Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Knowledge shared is Knowledge Gained (Tutor)

Feb 20, 2018
It was mid-afternoon ish time and Asuka was standing just outside of the academy. She was waiting for a particular student who had picked her interest. Apparently his teachers constantly praised his progress and ability to become stronger without much help. This was going to be fun. Asuka and Rayne brainstormed ideas on how to make this type of ordeal fun. She always liked messing with her students while teaching them a lesson. With a giggle she waited, wearing her usual kimono but a gold ring harboring a blue gem could be seen in one of her fingers.

With that said, it seemed appropiate enough to look through the students that were streaming out of the academy thankful for finishing their day that's when Asuka spotted him. Just how he was shown on the file. The short blue haired boy walking out of the academy. Having said that, she wondered what he would do once Asuka approached him? It would be fun to see if his shinobi lessons had impeded themselves in his mind or not. Slowly strolling through the cloud she came at a stop right in front of him. A smile plastered on her face. "I here you are quite the student Kaito." She spoke wth a short giggle. "Would you mind taking a lesson from little ol' me by the training grounds? It may be worth your time."

[Requirement to pass tutor= 1,500 words over 5 posts. Meaning 300 words per post on average. (You can have 400 in one post, 200 in the next as long as it all adds up to 1,500]
Kaito was walking out of the academy with his friends,They took some Genjutsu and chakra control lessons, although kaito knows most of the basic chakra control he lacked a lot in the Genjutsu area, nonetheless today’s lesson only refreshed his memory and he learned nothing new in it

He was talking to his friends about how boring the training was while touching his Kunai to make sure it is still here, He was laughing about how his Hyuga friend thought Genjutsu was better than Taijutsu, While both knew that the Hyuga were beasts in Taijutsu and doesn’t have a strong appetite for Genjutsu.

He stopped when he heard his name spoken and put his hand on his kunai, He immediatly noticed she had a golden ring with a blue like color in it he didn’t know what that was but he was sure it wasn’t dangerous, He held his kunai in his hand pointing it to the ground so he doesn’t seem hostile toward the stranger approaching him, “Thank you for your compliment Ma’am” He said formally while smiling, After he heard she wants to teach him a lesson he looks at her suspiciously while keeping a smile, “You guys can have lunch without me” He said smiling to his friends, “Oh and tell my brother and mother I will be late for dinner too” He told them, “Do we really have to go all the way to your home?” Said Yayoi, “Just shut up and go already” Said kaito laughingly, “Sure I guess see you tomorrow Kaito” said Yayoi while waving goodbye, “And come on time tomorrow” Said Hitoshi demandingly while walking away, Kaito walked with that woman for a few steps and then says “Now with them out of the way who are you?” Said Kaito, Kunai still in his hands while walking with her
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Asuka giggled seeing his friends all talk to him, she did not fail to notice the Kunai in the students hand. It was very cute, although it did show that he at least had the common sense not to trust a complete stranger, even inside one's village. This would indeed be quite fun, playing mind games would show her who he was since his file didn't say everything, yes it helped but unless you talked with the person one on one, you never exactly knew who you were talking to. Having said that she continued walking listening to his question.

Another giggle escaped her lips. "With them out of the way?" She smiled leaning down "Is that any way to talk about your friends?" Asuka leaned back to an upright position and opened the gate to the academies training grounds, yes this would be good enough. She looked back at the kid with a smile on her face. "I'm not an enemy if that's your concern." She said gesturing to the Kunai. "Although it is hella cute for you to try and look intimidating with all the questions and being on guard. Gotta say, your teachers weren't lying on that one." She bowed "I'll let you figure out who I am, if you do. I'll give ya something extra."

Having said that Asuka took a sit on one of the rocks and gestured to Kaito to sit down in front of her. "So, I'm guessing you know the basics of Genjutsu. How it's main purpose is to mess with your opponents senses and gain an advantage. Question is, what do you want to do? Tell me. What exactly would you do in let's say.... a forest?" Asuka let the question ponder for a few moments before continuing. "Because the same strategy won't work the same in the desert as it does in a lake. See, Genjutsu is only effective if you know when to use it. Do you want me to show you a demonstration?"

