Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Last Surprise (Requesting Raikage)

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank
Well since he's been around for a while, Maru decided to meet up with the Raikage to see about allowing him a permanent stay around here. He wasn't really sure if he would even be allowed to stay around but he was apart of Umashi’s Yamamoto clan, that and there was the fact that he believed he wouldn't be leaving anytime soon since he there was that cute blue haired lady around… and Kaori… oh and they allowed mixed baths.. But nonetheless, he was interested in the village and wanted to see about maybe getting headband. Strolling into the open doors of Torre Celeste, the masked rogue checked in at the main receptionist to see where the Raikage office was. Once, he was told he thanked the help before strolling to the office where the Raikage was before standing outside of the office.

“Oh right.” He almost forgot to take his mask off for a moment, the guys in sand seemed to really not trust people who's face they couldn't see. Even if the mask didn't necessarily cover his entire face. He reached for his mask, then dropped the mask summoning Justu so his mask would simply disappear to reveal his actual face. He opened the then walked in, holding his hand up to greet the man if he was in his office. “Why yello there, Yamaru. The guy who was in your office not to long ago. Howdy.” Maru said before stepping into the office looking around to take in the surroundings. "Uhhh nice office you have here. Been doing a little sightseeing and love how peaceful it seems around here. Oh and the Forest you have here is amazing.” The rogue was pretty much trying to start conversation. “There was some mystical water there, slashed it on my face and it made me look 6 months younger.” He said, touching his face as if it was proof of his claim that he looked six month younger. The man would probably tell that the rogue wanted something...

[Requesting Raikage For Citizenship >.>]

Kogami Ayumu

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
As usual, Ayumu was buried in paperwork but he kept his office doors open and usually didn't refuse meeting unless he was simply too busy. Today his secretary informed him that a masked man was headed up to meet him. Normally, that might be cause for alarm, but Ayumu was pretty sure who this description was referring to and allowed the man to make his way up undisturbed by the guards. A few moments later, Ayumu heard footsteps as the masked man approached.

Ayumu looked up as Maru entered, recognizing his face which he had seen last time. It seemed the man had opted to lose the mask for this meeting. Setting down his pen, Ayumu nodded as Maru gave a greeting and reintroduction before somewhat awkwardly complimenting his office and the village itself. He was particularly pleased by the forest, apparently. A former Konoha shinobi, perhaps he felt something nostalgic for the forest... though he had been asked to leave that former home which led to him staying in Kumogakure for the time being. He claimed to have found some kind of magical water that made him look six months younger. Of course, if he did Ayumu couldn't exactly tell- 6 months wasn't much time and he'd only seen the man once before now. He had been wondering when he'd see him again. That was now, apparently, and clearly he was after something.

"Well, I'm glad you appreciate the natural beauty of our village. What brings you here today, Yamaru?" Ayumu asked, curious to see what the mercenary wanted to speak with him about. He had his suspicions, but he wasn't going to make any guesses.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
The secretary was just trying to do their job when Musashi barged in and past. All that he'd let escape from his mouth was that this was a matter of extreme importance, a matter of life and death for the people of Kumogakure. Was it really? Yes and no, but Musashi allowed himself to be carried by emotion. Some things just couldn't wait for formalities and deciding to burn one bridge in order to save another, he used the full weight of his ANBU rank, or lack thereof to plead his case to at least make it to the door of the man. Whoever he was in a meeting with be darned, opening the door a crack to request word, Musashi strolled in with the woman and children in tow upon seeing that it was only Maru. Quickly took off his mask revealing who he actually was to Hana and completely assuring Ayumu of the intensity of the moment.

