Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Leads [Requesting Exit]


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Today was the day. Kasen looked down at the parchment in her hand. To other's it appeared to be nothing of significance but to Kasen it left a feeling of dread. The parchment had 4 simple words on it. I've been watching you. Kasen bit her lip carefully, the shark like teeth poking out over it. The small redhead folded the paper up carefully and placed it into her pocket. She had came upon a small tip that indicated there may be some ties to another facility holding like the one she had been held in as a child and combined with the note it didn't instill confidence. Kasen figured it could probably be a trap but she needed to see for herself. However this required her to venture a little further from this place she had been living. She needed to get someone to grant her exit in order for her to continue her private investigation. Kasen clasped her hands in front of her, her foot kicking at the sand beneath her. She looked around to see if anyone official was around. She pulled her passport papers out of her small bag she was bringing with her, ready to leave. "Excuse me, can I get some assistance?"

[Requesting Exit]
[This is considered to be taking place before my characters current state as to add some background, but otherwise has no effect, this is for my own reference]


Aug 20, 2016
OOC Rank
It seemed like a simple enough mission and got her numbers up for the eventual rewards that came with completing so many requests. She'd expected to meet all kinds of people going in and out of the village, both people who were interesting or people who she could just look awesome in front of and swell her ever-growing ego just a bit more. Alas, gate duty was nothing of the sort. "Thank the mistress this is only a one-day thing..." She grumbled to herself as she slouched against one of the walls just above the entrance and tried her best to simply keep her eyes open.

Every hour or so one or two people might pass by, she'd do the checks and move them along, no one even wanted to stir up trouble which would have at least made for a good snack. She had pretty much accepted that she was going to have an uneventful day but perhaps she could meet someone she knew at the very least. As she was thinking just that the red-haired female whom she'd met only briefly once or twice was seen to be approaching. Teke was unsure as to why but she got up from her slouched position and straightened up a little.

She waited for the woman, Kasen if she recalled correctly, to approach and seek assistance before hopping down and right in front of her with a big, toothy grin. "Heya Red!" She announced looking far more cheerful now that someone so... appealing had arrived. "Goin' on a trip? I'm required to ask where and why... Oh, and papers please!" It was meant to be subtle but Kasen would not be able to unsee the fact that Teke was sizing her up and seemed to be rocking side to side a little trying to peek behind her for some reason. "Not up to anything dangerous I hope... I'd hate to lose such a fine piece of meat..." She trailed off a little and was clearly trying to catch a look at her butt at this point, quickly trying to correct this as she came to realize what she was even saying and doing. Why did she even care? This woman was just a human as far as she knew and humans were pretty useless and below her and yet she had no desire to just eat this person, very strange and new feelings she'd need to look further into.


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Kasen jumped out of her skin as the voice that came close to her. She had been so caught up in thinking about what she would do if she did come across one of the facilities that she hadn't realized someone was already there. She quickly smiled though, realizing it was Teke. She hadn't seen her for quite some time, but she had developed a fondness for the girl she met for 3.5 seconds at the asylum that one time. It was a strange feeling considering she didn't seem to have very many friends despite being overly cheerful. Perhaps that was why. Or it could be linked to her temporary depression she went through after the sandworm attack. Either way, a familiar face was more than welcome. "Teke! It's wonderful to see you again. " Kasen handed over the documents that were in her hand, all of it being very straightforward. However, upon hearing Teke's second half of that sentence, Kasen flushed a vibrant red, nearly as red as her hair. She tugged at one of her longer locks and twisted it nervously around her finger. "Oh...well...I mean I wouldn't know about that....I mean...I mean I'm just following up on some family business and need to take a trip outside of Wind Country. Nothing dangerous." Kasen didn't fully disclose everything, but it wasn't entirely a lie either. She had been covering up some things for a while, even to her brother whom she had not seen for a while either in fact. She could only hope he was ok too. During her stuttering, Kasen noticed Teke's eyes had wandered for a few seconds, and she wasn't sure the girl had heard entirely everything, but when most of your words were just nervous babbling, it didn't make a lot of sense to pay that much attention. Kasen took that time to observe Teke herself, not for the first time, but the girl was much older now. And she was aging very well. Kasen flushed even more crimson. Those thoughts weren't appropriate, right? Teke was...a friend, of sorts, right? Kasen quickly cleared her throat. "Um, we should...that is to say...when I get back we should go do something...dinner maybe...catch up...or whatever? Would...would that be some thing you found to be...favorable?" Kasen's eyes looked back to the sand again, unable to make eye contact since her nerves were literally jumping everywhere. She waited for the other girl to respond.


