Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Leaf OCR Yuko ---> Yomoko


Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Old Character Name: Yuko
Old Village/Missing: Sand/ Suna
OCR Type: Retire through inactivity
Last Known Where-abouts: Toraono Dojo I’m guessing, no idea to be honest
Old IC Rank: Genin

New Character Name: Nanijori Yomoko
Preferred Username: Yomoko

New Village/Missing: Konoha/Leaf
New BL/CA:. Nanijori

Custom Class:
Bleeding Blade
HP: (55+lvl) x stamina
CP: (45+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: +1 Accuracy, +20% Chance of inflicting Bleeding
High: Melee Accuracy
Average: Dodge, Genjutsu Save, Ninjutsu Accuracy
Low: Genjustu DC, Ranged Accuracy

Main Branch/ANBU/Med-Nin: Main for now. Maybe ANBU later
IC Rank: Chuunin

Character Age: 16
Gender: Male
Sex: Male
Character's Physical Description: An Athletic built, five foot seven, black hair and black kimono Shinobi from the Sand village. His Hair is short and spikey, some may even call messy but he could care less about his appearance. He has no tattoos on his body nor any scars for that matter. The only thing that could be considered odd is he has emerald green eyes, a gene passed down through his family on his father side.


Character's Mental Description: For the most part, Yomoko is even keel. He has strong feelings of loyalty towards his village and country almost ensuring he would never go missing unless something catastrophic and traumatic happened. He does not hang out with a lot of people from his academy class and would not be surprised if none of them remembered him either. Not to say he is a lone wolf but he does not particularly have any close friends either.

Multiple Personality Application: n/a

Character History:

Where should one start when blood is involved. Going back to ancient times of war and savagery or to the current of blood shed over misunderstandings. Yomoko’s story goes back to his grandfather’s time when the village was a peace before the Daimyo’s decided time of war. His family has worked contractually for the Daimyo as ninja, doing missions as they would come up that would play favor to the leaf village but also help it keep face with the country leader. Yomoko was in the academy when conflict of the Daimyo happened. His grandfather saw this as a betrayal to the village and could not reconcile what had happened. To him the Shinobi were assisting the country leader but in turn the Daimyo and his Samurai murdered their friends and family. His grandfather bewildered and unable to reconcile the politics of the country. As a result, he left the family and has not been seen sense. However, upon leaving he left a singular black katana with a flower hilt behind for Yomoko. He would no longer need it as he was no longer there to serve.


Yomoko did not understand what his grandfather could not reconcile. He understood it all too well. The Daimyo felt threatened by shinobi, their reputation, and their power. He was a weak man trying to stay relevant in a world that did not need him. The Leaf was the strong, the powerful and the respected. The Daimyo was an outdated system that was just a figure head and he overstepped in his jurisdiction which brought upon the war. To Yomo, this seemed rational, stupid maybe, but rational. All that blood shed though for nothing, that is what bothered the young academy student at the time. He was ten years old but the boy understood things that most did not. Yomoko’s parents were also shinobi. His mother a Mednin at the hospital helping wherever she could and his Dad was a Jounin. Their family was not high end but due to the missions before the war they had money set aside from his grandfather. Middle class is the most appropriate way to describe the family’s economic status. He was not raised with a silver spoon and never took the easy way out while growing up. Yomoko always had the mentality of working for the things he wanted or the goals he wanted to achieve rather than be handed it.

As a Genin, Yomoko went with his father on C-Rank mission just outside the gates. Yomo was a quick study and had learned some higher level jutsu and being with a Jounin ranked shinobi, the mission leader allowed the exception due to it was a stealth mission and shouldn’t require combat. Yomo was starting to master the elements while training his skills with his blade. The mission was just a simple intelligence gathering. Apparently, some Bandits were trying to set up shop between the village Gates and the Valley of the end which was in the path of Konoha’s trade route to other villages and resources. Some simple recon to see how large the force was if there was an optimal way to take them out or drive them off was the goal. They left on a Friday afternoon for the mission and moved through the countryside to find the camp. That evening they found the location and summarized there were roughly a dozen bandits that had banded together to make camp. His father and him moved quietly through the trees to assess what type of weapons. They seemed like a simple bunch, nothing overly sophisticated; swords, rapiers a few scimitars and some daggers. The one that seemed to be in charge had a Red Katana and wore a green shirt and black pants standing roughly six feet tall.

Yomoko wanted to move in and just take them out now. With both their trainings they should be able to handle it without an issue. “That’s not the mission” his father reminded him. Yomoko wanted to argue that they could take the initiative and just get it done. His father shook his head and reminded him that they did not have all the details and there was a reason that this was a scouting mission and not anything further. The duo swiftly and stealthily went back to the village to fill in their scouting report.

That was the last that they had heard about those bandits for a few months. Paperwork was completed and filed but as far as Yomoko knew nothing came upon it. It seemed odd that all they wanted was intel on a group. If they posed a threat why not take care of the problem?

While training with his father on his sword work, he had been given his grandfather’s blade that was left behind. The black hilt and silver blade were perfect for his size. He had a bond for it, which felt almost ancestral . His father and grandfather’s side of the family comes from a long line of Nanijori style blade users. This bloodline wasn’t like the Hyuuga or the Uchiha where they unlocked some noticeable ability that could be seen physically. This was a way of life and training. Through this they would unlock that ancestral feeling with their blade and Yomoko having his grandfather’s katana only helped expedite that. His move felt fluid when he used the blade versus others. There was a connection to his family roots and the past of others. He would meditate with the blade to help grow a strong connection. After months of training the link was formed. Sometimes he would talk to the sword as if it could answer him. He mastered his blade work to the best of his ability, constantly trying to find ways to get better to include his ninjutsu into his Taijutsu prowess.

