Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Kyoubaku, Norin


New Member
Oct 2, 2016
Name: Kyoubaku, Norin
Age: 13
Gender/Sex: Male

Character's Physical Description: Norin is tall for his age, standing at 5’3’’ and 102 lbs. He is quite sturdy, although he appears a bit stretched out and thin due to his height. His has long brown hair almost black. His skin is lightly tanned and his eyes are extremely dark, to the point where the give off a shiny glare which in turn makes them look light. He commonly dresses casual for a shinobi. Often with lightly baggy black pants and a white no-sleeve vest. He also has the same outfit in opposite colors, and then he likes to mix and match. Black pants, black vest, white pants, white vest etc. He also on the colder days puts on external sleeves reaching just towards his elbows, and a green scarf that was knitted for him by the woman who raised him.

Character's Mental Description:
Norin is a carefree guy who loves the world around him. He is highly spirited and rambunctious. He values friendship high over many other factors except proper morals. Norin has gut feelings that he trusts, it pushes him to do what is right. He understands the ideals of war, but hates the fact of everyone fighting. He only would fight to protect. He’d protect those close to him at all cost that includes the world around him. Nature is something Norin feels he has to fight for. This planet is the only one he has, and he must take care of it, and all those that inhabit it.
Norin is very persuasive according to many of his villagers. Often showing great leadership for a young person, constantly influencing his moral standards onto others and delegating his ninja way to others. Even just as an academy student he brings great promise to the Village of Iwagakure with great hopes of its future. In short, Norin is highly respectable among the Maruishi people. They call him Noriko a play off his name meaning law child, as he is young but strives to enforce the importance of protecting all those around him.

The story of Norin is a bit unorthodox compared to mostly everyone else. It starts very long ago, the world was in turmoil as people fought to survive the cruel harsh environment. Thieves, beggars, and tyrants were at large and the commoners in between held on to what they could, in hopes their few treasures and resources were not ripped out of their hands. A famous thief by the name of Quanji Zhao was travelling deep within the forest just outside of Fire Country hunted by a famous Uchiha. He was deep on his trail and forced Quanji to hide. Quanji barely got away by rolling in the grass and hiding in a tree. However, just because he evaded the Uchiha didn’t mean he could evade the entire clan. They sparked up the forest full of flames, and the tree stood tall above the harsh wildfires. In fact many trees’ barks were too dry to light and they avoided being fully burnt.
When they flames subsided, maybe 10-20 trees still stood at large out of the hundred originally there. Quanji had no ninja ability and knew he couldn’t get away. As he climbed down the tree, a large acorn fell from the tree right onto his head completely blacking him out. The Uchiha individuals ran right by him and didn’t sense any chakra since he had none to begin with, and no vitals since he had blacked out, and abandoned their mission.

When Quanji woke, he looked at the acorn as a savior to him and travelled his way with his riches he stole from where the Uchiha stay till he came upon the village of Iwagakure. At this point he was confronted, surrounded and there was no getting away, the people of Iwa made a small opening in the circle for their leader the Kage at the time to walk through. Quanji tried to bargain with him offering one of anything in his bag to them if they let him go. The Kage denied “I have no interest in your materialistic treasures, you are nothing but a petty thief bringing trouble upon our land.” Quanji realized he had nothing of values, so he decided to lie. “I do though, behold the Acorn from the mightiest tree in all the land.” The warriors laughed at him, scoffing at his message knowing there is nothing special about an acorn. Still, as farfetched as it was they decided to play along.

Quanji explained how it saved him from the Uchiha clan. “It swooped down like a bird, and covered me with a thick branch just enough for me to hide, it saved me, and it is the best acorn ever.” They laughed again at him, but then the village’s lead shaman walked into the circle and gazed upon the seed. “More to this acorn than meets the eye, eh?” The shaman said as he lifted the acorn to the sun, rubbing its felted skin and noticing its aura. “Let him go!” The shaman said as he safely took the acorn and made his way back to the village. The Kage detested, “We cannot allow a trespasser to walk freely upon our land for a nut! Kill him!” The warriors closed in, and the shaman intercepted. Putting his body in full danger at the end of all the warriors’ swords. “A deal is a deal, let him go! If we commit this murder we are no better than anyone else.” The warriors dropped their swords and granted Quanji safe passage away from Iwagakure. As Quanji ran away, the shaman looked upon the seed with interest. “I will plant it” he said.

