Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Leaving Sand For Good [Forcing Exit]

Nakata Dai

Oct 24, 2012
Anatsu managed to slip into Sunagakure undetected and reside within its walls for nearly ten days. He had gathered all the intel he needed from his inside sources within Sunagakure, rested up, gathered a few missions from underground lords, and was now on his way. Anatsu waited until the darkest night of the month, where the moon was least visible. It was a warm night, so Anatsu chose not to go with his summoning jutsu. The demons brought the chills with them, and the [color]Red Flash[/color]needed to go undetected. In fact, the Red Flash had made a reputation for himself as being the one shinobi in all the lands who could infiltrate any Hidden Village. His time spent as an ANBU Captain allowed him to acquire the techniques and skills necessary to understand the mechanics of each and every security system. Essentially, after many trial and errors, Anatsu was able to figure out how to penetrate each of the great shinobi nations.

The nuke ninja from Konoha was dressed in a black traveling cloak and a beige Kasa, a traditional Japanese hat which hid his eyes when his head was tilted slightly down as it often was. Anatsu traveled very quickly, far quicker than the last time he visited the Hidden Sand. Now that he was rested, he had supreme confidence that he could escape the Hidden Sand. Where was he going this time?

A shinobi never reveals his true intentions.

[S-Rank: 30 Minutes]
[Topic and village left if not stopped]


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
Actually, Sentinel Ability. Catch -- S Rank 30 Min all that jazz.

She was at the gates again. It would seem he was at the gates also. This was on of those situations were he probably should have listened to Matsu when he threatened him the first time. So with an annoyed sigh she would call out to Anatsu. "I do not know why you are here..." she paused for a moment before she would add "but I know that Matsu already gave strict orders regarding you." Yes she was calling out after him. Why, because she should. She had no knowledge of the fact that he had been barging into other communities, spreading lies of an impending war. She had no knowledge of what or why and even if she did she would find it utterly illogical.

Yes, caught.

Nakata Dai

Oct 24, 2012
The night was dark and full of terrors. Uchiha Anatsu was the definition of that terror. He was known as The Red Flash because of his ability to emerge from the shadows and fill the room with blood. He was a swift and advanced shinobi Yet this Chunin had captured him twice. in one month. "Matsu? That was his name," thought Anatsu to himself. His back was turned to her, yet she did not attack. Anatsu was wondering why she hadn't yet. Was Matsu not present? He must not be. Was she scared? No, that wasn't it. I am Chuunin Shihakata was simply different than Matsu. She was a tad bit more tolerant and reserved. Perhaps it was her experience as a ninja. Perhaps Matsu simply had a temper. Either way, Anatsu hadn't killed anyone within Sunagakure's walls in over five years. It was go time, what would Anatsu do?

"Don't return. If you do, an execution order will be given. If you are found inside the village beyond this interaction then an execution order will be given. Obviously, disregarding your dismissal will indicate your interest against peace."

The darkness of the night made the situation a bit more tense than it was about a couple of weeks ago. Anatsu did not detect any fear and he certainly was not afraid either. Yet, he was cautious of the ground below him. Although he had come to the conclusion that Matsu wasn't here, considering he was still alive, he was considering not attacking I am Chuunin Shihakata. There was a lot to consider in so little time. If she wanted to attack him, she would have by now. Anatsu's Mangekyou Sharingan was faced away from her, and better yet, he chose to disarm it. His eyes closed for a moment, and as they reopened, his sharingan was gone. Anatsu then put his hands out in opposite directions, got on his knees, and would proceed to place his hands behind his neck.

"Shihakata-san..." started Anatsu. His voice was deep and rather intimidating. "You have caught me twice. I am now at your mercy. I know with one whistle, Matsu will be here with many others." continued Anatsu. Although he was kneeling, his back was still turned towards Shiori. "My family, friends, and home are all gone after the war." Anatsu sighed very gently as he continued. "I offer you my service and loyalty until you release me exchange for my life." Anatsu then turned, to face Shiori. He was still on his knees, and now he had fully bowed down, facing the floor. "Allow me to be your servant and disciple. I am at your mercy."

Anatsu was not an idiot. He knew very well that his life depended on him not being caught. Was it age causing him to become slower? Was it fatigue? Perhaps he was sick. Regardless of what was causing it, he knew that he couldn't take on as many shinobi as he used to be in these conditions. His words had revealed to her that he was a rogue ninja from Konohagakure. Would she arrest him? Would she call in Matsu to execute him? What was going to be the play at hand? He couldn't take on Shihakata and Matsu at once right now. This was the only way for him to survive. What was the point in taking care of all his missions? He had accumulated more money than he knew what to do with. He had no other plans in life. Perhaps serving Shihakata and the Hidden Sand wasn't the worst idea.