These finished up his year as a Genin and he took the written chuunin exam followed by his battle exam. He was put up against an elder Jounin and was told to win in a fight. So… a Genin fighting a Jounin, that seems logical for me to do… He thought to himself sarcastically as he drew his Ancestral weapon. He stood there taking in his surroundings as the two of them were in the middle of a training ground. His sword shined and then burst into flames as he channeled fire ninjutsu through it in hoping to give himself some sort of advantage. Hoping to catch the Jounin off guard in how well versed he was in ninjutsu. The elder shinobi smiled as he pulled his own sword and channeled lightning through it. The fight than began as Yomoko swung diagonally upwards from his opponents right hip to left should trying to create an opening but the jounin parried and countered with his own. Yomo barely blocked it and pushed off the jounin, jumping backwards to create a few steps of distance between the two. This started at high noon and the fight went on for about thirty minutes until Yomoko started to get tired. He wasn’t winning by any stretch of the means and he wasn’t going to pass his chuunin exam at the rate of this. Even if he showed he could hold his own, it wasn’t showing he was good enough to move to the next rank. He threw a smoke bomb to cover himself, channel the jutsu [i]Heat wave {master rank}[/I] towards his opponent. When he saw him dodge into the air, Yomo used Zantetsuken {master rank} in a last ditch attempt to win. He was tired, sweating and had used up more chakra during the fight than he had ever before. Nothing had been making any real impact on the fight so far so he hoped this might do something. He felt his blade connect with something as he plunged it into the body. It exploded in a cloud of fire and ash, a clone. The jounin re-appeared behind Yomo as he landed with his blade to his neck and simply said “checkmate.” He had lost the match, he had failed. The exam proctor came up to him and handed him a certificate that congratulated him on making chuunin and gave him a chuunin vest. Bewildered he looked and asked how. The Proctor simply stated “to win” and that they never stated that winning was by beating the opponent. They were looking for growth, skill and determination in face of odds that he surely couldn’t have won on his own. The goal was never meant for him to defeat his opponent, Yomoko misunderstood all along what the goal was because he wasn’t told all the details.

Clan Request: none

Death/Retirement Thread: n/a
Old Profile: n/a - can someone check to see if I did anything and missing anything, would be in Suna
Old Training: n/a – can someone check to see if I did anything and missing anything, would be in Suna
Old Dojo: n/a- can someone check to see if I did anything and missing anything, would be in Suna

Special User groups: shouldn’t have any.

Old Stats: See below, not changing
Old OOC Rank: S-Rank
Stat Cut: none? Free OCR swap due to long term inactivity

New Stats:
Stamina: 600/600
Agility: 600/600
Ninjutsu: 600/600
Genjutsu: 600/600
Taijutsu: 600/600
Chakra Control: 600/600
PL: 3,600
ASP: 122 (idk if I keep this or not?)

New OOC Rank
: S-Rank

Jutsu Mastery Swaps: I dont know how the refund process will work here- going to need councils help on how things need to be done. i gave it my best shot.


Fire: {Keep}
Thermal Maw master
Infernal Ember master

Combustive seal master
Immolation armor master
Fireball master

Dragon fire – MASTER
Searing Eruption - MASTER
Scalding Ash Cloud - MASTER
Heat Wave – MASTER

Infernal Hellfire - MASTER
Firestorm - MASTER
Spontaneous Combustion - MASTER
Ring of Fire - MASTER

Dragon Flame Bomb - MASTER
Sol Fire Tempest - MASTER
Abysmal Harbringer - MASTER
Flame Shield - MASTER

Non Elemental {Keep}

Body switch master
transformation Master

Combination transformation master
Crystal Eye master rank
Cancel master rank
Spiritual Lantern master rank
Contract Summoning master rank

Jutsu Sealing Master rank
Stunt Double Master rank
One element Sealing Master rank
Elemental Negation Master rank
Elemental clone master rank
Barrier Master rank

Shadow Shurikan replication master rank
Energy transfer master rank
Leech Seal master rank
Chakra Shield master rank
chakra blast Master rank
Rasengan master rank

Perfected Rasengan master rank
Five elemental seal master rank
Morality Sealing master rank
Natures Guard master rank
Stardust Nova master rank
Gate of Enma master rank
advanced combination transformation master

Kinesis-AE {Keep} {I’ll write this up in the dojo}
Force Blast Master rank {Kinesis-AE}
Psionic Assault Master rank {Kinesis-AE}
Kinetic Infusion Master rank {Kinesis-AE}
Force Guard Master rank {Kinesis-AE}

Psi-shock Master rank {Kinesis-AE}
Force Break Master rank {Kinesis-AE}
Mind Lock Master rank {Kinesis-AE}
Reflection Master rank {Kinesis-AE}

Kinetic Blast Master rank {Kinesis-AE}
Psionic Rend Master rank {Kinesis-AE}
Concussion Pulse Master rank {Kinesis-AE}
Redirection Master rank {Kinesis-AE}

Wind: {Keep}
Pressure beast master
Wind slash master

Shredding touch master
Air bullet master
Whirlwind spin master

Wind Scythe – MASTER
Tempest – MASTER
Gale Force - MASTER
Wind Release – MASTER

Great Wind Scythe master rank
wind scar master rank
vacuum sphere master rank
cyclone movement master rank

Tatsumaki master rank
Hurricane master rank
Ambiance of the forbidden master rank
Zephyrs grace rank master


Water: {Keep}
Pressurized mist Master rank
Water gun master rank

Water Whip Master rank
Aqua Fang Master rank
Rinse off Master Rank

impaling Hydro Jet Master Rank
Grand Waterfall master rank
Water Prison Master Rank
Rain Dance Master Rank

Torrential Vortex Master Rank
Hydro Tidal Shockwave Master Rank
Water Shark Bomb Master Rank
Mystical Pond Master Rank

Grand Hydra Excavation Master Rank
Water Dragon Bullet Master Rank
Scorn of Aquaris Master rank
Supreme Aqua Realm master rank

Refunding –
Genjutsu Kinetic

1000 years of Pain Kai master rank {Kinetic}

Facepalm Master rank {Kinetic}

Crossed Wires master rank {Kinetic}

Pox master rank {Kinetic}

Tree Binding master rank {Kinetic}
Shared Torment master rank {Kinetic}

Genjutsu Audial: {refund all audial Genjutsu}
Deception master rank {Audial}
Favoritism master rank {Audial}
Wasteful master rank {Audial}

Trembling Music master rank {Audial}
Pained Expressions master rank {Audial}
Appreciation of Music master rank {Audial}
Gong master rank {Audial}

Sometimes Shouting works master rank {Audial}
Deaf master rank {Audial}
Run it Back master rank {Audial}
Groans master rank {Audial}
Piercing Cry master rank {Audial}

Death Chime master rank {Audial}
Prolong master rank {Audial}
Leak master rank {Audial}
Wither master rank {Audial}
Bass Drop master rank {Audial}
Centralized master rank {Audial}

Devil's Whisper master rank {Audial}
Death's Anthem master rank {Audial}
Blank Slate master rank {Audial}
Radial Shock master rank {Audial}
Chakra Ravage master rank {Audial}
Auto-Tune master rank {Audial}

Genjutsu Will: [b] refund all Will Genjutsu [/B]
Lethargy master rank {Will}
Tourniquet master rank {Will}
Intimidation master rank {Will}

Amnesia master rank {Will}
False Success master rank {Will}
Leaking Mind master rank {Will}
Sear of Mind master rank {Will}

Black out master rank {Will}
Insomnia master rank {Will}
Paranoia master rank {Will}
Charismatic Breakdown master rank {Will}
Untruth master rank {Will}