"Raikage-sama, Ayumu . . . I have reason to believe that Konoha under the direction of Uchiha Takeshi, the Yondaime Hokage , is committing crimes against humanity of the most atrocious sort. Children being killed, men being forced to prove their loyalty by having their limbs forcibly sawn off in front of their families and the sort of general villainy that would make our most dastardly enemies, blush." It would be clear that Musashi was upset about the nature of it all but managing to keep just level enough of a head to turn to Maru, he'd point an accusatory finger at the man. "Did you know about this? Why didn't anybody tell us about this?" Grabbing at his head, the migraine that was at a four just previously, cranked up to a forty-four in record time. He was getting dizzy, and if he recalled correctly, he'd most definitely be getting his second write up in ninety days for not following proper gate protocol and allowing a person in without a passport. One more strike in so soon a fashion and he'd be finding himself without a job.

OOC: Asked permission to join with Hana. Entering topic with NPC.

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank
'Okay now the hard part.’ Maru thought the moment the guy asked what he wanted. Of course, he wasn't exactly sure where to start at first since he wasn't that good at arguing logically… well there was that one time in Tea and that was because he didn't want academy students getting hurt by that scary Sennin leaf has right now. “Oh right.. What brings me here today.” He repeated as he thought of a reply. "Weeeeeeeeeeeeeelll… as you know I pretty much a former konoha shinobi but to put your mind at ease they allowed me to leave because I pretty much chose to.” He said, that part was the truth. “I wasn't coming up the ranks like I wanted to despite being skilled enough to outclass most of my friends. Picture a huge 18-20 year old still an academy student having to chase dogs and having to do basic classes despite being strong enough to go toe to toe with low class criminals. Mastering a bunch of justu but still given lame missions like washing clothes and having to listen to students becoming a chunin out of the blue when you are waaaaaaaaay stronger than said. It's enough to drive a person mad!” He exclaimed, although taking a deep breath he held his composer. “But the real breaking point was when the new hokage decided to treat a rogue, a missing, a nuke who seemed to be pretty dangerous like a guest even though the guy seemed bloodthirsty…. They even allowed another nuke who threaten to paint my parents wall with my blood. Okay I might be looked as a mercenary but I actually try to help the villages I travel to, a lone wolf bounty hunter if you will but those people were just looking to hurt someone and that's something I don't do. But yeah that event was when I decided that I didn't belong in leaf because the government there seems based on if the high ranks like you versus skill. But-” before he could finish Musashi barged into the Raikage office.

He didn't even get to ask for citizenship yet, but what Musashi said made the scoundrels mouth drop open. Takeshi being accused of crimes against humanity for killing children and having a man prove their loyalty by having their limbs forcibly sawn off in front of their families? Did Mastermind and his group came to cloud seeking refuge? No, it was some woman. After Musashi pointed at him then demanded that for him to tell him why he didn't tell them that this was happening, Maru held his hands up as if he was in a western stick up. “Well I only knew about the child killing part, and the only reason why I didn't tell that was because the kid was trying to go missing. The other part I didn't even know about.” Maru waved his hands to calm him down.

“But there was this time in tea country when me and Kaori went to go defend some academy students who claimed that the senin was trying to… touch them. Of course, he was being falsely accused because they were about to get into serious trouble but get what this guy did next.” Maru paused then went on. “This big scary looking Sennin called in one of his captains, threaten three of those academy students lives and told the captain if me and Kaori interfered that we were to be killed. I dunno the law that well but lying on a Sennin doesn't warrant death do it?” he asked.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Uchiha Hana allowed herself to be towed along by the masked man, they entered a building and the man briskly told the secretary that it was an importance of life and death of the people in Kumogakure. She realized that her own arrival might have just put some things in motion.

When they had entered an office, the masked man removed his mask, to show who he really was. A surprise look was shown on her face. Why did this man look so familiar? And then it dawned on her. She has seen this face before. On the Hokage Rock.

"Wait... You're Umashi?" Was the only thing that came out of the red headed woman. The previous Hokage addressed on of the other men as the Raikage. So she did a slight bow, with as best as she can, holding on to her twin babies. She had thought Umashi would talk about Frost, but then he talked about how Takeshi has done some crimes against humanity.

