Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Kinezumi Amatsu--> Akira Ayame

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
OCR Form said:
Old Character Name: Amatsu Kinezumi
Old Village/Missing: Stone
OCR Type: retired
Last Known Where-abouts: Stone/ Arcadia
Old IC Rank: Med Chief

New Character Name: Akira Ayame
Preferred Username: Akira Ayame
New Village/Missing: Stone
New BL/CA: Earthborn:
Custom Class: Click Here to create your new Custom Class.
Custom Class said:
[u]Master Earth Bender[/u]
[b]HP:[/b] (55+lvl) x stamina
[b]CP:[/b] (45+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: +4 dodge
[i]High:[/i] Nin Acc
[i]Average:[/i]Melee, Save, Evasion, Range Acc
[i]Low:[/i] Puppet Acc, Gen Dc
Main Branch/ANBU/Med-Nin: Anbu
IC Rank: Anbu Capt or Anbu Sennin (Based on needs of the village)

Character Age: 25
Gender: Female
Sex: Female
Character's Physical Description:
There is much to Ayame's appearance at first glance. Her posture holds much esteem and her phasic is that of a full figured woman. She is of average height being 5 feet and 8 inches and highly athletic. Her body is extremely toned but unnoticeable when she is in uniform. She has jet black hair and natural arched eyebrows. She has ideal cheek bones and one could almost confuse her as a model if she didn't have several large scars on the right side of her face on the lower cheek and if she didn't dress so tomboyish. Nether the less, she finds her scars appealing as part of the art that tells her story and who she is. Her anbu uniform is not typical to everyone else as it holds a lot more armor around vital organs and tendons. This armor is a very light weight alloy crafted by her.

Character's Mental Description: Ayame is a straight forward, brash, cool and collected tactician. She is a strict and strong leader with strong military discipline. She is one of those people who was born to be a soldier of sorts and was why she exceled as a shinobi. With strong values such as loyalty, duty, respect, honor, integrity, courage, and even selflessness, she strives to be the best at everything she does. She enjoys competition and obstacles especially when it seems impossible to over come. Her biggest flaw is her over barring stubbornness when it comes to doing things a new way after she has resolved to a way she believes already works. She isn't easy to big changes or adapting. She can be hard headed as well, often researching and checking things out for herself rather than just taking someone's word for it. She even loves hard. She experienced only one relationship and after it ended in heart break she took it pretty hard and even endured a period of depression. Never the less when she finally bounced back, she was stronger from the experience. Since then her heart is guarded by several walls and has sabotaged her own relationships subconsciously and continues to do so in order to not fall in love.

Multiple Personality Application: Only one. Sane

Character History: Ayame is the older sister of three and does not come from a shinobi military background like her harden attitude would suggest. Her mother is a seamstress and clothing designer and her father a chef who owns his own restaurant. Before joining the shinobi academy, Ayame was placed with the responsibility of watching over her two younger sisters and every so often helping out her mother in making dresses or her father as a book keeper. Those sorts of responsibility was not a burden on her and it actually kept her happy to work so hard but normal school was a challenge. She often get expelled by the third day do to her habit of picking a fight with the students. She didn't feel like she belonged with kids. Eventually there were no schools who would take her except the shinobi academy who actually welcomed her sort of attitude. Her parents forced her to go against her will as she just wanted to continue helping out at the shops. Even though she didn't want to go, she soon found a liking to the school. She met others of the same intelligence and picking a fight with students she disagreed with often lead to stronger bonds and friendships. She graduated the shinobi academy after some years and had a choice to continue her education as a civilian or as a shinobi. She choose to be a shinobi.