Havoc of the Doomed Mind master rank {Will}
Slowed Perception master rank {Will}
Oblivious Rapture master rank {Will}
Betrayal master rank {Will}
Taunt master rank {Will}
Thought Down master rank {Will}

Torment of the Physical Plain master rank {Will}
Corruption of the Earthly Plain master rank {Will}
Chaos of the Mental Plain master rank {Will}
Mental Kombat master rank {Will}
Temple of Nirvana master rank {Will}
Repetition master rank {Will}

Genjutsu Visual: [b] refund all Visual Genjutsu [/B]
Mimic rank 1
False Surroundings rank 1
Eye Strain master rank

Basic Clone rank 1
Blur rank 1
Rorshach Eye rank 1
Double Vision master rank

Distortion rank 1
Occular Trauma rank 1
Black Flash rank 1
After-Image rank 1
Verse of Darkness master rank

Mime Box rank 1
Solar Flare rank 1
Nightmare rank 1
Depth Barrier rank 1
Perception Filter master rank
Advanced Clone master rank

Invisibility rank 1
Deja Vu rank 1
Night master rank 1
Body Double rank 1
Occular Assualt Master rank
The Reaper Gaze master rank

Swapping Jutsu

Sand: to buffing Taijutsu
Sand Stars master rank à Shadow Dance Master Rank
Sandstorm Veil master rank à Feint Master Rank
Cluster attack master rank à chakra Absorption Master Rank
Desert deflection -à Chakra Extension Master Rank

Sand Missiles master rank à Counterstrike Master Rank
Sand Clone master rank à Anabolic Frenzy Master Rank
Sand Shower master rank à Focused Assault Master Rank
Sand Coffin master rank à Concealed Steps Master Rank

Desert Tendril Unleash master rank à Devastating Aura Master Rank
Terror of the Dunes Master rank à Awakening Master Rank
Sand Tsunami Master rank à Limit Break Master Rank
Desertification Master rank à Insatiable hunger Master Rank

Genjutsu -Kinetic -àSlashing Taijutsu
Hot weapon master rank {Kinetic} à Slash Master Rank
Stun master rank {Kinetic} -à Dynamic Slash Master Rank

Drunken Stupor master rank {Kinetic} à Cross Rip Master Rank
Influenza master rank {Kinetic} à Heavy Tow Master Rank
Tickling master rank {Kinetic} à Crimson Flash Master Rank

Mist of Deceit master rank {Kinetic} à Lunar Steps Master Rank
Crippled master rank {Kinetic} à Blade Thrail Master Rank
Masochism master rank {Kinetic} à Zero Slash Counter Master Rank
Silly Fingers master rank {Kinetic} à Vanishing Slash Master Rank

Phoenix Embrace master rank {Kinetic} à Focal Blade Master Rank
Petrification master rank {Kinetic} à Kill Driver Master Rank
Lingering Spark master rank {Kinetic} à Executioner Master Rank
Crush Depth master rank {Kinetic} à Lotus Flower Master Rank
Puppet Betrayal master rank {Kinetic} à Lotus Flower Master Rank

Curse of the Leper master rank {Kinetic} à Zantetsuken Master Rank
Hemorrhagic Fever master rank {Kinetic} à Annihilation Master Rank
Delayed Agony master rank {Kinetic} à Heavenly Sword Master Rank
Parasitic Infestation master rank {Kinetic} à Fatal Draw Master Rank

Other Refunds:
don’t think I bought anything officially when I did this last time.

Name of any Contract you currently own:

Name of any Cursed Seals you currently own:
uhh none

Name of Kinjutsu you own:

Still actively roleplaying in any other threads?
don’t think so, at least I hope not

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Old Character Name: Yuko
Old Village/Missing: Sand/ Suna
OCR Type: Retire through inactivity
Last Known Where-abouts: Toraono Dojo I’m guessing, no idea to be honest
Old IC Rank: Genin

New Character Name: Nanijori Yomoko
Preferred Username: Yomoko

New Village/Missing: Konoha/Leaf
New BL/CA:. Nanijori

Custom Class:
Bleeding Blade
HP: (55+lvl) x stamina
CP: (45+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: +1 Accuracy, +20% Chance of inflicting Bleeding
High: Melee Accuracy
Average: Dodge, Genjutsu Save, Ninjutsu Accuracy
Low: Genjustu DC, Ranged Accuracy

Main Branch/ANBU/Med-Nin: Main for now. Maybe ANBU later
IC Rank: Chuunin

Character Age: 16
Gender: Male
Sex: Male
Character's Physical Description: An Athletic built, five foot seven, black hair and black kimono Shinobi from the Sand village. His Hair is short and spikey, some may even call messy but he could care less about his appearance. He has no tattoos on his body nor any scars for that matter. The only thing that could be considered odd is he has emerald green eyes, a gene passed down through his family on his father side.


Character's Mental Description: For the most part, Yomoko is even keel. He has strong feelings of loyalty towards his village and country almost ensuring he would never go missing unless something catastrophic and traumatic happened. He does not hang out with a lot of people from his academy class and would not be surprised if none of them remembered him either. Not to say he is a lone wolf but he does not particularly have any close friends either.

Multiple Personality Application: n/a

Character History:

Where should one start when blood is involved. Going back to ancient times of war and savagery or to the current of blood shed over misunderstandings. Yomoko’s story goes back to his grandfather’s time when the village was a peace before the Daimyo’s decided time of war. His family has worked contractually for the Daimyo as ninja, doing missions as they would come up that would play favor to the leaf village but also help it keep face with the country leader. Yomoko was in the academy when conflict of the Daimyo happened. His grandfather saw this as a betrayal to the village and could not reconcile what had happened. To him the Shinobi were assisting the country leader but in turn the Daimyo and his Samurai murdered their friends and family. His grandfather bewildered and unable to reconcile the politics of the country. As a result, he left the family and has not been seen sense. However, upon leaving he left a singular black katana with a flower hilt behind for Yomoko. He would no longer need it as he was no longer there to serve.


Yomoko did not understand what his grandfather could not reconcile. He understood it all too well. The Daimyo felt threatened by shinobi, their reputation, and their power. He was a weak man trying to stay relevant in a world that did not need him. The Leaf was the strong, the powerful and the respected. The Daimyo was an outdated system that was just a figure head and he overstepped in his jurisdiction which brought upon the war. To Yomo, this seemed rational, stupid maybe, but rational. All that blood shed though for nothing, that is what bothered the young academy student at the time. He was ten years old but the boy understood things that most did not. Yomoko’s parents were also shinobi. His mother a Mednin at the hospital helping wherever she could and his Dad was a Jounin. Their family was not high end but due to the missions before the war they had money set aside from his grandfather. Middle class is the most appropriate way to describe the family’s economic status. He was not raised with a silver spoon and never took the easy way out while growing up. Yomoko always had the mentality of working for the things he wanted or the goals he wanted to achieve rather than be handed it.

