Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Let's see what you have got! (open)

Hyuuga Mirame

Dec 31, 2013
The field looked like the eruption of a dormant volcano. Fire and earth covered the field. There were burning trees and wooden spears laying about. In the center of the field stood two students whom were at each other's throat. The one on the east side of the disaster was a small girl. She had bright pink hair with a tattered ribbon holding it up into a pony tail, and she was wearing her tattered school uniform. The little girl was Suteki Aru, a fiery little puppeteer in her first year of the academy. She was minding her own business before this all started. She was still in the process of learning how to manipulate both her Boar and Deer puppets at the same time for combat situations. She wasn't very good at it yet, but she was getting the hang of it. She has learned to keep Deer closer to her and allow Boar to go do the attacking. Because Deer was made of more solid wood, he was a better protector. Boar on the other hand was more combat oriented. The little girl was minding her own business attacking the wooden dummies in the training yard when she was attacked by this lunatic. One thing led to another and now she was basically at all out war with him. She barely knows his name, if it wasn't for the fact that he was graduating this year she probably wouldn't know his name.

Quickly raising her hands in front of her chest, she twitched a finger or two. "Boar, Fire Style: Thermal Maw!" The giant wooden pig has been attuned to Aru's specific chakra frequency through the use of her chakra strings to allow her to produce Ninjutsu from it. The light blue threads that went from a few of her fingers to the wooden pig turned a dark red. Clicking it's mouth open, Boar's throat glew red before blasting out a small ball of flame. Like a canon, the blast was rapid and accelerated quickly. As this happened the antlers on Deer glew purple, and a haze of protective layers formed around Aru. She has slowly been able to master the puppet thing.​
Small grey flecks drifted to the ground, as if it was snowing, but in reality it was the ash of freshly burning wood. The Schoolyard has been turned into a near nuclear fallout zone due to two students. For about five minutes now two shinobi children have been at war. One of them, standing towards the west, is a near graduate named Ogama Kodomo. He wore his typical mission attire that consisted of a white shirt under a black vest, black and red combat pants with a red scarf and belt. In preparation to his head band, Kodomo also sports a metalic forehead protector and a shinobi mask. In his hands laid a large scythe, a tool not commonly seen being wielded by shinobi, but it had a special place in Kodomo's heart. The boy was practicing his Elemental Hybrid technique of creating wood jutsu, when this little snot-nosed brat came charging in destroying his Ninjutsu creations. He had asked her to stop, but she claimed that the wooden clone attempts were there for her to destroy. He nearly had it with her, and then she challenged him to a duel.

Kodomo smirked at her insolence. She was casting Fire Ninjutsu at an Uchiha. They were nearly useless against him. As the Boar darted closer to him and launched the fire technique, a wooden stump came up from the ground and launched the boy into the air. He weaved a single handseal and performed an Elemental Clone technique. Three wooden copies of Kodomo appeared in the air as well, each having their right arm being a giant wooden hammer. "Wood Style: Elemental Clone Hammer Frenzy! (earth elemental clones performing basic actions) As the clones fell to the ground, each of the darted at the girl to attack her in quick sequence.​


Randamu Kyarakuta

New Member
Oct 22, 2012
Ah, the school, the place that molded young minds into child soldiers. When you put it that way, it sounded like a terrible place. But to Homura this place was where he was treated like a human more than a weapon, or an heir to a throne. Before he left his clan, he was the next in line to inherit it all and had been forced to marry. This caused him to denounce the clans name, and run. Since then he's been wandering the streets of sunagakure like some sort of drifter, doing ninja work with his school having been completed before then. Today however, was a relax day with no mission in sight. It was in boredom that Homura decided to head to the school, seeing what his old teachers where up to and if a certain class mate who had failed, had passed yet. On his way though, he heard a ruckus. It had to be the training ground, and the idea of seeing the up and coming youth battle it out excited him! So he took to the stands, finding a comfortable spot to watch this girl in what appeared to be the most impractical battle outfit ever face off again what looked like an actual shinobi. He removed his ancestral sword from his side and sat it on his lap as he took a seat at the festivities.