Due to her high test scores and deduction prowess, the anbu corps took an interest and offered her recruitment. She joined knowing that this was a good opportunity to further her skills and education as a shinobi and also it held some prestige. Her goal was to continue to do well and bring great honor to her family name. She wanted nothing more than to make her family proud and to keep them safe from forces that would strip them of their smiles and joy. After several years of working in the corps she was called to teach new students and recruits. She hated the idea as she enjoyed the field work and the thought of a class room job didn't hold much mental or physical advancement. She debated with her superior's decision but was denied an appeal and order to teach classes. Her first day as a teacher she was extremely strict and purposely mean. She often give the students task beyond their capability and expected them to make good on what they were ordered. It wasn't until she met a student extremely weak and through sheer effort did that student accomplish their mission however the task left the student hospitalized in a temporary coma. Ayame in her guilt visited the student everyday and monitored the student's recovery for hours at a time until the student awoke. The students first words to Ayame was, "Did I make it sensei?" It became abundantly clear that the student's efforts were driven from the need to prove herself to Ayame and to make her proud. The Student looked up to Ayame as a daughter to her parents and so did all the other students. This all became clear on that day to Ayame and her job as a sensei began to hold more meaning to her than anything else.

After teaching several generations of shinobi, the Anbu corps had order for her recall back into the corps in order for her to receive advanced training. The corps wanted her to teach anbu classes and train anbu members in the arts of shinobi. Just like before she did not want to go as she had grew found of her job as a teacher. Change was inevitable. Her students threw a surprised going away party in thanks for her help in making them strong. Even her past students came to celebrate her. The day she left the school to enter back into Anbu training, she shed tears that she was unable to hold back. She knew her students would be fine but it's never easy for a mother to leave her children even if it is for a higher cause. No matter what those kids would always remain in her heart.

Ayame received advanced anbu training and immediately began training anbu IT shinobi. It brought her joy to see that some of her past students were among the corps but as an anbu instructor they would never know the joy in her heart for she did not wear the joy on her face. As an Anbu instructor, her task was to ready the Anbu IT shinobi for hardships and to have them both motivated and disciplined. Just like with every job she had before, Ayame excelled at what she did. She had anbu IT shinobi's organized, disciplined, and strong. Everyone respected her and adored her. From here, Ayame has had several jobs in the anbu department from leading anbu missions, to being an exam proctor. She has her fair share of close encounters with the enemy both foreign and domestic and even carries a very noticeable scar on her lower right cheek. Her own personnel badge of honor and proof that she is not one to just sit on her hands while there is dirty work to be done. Ayame is now 25 years old and still till this day serves the anbu corps.

Death/Retirement Thread:
Old Profile:
Old Training:
Old Dojo:

Special Usergroups: None but applied for council.

Old Stats: Stats
Stamina: 600
Agility: 600
Taijutsu: 600
Ninjutsu: 600
Genjutsu: 600
Chakra Control: 600

Total PL: 3600
Asp: 183
CL: 15

Old OOC Rank: S
Stat Cut: N/A.
New Stats:
Stamina: 600
Agility: 600
Taijutsu: 600
Ninjutsu: 600
Genjutsu: 600
Chakra Control: 600

Total PL: 3600
Asp: 573
CL: 15

Stat Minimums said:
E rank - 20 minimum in each stat
D rank - 40 minimum in each stat
C rank - 70 minimum in each stat
B rank - 120 minimum in each stat
A rank - 210 minimum in each stat
S rank - 240 minimum in each stat

New OOC Rank: S

Justu Mastery Swaps: List all of your current mastered jutsus. Along with the list of all of your current mastered jutsu, if you wish to swap your jutsu masteries, please use the following format:</I>
Amnesia (Mastered) > Streaming Cloak (Mastered)
[url=][/url] (Mastered) > [url=][/url] (Mastered)
You do not need to state all Rank 1 jutsus.
You can also exchange your mastered jutsus for points. To do so, please post the jutsu, its rank [such as B Rank] and state that you wish to exchange your mastered jutsu for points.
Amnesia (Mastered) [D Rank] > Points [8]​

Note: Keep in mind, that you are required to sell all old jutsus that you are getting rid of and buying all jutsus you are swapping over. If you do not have the money to afford this now, you may buy the new ones when you can afford them. Once you've stated that certain jutsu are meant for swapping, it means your new character can no longer use your old jutsu at their old ranks.