As a Genin, Yomoko went with his father on C-Rank mission just outside the gates. Yomo was a quick study and had learned some higher level jutsu and being with a Jounin ranked shinobi, the mission leader allowed the exception due to it was a stealth mission and shouldn’t require combat. Yomo was starting to master the elements while training his skills with his blade. The mission was just a simple intelligence gathering. Apparently, some Bandits were trying to set up shop between the village Gates and the Valley of the end which was in the path of Konoha’s trade route to other villages and resources. Some simple recon to see how large the force was if there was an optimal way to take them out or drive them off was the goal. They left on a Friday afternoon for the mission and moved through the countryside to find the camp. That evening they found the location and summarized there were roughly a dozen bandits that had banded together to make camp. His father and him moved quietly through the trees to assess what type of weapons. They seemed like a simple bunch, nothing overly sophisticated; swords, rapiers a few scimitars and some daggers. The one that seemed to be in charge had a Red Katana and wore a green shirt and black pants standing roughly six feet tall.

Yomoko wanted to move in and just take them out now. With both their trainings they should be able to handle it without an issue. “That’s not the mission” his father reminded him. Yomoko wanted to argue that they could take the initiative and just get it done. His father shook his head and reminded him that they did not have all the details and there was a reason that this was a scouting mission and not anything further. The duo swiftly and stealthily went back to the village to fill in their scouting report.

That was the last that they had heard about those bandits for a few months. Paperwork was completed and filed but as far as Yomoko knew nothing came upon it. It seemed odd that all they wanted was intel on a group. If they posed a threat why not take care of the problem?

While training with his father on his sword work, he had been given his grandfather’s blade that was left behind. The black hilt and silver blade were perfect for his size. He had a bond for it, which felt almost ancestral . His father and grandfather’s side of the family comes from a long line of Nanijori style blade users. This bloodline wasn’t like the Hyuuga or the Uchiha where they unlocked some noticeable ability that could be seen physically. This was a way of life and training. Through this they would unlock that ancestral feeling with their blade and Yomoko having his grandfather’s katana only helped expedite that. His move felt fluid when he used the blade versus others. There was a connection to his family roots and the past of others. He would meditate with the blade to help grow a strong connection. After months of training the link was formed. Sometimes he would talk to the sword as if it could answer him. He mastered his blade work to the best of his ability, constantly trying to find ways to get better to include his ninjutsu into his Taijutsu prowess.

These finished up his year as a Genin and he took the written chuunin exam followed by his battle exam. He was put up against an elder Jounin and was told to win in a fight. So… a Genin fighting a Jounin, that seems logical for me to do… He thought to himself sarcastically as he drew his Ancestral weapon. He stood there taking in his surroundings as the two of them were in the middle of a training ground. His sword shined and then burst into flames as he channeled fire ninjutsu through it in hoping to give himself some sort of advantage. Hoping to catch the Jounin off guard in how well versed he was in ninjutsu. The elder shinobi smiled as he pulled his own sword and channeled lightning through it. The fight than began as Yomoko swung diagonally upwards from his opponents right hip to left should trying to create an opening but the jounin parried and countered with his own. Yomo barely blocked it and pushed off the jounin, jumping backwards to create a few steps of distance between the two. This started at high noon and the fight went on for about thirty minutes until Yomoko started to get tired. He wasn’t winning by any stretch of the means and he wasn’t going to pass his chuunin exam at the rate of this. Even if he showed he could hold his own, it wasn’t showing he was good enough to move to the next rank. He threw a smoke bomb to cover himself, channel the jutsu [i]Heat wave {master rank}[/I] towards his opponent. When he saw him dodge into the air, Yomo used Zantetsuken {master rank} in a last ditch attempt to win. He was tired, sweating and had used up more chakra during the fight than he had ever before. Nothing had been making any real impact on the fight so far so he hoped this might do something. He felt his blade connect with something as he plunged it into the body. It exploded in a cloud of fire and ash, a clone. The jounin re-appeared behind Yomo as he landed with his blade to his neck and simply said “checkmate.” He had lost the match, he had failed. The exam proctor came up to him and handed him a certificate that congratulated him on making chuunin and gave him a chuunin vest. Bewildered he looked and asked how. The Proctor simply stated “to win” and that they never stated that winning was by beating the opponent. They were looking for growth, skill and determination in face of odds that he surely couldn’t have won on his own. The goal was never meant for him to defeat his opponent, Yomoko misunderstood all along what the goal was because he wasn’t told all the details.

Clan Request: none

Death/Retirement Thread: n/a
Old Profile: n/a - can someone check to see if I did anything and missing anything, would be in Suna
Old Training: n/a – can someone check to see if I did anything and missing anything, would be in Suna
Old Dojo: n/a- can someone check to see if I did anything and missing anything, would be in Suna

Special User groups: shouldn’t have any.

Old Stats: See below, not changing
Old OOC Rank: S-Rank
Stat Cut: none? Free OCR swap due to long term inactivity

New Stats:
Stamina: 600/600
Agility: 600/600
Ninjutsu: 600/600
Genjutsu: 600/600
Taijutsu: 600/600
Chakra Control: 600/600
PL: 3,600
ASP: 122 (idk if I keep this or not?)

New OOC Rank
: S-Rank

Jutsu Mastery Swaps: I dont know how the refund process will work here- going to need councils help on how things need to be done. i gave it my best shot.


Fire: {Keep}
Thermal Maw master
Infernal Ember master

Combustive seal master
Immolation armor master
Fireball master

Dragon fire – MASTER
Searing Eruption - MASTER
Scalding Ash Cloud - MASTER
Heat Wave – MASTER

Infernal Hellfire - MASTER
Firestorm - MASTER
Spontaneous Combustion - MASTER
Ring of Fire - MASTER

Dragon Flame Bomb - MASTER
Sol Fire Tempest - MASTER
Abysmal Harbringer - MASTER
Flame Shield - MASTER

Non Elemental {Keep}

Body switch master
transformation Master

Combination transformation master
Crystal Eye master rank
Cancel master rank
Spiritual Lantern master rank
Contract Summoning master rank

Jutsu Sealing Master rank
Stunt Double Master rank
One element Sealing Master rank
Elemental Negation Master rank
Elemental clone master rank
Barrier Master rank

Shadow Shurikan replication master rank
Energy transfer master rank
Leech Seal master rank
Chakra Shield master rank
chakra blast Master rank
Rasengan master rank

Perfected Rasengan master rank
Five elemental seal master rank
Morality Sealing master rank
Natures Guard master rank
Stardust Nova master rank
Gate of Enma master rank
advanced combination transformation master