"He had ordered Ziren, my husband to cut off one of his own arms, or else he would take my eyes out." She said. "But that's not all. There's also a country, that makes themselves an enemy of Leaf. They call themselves Frost and they had already kidnapped and incapacitated one of the Sennin there. A Sennin I know to be one to dominate the battlefield. He's already rescued, but right now the power of this unknown village is also worrisome to the people of Leaf. And my husband. He had to go back to Leaf, to help out with the war effort against Frost. But I have this feeling, that he didn't make it back. There is this one person, he told me about, from his past. Someone who has basically hunted him down since he was little. I think whoever it is, finally decided to make their move while he was in his way back to Leaf."

She didn't know why Umashi was yelling at another guy that was in the office, accusing him of knowing some of the stuff Takeshi has done but hasn't said anything about it. Then the man said that he knew about the child killing part, but didn't know anything else about him doing the stuff that Takeshi has done.

Then the guy talked about a time in Tea, when him and another person defended some academy students from a Sennin. Who, then in turn, threatened the lives of those academy students along with if he and the person the guy was with interfered, they would be killed.

Hana had a hard time processing all that was going on here.

(Entered topic as NPC Uchiha Hana, with permission)
(Ooc: Hana does know Maru, seeing as how is from Leaf. But considering how he changed bodies, and his name hasn't been spoken since she has arrived, she doesn't know who he is now, per se)

Kogami Ayumu

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
This day was certainly not going to be turning out as Ayumu envisioned. For a moment, he was fairly relaxed. He listened as Maru explained a bit of his backstory that Ayumu had not yet heard. He knew the man was a former Konoha shinobi that the village had decided to part ways with rather than calling him a rogue shinobi. Now he was explaining the circumstances behind what that had happened. Supposedly he hadn't been happy in Leaf and had been unsatisfied with the pace he had been rising, or rather not rising, through the ranks. That was one thing, but the accusations about the Hokage consorting with dangerous rogue shinobi was something else entirely. Ayumu was naturally inclined to give the Hokage the benefit of the doubt as the leader of an ally village, maybe demand some proof from Maru yet that wouldn't come to pass before the office got a lot more busy.

Suddenly, Umashi had arrived with a woman Ayumu did not recognize in tow, a baby in the woman's arms no less. Ayumu raised an eyebrow at the sudden intrusion. The look on Umashi's face once he had removed his mask said enough, this was important enough to warrant an interruption. Coincidentally, he had more to say about the Hokage. Rather, this new information came from the woman with him. Crimes against humanity, children killed, men being maimed as some sort of sick loyalty test? This was a lot of information to take in all at once. Ayumu looked to the woman who went on to confirm what Umashi had spoken of. She claimed her husband had been forced to cut his own arm off in order to save her from having her eyes removed.

Ayumu felt his face heating up as anger arose within him at the thought of this alleged atrocity, though he couldn't yet be sure if all of this was true. She continued, explaining about some new enemy of Konoha called Frost who had managed to kidnap a Sennin. On top of that, she feared her husband may have been harmed on his way back to Leaf, though she didn't say by whom. At Umashi's prompting, Maru chimed in to confirm that he had heard of the child killed, though it sounded as though this child was a shinobi attempting to go rogue. He also made mention of an incident in Tea during which he and others had been threatened by Leaf shinobi.

"That... is a lot to take in. How did you come to make it here? Does Konoha know that you're here?"<i></i> Ayumu asked of Hana, trying to gather more information. "Is there any proof of these claims?" Ayumu asked, looking between Umashi and Hana.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Thankfully Ayumu was a far more calm man in situations like this. Allowing Hana to tell her tale, Musashi calmed down as he shook his head and moved to lean against a wall. He had been allowed in the room, true, but how long he remained was up to the Raikage. Ayumu was his friend and in a situation like this, no leader like to hear that one of their own was being harmed in any sort of way. Surely Ayumu would understand why it was that Musashi burst into his office and just had to demand answers and actions. Calm words would influence matters far better than angry ones though, and taking the time to check himself, Musashi steadied his breathing and attempted to focus on solutions that wouldn't throw Kumogakure into a Cold War. The best Kage had eyes everywhere and despite not knowing exactly just what sort of ties that Takeshi might have here in Kumo, Musashi would bet his right hand that Takeshi was at least somewhat aware of how his actions would be playing out. Or at least he assumed that Takeshi was that much self aware.