E-Infernal Ember (Mastered) > (Mastered)
D-Combustive Seal (Mastered) > (Mastered)
C-Dragon fire (Mastered) > (Mastered)
C-Scalding Ash Cloud (Mastered) > (Mastered)
B-Spontaneous Combustion (Mastered) > (Mastered)
B-Ring of Fire (Mastered) > (Mastered)
B-Fire Storm (Mastered) > (Mastered)
A-Dragon Flame Bomb (Mastered) > (Mastered)
A-Flame Shield (Mastered) > (Mastered)
E-Storm Bolt (Mastered) > (Mastered)[/code]
E-Thunderfist (Mastered) > (Mastered)[/code]
D-Thunderclap (Mastered) > (Mastered)[/code]
D-Electroshock (Mastered) > (Mastered)[/code]
D-Electrocution (Mastered) > (Mastered)[/code]
C-Zeus Flash (Mastered) > (Mastered)[/code]
C-Lightning Torrent (Mastered) > (Mastered)[/code]
C-Volt Charge (Mastered) > (Mastered)[/code]
A-Raijin's Vengeance (Mastered) > (Mastered)[/code]
C-Reflective Surface (Mastered) > (Mastered)[/code]
C-Shattering Shards (Mastered) > (Mastered)[/code]
C-Breaking Glass (Mastered) > (Mastered)[/code]
B-Speculum Sphere (Mastered) > (Mastered)[/code]
A-Fun House (Mastered) > (Mastered)[/code]
D-Rinse Off R2 (Mastered) > (Mastered)[/code]
(Mastered) > (Mastered)[/code]
(Mastered) > (Mastered)[/code]
(Mastered) > (Mastered)[/code]
(Mastered) > (Mastered)[/code]
(Mastered) > (Mastered)[/code]
(Mastered) > (Mastered)[/code]
(Mastered) > (Mastered)[/code]
(Mastered) > (Mastered)[/code]
(Mastered) > (Mastered)[/code]
(Mastered) > (Mastered)[/code]

Name of any Contract you currently own:
- If Retiring character, list link to obtaining the Contract. You will regain this contract upon rebirth back into this character. Contracts do not carry over to new characters normally. You may pay 300 Advanced Shop Points to carry over a single contract you currently own, or pay 450 Advanced Shop Points to swap one contract you own for another contract during the OCR process. Both options require a writeup to be sent to the contract team for approval of how you gained the contract as your new character. You may not switch to Kami/Youkai from another contract.
Name of any Cursed Seals you currently own:
- If Retiring character, list link to obtaining the cursed seal (from village request). You will regain this contract upon rebirth back into this character. Curse Seals do not carry over to new characters.
Name of Kinjutsu you own:
- If retiring character, list link to obtaining the kinjutsu (from your village request). You will regain this kinjutsu upon rebirth back into this character. Kinjutsus do not carry over to new character. Also, you may choose any kinjutsu fr your new character, but you will need to apply for it with your new character.

Still actively roleplaying in any other threads?
Upon death, roleplayers in ANY of your other incomplete thread(s) are to vote whether they can deal with your non-existence from the beginning of these thread(s). Whether you joined these thread(s) before or after you entered the battle that got you killed, you are still considered a part of these thread(s).
- If players vote yes, you get to move on to your next life.
- If players vote no, you must stay in those threads as if you were still alive.

You can still train (see: explanation of Limbo Training below) and do other OOC things, but you may NOT join any new threads. After you have completed these thread(s), post in OCR again and we will move you on to your next life.

What is Limbo Training?
This is the training that you would have gotten if you did not move on to your new character's life. Your caps are determined by your rebirthed stats. You must keep a record of your stats gained during limbo in your OCR thread. You may NOT request for an automatic rank up should you find that your new stats allow you to upgrade.