Kinesis-AE {Keep} {I’ll write this up in the dojo}
Force Blast Master rank {Kinesis-AE}
Psionic Assault Master rank {Kinesis-AE}
Kinetic Infusion Master rank {Kinesis-AE}
Force Guard Master rank {Kinesis-AE}

Psi-shock Master rank {Kinesis-AE}
Force Break Master rank {Kinesis-AE}
Mind Lock Master rank {Kinesis-AE}
Reflection Master rank {Kinesis-AE}

Kinetic Blast Master rank {Kinesis-AE}
Psionic Rend Master rank {Kinesis-AE}
Concussion Pulse Master rank {Kinesis-AE}
Redirection Master rank {Kinesis-AE}

Wind: {Keep}
Pressure beast master
Wind slash master

Shredding touch master
Air bullet master
Whirlwind spin master

Wind Scythe – MASTER
Tempest – MASTER
Gale Force - MASTER
Wind Release – MASTER

Great Wind Scythe master rank
wind scar master rank
vacuum sphere master rank
cyclone movement master rank

Tatsumaki master rank
Hurricane master rank
Ambiance of the forbidden master rank
Zephyrs grace rank master


Water: {Keep}
Pressurized mist Master rank
Water gun master rank

Water Whip Master rank
Aqua Fang Master rank
Rinse off Master Rank

impaling Hydro Jet Master Rank
Grand Waterfall master rank
Water Prison Master Rank
Rain Dance Master Rank

Torrential Vortex Master Rank
Hydro Tidal Shockwave Master Rank
Water Shark Bomb Master Rank
Mystical Pond Master Rank

Grand Hydra Excavation Master Rank
Water Dragon Bullet Master Rank
Scorn of Aquaris Master rank
Supreme Aqua Realm master rank

Refunding –
Genjutsu Kinetic

1000 years of Pain Kai master rank {Kinetic}

Facepalm Master rank {Kinetic}

Crossed Wires master rank {Kinetic}

Pox master rank {Kinetic}

Tree Binding master rank {Kinetic}
Shared Torment master rank {Kinetic}

Genjutsu Audial: {refund all audial Genjutsu}
Deception master rank {Audial}
Favoritism master rank {Audial}
Wasteful master rank {Audial}

Trembling Music master rank {Audial}
Pained Expressions master rank {Audial}
Appreciation of Music master rank {Audial}
Gong master rank {Audial}

Sometimes Shouting works master rank {Audial}
Deaf master rank {Audial}
Run it Back master rank {Audial}
Groans master rank {Audial}
Piercing Cry master rank {Audial}

Death Chime master rank {Audial}
Prolong master rank {Audial}
Leak master rank {Audial}
Wither master rank {Audial}
Bass Drop master rank {Audial}
Centralized master rank {Audial}

Devil's Whisper master rank {Audial}
Death's Anthem master rank {Audial}
Blank Slate master rank {Audial}
Radial Shock master rank {Audial}
Chakra Ravage master rank {Audial}
Auto-Tune master rank {Audial}

Genjutsu Will: [b] refund all Will Genjutsu [/B]
Lethargy master rank {Will}
Tourniquet master rank {Will}
Intimidation master rank {Will}

Amnesia master rank {Will}
False Success master rank {Will}
Leaking Mind master rank {Will}
Sear of Mind master rank {Will}

Black out master rank {Will}
Insomnia master rank {Will}
Paranoia master rank {Will}
Charismatic Breakdown master rank {Will}
Untruth master rank {Will}

Havoc of the Doomed Mind master rank {Will}
Slowed Perception master rank {Will}
Oblivious Rapture master rank {Will}
Betrayal master rank {Will}
Taunt master rank {Will}
Thought Down master rank {Will}

Torment of the Physical Plain master rank {Will}
Corruption of the Earthly Plain master rank {Will}
Chaos of the Mental Plain master rank {Will}
Mental Kombat master rank {Will}
Temple of Nirvana master rank {Will}
Repetition master rank {Will}

Genjutsu Visual: [b] refund all Visual Genjutsu [/B]
Mimic rank 1
False Surroundings rank 1
Eye Strain master rank

Basic Clone rank 1
Blur rank 1
Rorshach Eye rank 1
Double Vision master rank

Distortion rank 1
Occular Trauma rank 1
Black Flash rank 1
After-Image rank 1
Verse of Darkness master rank

Mime Box rank 1
Solar Flare rank 1
Nightmare rank 1
Depth Barrier rank 1
Perception Filter master rank
Advanced Clone master rank

Invisibility rank 1
Deja Vu rank 1
Night master rank 1
Body Double rank 1
Occular Assualt Master rank
The Reaper Gaze master rank

Swapping Jutsu

Sand: to buffing Taijutsu
Sand Stars master rank à Shadow Dance Master Rank
Sandstorm Veil master rank à Feint Master Rank
Cluster attack master rank à chakra Absorption Master Rank
Desert deflection -à Chakra Extension Master Rank

Sand Missiles master rank à Counterstrike Master Rank
Sand Clone master rank à Anabolic Frenzy Master Rank
Sand Shower master rank à Focused Assault Master Rank
Sand Coffin master rank à Concealed Steps Master Rank

Desert Tendril Unleash master rank à Devastating Aura Master Rank
Terror of the Dunes Master rank à Awakening Master Rank
Sand Tsunami Master rank à Limit Break Master Rank
Desertification Master rank à Insatiable hunger Master Rank

Genjutsu -Kinetic -àSlashing Taijutsu
Hot weapon master rank {Kinetic} à Slash Master Rank
Stun master rank {Kinetic} -à Dynamic Slash Master Rank

Drunken Stupor master rank {Kinetic} à Cross Rip Master Rank
Influenza master rank {Kinetic} à Heavy Tow Master Rank
Tickling master rank {Kinetic} à Crimson Flash Master Rank

Mist of Deceit master rank {Kinetic} à Lunar Steps Master Rank
Crippled master rank {Kinetic} à Blade Thrail Master Rank
Masochism master rank {Kinetic} à Zero Slash Counter Master Rank
Silly Fingers master rank {Kinetic} à Vanishing Slash Master Rank

Phoenix Embrace master rank {Kinetic} à Focal Blade Master Rank
Petrification master rank {Kinetic} à Kill Driver Master Rank
Lingering Spark master rank {Kinetic} à Executioner Master Rank
Crush Depth master rank {Kinetic} à Lotus Flower Master Rank
Puppet Betrayal master rank {Kinetic} à Lotus Flower Master Rank

Curse of the Leper master rank {Kinetic} à Zantetsuken Master Rank
Hemorrhagic Fever master rank {Kinetic} à Annihilation Master Rank
Delayed Agony master rank {Kinetic} à Heavenly Sword Master Rank
Parasitic Infestation master rank {Kinetic} à Fatal Draw Master Rank

Other Refunds: don’t think I bought anything officially when I did this last time.

