Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Lead the blind to a new Horizon [Req. Entry and more]

Oct 4, 2015
Kurokawa walked around just outside the Dojo. Banners and such displays of stature and power meant nothing more than any other flag to her seeing as she could not grasp the design embedded in the textile anyway. With her stone forehead protection worn like a belt and her purple head garment placed over her eyes, disappearing into her silver hair which had a tint of pink in it, she would walk closer to the large building hoping to be approached by someone with the knowledge to guide her forward. She had been in the outer parts of Suna for her Chuunin exam but this was the first time she ventured closer to the central parts of the city. So far all she knew of Suna was that apparently they liked adding extra tasks to their tests without warning. Stuff that would not normally be part of it like placing the test to advance in a temple but then making sure that after it was completed one also had to travel through miles of desert wasteland with no sense of direction hoping to find someone who could guide the way. Luckily back then she was not alone. She wondered if she could find Golz again. Not that she was in Suna, if he would stay friends with her they could actually keep in contact. Her inner spirit always seemed to pick up on her thoughts and join in with some inner dialogue. Questions or remarks.

Sahqo Golz. If I had a body he would be this countries closest thing to what I would be. You think he is still around? They might have imprisoned him again. Or worse killed him. I do hope we are able to meet again. I would love to talk with him at length if I could borrow your voice at some point.

Didn't think of it that way but I guess he is kind of your kin in a way. Though I do have to brush up on lore regarding Ancients before I would say that for certain. Seems there is quite the violent history behind that aspect of wind country. Oh well better try to introduce myself.

She would call out in hopes that someone would help her find her way.

"Excuse me? Anybody here?"

[OOC: Requesting entry and enrollment (Went missing last minute cause I did not have the time to travel here as a stoner and enroll before it swapped to leaf. Education got in the way)]
[Link to entry into the country if that is needed:]
[Rank: A. Travel Time: 1 hour (Not sure if needed when requesting entry but just in case)]
[Notes. " " means speech while black glow is inner dialogue.]


11th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012
Episode 1: 'At the Gates'| ANBU Corps Arc said:
[col]Once more stalking what was their make shift village gates, Tenken would notice a figure approaching. His eyes would merely watch her as she seemed to walk around either taking in the massive structure and all of its prideful labeling, or they were merely trying to figure out how to get in. When she called out to see if anyone was there, it became apparent what her motivation was, at least for walking around outside of the dojo. Moving from his perch on the highest point of the dojo, the masked man would make his way down to the ground. He would land a few feet away from her, cautiously keeping distance from the newcomer.

"Your name and reason for being here?"

Thanks to his specially designed skull-like helmet, his voice would come out distorted, in a deeper more inhuman tone. It was a simple trick that caused some fear in those with weaker wills, like petty level criminals and civilians, and for fellow shinobi it provided the only thing he needed; further obstruction to telling who was behind the mask of Tenken. The glowing red eyes of the ANBU member would remain locked on the figure before him as he would wait for a response.



Rank ANBU Commander
Epithet: Heavenly Punishment
Height: 6'2"
Build: Lean and Muscular
Blood Type: O Negative
Stamina: 50,400
Chakra: 31,200
Power Level: 3600 [CL: 15]
Stamina: 600 / 600
Agility: 600 / 600
Ninjutsu: 600 / 600
Taijutsu: 600 / 600
Genjutsu: 600 / 600
Chakra Control: 600 / 600
Fight Data
WiPActionsWiPWeapon EquippedWiPMood MusicWiPMISC X
Oct 4, 2015
Kurokawa's keen sense of hearing would pick up Tenken as soon as he started moving towards her so when he landed, not too far to her she just stood still waiting for him to take the initiative. She had spoken once already after all. She would not be dressed for the dessert with her clothing generally having too much exposed skin for a sandstorm. A dark dress with purple lines around the edges spanning from just under shoulder height to mid thigh. Long sleeves going from hand to mid biceps leaving the shoulders and neck free. Long socks stopping around where the dress starts. Both sleeves and socks are in the same layout as the dress with black base and purple edges. The most prominent feature would be her Harlequin mask, seemingly made in the same purple fabric found elsewhere. It would have no visible holes for the eyes but parts of it could be transparent. Her forehead would have no red marks but the top of a kani Tattoo could be seen on her back when her hair would be moved out of the way by the wind. The Character for Black would be mostly visible.

Tenken spoke in a disturbing voice, mostly resembling that of one of the two villain like people she had met back in stone. Her face changed from questioning to almost expressionless while she would tilt her head slightly in his direction to pick up any sign of hostile movement. So far however she did not pick up any killing intent and judging from the nature of his inquiry she figured he was some form of guard robot set up to ward off unwanted intruders.

"Kurokawa. Hashigaki Kurokawa. I seek a new home after stone disbanded to form leaf. A friend of mine from stone lived here and another should still live here if something terrible hasn't happened, so I came to Suna to see if I could make a new home here."

She figured anything but spilling the beans completely would just delay the process or seem suspicious. On the other hand, giving her life's story could likewise delay this beyond necessity.

[WC: 359]


11th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012
Episode 2: 'Home is Where You Make It'| ANBU Corps Arc said:
[col]Well now this was an interesting piece of gate duty to come across. This individual was a member of another shinobi village, Stone, and there seemed to be something happening in that part of the world as it seems Stone was going through some upheaval or transition to Leaf.

Leaf... didn't something happen there? We have a couple here that were part of the old Leaf... this should make for interesting conversation once the rest of the world starts hearing more about this situation. Now what do we do with this one...

"So, you are seeking a home in Sunagakure no Sato? We have had some issues with outsiders and are currently in a tumultuous situation within our own country..."

He would pause for a moment.

"...that said, our Kazekage is a wise and gentle man. He seems to hold compassion for people that is both admirable and foolish."

Raising his right arm up, his hand would press his communication device.

"This is Tenken, Co-Commander of the ANBU. A Hashigaki Kurokawa, formerly of Iwa, is requesting an audience with the Kazekage or one of the Sennin to discuss her relocation to Suna. She will be heading that way shortly."

His hand would release its applied pressure to the device and his attention would once more focus on the female.

"Go to the Kazekage's Tower."

The over six foot figure clad in black would raise his arm into the air and point off into the distance to a massive structure that towered off in the distance, surrounded by what appeared to be a residential area.

"Half of the village is still underground, again, we are going through an interesting time right now, but for your next stop you'll be able to travel on the surface relatively easy. Go to the tower and await for a meeting with a member of the village leadership, they will determine if you are welcomed into the village as a new member. Best of luck."

Coincidentally, under his mask he was one of the three Sennin. There was a high probability he would be meeting this female once more unless another Sennin or Sousuke beat him to it.

Granting Access to the village. Go make a post whenever you are ready in the Kazekage and just set it requesting Sousuke and/or the Sennins and depending on who appears we will go from there =) Welcome to the sand box!

Rank ANBU Commander
Epithet: Heavenly Punishment
Height: 6'2"
Build: Lean and Muscular
Blood Type: O Negative
Stamina: 50,400
Chakra: 31,200
Power Level: 3600 [CL: 15]
Stamina: 600 / 600
Agility: 600 / 600
Ninjutsu: 600 / 600
Taijutsu: 600 / 600
Genjutsu: 600 / 600
Chakra Control: 600 / 600
Fight Data
WiPActionsWiPWeapon EquippedWiPMood MusicWiPMISC X

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
