Almost all shinobi use weapons of some sort, and many specialize into a specific kind or even a single weapon. Then, there are those who wield a weapon on an entirely different level.
"Kensei" is a term that has come to refer to those who wield a weapon that may as well be part of their very soul. The exact process and nature of this relationship can vary; perhaps a legendary weapon called out to its wielder. Perhaps the Kensei is merely the latest in a long line of previous wielders who may or may not share their knowledge. Perhaps the Kensei is merely an extension of their weapon's will itself. Regardless of the case, the two are forever bound, and while others wield weapons as a tool, to a Kensei, it is a partner.
Prerequisites: Kinjutsu Application, 3 Ability Slots, B Rank
- When obtained the user selects one Custom Weapon in their inventory to become their [Signature Weapon], and this is noted in their Dojo and profile thread.
- Kensei techniques are Signature Taijutsu, matching the same subtype as their [Signature Weapon].(A [Signature Weapon] that is a Slashing Weapon, makes all Kensei techniques Slashing Taijutsu)
- The user's [Signature Weapon] gains +1 Augment Slot.
- This Kinjutsu, all of its techniques, and its user are considered Spiritual.
- A Kensei may use the following actions;
- Soulshape: The user can spend 0.5 AP to rearrange the Accuracy and Damage modifiers of their [Signature Weapon] or swap a single augment for another augment they have in their inventory. This may only be done once per round.
- Soulshift: The user can spend 0.5 AP to "summon" or "unsummon" their [Signature Weapon] to them. This equips or unequips it to them (dropping a currently equipped weapon in the process), and cannot be prevented. (Soulshift can be used with Quickdraw normally).
Force of Will - Kinjutsu Ability
While not truly alive in the conventional sense, the [Signature Weapon] of Kensei typically possess facets of human personalities which allows the semi-sentient weapon to aid their partner in overcoming situations where their senses have been compromised. This unfortunately for the weapon's partner can sometimes be a double-edged sword as along with those facsimiles of personality also occasionally comes a sense of ego that must be contended with.
Prerequisites: Kensei,
Effect: The user's [Signature Weapon] gains an independent sense of willpower. This allows it to protect the user against Genjutsu.
- The [Signature Weapon] creates a Ward against a single Genjutsu, lowering it to Rank 1 (even if the user is unaware of it).
- This Ward applies to the first Genjutsu cast upon the user
- If the user is aware of a Genjutsu affecting them, they may spend 1AP to shift the [Signature Weapon]’s Ward to the Genjutsu they are aware of.
- At the start of each round, the user gains awareness of the Genjutsu the [Signature Weapon]’s Ward has protected them against, (even if their [Signature Weapon] begins warding against a different Genjutsu)
Myriad Strike - Kinjutsu Ability
Due to the special bond that is developed, a Kensei will start becoming "one with the sword", in both a literal and a metaphorical sense. The Kensei is now able to flow from attack to attack, as if the sword was one with his body instead of just an extension of metal.
Prerequisites: Kensei,
- The user may link up to 4 AP of Taijutsu attacks, to be performed consecutively upon a single target.
- Each successful hit gives the next attack +1 Accuracy and +5% Damage.
- The user pays normal Ap costs for each technique and 80% of any CP costs.
- If used with Basic Strikes, each hit may be a Called Shot.
- The acc/damage buff only applies once for a Multi-Hit Attack, (using Janken and hitting 3 times only applies +1 Acc and +5% Damage Buff to the next attack).
- Bonuses last only for the remainder of the combo, and may only stack up to +3 Accuracy and +15% Damage.
- Requires a 10 second cooldown after use.
- User loses -1 Dodge for each attack after the first, stacking up to -3 Dodge. This lasts for the duration of the cooldown.
- All attacks share the same AP timing as the highest AP attack used. (This does not affect the AP cost)
- Cannot be comboed with and counts as use of a combo.
Oversoul Rend - Variable Taijutsu
The weapon of a Kensei contains its own power. By focusing on their weapon, the Kensei may have it amplify a burst of energy within it, using this amplified power for the weapon to impale itself in the enemy, and then rip itself free.
Prerequisites: Kensei,
Rank 1/2: Deals 1650/2060 damage at -2 Accuracy. This has a +21%/28% chance of causing Suppression and a 21%/28% chance of raising a Bleed Level. Rank 2 can use the special action.
Special Action: Visceral Rend For +10% CP, the user can increase the base damage to 2550 and the Bleed Level chance to 40%, but can no longer cause Suppression.
Rank 1/2 Cost: 2.25 AP and 750 CP
- Requires a 10 second cooldown after use.
- Does not require Movement, but the user must be equipped with their [Signature Weapon].