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank

Thinking of what she could do so she may can prove that she was telling the truth, considering that Ziren wasn't actually here and the woman probably wouldn't have snapshot the moment he needed to he perhaps could come up with something that she may con prove herself with. “Well… I don't know about the other stuff but did you actually see your husband having to cut off his arm for some loyalty test.” Maru asked, keeping his personal feelings aside so he could sound like he was neutral. “I mean do you have a snapshot of the moment? Is this guy here to show us? If you witnessed this perhaps you can show through a detailed memory of the moment where he told this Ziren guy to cut his arm off or else he'll take your eyes.” He wasn't sure if the lady could prove herself but he at least wanted to give her some options of what she could do.

The name Ziren he kinda remembered, though the memory of him was a bit fuzzy. Leaf had changed a lot since he left, the Sennin threatening children and the death of a academy student was all that he knew about but from how they treated this Ziren guy it was a miracle that the guy didn't go missing. But then again he did have family there so perhaps leaving them behind wasn't really a good idea. That was probably the only thing that was good for him, there was nothing really at leaf to make him want to go back there… However there was one thing he had to know.

"Did you do anything to warrant him threatening you?" he already could've guessed the answer but he had to know. Guess asking for cloud citizenship could wait a bit.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Hana started to feel a sense of dread again, as they started to ask questions, as if not trusting her. Even the guy that Umashi had just yelled at, seems skeptical of what she had just said.

She set the babies fown, keeping a close eye on them to make sure they don't accidentally get some important documents in their mouths, and she lift up the side of her shirt, to reveal a scar.

"I was stabbed, in the side. Takeshi, he put a sword in my side, and told Ziren to take the sword out of me, and use that very same sword to cut his own arm off." Tears started to form back in her eyes, remembering the horrors of that day. How her point of view of the world instantly changed.

"I don't have a snapshot, no. And my husband, as I said before I don't know if he even made it back to Leaf. What I can do, if you want proof, is show you through a Tsukiyomi. And if you don't trust me of using Tsukiyomi, then have a Yanamaka come in here to look through my memories. I know that it is hard to trust someone, especially with the things said, but if you can't trust me, then trust my memories, of what a Yanamaka sees in them.

She stopped to look at her children. Little Yuna and Moji we're oddly quiet, watching their mother with big eyes. Hana turned her attention back to the Raikage.

"I came here, with a small bit of help from my husband. He had asked his Sennin, if his family could leave Leaf, as dangerous as it has been as of late, with both enemies outside of the gates, and civil unrest inside the Gates. She let him do it. Ziren, he was ordered to only escort me, and Yuna, and Moji to the outer village zone of the Fire Country. We were lucky enough to not be attacked by any Frost when we left the Gates. After I parted ways with my husband, I've done what I could to keep my babies safe, and warm. I made it to your Gates, and talked to Umashi, explaining why I was here. He then brought me with him here. This is how I made it here."

Kogami Ayumu

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Ayumu looked at Maru as the man asked a few questions of his own and then turned his full attention back to the woman as Umashi had gone quiet for the moment to listen to her as well. Hana lifted her shirt slightly to show a scar from where she had supposedly been stabbed by Takeshi with the same sword he would force Ziren to cut his own arm off with. The woman's tears and the sight of the wound tugged at Ayumu's sense of justice, but they weren't proof. She suggested that she could replay the moment for them with her doujutsu or that a Yamanaka could peer into her memories to verify the accuracy of her claims. To explain how Hana had made it this far, she claimed that a Sennin had permitted Ziren to take her and the children outside of Leaf, starting the journey which had led them here.