He took a quick glance at the situation. It appeared as though she was a puppeteer, or a beginner one anyway. This would be proven upon her calling of one of it's names, and her eradic hand movements. While he couldn't see the strings due to him not possessing any kind of eye jutsu, her hands lined up with the movement of the puppets so it was easy to put the two together. Then the boar breathed fire but the boy quickly responded by bounding into the air over it and creating clones. He always had a hard time figuring out genjutsu and clones in general, as his fighting style was very physical and weapon based. Then he came down from the clone jutsu into some kind of hammer one. The real one had to be holding the hammer, because ones hubris demands that copys of yourself can't be as good as you, and as such can't be trusted with it. Or so the logic would follow, if ninjas had logic in general.


He yelled out, as if she didn't know to get out of the way. Or maybe she expected her puppet to protect her? Either way he was into it, like yelling at a tv screen expecting the football players to listen to you!

[WC: 449}

Hyuuga Mirame

Dec 31, 2013
As the boy dodged her attack, Aru watched him cast himself into the air by wood jutsu and create a couple of clones. The fiery young girl didn't recognize the handseals so she knew that they weren't illusionary. Deer had just finished casting a Layer Multiplication Jutsu one the girl, but now it would have to do more. Quickly snapping her fingers, Aru summoned forth the wooden stag to catch the attacks that came from the clones. From the corner of her mind she heard someone yell "Dodge" and it sparked an idea into her mind. As the clones came at her swinging the hammers, Aru quickly perfomed the Body Switch jutsu with a Kawarimi Target that was stored in Boar. The girl now stood about seven meters away from the clones that were attacking Deer. In a quick response the young puppeteer threw her left arm to the left, sending Boar into a spinning craze. "Secret Puppet Art: Spinning Embers!" She once again channeled her fire chakra through Boar and created an Infernal Ember justu come from it's mouth, but because it was spinning the attack looked more like a spinning shurkien shooter. Hitting the clones and catching them on fire made Aru proud, except for the fact that she forgot all about Kodomo.

Her body froze, across her neck rested the blade of a scythe. The spar was over; she lost. Letting out a sigh, Aru dropped her chakra strings, making the puppets go stiff and soulless. "You win Kodomo-San." Grabbing a small scroll from her side as the boy let her go of his scythe's reach Aru resealed the puppets with a single handseal. In an act of curiosity the young puppeteer looked over to where she heard someone yell dodge from earlier. There was sitting a young man. She smiled and waved at him.

"What'djya think? Not to shabby for some students, eh?" Walking up to the newcomer, Aru extended a hand to shake and introduced herself. "Hi, I'm Suteki Aru, and this is Ogama Kodomo, it's a pleasure to meet you!" The young girl smiled at him and before she kept talking. "What's your name?"
Kodomo watched as his clones went in for the attack, he himself had decided to play it smooth. As his clones distracted the young girl Kodomo went into stealth, hiding with a transformation jutsu. The young Uchiha boy made sure to remain unnoticeable by the girl until he knew that he would win. He was impressed by the way that the young girl has been able to control her puppets without destroying them in the process, but Kodomo was better. The small ninja has been training for longer than Aru and he knew exactly how to defeat puppeteers. Their weakness was hand to hand combat. This meant that if her could get in close to Aru that he would be victorious. Silently unsheathing his scythe, this young shinobi appeared behind Aru in a position that could end drastically. With a smile on his face he said softly: "I win..."

Kodomo dropped the scythe from her throat and stepped back. He was victorious once again. Following suite, he sheathed his weapon and made his way to the newcomer. Kodomo had seen this guy's face before, must have been a picture of new genins when he was looking for work a while back. Nonetheless, Kodomo greeted him politely, and when Aru said his name he nodded slightly as in acknowledgment.​

Randamu Kyarakuta

New Member
Oct 22, 2012
A series of swooshes and Aru was switched with her puppet, not that it mattered because Kodomo had a one up on her. When the quick moves of both children ended, it was Kodomo on top with his scythe at her throat. He stood up grasping the hilt of his weapon ready to step in if it was necessary but they called it quits there. At least they had self control, something a few people he knew had sorely lacked in their academy days. So he released the hilt, and tied his sword back to his belt now that he wasn't sitting down. The two of them would walk on over to him, as he had made a loud noise earlier.

