Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Katawa Nyrua - Genin

Nyura Katawa

New Member
Jul 14, 2017
Name: Katawa, Nyura ( Nii-ur-uh Kah-tu-wa ) *Note: Adopted this name, not her birth name, as it is unknown.

Age: 12

Gender: Female

Appearance: Genin: Nyura Katawa

General Description:

A young lass of roughly thirteen years of age, she stands at about five feet and two inches, and carries herself with a great amount of pride. A petite and limber figure, accented by her respective curvature, definitely a beauty to be. Adorned with a set of risqué cloth apparel, she can be found with many scrolls across her waist to remain prepared for any situation. Over her shoulder and splitting her chest is a beige strap, which would hold a nearly empty satchel at her back. Long boots rise up her legs, stopping just short of the knees, tied and laced tightly all the way up the back of her calf, with no lax. Her standard cloth is nothing special, some random assortments of fabrics are wrapped to create a glove around her right hand, and several jewelry pieces are worn on occasion. A thin ridged nose splits her face, judging, vivid eyes staring ahead. Her brows line themselves neatly above, where as her pearly white teeth that would form a grin to be adored, would be found bellow. Overall, she looks to be a gem, with eyes of a brilliant blue.


Once in a long while there is a child that is not wanted amongst their parents, either out of inability to care for the baby or simply out of spite for the timing. The reason for this occurrence would never be known, but her circumstances would be discovered with ease. Alone in the depths of the forest, left to be plucked to pieces by vultures or the wildlife of these parts. The rural outskirts, outside of Konoha's protection, were not necessarily known for their 'welcoming nature'. But in a series of events, of which could never be explained, her presence would be detected by a group of passing Shinobi. A vessel of such young age would never survive such conditions, so with a gentle and caring grasp they whisked her away from the foreign territory. For years this child was given treatment as if it were their own, each waking moment another fresh experience with those at the academy she would over time call family. A blessing she was not graced with at birth, and one she did not care to take for granted.

Often she would find herself playing with the other kids, stalking through the forests with the brush as cover, or sprinting street to street in search of her target. Although she may not have been the best in her youth, this changed quickly as her position rose to Genin, this offered great rewards and caches of knowledge. Jonin would often observe the boys and girls, watching their actions with a certain scrutiny to correct bad behavior and set each along the proper path. They had conversed prior to allowing the child into their academy, many finding it to be a poorly placed decision. Although, there stood some on the council whom applied mercy and tender touch to the youth's already festering wounds. To know those whom birthed you would cast you away without thought is a burden held heavy on a young lass, and they knew this. Holding this information for a majority of her life, she'd continue to be instructed in the ways of Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Taijutsu, and the basics of survival as to be another capable shinobi in the village. Occasionally she'd be tasked with the more strenuous jobs and duties around their community, but she would never complain, in fact, rising to the challenge as a natural leader.

A humble soul, marked with a unidentified seal. It was easy to conceal, due to the location and her gender, and it was never mentioned by the older shinobi of the village. Her beauty blossomed at around the age of ten, her curves beginning to take form and her features slowly growing to fit her in a way that many boys would swoon for her. Against their parent's advice, of course. She was always the 'odd one out', a forbidden fruit to the others due to the unknown heritage and blood coursing through her veins. Not once would she act as if this bothered her, however. She was always a happy gal, energetic and positive in all her endeavors. Although she had taken a liking to several boys of her age, and was beginning to enter the early developmental stages, she never would find herself someone to settle down with, nor have any sort of relationship with. It was as if they were all family, and the very thought of it struck her as taboo.

Time passed with ease, her overall personality shifting as she'd grow into a stage of curiosity. Often she would find herself leaving without telling adults or her instructors, sneaking away into the forests to train without distraction. Although her contributions were of note, her actions were frowned upon regularly. Regulations within the village were quite strict in certain regards, leaving her in a position now where she felt chained to them. Knowing now that she was not born within the village only drew her farther from her mentors. Of a heavy temperament, she was eventually put into her place by several Jonin. Calling her to their class, they would explain her errors and express their deepest concern for her future if she were to follow such a path.