"I see. Forgive me, I haven't asked your name yet, miss..." Ayumu began, prompting for the refugee to give her name. "I mean no offense, but your Tsukiyomi is of no use given that you would be able to manipulate it to match your story. If we have someone with the skill to look in to your memories, that may be a more fruitful exercise. We'll look into that,"<i></i> Ayumu replied, scratching his chin as he tried to recall somebody with that ability. If so, he'd have to have them check with Hana. For now, he had her testimony and Maru's own stories which suggested that hers wasn't entirely implausible. On top of that, Umashi seemed more than willing to believe these allegations, and Takeshi was his successor in the role of Hokage. This meeting had suddenly turned extremely troubling. What did this mean for the treaty between the two shinobi villages that Umashi and Ayumu had established together?

"For the time being, we will offer you and your children asylum as we try to investigate these claims. I'll have my secretary set you up with a room in a local hotel,"<i></i> Ayumu continued, giving Hana permission to stay in Kumogakure. Ayumu needed to have a few chats with some of the other leaders in the village to decide how to proceed with this information. Perhaps with Umashi and others familiar with the in workings of Leaf as well.

"Unless there's more to say, I suggest you and your children go and rest. I know the journey here from Fire Country is not easy," Ayumu suggested, hoping that there was not more ill tidings she had left unsaid thus far. If she was ready to leave, the secretary back in the lobby would take care of providing her with a room and a guide to the hotel. Ayumu turned his attention to Maru again, for he had been the first to show up to this impromptu meeting.

"Was your coming here today related to this, or was it a separate matter?"<i></i> Ayumu asked, unsure.

[Hana is given permission to stay in the village for now.]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
"Uchiha Hana." Hana said, introducing herself to the Raikage. As she had thought, using Tsukiyomi would not be the correct answer. But in fact, her second option to have proof was enough. Of having someone look into her memories.

Relief flooded to her as the man allowed her and her children to stay inside of the Village. She got out of her seat, and bowed to Ayumu. "Thank you, Raikage-sama. This means a lot to me, and my babies."

Little Yuna, the purple hair baby, was looking at Umashi, crawling towards him, whereas Moji was looking over at Maru, his mouth open, and just staring. The man, then did a kind of polite dismiss, suggesting that her and her children will need to rest. So Hana picked up her twin babies and followed the secretary out and to the nearest hotel.

At the hotel, Hana layed the two on the bed, where they quickly fell asleep. They must have been exhausted, and she is too. But Hana just sat by, next to the window, looking out, wondering what had happened to her husband.

(NPC Uchiha Hana left topic unless stopped)

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank
'Wait the children goes to a asylum and Hana gets a hotel?’ not being that educated, he thought that the Raikage was sending those poor children into a mental institution rather than allowing the children citizenship into the village. But he said that her and her children could stay inside of the village his initial worried look on his face relaxed knowing that those poor leaf children wasn't going to mental institution. So with Hana finally leaving, the Raikage asked him if he came for a meeting today for this situation with leaf or was he here on a separate matter and the rogue jolted upon realizing that now was his chance to ask for citizenship like he was originally here to do. “Oh! Yeah I am here for a different reason entirely.” He said, then straightening up his back so he could look professional.

“Well the reason why I came here was because I wanted to see if you were interested in hiring me as a official Cloud Shinobi.” he explained, before continuing. “As you are aware I am a Shinobi with no nation and I relatively kept out of trouble while I was staying here. Heck I even helped one of yo shinobi with hunting down some weird creature that was lurking around the Forest. I'm asking because I was interested in trying to study further on these creatures that around here in hopes to get the future generation of creature hunters some information on some of the nasty things wandering around. A career in monster hunting is all I ask for, I could start as a Genin if I have to but will you consider it?” He asked, clasping both of his hands together then closing his eyes.