For the first time in his life, he was at the mercy of another human being.
OOC: Surrendering unless attempting to kill my character. I give you permission to RP it as you please otherwise.


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
OC: I only kill players that are trying to kill me or my sandy kin, you are not doing either. Not sure what type of adventure you are trying to have because you have been running in and out of villages since you came back so I am just going to make something up I guess.


She was not the type to attack first and ask questions later so she called out to him. She was certainly not her cohorts in that matter, she found killing wasteful and that combat was something that should be avoided whenever possible. She had to fight and kill to eat and while she enjoyed it in a rather perverse manner, she was hardly a glutton for battle. A war was brewing in Wind Country and as the pieces started to fall in place the scene that they created was terrifying. Ancients were being used to fuel the Diamyo's awesome war machine, making the Soverign hybrids of a caliber she had never seen before. Moreover it meant that some of her Ancient brethren had to be still alive also, somewhere. She had already resigned herself to the lonesome fate of being the last, that was why she violated Kaen the way she had. It was why she fed Kazuki's darker natures. She was going to recreate the genesis of the Courts through the fragile threads left in humanity that she shared a kinship with. She would have to find many pieces to make a whole. A lot of people would die to make her dream come true but humans were irrelevant if they defied the needs of their betters.

So yes, she was waiting for a Soverign at the gates. She wanted to know exactly what they were with this au courant miscegenation. Her question now was -- Is Anatsu a Soverign?

She was prepared to combat Anatsu if necessary and if he was a Soverign she would enjoy the process however she was more curious than angry. She was confident enough in her skills to hold her own if she needed to until backup arrived but the truth be told she really did not want to share if he was something as significant as a Soverign. Sand would take Anatsu away if he was a Soverign, lock him up and probably forget about him. She wanted to cut Anatsu up and see what was inside if he was a Soverign. How the fire, or water, or stone melded with his bones. Would she be so lucky -- no. A girl can dream. A part of her was also curious, why would he come back? There are only three reasons one would find themselves in the village hidden in the Sand, most would involve paperwork at the gates or a courier communicating to the loved one, friend or family member holed up in Wind Country. The secretive and defiant nature of his intrusion and departure would suggest to her that he was up to 'no good.' It was why she was curious. It was why she had to know. Was he?


He remembered her name. It sounded odd being said because she rarely used it.

"You have caught me twice. I am now at your mercy. I know with one whistle, Matsu will be here with many others."

He was not wrong, but again with the term 'caught.' She found the word choice odd, even if it came from a deviant. A part of her wondered if his words were predetermined, they lacked the emotion normal humans had when interfacing with each other or her for that matter. She furrowed her brow, her instinct was screaming that she should make that call. That she could get some sort of back-up because 'something was not right.'

"My family, friends, and home are all gone after the war."

"Which war?" There have been a number of wars this past decade, between the civil wars in Wind Country, the turmoil in Earth Country, and the treachery in Fire Country among the dire changes in the terrain of still others making the lands uninhabitable. The world itself seemed to be at war and it had been raging for some time.

"I offer you my service and loyalty until you release me exchange for my life."

She expected him to flee or fight, she was only a Chuunin according to her title. Not something considered formidable in a fight, nor did she ever look the part -- still in a white leather dress and heels.

"Allow me to be your servant and disciple. I am at your mercy."

She would approach Anatsu and help him to his feet. What she did next would be odd, she would lean down (assuming Anatsu is about her height 6 feet) and press her ear against his chest. If he said something she would say "Shh! I am trying to hear them scream." Yes, she figured out what Roku was once she learned of the Daimyo's plans, why there was screaming. Why he had such a voracious hunger for them. Why he, and therefore likely Anatsu, tasted awful.

She would hear nothing except a beating heart, the sounds of breath and the churning of his stomach with her keen sens of sound. It was hard to say what would have been better for him, to be a miscegenation of the Diamyo's making him no longer a savory treat but rather something to dissect or a delicious human. "You sound human" [unless you don't] she concluded, disappointment laced her words. "They won't care," she mused as she would pull herself away.

So 'disciple' it is.