Name of any Contract you currently own:

Name of any Cursed Seals you currently own:
uhh none

Name of Kinjutsu you own:

Still actively roleplaying in any other threads?
don’t think so, at least I hope not
OCR taken into Council lands.

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Cannot approve or anything yet, we need a 100wc minimum on Physical and Mental descriptions. As soon as you repost your OCR, so we can ship it to both leaf and sand council for approval. (As you mention sand, they also have to go over the OCR.)


Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Old Character Name: Yuko
Old Village/Missing: Sand/ Suna
OCR Type: Retire through inactivity
Last Known Where-abouts: Toraono Dojo I’m guessing, no idea to be honest
Old IC Rank: Genin

New Character Name: Nanijori Yomoko
Preferred Username: Yomoko

New Village/Missing: Konoha/Leaf
New BL/CA:. Nanijori

Custom Class:
Bleeding Blade
HP: (55+lvl) x stamina
CP: (45+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: +1 Accuracy, +20% Chance of inflicting Bleeding
High: Melee Accuracy
Average: Dodge, Genjutsu Save, Ninjutsu Accuracy
Low: Genjustu DC, Ranged Accuracy

Main Branch/ANBU/Med-Nin: Main for now. Maybe ANBU later
IC Rank: Chuunin

Character Age: 16
Gender: Male
Sex: Male
Character's Physical Description: An Athletic built, five foot seven, black hair and black kimono Shinobi from the Sand village. His Hair is short and spikey, some may even call messy but he could care less about his appearance. He has no tattoos on his body nor any scars for that matter. The only thing that could be considered odd is he has emerald green eyes, a gene passed down through his family on his father side. When not wearing his black kimono Yomo can be seen wearing black pants a green t-shirt. He has his Katana in a flowered black hilt in his right side. {102 wc}


Character's Mental Description: For the most part, Yomoko is even keel. He has strong feelings of loyalty towards his village and country almost ensuring he would never go missing unless something catastrophic and traumatic happened. He does not hang out with a lot of people from his academy class and would not be surprised if none of them remembered him either. Not to say he is a lone wolf but he does not particularly have any close friends either. He fights for what he wants and what he believes to be right. He makes his decisions strategically for himself and what he hopes is good for the village. {105 wc}

Multiple Personality Application: n/a

Character History:

Where should one start when blood is involved. Going back to ancient times of war and savagery or to the current of blood shed over misunderstandings. Yomoko’s story goes back to his grandfather’s time when the village was a peace before the Daimyo’s decided time of war. His family has worked contractually for the Daimyo as ninja, doing missions as they would come up that would play favor to the leaf village but also help it keep face with the country leader. Yomoko was in the academy when conflict of the Daimyo happened. His grandfather saw this as a betrayal to the village and could not reconcile what had happened. To him the Shinobi were assisting the country leader but in turn the Daimyo and his Samurai murdered their friends and family. His grandfather bewildered and unable to reconcile the politics of the country. As a result, he left the family and has not been seen sense. However, upon leaving he left a singular black katana with a flower hilt behind for Yomoko. He would no longer need it as he was no longer there to serve.


Yomoko did not understand what his grandfather could not reconcile. He understood it all too well. The Daimyo felt threatened by shinobi, their reputation, and their power. He was a weak man trying to stay relevant in a world that did not need him. The Leaf was the strong, the powerful and the respected. The Daimyo was an outdated system that was just a figure head and he overstepped in his jurisdiction which brought upon the war. To Yomo, this seemed rational, stupid maybe, but rational. All that blood shed though for nothing, that is what bothered the young academy student at the time. He was ten years old but the boy understood things that most did not. Yomoko’s parents were also shinobi. His mother a Mednin at the hospital helping wherever she could and his Dad was a Jounin. Their family was not high end but due to the missions before the war they had money set aside from his grandfather. Middle class is the most appropriate way to describe the family’s economic status. He was not raised with a silver spoon and never took the easy way out while growing up. Yomoko always had the mentality of working for the things he wanted or the goals he wanted to achieve rather than be handed it.

As a Genin, Yomoko went with his father on C-Rank mission just outside the gates. Yomo was a quick study and had learned some higher level jutsu and being with a Jounin ranked shinobi, the mission leader allowed the exception due to it was a stealth mission and shouldn’t require combat. Yomo was starting to master the elements while training his skills with his blade. The mission was just a simple intelligence gathering. Apparently, some Bandits were trying to set up shop between the village Gates and the Valley of the end which was in the path of Konoha’s trade route to other villages and resources. Some simple recon to see how large the force was if there was an optimal way to take them out or drive them off was the goal. They left on a Friday afternoon for the mission and moved through the countryside to find the camp. That evening they found the location and summarized there were roughly a dozen bandits that had banded together to make camp. His father and him moved quietly through the trees to assess what type of weapons. They seemed like a simple bunch, nothing overly sophisticated; swords, rapiers a few scimitars and some daggers. The one that seemed to be in charge had a Red Katana and wore a green shirt and black pants standing roughly six feet tall.

Yomoko wanted to move in and just take them out now. With both their trainings they should be able to handle it without an issue. “That’s not the mission” his father reminded him. Yomoko wanted to argue that they could take the initiative and just get it done. His father shook his head and reminded him that they did not have all the details and there was a reason that this was a scouting mission and not anything further. The duo swiftly and stealthily went back to the village to fill in their scouting report.

That was the last that they had heard about those bandits for a few months. Paperwork was completed and filed but as far as Yomoko knew nothing came upon it. It seemed odd that all they wanted was intel on a group. If they posed a threat why not take care of the problem?

While training with his father on his sword work, he had been given his grandfather’s blade that was left behind. The black hilt and silver blade were perfect for his size. He had a bond for it, which felt almost ancestral . His father and grandfather’s side of the family comes from a long line of Nanijori style blade users. This bloodline wasn’t like the Hyuuga or the Uchiha where they unlocked some noticeable ability that could be seen physically. This was a way of life and training. Through this they would unlock that ancestral feeling with their blade and Yomoko having his grandfather’s katana only helped expedite that. His move felt fluid when he used the blade versus others. There was a connection to his family roots and the past of others. He would meditate with the blade to help grow a strong connection. After months of training the link was formed. Sometimes he would talk to the sword as if it could answer him. He mastered his blade work to the best of his ability, constantly trying to find ways to get better to include his ninjutsu into his Taijutsu prowess.