He already had a monster hunting hobby already that began when he was in Tea when that big fire breathing lizard was terrorizing the farms. With any luck the rogue could end up being a famed monster slayer or paranormal investigator if he was lucky enough to become a actual Shinobi for the hidden Cloud Village. If the Raikage was looking for someone who was experienced, he indeed had some experience in being a medical intern, a little bit of Anbu training under his belt, he was even in the main branch at one time. Plus he was also known in Soons Haven since he had a 50% share of one of the merchant lady's trading company there which he hoped to expand one day but right now he just wanted to be apart of something bigger since it looks like Leaf was going to the pits.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Smiling, Musashi was pleased to see that a level head had prevailed and that Hana would be allowed to stay. Though she was an Uchiha, it was often family that hurt the most so he didn't see it as totally out of the realm of possibility that her claims were against the Hokage himself. Strange things tended to happen when people got into power. Some put checks and balances in place to keep themselves from growing out of control and others simply allowed the power to corrupt them. Listening on, Musashi watched as things further developed between Maru and the Raikage. Now in an awkward position of having to be in on a meeting that normally he wouldn't be privy to, he slowly moved towards the door and stood on guard for a bit more. Maybe a few more minutes and then he'd slip away when the time was right.

Kogami Ayumu

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
The woman called Hana had given Ayumu much to think about. Little did he know that was only the beginning of it. For now, Maru had his own request to be made. It didn't come as the biggest surprise that he was looking to become a shinobi of Cloud. Making a living as a mercenary shinobi wasn't easy. You simply didn't get the same steady work that a village shinobi would get unless you were willing to do some pretty unsavory work. Besides that, he had taken on an identity as one of the Yamomoto clan, invented by Umashi who presently was a Cloud shinobi himself. As he claimed, Ayumu had not heard that the man had gotten into any trouble in his stay within Cloud thus far. On top of that, he had apparently lent some aid to Kumo shinobi during his stay. He sought to join the Main Branch, to become a monster hunter in the branch's new division. The man had fought decently against Umashi, so there was little doubt that he was skilled, it was a matter of whether there was risk in taking him on as a Cloud shinobi. The Hokage had apparently decided to send him away himself- it wasn't as though he'd gone rogue. In Ayumu's eyes that made him fair game, but was he trustworthy? Ayumu turned to Umashi who seemed to be inching away.

"Musashi, he's your "family", right? Would you advocate for this course of action? That I allow him to become a shinobi of Cloud?"<i></i> Ayumu asked. Naturally, Umashi knew him better than anybody else Ayumu could ask. He'd made the decision to help provide the man with a new identity and get him into the village in the first place. Would he go so far as to vouch for him in this? Ayumu trusted Umashi, so his endorsement certainly meant something.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Straightening up, a cold sweat and a smirk cracked across his face. Yikes! Apparently all the paperwork wasn't sealed in ink yet. Clearing his throat, he stepped back towards the heart of the room and nodded his head. "Yeah, he's a bit rough around the edges, in a prankster little brother sort of way. I trust him with my life though, and should he ever attempt any of the sort of unthinkable things that one might assume of him . . . I'll strike him down myself without hesitation."

Turning his head to face Yamaru, Musashi cocked his head to the side and spoke directly at the boy. "And he knows this to be a universal truth." Shrugging and then taking a step back, Musashi did have to concede one fact. "His old peeps probably won't like it all that much if we're flaunting him around though. So I ditched his old body . . . well . . . it's in a bag that I keep in one of those quote unquote chakra void realm thingies that some shinobi can make. When Konoha next shows up. They'll get the bag in good faith but yeah . . . I'd say that he's a good catch. Keep him!" Hopefully things went that smoothly in person when it came time for it.

OOC: Giving my positive vote of confidence.