She assumed he was lying his ass off and had no intention of sticking around. If she believed him what she did next would be very different. "You're a shinobi," she could not remember from where. It might have been Leaf. "Sunagakure needs shinobis," she continued simply. "I am going to take you to my former boss, ANBU Captain Kaza... he'll know what to do," she decided. She trusted him more than she trusted Reaper and more than she trusted the Sennin trio. She was basically giving him accountability before he ran off. A part of her curious about why he was in Sand, she assumed it was for work by someone that did not care for them and as far as she was concerned whatever damage he had done to Sand would prove to be a boon for her in the long-run. Still, she could not let him leave, cousin Matsu was already onto her. If he left or escaped without her passing the buck (and blame), it would be her head. "I am sure that he will grant you a better wage than our enemies or offer you a more suitable challenge if it is just a defiant wanderlust that has placed you on our doorstep again so soon."
[Topic Left? -- Trip to Obsidian for 'Kaza' or someplace Interesting like the Kazekage Tower if you would rather]​

Nakata Dai

Oct 24, 2012
She would approach Anatsu and help him to his feet. What she did next would be odd, she would lean down (assuming Anatsu is about her height 6 feet) and press her ear against his chest. If he said something she would say "Shh! I am trying to hear them scream." Yes, she figured out what Roku was once she learned of the Daimyo's plans, why there was screaming. Why he had such a voracious hunger for them. Why he, and therefore likely Anatsu, tasted awful.

She would hear nothing except a beating heart, the sounds of breath and the churning of his stomach with her keen sens of sound. It was hard to say what would have been better for him, to be a miscegenation of the Diamyo's making him no longer a savory treat but rather something to dissect or a delicious human. "You sound human" [unless you don't] she concluded, disappointment laced her words. "They won't care," she mused as she would pull herself away.

Uchiha Anatsu's eyes were unlike any other eyes on the planet. He had the ability to see everything and analyze them at a much deeper level than the average shinobi. Those eyes had traveled the world and had seen thing that most shinobi will never seen in the entire eyes; Yet, what he was witnessing before his very own eyes was something that he had never seen before. Shihakata was a very beautiful, young shinobi with unconventional attire. Her actions, were even more unconventional. Anatsu sat there, waiting for her to grab his arms. His arms were crossed on purpose, because the minute she reached for them, he had the ability and comfortable position to his body, break free from her grasp, and be close enough to land a devastating taijutsu move. That wasn't the case.

Shihakata helped Anatsu on to his knees. Anatsu's body tensed up like it never had before. Never had Anatsu allowed another shinobi to get so close to him. To make things worse, she place her ear on Anatsu's chest. Anatsu had been to every surrounding village several times and had never seen anyone do what Shihakata- was doing right now."Shihakata-Sama..." began Anatsu before she scolded him. "What is she looking for?" wondered Anatsu as he patiently waited. "You sound human... They won't care"/

These words stunned Anatsu. Throughout his years as a world class assassin and an ANBU Captain before that, he had never heard these words uttered. "Are there monsters in Sunagakure? What is this person?" began to wonder Anatsu. He had so many questions which he knew now was not the right time to ask. He had every intention of slitting her throat and using her blood to write Matsu a message on the floor. Yet, here he was obeying another shinobi for the first time in a decade. "Is she an angel?' The thought ran through Anatsu's head for a moment before he decided she was more likely to be some sort of demon.

Anatsu had more money than he knew what to do with. One assassination mission for a feudal lord was worth ten missions Sunagakure could probably provide him with. What did interest Anatsu was her instructions, "I am going to take you to my former boss, ANBU Captain Kaza... he'll know what to do,".

Anatsu confirmed a suspicious he had, she did have ANBU training. That confirmation concluded why she was able to catch him several times. Anatsu wanted to sign, but he was too busy trying to understand why he was acting this way. Why was he obedient? Why hadn't he killed her yet? There was something about the Chunin that paralyzed Anatsu. He wanted to flee, but his body was drifting towards the village. He would now be meeting a Sunagakure ANBU Captain. Anatsu would follow the Chunin he almost deemed an angel, with the thought of fleeing constantly on his mind. He knew that if he wanted to make a move, now was the time. It had to be now. Disappear into the shadows like you always do.

After hiding for ten years, it was now time to do the unthinkable. He followed the Chunin, without saying a single word, or asking her about her ear on his chest. Many questions, wrong time to ask.

[Topic Left]
[Unsuccessful Forced Exit]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