These finished up his year as a Genin and he took the written chuunin exam followed by his battle exam. He was put up against an elder Jounin and was told to win in a fight. So… a Genin fighting a Jounin, that seems logical for me to do… He thought to himself sarcastically as he drew his Ancestral weapon. He stood there taking in his surroundings as the two of them were in the middle of a training ground. His sword shined and then burst into flames as he channeled fire ninjutsu through it in hoping to give himself some sort of advantage. Hoping to catch the Jounin off guard in how well versed he was in ninjutsu. The elder shinobi smiled as he pulled his own sword and channeled lightning through it. The fight than began as Yomoko swung diagonally upwards from his opponents right hip to left should trying to create an opening but the jounin parried and countered with his own. Yomo barely blocked it and pushed off the jounin, jumping backwards to create a few steps of distance between the two. This started at high noon and the fight went on for about thirty minutes until Yomoko started to get tired. He wasn’t winning by any stretch of the means and he wasn’t going to pass his chuunin exam at the rate of this. Even if he showed he could hold his own, it wasn’t showing he was good enough to move to the next rank. He threw a smoke bomb to cover himself, channel the jutsu [i]Heat wave {master rank}[/I] towards his opponent. When he saw him dodge into the air, Yomo used Zantetsuken {master rank} in a last ditch attempt to win. He was tired, sweating and had used up more chakra during the fight than he had ever before. Nothing had been making any real impact on the fight so far so he hoped this might do something. He felt his blade connect with something as he plunged it into the body. It exploded in a cloud of fire and ash, a clone. The jounin re-appeared behind Yomo as he landed with his blade to his neck and simply said “checkmate.” He had lost the match, he had failed. The exam proctor came up to him and handed him a certificate that congratulated him on making chuunin and gave him a chuunin vest. Bewildered he looked and asked how. The Proctor simply stated “to win” and that they never stated that winning was by beating the opponent. They were looking for growth, skill and determination in face of odds that he surely couldn’t have won on his own. The goal was never meant for him to defeat his opponent, Yomoko misunderstood all along what the goal was because he wasn’t told all the details.

Clan Request: none

Death/Retirement Thread: n/a
Old Profile: n/a - can someone check to see if I did anything and missing anything, would be in Suna
Old Training: n/a – can someone check to see if I did anything and missing anything, would be in Suna
Old Dojo: n/a- can someone check to see if I did anything and missing anything, would be in Suna

Special User groups: shouldn’t have any.

Old Stats: See below, not changing
Old OOC Rank: S-Rank
Stat Cut: none? Free OCR swap due to long term inactivity

New Stats:
Stamina: 600/600
Agility: 600/600
Ninjutsu: 600/600
Genjutsu: 600/600
Taijutsu: 600/600
Chakra Control: 600/600
PL: 3,600
ASP: 122 (idk if I keep this or not?)

New OOC Rank
: S-Rank

Jutsu Mastery Swaps: I dont know how the refund process will work here- going to need councils help on how things need to be done. i gave it my best shot.


Fire: {Keep}
Thermal Maw master
Infernal Ember master

Combustive seal master
Immolation armor master
Fireball master

Dragon fire – MASTER
Searing Eruption - MASTER
Scalding Ash Cloud - MASTER
Heat Wave – MASTER

Infernal Hellfire - MASTER
Firestorm - MASTER
Spontaneous Combustion - MASTER
Ring of Fire - MASTER

Dragon Flame Bomb - MASTER
Sol Fire Tempest - MASTER
Abysmal Harbringer - MASTER
Flame Shield - MASTER

Non Elemental {Keep}

Body switch master
transformation Master

Combination transformation master
Crystal Eye master rank
Cancel master rank
Spiritual Lantern master rank
Contract Summoning master rank

Jutsu Sealing Master rank
Stunt Double Master rank
One element Sealing Master rank
Elemental Negation Master rank
Elemental clone master rank
Barrier Master rank

Shadow Shurikan replication master rank
Energy transfer master rank
Leech Seal master rank
Chakra Shield master rank
chakra blast Master rank
Rasengan master rank

Perfected Rasengan master rank
Five elemental seal master rank
Morality Sealing master rank
Natures Guard master rank
Stardust Nova master rank
Gate of Enma master rank
advanced combination transformation master

Kinesis-AE {Keep} {I’ll write this up in the dojo}
Force Blast Master rank {Kinesis-AE}
Psionic Assault Master rank {Kinesis-AE}
Kinetic Infusion Master rank {Kinesis-AE}
Force Guard Master rank {Kinesis-AE}

Psi-shock Master rank {Kinesis-AE}
Force Break Master rank {Kinesis-AE}
Mind Lock Master rank {Kinesis-AE}
Reflection Master rank {Kinesis-AE}

Kinetic Blast Master rank {Kinesis-AE}
Psionic Rend Master rank {Kinesis-AE}
Concussion Pulse Master rank {Kinesis-AE}
Redirection Master rank {Kinesis-AE}

Wind: {Keep}
Pressure beast master
Wind slash master

Shredding touch master
Air bullet master
Whirlwind spin master

Wind Scythe – MASTER
Tempest – MASTER
Gale Force - MASTER
Wind Release – MASTER

Great Wind Scythe master rank
wind scar master rank
vacuum sphere master rank
cyclone movement master rank

Tatsumaki master rank
Hurricane master rank
Ambiance of the forbidden master rank
Zephyrs grace rank master


Water: {Keep}
Pressurized mist Master rank
Water gun master rank

Water Whip Master rank
Aqua Fang Master rank
Rinse off Master Rank

impaling Hydro Jet Master Rank
Grand Waterfall master rank
Water Prison Master Rank
Rain Dance Master Rank

Torrential Vortex Master Rank
Hydro Tidal Shockwave Master Rank
Water Shark Bomb Master Rank
Mystical Pond Master Rank

Grand Hydra Excavation Master Rank
Water Dragon Bullet Master Rank
Scorn of Aquaris Master rank
Supreme Aqua Realm master rank

Refunding –
Genjutsu Kinetic

1000 years of Pain Kai master rank {Kinetic}

Facepalm Master rank {Kinetic}

Crossed Wires master rank {Kinetic}

Pox master rank {Kinetic}

Tree Binding master rank {Kinetic}
Shared Torment master rank {Kinetic}

Genjutsu Audial: {refund all audial Genjutsu}
Deception master rank {Audial}
Favoritism master rank {Audial}
Wasteful master rank {Audial}

Trembling Music master rank {Audial}
Pained Expressions master rank {Audial}
Appreciation of Music master rank {Audial}
Gong master rank {Audial}

Sometimes Shouting works master rank {Audial}
Deaf master rank {Audial}
Run it Back master rank {Audial}
Groans master rank {Audial}
Piercing Cry master rank {Audial}