Things you do NOT need to state, but take note of:
  • Jutsu = All of your old Jutsus retain their Ranks but if you do not meet their pre-requisites, you cannot use them. If you sell any jutsu and re-buy them in the future, you must re-start at Rank 1.
  • <I>Abilities = All of your Abilities are auto-untrained upon rebirth. In order to have any Abilities for your new character, you must activate them by posting in your character’s Dojo topic in your new village.
  • Character History = By suiciding/rebirthing, you're making a new character. This means your new character must not know or remember anything of your old character's life/thoughts/feelings. If your new character has ANY direct/indirect connection to your old character, you MUST state that in your new character history write up for Admin & Village approvals. All Medical or ANBU related experience should be reflected in your history along with CA or BL influence.
  • Editing Your New Character Application = Do not edit a post you have made in your OCR. You must copy all of your information from your last post and add the changes to the new post. This is for papertrail reasons.

Things that do NOT transfer with your next character:
Advanced Shop purchases are CHARACTER BOUND. They do not transfer with your next character and must be re-accomplished for your new character

Ii Hissori

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
Name: Approved
Personality: Approved
History: Approved.
Appearance: Approved
PL: You don't have the Free RB Card, So you are wishing to purchase one here I'd Suppose
Justsu Swap: Ummm... Waiting for the OK that it is done.
Rank: Taken.

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: Kinezumi Amatsu--&gt; Akira Amaya

Jutsu Swaps

Sorry it took so long but so many jutsu and so much to link lol

E-Infernal Ember (Mastered) > stone bullet (Mastered)
D-Combustive Seal (Mastered) > Earth Flow Wave (Mastered)
C-Dragon fire (Mastered) > Rock Golem (Mastered)
C-Scalding Ash Cloud (Mastered) > Earthen Coating (Mastered)
B-Spontaneous Combustion (Mastered) > Weighted Rock (Mastered)
B-Ring of Fire (Mastered) > Earth Spiker (Mastered)
B-Fire Storm (Mastered) > Fist of Gaia (Mastered)
A-Dragon Flame Bomb (Mastered) > Earthen Magnitude (Mastered)
A-Flame Shield (Mastered) > Earthslide Wall (Mastered)

E-Storm Bolt (Mastered) > Steel Slam (Mastered)
E-Thunderfist (Mastered) > Quality Break (Mastered)
D-Thunderclap (Mastered) > Mercury Poisoning (Mastered)
D-Electroshock (Mastered) > Steel Clone (Mastered)
D-Electrocution (Mastered) > Alloy Spiral (Mastered)
C-Zeus Flash (Mastered) > Reinforced Wall (Mastered)
C-Lightning Torrent (Mastered) > Iron Breakout (Mastered)
C-Volt Charge (Mastered) > Density Crush (Mastered)
A-Raijin's Vengeance (Mastered) > Silver Flash (Mastered)

C-Reflective Surface (Mastered) > Senbon Coating (Mastered)
C-Shattering Shards (Mastered) > Burdening Touch (Mastered)
C-Breaking Glass (Mastered) > Superalloy Tempest (Mastered)
B-Speculum Sphere (Mastered) > (Mastered)
A-Fun House (Mastered) > Sand Stars (Mastered)

D-Rinse Off R2 (Mastered) > Cluster Attack (Mastered)

C-Ionic Laser (Mastered) > Sand Clone (Mastered)
C-Deadly Burn (Mastered) > (Mastered)
B-Hyper Beam (Mastered) > Sand Shower (Mastered)
B-Solar Winds (Mastered) > Sand Coffin (Mastered)
B-Plasma Scar (Mastered) > Desert Tendril Unleash (Mastered)
A-Supernova (Mastered) > Burst of Confetti (Mastered)
A-Atmospheric Pressure (Mastered) > [url]Folded Shuriken[/url] (Mastered)

C-Scorched Land (Mastered) > Streaming Cloak (Mastered)
C-Unstable Release (Mastered) > Loose-Leaf Wall (Mastered)
B-Convection Spheres (Mastered) > Shredding Torrent (Mastered)
B-Heat Blast (Mastered) > Block (Mastered)
A-Vaporization (Mastered) > Shadow Play (Mastered)
A-Amplifier (Mastered) > Shadow Dance (Mastered)