Just a bit away from Iwagakure in a small patch of soil by the water he planted the seed with a blessing on top. Hoping the tree will be fruitful for the village. In the acorn grew into a seedling, and a small plant sprouted from it. Every day the shaman visited and white healthy roots grew from the tree in time. Until the shaman was ready to die, the tree had still not sprouted. With his last remaining chakra, the shaman cast all he could upon the acorn with the message to the next shaman after him, “This tree will be fruitful one day, and it will bring the village joy.” The shaman entrusted his successor to care for it as well, and they did. One after another, generation after generation. The tree did grow, large extremely large. It had thick wide branches, and a canopy that could be seen from the clifftops of Iwa. With the care of every shaman in history the tree grew so large. Its trunk was as thick as a mountain, thanks to all the chakra that had been pumped into it. It became a symbol of the first shaman’s kindness and a lesson to the Iwagakure people. Yet, one night a loud creaking was heard from all over, and the sound of the tree hitting the ground. All the people of Iwa headed to the site to pay their respects to the great tree, and apologies to all those that had cared so deeply for it, but even though the tree fell it was nowhere to be found. Instead its stump lie there taking up an extremely large portion of the land and in the middle of the stump a small baby boy. The boy was named Norin a play off the last shaman’s name Nyron. Uneasy about the situation, he was to be given to a matriarch in Maruishi to be raised as a farmer, but Norin grew a bit different than most. Growing a strong and sturdy, he showcased a great energy with life and nature, and expressed strength at those who tried to endanger the world. It was because of this, the people of Maruishi entrusted Norin with their protection, and looked after him as one of their own. Yet, he could not just be a civilian at the age of 13 he was sent to Iwagakure to learn the way of the shinobi and further protect the land that has been so kind to him. No one is sure how Norin came into the world, and no one is sure where his parents may be or who they even are, but one thing they figured out is that Norin is a descendent of the Kyoubaku and with his love of the world and his people, he will try to become the best shinobi he can, and protect people and the world he loves.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Welcome to the Hidden Stone Village! We look forward to having you in our newly formed village and here on Ninpocho!</SIZE><i></i>

You may begin your transition into the village by following these steps!<i></i>​
Steps said:
  • 1. Request a Stone Academy Student banner [Here] if an admin has not already handled it.
  • 2. Place a copy of your character profile [Here]. You may customize it as much as you would like, just be sure to have your character name listed as the subject! For additional benefit, you may also label yourself as a student, so that many of our tutors can reach out to assist you.
  • 3. Be sure to look over the site rules found [Here]. If you have any further questions, you may contact an admin, a council member, or another member for further clarification.

Additional notes<i></i>​
Notes said:
  • Be sure to keep up to date on any [Announcements] and the [Village Discussion Board] for posted updates. Many of these, both past and present, will keep you informed and aware of any changes occuring on both the site and in the village, or general information going on in the village.
  • Yen is earned and spent in the shop here on Ninpocho, which can be used to buy jutsu and various other items. As a new member, you will be recieving [500 Yen] as a starting package. How do you gain more yen? By Missions. Rules are found][Here][/url] and you request them [Here].
  • Along with your yen package, all new members start with stats. Please note these stats in your profile. Stats are used in accordance to NC's battle system. That information can be found [Here]. It is recommended you read over them carefully. How do you gain more stats? By training. Instructions can be found [Here]. Once you understand the instructions, you may post a topic for your training [Here].
    Starting Stats Information said:
    Agility: 5/50
    Stamina: 5/50
    Taijutsu: 5/50
    Ninjutsu: 5/50
    Genjutsu: 5/50
    Chakra Control: 0%/50%
  • <i>
Once you are ready to begin your journey here on Ninpocho, you may start RPing in Stone's [Inner Village Zones].

If you have any questions, please feel free to send a private message to any of our Stone Council Members!

[Ii Hissori]
[Yukata Oyochi]
<SIZE size="130">Thank you! Enjoy your stay in Stone and sorry for the wait!

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
