Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Kidnapping? [Going Missing]


New Member
Jul 26, 2014
Kibishi was on his way to do an odd job for some stranger for a little cash, it wasn't like he really liked them. It was just for some money, plus he had to pay the rent this month to get the landlady off his back. It was a simple routine job, just move some crates and barrels into a wagon to be transported out of the village to a different country for business purposes. It wasn't like he wanted to do much with that info, it was because he knew that he would be dealt with....currently he wasn't a strong individual at all. It was really early, which meant not many people were around at this point in time and he was going to do the best he could to finish early.

When he was finally done, the merchants were glad to have the help they needed. When Kibishi was inside the wagon, someone appeared right behind him and placed a napkin over his mouth. He tried to fight it off, but couldn't strange feeling soon overtook him and knocked him out cold. The merchants looked around for a moment, opened the lid of one of the barrels placing the body in with the rest of the product. Moving it around, so that the body was hidden by a second compartment meant to hide stuff from those who wish to search the barrels. They were all the same, even to the amount of holes aligned to the back of the wagon so that there products could survive the journey, without giving them away.

Soon they started to take off towards the gates, where they would show there merchant license and passports....(Whatever is needed to get out) Taking a nice slow journey, once they got through the gates towards the water country.

[E Rank Run Time - 6 Hours until topic Left]


Aug 14, 2014
Routine patrols are a staple to any genin, especially one who was eager to show people what she could do. Walking down the streets of Sietch Zensunna was great, but there was just something about the village gates. It seems like if there was going to be any trouble anywhere other than the Grand Palais, it'd be at the place with the highest amount of traffic. All those people couldn't be good for surveillance purposes. So one genin thought she should try and cut down the amount of people needed to watch over that single area, possibly even catch a straggler or two!

And what would she pick up on first but a kidnapping. Whoa! Am I about to be useful?

Some kid was being stuffed into a wagon! Hurriedly she rushed over and drop kicked her way through the wood, figuring it was the easiest way to get anything done since a civilian's life was in danger. The genin smashed right through the structure, second compartment and all, and sensed the kid inside, hopefully unharmed.

"Samejima Naoki, Sunagakure genin! What were you planning on doing with the kid?!" she asked, facing the merchants to be sure they knew she was talking to them.


Toraono Seika

New Member
Oct 7, 2012
Seika noticed the strange caravan travelling towards the Dojo gates. Well, she wasn't sure what exactly they were intending to do. From her vantage point she could tell that the people in the caravan was nervous. Should she find out what was happening? Well this was her home, she would feel horrible if they were trying to sneak out some of the trinkets, she would stop them.

"Hold your positions."<i></i> Seika called loud and clear. She was no ANBU, but she was certainly a voice of authority that should be obeyed. She leaped in front of the caravan, her ice cold aquamarine eyes squinted in the dust that she kicked up. “I want to see your travel documentation and to check your cargo to make sure that you aren't trying to smuggle out any valuables that should be in our village.”<i></i> Her eyes moved to the caravan. “I hope for your sake that it isn't, I would hate to be in your position if I have to take you to our ANBU Sennin. So be good men and open up for me.”<i></i>

It looked like they didn't need to open for her as she saw another person, one with a headband, break through the caravan. She looked at the men's faces as Naoki proclaimed her findings. “Oh boy, kidnapping is a serious offence you know.”[/b] She said as her eyes snapped back to the would-be kidnappers. ”I suggest you tell me what exactly you are a part of, and what you intend on doing to this child.”[/b]



Toraono Seika

New Member
Oct 7, 2012
If a topic is not posted in by a user for more than 5 days, that person is considered to be no longer in the topic unless the player(s) in the topic wish to skip the user's turn until he/she has returned

I guess this means that the thread is over and done with.


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
That is one direction, the thread is also automatically considered to be a modded situation when it is a run topic. If you wish to continue I can pull this to Admin.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
