Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Kibishi ( Training )


New Member
Jul 26, 2014
Kibishi had decided to go on and train himself today, he would be bringing out his favored weapon. A Scythe that was rather large and heavy, it would take some time to get used to it. Deciding on the simple training to start it off, it would be how to handle the weapon. Positioning, how to swing the scythe to get the entire force of the weapon behind it, striking behind someone and piercing through the tree's. One day, he would be able to cut through the entire tree one of these days.

Bringing up the blade above his shoulder, he would take a step and swing the scythe over a clear area. Almost tripping over how much strength it requires to even wield such a heavy weapon. Maybe he should have started with a smaller weapon but he just liked this one so much more. It was cooler and most people through it was just rather average.

Not him, he took his time and began to take another few swings, getting a better grip of the swing. Following through with his big steps forward and then bringing the scythe back over his shoulder. Repeating the motion would give him time to learn more, his muscles would react on their own and his mind would be sharper.

When he thought that he had gotten better, something had come out wrong from his stance. Leaning into the scythe swing to roughly, his scythe had grown tiresome in his arms and he let go without noticing. Sending the scythe past his own face and into a tree, almost cutting off his own head.

"So that's the reason, not many people use scythes."


New Member
Jul 26, 2014
After taking a decent rest from training, he would go back at it by pulling his scythe from the tree. Throwing him off his footing for a moment, but quickly regaining it nonetheless with a smirk on his face. He could feel his power growing for some odd reason, but this time he was looking at the tree. He would cut it down if it is the last thing he would do, raising the scythe high into the sky. Kibishi would come back with full force trying to cut down the tree in half in one go!, instead the blade chipped into the side of it getting stuck and hurting his arms in the process.


The small child would grip the scythe once more, pulling it out and focusing on where to hit. He needed to place the shot just right, readying his blade and then coming in for an arcing slash right where he stuck before. Getting through the tree a few inches, but not even close to half way through. This was getting to be harder than he expected! Maybe it was time for a different approach, closing his eyes as he stood in front of the tree with his hand out. He started to focus his charka to one point of his palm, it was at the top of the line strike of his own and than thrust forward into the tree with a pressure burst. Hitting the tree where it hurt, creating a small hole where his scythe was, but in the process pushed himself back across the field.

Sliding across the ground, until he hit a tree that came out of nowhere in this forest! Either way, he would get back up from his nasty head wound and prepared to cut this tree down with force! Training between his scythe and this wind skill that seems to be the only thing he could even use....was it a good thing?


New Member
Jul 26, 2014
Kibishi had wrecked the tree enough to the point, where he would fall at any moment. It was bound to occur with all his swinging, he could feel himself growing stronger. Then again this was no time to be playing around, getting into another combat stance. He would rush in with his fingers aiming towards the tree, he was focusing his charka to affect the area around him more like the wind. When he finished his charging, he flicked his finger towards the tree to finish it off. There was no time for him to play around, he wanted to get stronger and so it shall be done.

When the wind unleashed from his hand towards the tree, it gave off a deepening cut that would start to cause it to fall over. It was soon falling down towards himself, which made him run in the opposite direction. Trying to survive, when it finally hit the ground it would cause a sound through the woods. What the hell was going on right? Well just when the tree was about to crush him, he would jump to the side in almost slow motion evading the crash on his fragile body. saving him from near death was a great feeling, but also he was stupid to be put in a problem like that in the first place. Maybe he should have cut it the other way instead, damn he didn't even say timber!

What was he going to do now.....looking towards the tree he had an idea. He would practicing engraving messages by using his slicing wind skill, but would it turn out good?


New Member
Jul 26, 2014
So far it was more time consuming then he expected and the strain was Waring on his body, trying to carve his name into a tree was tough for someone of his skills. He was an up and coming revolutionary fighter, or at least that was what he told himself because he wanted to do more. One day he could do something with his life, or just forget about this place and leave for a new land. It took him about another few hours, before he finally was able to write half his name into the tree.

Sliding down the tree, he needed to regain some energy before he could do more. That was when he pulled his hand dandy lunch-bag with a custom made sandwich that he created from his training, using his scythe as a knife instead of a regular old knife. This took him about twenty tries, because he always broke something in his house. Taking the chance to eat his sandwich, it tasted alright, but not good enough for him. When he was nearly finished with it, he tossed it into the air and pulled out his scythe cutting through the sandwich like butter with a nasty cut slash.

An idea formed in his head now, he could train by cutting a leaf right down the middle for precision practice to become the best was all about hard work. Then he remembered that there were no leaves, so he would have to do with nearby rocks. Tossing them up into the air, then cutting it as it falls back down was even better practice!

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