Overwhelming Power - Variable Taijutsu
A Kensei's weapon is a fusion of both Taijutsu and Ninjutsu mastery creating the perfect storm of supernatural effects and martial might. It should come at no surprise that a Kensei is able to use their [Signature Weapon] to defeat the power of offensive techniques which are directed at them. Not so much an actual "technique" as it is simply throwing all of the combined force of their own power and the power of their [Signature Weapon] against an incoming attack, Kensei are able to simply overpower and diffuse offending attacks with their very determination.
Prerequisites: Kensei,
Rank 1/2: Allows the user to reflexively "attack" an opponent's offensive action at +0/+1 Accuracy. If the result of their Attack Roll is higher than the Attack Roll for the targeted attack then the attack is negated entirely. If the user's Attack Roll is not higher they automatically hit/have -3 dodge vs the attack.
Rank 1/2 Cost: AP equal to the offensive action’s AP cost and CP equal to 80%/40% of the offensive action's CP cost
- Requires a 10 second cooldown after use.
- May not be used against S Rank Techniques.
- The user may "attack" offensive actions that target other players, at a -5 Accuracy penalty. The user and the other player is not hit automatically if used in this way.
- Overwhelming Power is resolved after passive Auto-Dodge/Miss rolls but before Activated Auto-Dodge techniques.
- The user must be aware of the “attack” to use Overwhelming Power. (eg: The user cannot use Overwhelming Power against a sneak attack or Hidden Action)
- Overwhelming Power cannot be used against Genjutsu even if the user is aware of it.
Kindred Fusion - Variable Taijutsu
The peak of the Kensei's bond with it's wielder, this jutsu is a secret technique only capable of being performed by the user and their weapon. This technique allows the User to merge with their weapon, fusing into a new form that grants the user all of the abilities held by their Kensei. This form varies widely depending on the type of weapon wielded by the user, and its effects can range from simply razor sharp talons, to full-body shapeshifting that mimics the design of their weapon. While in this form, the user and their weapon literally fight as one, and share skills honed through an unbreakable bond.
Prerequisites Kensei, A-Rank,
Rank 1/2: User and [Signature Weapon] fuse together. While fused the user's other Kensei abilities and jutsu are modified as follows.
Rank 1/2 Cost: 2.75 Ap, 2060 CP, 1030 CP/rnd.
- The [Signature Weapon]'s Accuracy/Damage modifiers are changed to +1/+2 acc and +5%/+10% regardless of what they are normally.
- If Force of Will is not warding against a Genjutsu, the user gains +1/+2 Gen Save until they are affected by one.
- Does not use handseals.
- Can be maintained for 30 seconds
- The user is passively equipped with thier [Signature Weapon] while the Kindred Fusion technique is maintained.
- The [Signature Weapon] is treated as passively equipped whenever the user is not wielding any other weapon, and does not prevent the usage of handseals. If at any time the user ceases to be equipped with a weapon, they automatically re-equip their [Signature Weapon] for no cost. Unless specifically stated, the user cannot be equipped with their Weaponized Form and another weapon.
- This is a Chakra Armor technique.
Omni-Flash - Variable Taijutsu
As the Kensei weapon draws upon its soul-link with it's wielder and gains new, stronger abilities, so too does its limits to the skills being able to be performed. Once released into its upgraded form, the user and their weapon are able to perform new techniques unique to their bond. Taking many different shapes or forms, this technique is often a one-of-a-kind skill that cannot be replicated by any other shinobi, a unique mixture between Ninjutsu and Taijutsu. This makes recklessly challenging the wielder of a Kensei a dangerous decision, as one can never fully expect just what manner of techniques they are capable of unleashing.
Prerequisites: Kensei, S-Rank, All Kensei techniques mastered
Rank 1/2: The user can combine a Ninjutsu and a Taijutsu that they know up to B-Rank/A-Rank together. Omni-Flash deals damage equal to 50%/60% of the total damage the combined jutsu would deal and inherits all effects, debuffs and Special Actions from both jutsu.
Rank 1/2 Cost: Higher Technique’s AP +1 AP and 125%/80% CP cost of combined techniques.
- Requires a 10 second cooldown after use.
- Omni-Flash uses the same accuracy and buffs as the user’s Signature Taijutsu Type.
- Omni-Flash combined techniques cannot use technique special actions unless it is required to use the technique. (Perfected Rasengan and Chidori Control requires special actions to be used).
- Omni-Flash averages out the acc penalty/buffs from the combined techniques.(eg, an attack with +2 acc and an attack with -1 acc would average out to +1 Acc).
- If one or both of the techniques used are multi-hit, the combined damage is split between hits (Higuma has 7 strikes, but only 4 can be successful, so the damage is split between the 4 hits)
- Omni-Flash receives bonuses/penalties from both appropriate Ninjutsu and Taijutsu-related effects.
- The User must be equipped with their [Signature Weapon] to cast Omni-Flash.
- Omni-Flash may not be used with any Bloodline or Core Ability technique.
- Omni-Flash cannot be comboed with any other technique.
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