He followed all her moves closely and found her giggling quite a few times, He didn’t react to her at all but he eased his hold on the kunai slowly as she started talking, Putting the kunai back to his pocket once she said she wasn’t an enemy, “Well Hitoshi would have told everyone and Yayoi would have followed me to make sure I was ok if I didn’t act so friendly at first, I would have done the same for them” He said looking at her giggle another time, He didn’t give it much attention though

He saw her opening the academy trading ground and he immediately knew she wanted to train him,Did my father send her? He asked himself,”Apparently you aren’t an enemy I thought as much but I had to be careful father told me to do be anyway” He though this was a test from his father so he had to be ready, “I do think you are an Uchiha from that crest, I have no idea who though” He told her while following her inside the training grounds

He listened to her closely, She was talking about Genjutsu and when to use it and asked him what would he do in a forest as a form of Genjutsu, He thought for a second “forests have a lot of trees and grass, to conceive the enemy I would become a tree he wouldn’t know where Or which one I am, I will hit him when he is lost or distracted Inside the Genjutsu” He said worryingly he didn’t know much about Genjutsu and didn’t know how it works, “I would love a demonstration” He said when she asked while getting ready for whatever will come next

Crap. She had chosen the wrong Kimono for this, the one with the Uchiha crest was pretty revealing. Thankfully he didn't recognize her, that was good. In any case he listened to him and in all honesty she was impressed at how quick he was able to answer although not entirely correct. But the effort still spoke volumes of his knowledge and desire to become a shinobi. "I get where you're coming from but no." She spoke, shifting her weight to become more comfortable. "See, what you are describing me is a jutsu. You would use a transformation to make yourself a tree and surprise the enemy. But what if the enemy is aware of you?" She cleared her throat and continued with a smile. "Think of it like this. Why turn yourself into a tree when you can make your enemy blind!" Asuka snapped her fingers, Kaito would feel Chakra rush into his eyes turning everything black, as if a great darkness took his sight. Asuka did grab him in case he started panicking, but she had to say. Messing with students was one of her favorite parts of the job.

"Now, don't worry." Asuka spoke in a calm voice "You're not in any danger, but this is a genjutsu. I messed with the chakra in your eyes to make you blind. Giving me an advantage. Genjutsu isn't about turning yourself into a tree, it's about literally messing with your opponents senses to give yourself an advantage. But you can also get out of it." Asuka grabbed Kaitos hands and took a deep breath. "Now, how do you think you get out of a genjutsu without any help?"

Kaito noticed that something was wrong when he said she was an Uchiha but she wore the Uchiha Kimono was something wrong? was his father playing games on him again? He kept asking himself if he already failed his father’s exam

It all stopped when she talked though, he listened to her carefully to what she said about Genjutsu “What is the enemy aware of me?” She asked and he asked himself back in his mind, he thought about this for a second and told himself “But if are already fighting he is aware of mr so my only bet would be to hide so he gets confused” He made sure to Not say aloud though he didn’t want her to hear him, he was amazed by what she said afterwards “Blind?” He told himself, He noticed her hands moving and before he knew it he couldn’t see a thing, He was amazed by what just happened “I am blind..with just a snap” he said while closing his eyes which he already couldn’t use to think of a way to get it out, she started talking but he felt something strange inside him in this Genjutsu something was wrong in his chakra he could feel it, He barely heard what she said, He only heard her saying “Playing with your opponents senses” it’s called Genjutsu so a type of chakra must be used he told himself not seeing or hearing her. until she grabbed his hands, the moment she did this he knew his father didn’t send her, he listened to her, she asked him how to get out of this Genjutsu, “Something is wrong inside chakra
It isn’t moving in a natural way”
He told her, “So to end this Genjutsu I would either have to use all my chakra which will cause my death...or I can change my chakra movement from my eyes to my left from my leg to my hands and so on to counter you” He finished while waiting for her response

[WC/TWC = 337/930]
Asuka smiled, this kid had a very interesting point of view but it could be said that not everything was the way it seemed. She may have been wrong in the instance that he was an idiot. He certainly wanted to make it, he had a potential yet it wasn't been harnessed fully. Asuka kept her hands where they were to give him comfort. But she had to teach him how to do it, worst case scenario she would cancel the jutsu herself but she wanted him to figure it out. Make it an interesting challenge.

"Something is wrong with your chakra yes." She spoke with a smile on her face. "But not exactly what you think, imagine your chakra as a river, it constantly flows from point A to point B. Genjutsu disturbs that flow making it go in circles." While speaking Asuka made Chakra flow from her hands so Kaito would feel his own Chakra. "You don't have to transfer chakra anywhere my young apprentice, all you have to do is find where exactly is the flow being hindered and fix it. Just like fixing a broken pipe, that's how you get out of a genjutsu."