Aug 20, 2016
OOC Rank
Teke nodded along as she was eyeing the girl up, half listening and half trying to figure out just why she was so interested in this woman to the point that even eating her seemed out of the question. She took a moment to actually look at the papers and everything seemed to be in order from what she had learned only earlier in the day so she had no problems to voice with her leaving.

Teke got a strange feeling in her stomach upon the next words the redhead spoke, her eyes narrowed slightly but something told her that this was a good thing as much as she was confused at the moment. "I mean, yeah... That might be nice." She gave her answer pretty quickly as her eyes were now drawn to the girl's beet red face. "Cute..." She thought to herself as a fair few moments of staring went by before Teke with some strange reflex reached up and grabbed the girls collar, pulling her down so their faces met and she stared even harder. "I don't get it..." She said this softly as she really was confusing herself but at that moment she moved closer ever so slightly bumping their lips together, still holding the girl hostage to this strange play before her actual instinct kicked in and she remembered where they were and how odd they probably looked and she tried to speak at that moment to apologise and instead ended up biting Kasens lower lip. The taste of blood in her mouth was pleasant but she let go of the girl and had a shocked look on her face and a pink hue on her cheeks.

"Ermm, sorry I don't quite know what I was thinking... I guess I wanted a taste?" She asked more so than stated but didn't expect an answer figuring her instincts just expected her to take a bite. "But yes, everything is in order and you're free to go. Don't be too long though... or something." She handed Kasen her stuff back and smiled again though it was coyer that the one she had shown upon her initial arrival.

[Exit Approved]
[Leaving Thread]


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Upon hearing Teke agree to seeing each other again after Kasen returned from her investigation, Kasen had a large vibrant grin on her face, absolutely beaming. She thought she heard Teke say something quietly but she didn't have time to ponder it as she suddenly lurched forward ever so slightly. Her face was only inches apart from Teke's, something that, while they have been in rather...compromised positions before...made her blush nearly from head to toe. "Teke?" Teke looked at her almost confused, as if focused in a deep concentration or train of thought. Kasen opened her mouth ever so slightly to ask another question when she felt the softest of pressure touch her lips. She felt a small shock and enjoyed the small sensation when suddenly there was a small ounce of pain. Teke pulled away quickly after that, blushing a rather flattering shade of pink. Kasen's heart fluttered at the sight. She raised her hand when she felt the familiar taste of iron in her mouth. She licked her lips ever so carefully, the wound healing almost instantly. She frowned, for once hoping it would stay a bit longer, but her genetics would ultimately refuse her wishes. It was then that her brain finally caught up with her and in some odd way or another, that was technically a kiss. Or was it? Yes that definitely was, but maybe not?

Kasen's face, still flushed, heard Teke clarify that she wanted a taste. Kasen tugged on the hem of her shirt, shyly looking at the other girl. " would like to sample the whole menu later?" Kasen could barely believe she got that out. But she felt smooth that she had. Lame as it may be, it played on a food innuendo pun and damn it she was proud of that. Kasen took her papers back, Teke giving her the go ahead. Based on the look of the other girl's face, Kasen was beginning to grow a bit too warm. "A-Anyway, thanks so much Teke. I'll find you once I'm back!" Kasen nervously ran off, eager to calm her body down after this...interesting encounter.

[Village Left]
[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