Before she knew it, being just over twelve, she was sent on her way. A heart-breaking experience still etched in her mind as vivid as ever. Having collected a reasonable portion of supplies; food, water, and accessories such as her blade, she was to be leading a squad once more in this unfamiliar world. Despite previous visions of a nomadic life, and pilgrimages to the farthest reaches of the world, Nyura was scared. The thought of the bitter responsibility would consume her, and for some time she'd travel the forests, delaying their inevitable task. This went on for nearly a week, before she finally was forced from the wooded region by conflict between several Genin from Konoha and their tasked target, a Chunin by the name of Kiwada Torabi.

Heading North, Nyura and her team would find one of the many icy rivers lying at the far reaches of the Village of Fire, placed neatly at the foot of a large, frosted plateau . A daunting sight in the distance, but none the less, an obstacle her hearty confidence could endure. Following the bank, she'd eventually slip through the pass, rocks steep on either side. Such beauty was awe-inspiring to a fresh traveler, and the slight chill in the air was a refreshing change from the pine-scented meadows she was accustomed too. But such thoughts only lingered for a moment as her squad conspired to take of ahead. After a time they'd see several men down the road engaged in battle, deciding it best to remove herself from sight she'd watch them intently from an aerial position, her figure nested in the branches of a tree. As they took passes at one another, they'd speak in gruff and obnoxious tones, discussing their intentions to slay one another. Holding fast in her mission, she'd continue onward with her team, applying pressure to the scene with a series of projectiles from a distance.

These were of little use as the Chunin simply evaporated with a short puff of smoke, drawing forth his blade and setting it to the chest of one of Nyura's companions. He was promptly impaled through the heart, bursting out with a short lived howl before blood poured from his lips. His eyes lost the light that once emanated from them, his body going limp. The remaining members continued their assault from several angles, being shrugged away time and time again. Using her training within the academy and extensive regimen whilst outside of the classroom, their team was able to retrieve the upper hand, using several Ninjutsu at once, felling their opponent with both crushing rocks and scorching flames. The man was charred by the end of it, his clan sigil nearly unidentifiable when inspected. Nyura retrieved his blade, along with his scarred headband, returning with her team to the Hokage to report their triumph, as well as their losses.

She knew in time that she'd be able to return to a leading role within a squad, but after such events and despite the words to ease her mind from those around her she lived in a state of turmoil. Several months have passed since this mission, and many have put space between her. Bridges had been burned for allowing her comrade to die, and the guilt weighed on her conscience something heavy, especially for her age. A drought of leadership and guidance befell her; and with this said she sought to find a sensai to set her path right.


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: Emmalea Alyona - Genin

It means he;s discussing it with a council team.

Before it can be accepted, however, I would suggest carefully reading over our Site Rules. Namely, your username must match your character's name, and that name must be Asian.
Neither of those have been met. When you have an asian name selected, request a change to your username using this thread and post in here you have done so, then they can officially accept or deny it.

If you have any questions, you are more than welcome to Join our discord server and there's lots of helpful players there to ask or get help from.

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank

Congratulations, you've been accepted to Konohagakure!
Thank you for your patience!

Please post a request for a Leaf Genin Banner HERE. If needed please request a Name Change HERE to make your account name match your character name.

Now you're ready to go forth and roleplay! Have a nice stay here!
The spring of youth!

Once in Leaf Usergroup please post your character profile HERE
As a new player opting out of the Student package, please post your starting stats as reflected as below in your profile. I commend you for advancing beyond the student stage and starting from scratch at genin, it's easy to make up for the starting package.

Agility: 5/50
Stamina: 5/50
Taijutsu: 5/50
Ninjutsu: 5/50
Genjutsu: 5/50
Chakra Control: 5%/50%

Starting Yen has been omitted, and Leaf Access has been granted!

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