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank
After stating his interest in joining the village, the rogue looked took a glance at Umashi who was originally trying to sneak out of the room but was put on the spotlight when the Raikage wanted to see if he would be able to vouch for him so he could be a shinobi of cloud. The guy did give him a new face, a new identity and a new life so it kinda made sense since the man did know a lot about him. So far what the man was saying was all good, but he did also explain that he wasn't liked much by his old village, hence why he had to ditch his old body in some chakra void realm. “Wait? Void realm?” He asked, how could people make chakra void realms? The rouge was wondering about this for a moment since he didn't know people could actually do that but his mind didn't drift on that for too long because it seemed that the old man was interested in making him a cloud shinobi too though the part about striking him down did seem a bit…. much. He hasn't caused any trouble around the village at all, not to mention he didn't even steal anything since the last time he was in Tea Country with those academy students who wanted to crash some rich person's party.

Also the part about handing in his old body seemed a bit much too since he was released from the village and wasn't wanted. To hunt the guy they kicked out of the village seemed a bit stupid, but so was for the Sennin to punch a kid who claimed that he touched him or stabbing innocent women. “Yeah. From what I'm getting leaf is getting to be a bit… wild so Musashi kinda helped me fake my death since it was kinda looking like they would try to start something if they see me even though they let me go. Like a guy with no village association, they might find any excuse to try to get rid of me. But you see even Musashi is vouching for me to stay, common what do ya say?”

Kogami Ayumu

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Not only was Umashi willing to give an opinion on the matter, his faith in the man now known as Yamaru seemed pretty strong. Trusted with his life, no less. Goodness. "Well, if that isn't a shining endorsement I don't know what is," Ayumu mused, turning his attention from Umashi to Maru once more and giving the man a once over. He had certainly behaved since arriving and now had Umashi's recommendation. It wasn't common for mercenaries to be accepted into the ranks of Kumogakure, but then it wasn't common for them to ask either.

"Alright, then. I'll allow it. Don't make me regret it now, okay?"<i></i> Ayumu finally decided, looking at both Maru and Umashi. "If you're interested in monster hunting, that'll put you in the Main Branch under Kagetsu Yuii the Sennin. Make sure you treat her with the same respect you'd afford me,"<i></i> Ayumu informed Maru, letting him know who his new boss would be. Hopefully Yuii wouldn't be too cross with Ayumu for letting some random mercenary join her branch. Especially one this eccentric.

"I'll be recommending the rank of Chuunin, though I'll defer to her judgement on the matter,"<i></i> Ayumu concluded. Hopefully Maru would be pleased to have his request granted and would have no qualms with his new rank. From Ayumu's understand he'd been demoted to a student before he left Konoha though Ayumu preferred to make his own assessments in regards to whether that was just a move out of spite or for good reason.

"At any rate, Musashi here is right... it would be best if you dissociated with your old life... who knows how Konoha would feel about you ending up here? Of course if they found out, I'd have to deny any knowledge of you ever being anybody other than Yamaru,"<i></i> Ayumu went on. It was best for all parties if Konoha simply forgot about the man that was called Maru.

[OoC: Permitting Maru to join the ranks as a Chuunin. Yuii was okay with this rank.]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Clapping his hands together, he quickly bowed his head towards Ayumu . . . since that was the only thing that actively came to mind for him to do. "Thank you! You're a greater than many most, Raikage-sama. I'll see to it that Yamaru quickly gets to work!" Waiting for the boy to quickly thank his new boss, he would snatch him away towards his first mission . . . cleaning out the dog kennels. The perfect puppers were perfect . . . but they also made a perfect mess of things. They wouldn't clean themselves and if Yamaru was trying to make it to Jounin, then he had a whole lot of logged mission hours to complete. One doggo at a time! Perhaps in due time he'd work his way up to the real serious missions, like babysitting a rich baronesses pet iguana or maybe even delivering ramen. Maybe one day, but not today! Grunt work was the best sort of humbling work!

OOC: ^^ Gratz Maru! [Topic left unless stopped]

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