D-Coagulation (Mastered) > Cover (Mastered)
D-Mystical Hand (Mastered) > Devastating Aura (Mastered)
C-System Restoration (Mastered) > Volley (Mastered)
C-Skeletal Fortification (Mastered) > Projectile Sealing (Mastered)
B-Mystical Force (Mastered) > Instant Fall (Mastered)
B-Medical Assistant (Mastered) > Sudden Shot (Mastered)
B-Medical Ward (Mastered) > Gravedigger's Hole (Mastered)
A-Resuscitate (Mastered) > Pinpoint (Mastered)
A-Angelic Blessing (Mastered) > Drunken Stupor (Mastered)
A-Regeneration (Mastered) > Crippled (Mastered)
A-Pristine Aura (Mastered) > Chakra Sense (Mastered)

D-Critical Exposure (Mastered) > Keep
C-Active Camo (Mastered) > Keep
C-Snapshot (Mastered) > Keep

E-1000 Years of Pain Kai (Mastered) > Petrification (Mastered)
D-Facepalm (Mastered) > keep
A-Tree Binding (Mastered) > Puppet Betrayal (Mastered)

C-Verse of Darkness (Mastered) > 10pts
B-Mime Box (Mastered) > 12pts
B-The Reaper's Gaze (Mastered) > 12pts
A-Body Double (Mastered) > 15pts
A-Night (Mastered) > 15pts

E-Lethargy (Mastered) > 6pts
E-Tourniquet (Mastered) > 6pts
E-Intimidation (Mastered) > 6pts
D-Amnesia (Mastered) > 8pts
D-False Success (Mastered) > 8pts
D-Leaking Mind (Mastered) > 8pts
D-Sear of the Mind (Mastered) > 8pts
C-Black Out (Mastered) > 10pts
C-Insomnia (Mastered) > 10pts
C-Paranoia (Mastered) > 10pts
C-Charismatic Breakdown (Mastered) > 10pts
C-Untruth (Mastered) > 10pts
B-Havoc of the Doomed Mind (Mastered) > 12pts
B-Slowed Perception (Mastered) > 12pts
B-Oblivious Rapture (Mastered) > 12pts
B-Betrayal (Mastered) > 12pts
B-Taunt (Mastered) > 12pts
B-Thought Down (Mastered) > 12pts
A-Mental Kombat (Mastered) > 15pts
A-Temple of Nirvana (Mastered) > 15pts

B-Kill Driver (Mastered) > Keep
A-Annihilation (Mastered) > Executioner (Mastered)[/code]
A-Higuma (Mastered) > Keep

E-The One-Two (Mastered) > 6pts
E-Low Sweep (Mastered) > 6pts
E-Janken (Mastered) > 6pts
E-Uncalled For Shot (Mastered) > 6pts
E-4-Hit Combo (Mastered) > 6pts
C-Grapple (Mastered) > 10pts
B-16-Hit Combo (Mastered) > 12pts
A-Eagle Drop (Mastered) > 15pts

B-Rasengan (Mastered) > 12pts
A-Perfect Rasengan (Mastered) > 15pts


Gravel Shift

Earth Flow River
Sinkhole Fist

Inner Earth Reflection Lure

Bedrock Coffin R2
Antlion Sinkhole R2

Peterification R2

Non elemental
Body Switch

Cancel R2

Jutsu Sealing R2
Stunt Double R2
Elemental Clone R2
Barrier R2

Shadow Shuriken Replication R2
Energy Transfer R2
Leech Seal R2

Rebirth card-

Old character has cursed seal Lunar

Okada Kaji

Active Member
Apr 6, 2014
OOC Rank
Name: Approved
Personality: Approved
History: Approved.
Appearance: Approved
PL: Approved
Justsu Swap: Approved
Rank: Taken.

OCR Approved. Anbu with Tenure should do for the time being, but I will be PMing you with some information shortly.


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
Rank banner given, can't see what else would be needed. If anything else, please let me know.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
