to hold a gun, and ability to use his mind on a far grander scale than he has before. For the gun, he knows very well how to shoot and whatnot. But the main problem comes from could he be the fastest hands in the Winds? He would practice over and over, not stopping until he learned to perfect his quickdraw technique. Part one, done. Now for part two. He always had an affinity to delve into a person's mind and driving them crazy, but he never really had a good focus point, or rather, a not good focus point. The best he had gotten was when he had channeled his audial genjutsu through a musical instrument. Now, he has to use his own raw talent and the chakra from this body to bring out the most of the potential that he can.

How would he go about doing his mind training? Simple really. He would lure the nobodies from the Black Bazaar, the petty criminal scum that nobody will even miss, out into the Outer Village Area. Messing with their minds were easy enough, watching them break down was even more entertaining. Kureji still has his own code to follow, leaving the citizens alone, but so far, he's done more than what the Village shinobi have done to clear these streets. With his powers, he even has been dubbed by some criminals and village folk alike. The Shadow Man. But he knows that this won't be enough. The body that he now inhabits, or rather the brain, sent information to him of different strategies to use. To say that the man is criminally insane is one thing. But he is now far from where his intellect once was.

Days passed into weeks. Days upon thinking of strategies to use along with how to apply his newfound powers. Countless more small time criminals meeting their end at his hands. And it would nearly seem as if his infamy as the Shadow man would precede him. Grimacing at himself. Village shinobi aren't even glad he cleaned the streets of the Black Bazaar of some criminals. They probably have been hearing all about the dead bodies he's been dumping out in the outer country. He would sigh, he overstayed his welcome here. But who's really gonna stop him? He stopped by a bar that was in the Outer Country and decided to chillax a bit. He wondered if his latest escapades has reached the ears of his father. Not like he cared. Taking a shot of whiskey, he would say, "Screw him. I ain't gonna be anyone's tool." With a new face, quite literally, it'd be hard to pin Kureji down unless if his chakra was scanned by someone beforehand. But he doubts that is even the case.

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Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