Death Chime master rank {Audial}
Prolong master rank {Audial}
Leak master rank {Audial}
Wither master rank {Audial}
Bass Drop master rank {Audial}
Centralized master rank {Audial}

Devil's Whisper master rank {Audial}
Death's Anthem master rank {Audial}
Blank Slate master rank {Audial}
Radial Shock master rank {Audial}
Chakra Ravage master rank {Audial}
Auto-Tune master rank {Audial}

Genjutsu Will: [b] refund all Will Genjutsu [/B]
Lethargy master rank {Will}
Tourniquet master rank {Will}
Intimidation master rank {Will}

Amnesia master rank {Will}
False Success master rank {Will}
Leaking Mind master rank {Will}
Sear of Mind master rank {Will}

Black out master rank {Will}
Insomnia master rank {Will}
Paranoia master rank {Will}
Charismatic Breakdown master rank {Will}
Untruth master rank {Will}

Havoc of the Doomed Mind master rank {Will}
Slowed Perception master rank {Will}
Oblivious Rapture master rank {Will}
Betrayal master rank {Will}
Taunt master rank {Will}
Thought Down master rank {Will}

Torment of the Physical Plain master rank {Will}
Corruption of the Earthly Plain master rank {Will}
Chaos of the Mental Plain master rank {Will}
Mental Kombat master rank {Will}
Temple of Nirvana master rank {Will}
Repetition master rank {Will}

Genjutsu Visual: [b] refund all Visual Genjutsu [/B]
Mimic rank 1
False Surroundings rank 1
Eye Strain master rank

Basic Clone rank 1
Blur rank 1
Rorshach Eye rank 1
Double Vision master rank

Distortion rank 1
Occular Trauma rank 1
Black Flash rank 1
After-Image rank 1
Verse of Darkness master rank

Mime Box rank 1
Solar Flare rank 1
Nightmare rank 1
Depth Barrier rank 1
Perception Filter master rank
Advanced Clone master rank

Invisibility rank 1
Deja Vu rank 1
Night master rank 1
Body Double rank 1
Occular Assualt Master rank
The Reaper Gaze master rank

Swapping Jutsu

Sand: to buffing Taijutsu
Sand Stars master rank à Shadow Dance Master Rank
Sandstorm Veil master rank à Feint Master Rank
Cluster attack master rank à chakra Absorption Master Rank
Desert deflection -à Chakra Extension Master Rank

Sand Missiles master rank à Counterstrike Master Rank
Sand Clone master rank à Anabolic Frenzy Master Rank
Sand Shower master rank à Focused Assault Master Rank
Sand Coffin master rank à Concealed Steps Master Rank

Desert Tendril Unleash master rank à Devastating Aura Master Rank
Terror of the Dunes Master rank à Awakening Master Rank
Sand Tsunami Master rank à Limit Break Master Rank
Desertification Master rank à Insatiable hunger Master Rank

Genjutsu -Kinetic -àSlashing Taijutsu
Hot weapon master rank {Kinetic} à Slash Master Rank
Stun master rank {Kinetic} -à Dynamic Slash Master Rank

Drunken Stupor master rank {Kinetic} à Cross Rip Master Rank
Influenza master rank {Kinetic} à Heavy Tow Master Rank
Tickling master rank {Kinetic} à Crimson Flash Master Rank

Mist of Deceit master rank {Kinetic} à Lunar Steps Master Rank
Crippled master rank {Kinetic} à Blade Thrail Master Rank
Masochism master rank {Kinetic} à Zero Slash Counter Master Rank
Silly Fingers master rank {Kinetic} à Vanishing Slash Master Rank

Phoenix Embrace master rank {Kinetic} à Focal Blade Master Rank
Petrification master rank {Kinetic} à Kill Driver Master Rank
Lingering Spark master rank {Kinetic} à Executioner Master Rank
Crush Depth master rank {Kinetic} à Lotus Flower Master Rank
Puppet Betrayal master rank {Kinetic} à Lotus Flower Master Rank

Curse of the Leper master rank {Kinetic} à Zantetsuken Master Rank
Hemorrhagic Fever master rank {Kinetic} à Annihilation Master Rank
Delayed Agony master rank {Kinetic} à Heavenly Sword Master Rank
Parasitic Infestation master rank {Kinetic} à Fatal Draw Master Rank

Other Refunds: don’t think I bought anything officially when I did this last time.

Name of any Contract you currently own:

Name of any Cursed Seals you currently own:
uhh none

Name of Kinjutsu you own:

Still actively roleplaying in any other threads?
don’t think so, at least I hope not


Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Character's Physical Description: An Athletic built, five foot seven, black hair and black kimono Shinobi from the Leaf village. His Hair is short and spikey, some may even call messy but he could care less about his appearance. He has no tattoos on his body nor any scars for that matter. The only thing that could be considered odd is he has emerald green eyes, a gene passed down through his family on his father side. When not wearing his black kimono Yomo can be seen wearing black pants a green t-shirt. He has his Katana in a flowered black hilt in his right side. {102 wc}

fixed the above to say Leaf instead of Sand. it was never supposed to say Sand i was just tired.

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Character's Physical Description: An Athletic built, five foot seven, black hair and black kimono Shinobi from the Leaf village. His Hair is short and spikey, some may even call messy but he could care less about his appearance. He has no tattoos on his body nor any scars for that matter. The only thing that could be considered odd is he has emerald green eyes, a gene passed down through his family on his father side. When not wearing his black kimono Yomo can be seen wearing black pants a green t-shirt. He has his Katana in a flowered black hilt in his right side. {102 wc}

fixed the above to say Leaf instead of Sand. it was never supposed to say Sand i was just tired.
Taking in, than kyou
Apr 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Your OCR has been completed! However due to you having no jutsus in your inventory, we have had to refund all of your jutsus including the asp used to master some of them. You will need to use the shop to repurchase them and then master the ones you'd like to in your training. Please request your leaf chuunin rank banner inside of this thread whilst linking this post to your request. Welcome to leaf, enjoy your stay! If you need anything/help please feel free to pm me on NC or on discord @sammymike.


Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Jutsu Mastery Swaps: I dont know how the refund process will work here- going to need councils help on how things need to be done. i gave it my best shot.
Swapping Jutsu
Phoenix Embrace master rank {Kinetic} à Focal Blade Master Rank
Petrification master rank {Kinetic} à Kill Driver Master Rank
Lingering Spark master rank {Kinetic} à Executioner Master Rank
Crush Depth master rank {Kinetic} à Lotus Flower Master Rank
Puppet Betrayal master rank {Kinetic} à Lotus Flower Master Rank

So in MY OCR i realized i asked for lotus flower twice. I'm going to replace Puppet Betrayal master rank {Kinetic} to Flight Aerial Strike master (Tai slashing)

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