[WC/TWC= 198/1,029]
Kaito waited for her response and was thrilled when she said he was right about the problem with his chakra flow but he wasn’t when it came to getting out of it so he listened to her carefully,A River A river that became a circle so it’s like a lake connected with a sea or river but the connection is blocked to get out of the Genjutsu I need to unblock it, He thought to himself but before he could talk he felt something in his hands the one she was touching, Her...Chakra I can sense it’s flow I see the difference know now NO I am sensing it, He thought happily

He closed his eyes afterwards in the Genjutsu he heard her talking he listened to her carefully, A pipe I need to sense it first before I can fix it and return my chakra flow to normal Think kaito think she is an Uchiha so she should be using her eyes but she didn’t use her shariangan if father was here he would have probably figured it out already I need to be as cool as him but what should I do, He stopped thinking for a second and started relaxing he sensed her chakra flow he has been sensing it the moment she started doing it, I can sense her chakra but I can’t sense mine, He thought angrily while opening his eyes, Wait a second, He thought while closing his eyes to feel her hand, I got it!, He thought happily, “Thank you your hand helped me a great deal” He told her, “I know where the broken pipe is and how to fix it!” He said excitingly while weaving the tiger hand seal to break out of Genjutsu
[WC/TWC = 293/1223]
Asuka watched closley as she held his hand. This reminded her of her time in the academy, how she was taught this kind of lessons by outstanding individuals. How she was taught the core values of what being a shinobi truly was. Which is why, as the main branch sennin, she wanted to change them. Shinobi weren't weapons that were meant to be used every time there was conflict. They were meant to be protectors to what was precious. They were meant to be more and this, what she was doing now was the sole reason she had accepted the job.

Teaching someone could go very different ways. If you force someone to think like you it would only lead to dissapointment and even for your teachings to backfire. She knew that, her meeting with the Hokage was all about that. Her methods of teaching boiled down to a simple point, letting the individual grow by themselves, letting them figure out what they wanted to do. Nurture their own potential and provide the necessary tools for them to become better. That's how loyalty is built. By simply training them to do better. By letting them be themselves and grow into who they want to be.

Unfortunately, it was hard. Everyone who had a career in this particular job knew that being a shinobi meant that there was a high probability of not being able to make it into the "old age" as some people called it. But it wasn't necessarily about that. It was about the journey each person took that got them to the point. Was it being marked as a traitor? Or remembered for eternity about how their different ways of doing things inspired others to do the same, or even better, perfect the method.

She felt it. She felt when Kaito got the hang of it. "There you go." She smiled "Fix it then. Find the answer without being told. That's a way you can become stronger on your own." Once the exercise was done she smiled at the kid, pleased that he had gotten over the exercise. "Well done Kaito! I think you have earned a proper introduction." Asuka bowed slightly. "My name is Uchiha Asuka, Head of the Main Branch and Sennin of the Leaf Village. Gotta say, I didn;t expect for you to get it. But I am glad I was proven wrong." Asuka patted him on the head a couple of times. "With this I conclude the tutor. But last bit of advice. Understand that the path you chose to take isn't the happiest one, it isn't the easiest one. The shinobi life only brings sorrow and suffering to you. But, it brings joy and happiness to those who you protect."

She tapped his chest a couple of times and finished with this. "Never forget, the rules are there for a reason. Learn about them, understand why they were made. The more knowledge you have the better you will be BUT... first and foremost, always listen to your heart. Follow it, grow into the fine Shinobi I know you'll become. You're going to get a letter from me soon, I hope you follow it." WIth a smile she winked at him and vanished.

[Topic Left]
[Kaito has passed, once he posts. I'll request rewards]
Kaito kept smiling when the Uchiha said he got it right and he immediately focused everything to get out of the Genjutsu when she said learning it alone is the way forward my father says this a lot too He tells himself while getting out of the Genjutsu the second he focused he focused everything on his seal, I am out at last He thought while smiling and sweating at the same time, Before he could even say a thing she knew He was out, So the caster knows when it’s out I need to remember that He tells himself when she starts talking, Once she said she was going to introduce herself he was so excited, he wanted to know if his father sent her or if she came in her own, A sennin...the head of the main branch just trained me in Genjutsu wow never thought she would be that high up in the ranks, “As you can tell I love proving people wrong Uchiha sensei get used to that” He tells her his eyes so wide from his happiness and excitement, When she said she was concluding the tutor he was kinda sad but he tried not showing it and he looked at her to listen to her advice, whatever it is I must listen to it and do it as best I could this is the least I could do He said to himself, He listened his father had once told him about the sorrows of the Shinobi world he never believed it was this bad but coming from her it felt different, “This is a world of sorrows we live in” His father told him when he first enrolled in the academy, He paid attention to what she said All she said but before he could start talking she told him she will leave a letter for him soon and then vanished immediately,”I have always wanted to become like my father, Not anymore I am going to beat him,Thank you Uchiha sensei!” He said aloud when she left him,”THEY ARE WAITING FOR ME FOR DINNER I FORGOT” He told himself while getting his tools and running back home
[Topic left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
