Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Kuroba Ken

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Kuroba Ken

New Member
Feb 12, 2016
Name: Kuroba Ken
Age: 8
Physical Description: At just under 4 feet tall and weighing in at a meager 50 pounds, Ken is certainly scrawny, though that is to be expected from a child of his age. He has the pale skin typical of a child born in the darkness of the subterranean sand village. A wild, unkempt mop of raven black hair tops his head, not quite reaching his shoulders. His icy blue eyes are wide and energetic, perpetually darting about with child-like curiosity. Ken's face is constantly plastered with a goofy but friendly grin, a missing front tooth further complementing his childish image. His wardrobe is filled with plain tshirts and cargo shorts, most of which are a bit large on the boy. On his feet almost always rest his trusty pair of black and sage green sneakers, well worn from aggressive use.
Mental Description: Ken is bright, playful, and dangerously curious. He loves to learn new things, and as such can commonly be found reading or asking his elders an infuriating number of questions. Headstrong, Ken is unlikely to simply follow instructions if he doesn't understand why they are being given. He can be brash at times, overconfident in his knowledge and abilities in the way that only the most inexperienced can be. While he isn't afraid to ask questions when he doesn't know an answer, he is equally unafraid to challenge others when he thinks they have an answer wrong.
History: The blood of the first men runs strong in Ken's veins. At least that's what his grandpa tells him. The men of the Kuroba line have for generations defended the kazekage and the sanctity of Suna, and though Ken's grandpa speaks only disdainfully of his daughter-in-law "diluting" his rich heritage, he is confident that Ken will make a spectacular shinobi. Ken was born to a high ranking ANBU shinobi and a woman from another land. Unfortunately, he was never given a chance to know his mother. She lived through a case of the red death in the time when Suna was first evacuating underground. Though she survived the brush with death, her health was never the same, and she was unable to handle Ken's birth. Though torn from the loss of his love, Ken's father continued to dutifully serve his village and raise his son until his own untimely demise at the hands of the Djinn. The next couple of years were rough for Ken, but he was able to keep his chin up thanks to the support of his grandfather, and the escape provided by a vast collection of books. Determined to follow in the example of his bloodline, Ken enthusiastically joined the academy at 8 years old, the earliest he could legally apply. With his pedigree and an influential word from his grandfather, his acceptance was all but guaranteed. Grand tales of heroism and great destiny buzzing in his head, he was ready to make his own mark on the world.


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013

If you have any issues please contact any member of the Sand Council: here
Please post your bio: here
Make sure you've brushed up on all the rules located: here and here
A great resource to help you find your way around here

Starting Stats:
Stamina: 5
Agility: 5
Taijutsu: 5
Ninjutsu: 5
Genjutsu: 5
Chakra Control: 0%

Few things to note for your own sake:
  • Nice bio, I am glad to see you read about our setting.
  • We are moving onto the next phase in our event (The Rise of Sunagakure), this is an on-going story line with village-wide ramifications that are about to reach into the rest of Wind Country. Part of our village is underground as we have been trapped underground for the last few decades due to a terrible sandstorm we called the Diamond Maelstrom that ceased a few months ago so we started to rebuold on the surface (namely the Kazekage Tower and Suna Residences thus far).
  • We are presently located underground with the rest of the inner village areas and have for nearly 30 years because we had a terrible and dangerous storm on the surface that has recently ended.
  • A war is also brewing between Sunagakure and the Diamyo who is raising an army to destroy the village.
  • Feel free to PM me or any other Sand user if you have any questions.
  • Suna also uses Skype as a community channel as well I would be more than happy to add you to if you are interested. If you are interested, PM me and I can get that taken care in the near future.
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Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