"What'djya think? Not to shabby for some students, eh?"

"Honestly, there's room for improvement. I always found over the top jutsu fascinating though when I was doing all this. I'd sit here and watch the local bloodlines duke it out with their fireballs and their bug armies and stuff. Truly fascinating stuff, puppeteers and wood style users are!" he exclaimed, giving a small clap before taking her hand and shaking it firmly.

"Hi, I'm Suteki Aru, and this is Ogama Kodomo, it's a pleasure to meet you!" she smiled at him, then asking his name.

"Chikara Homura, you may call me Homura Ms. Suteki." he bowed his head lightly in respect to both of them.

"Do you two train together often?" he asked in a wondering manor.

Hyuuga Mirame

Dec 31, 2013

Aru smiled as the boy shook her hand and spoke to her. She new that there was always room for improvement. He then introduced himself to the two students as Chikara Homura, but he just went by Homura. "Well, It's nice to meet you Homura-San." The young girl chuckled slightly and smiled a wide grin. Though she was battered from battle she was still a little girl after all. Her friend Kdomo answered his next question though. "We tend to train often, yes." Kodomo's voice was flat and it seemed as if he had no true emotions, but it was normal for him. Aru wrapped an arm around her friend and spoke rather loudly. "Yup! This guy right here is my personal punching bag!" She laughed, covering her mouth with her other hand. Kodomo though, still kept a blank look on his face. His eyes, one green and one red, looked empty and soulless.

Aru let go of the boy and looked at Homaru. "I bet you have lots of cool stories from you Academy years!" She sat down on a the seat next to him. "Are you a Jounin now? Was that sword of yours a gift from a king after you saved his daughter?" She then gasped. "Did you marry her? Are you married to a princess now?" She didn't realize it but she was slowly standing up, getting her face closer to the boy's. At this point, Kodomo would be gone. He was back down at the training field using his earthen jutsu to flatten and fix the terrain. "Are you going to be Kage soon?" With wide eyes, Aru stared at Homura waiting with anticipation.

Randamu Kyarakuta

New Member
Oct 22, 2012
"Well, It's nice to meet you Homura-San."

She grinned big and it shun through that at the end of the day, these child soldier were still people. He smiled at this, as she swung her arm around what looked like her best friend. He seemed pretty dead inside though, but that wasn't anything new in the emotional ninja archetypes. She seemed to balance that out though by feeling twice as much. A yin to his yang as it where.

"We tend to train often, yes."
"Yup! This guy right here is my personal punching bag!"

She released him and he went off to go fix up their mess. At least one of them was responsible, but if he had to pick one personality he matched, it was this girls. He looked pretty disheveled himself, but it was because he rarely ever took care of himself physically except to upkeep his skills. He could use a haircut and a shave for sure. As he thought of such things, she began to close distance and ask a string of questions. Getting close to his face, which would have been uncomfortable if he didn't fancy himself a ladies man.

"I bet you have lots of cool stories from you Academy years!"
"Are you a Jounin now? Was that sword of yours a gift from a king after you saved his daughter?"
"Did you marry her? Are you married to a princess now?"
"Are you going to be Kage soon?"

He stood quiet while he string of questions came to an end and took in a deep breath, reaching up and smooshing her face with his hands, smooching her forehead and pushing her away before doing a big spin, his loose kimono flowing in the spin.

"I skipped the academy because I'm so bad-ass" he said with a low but goofy faux-serious tone as he struck a sword draw pose. Release his intricate ancestral sword from its sheath he pointed it at the air. "Jounin is a title the village is afraid to give me because of how awesome I am, and my sword was forged by the devil himself to slay my enemies!" he said in his intense batman voice, flailing it around above his head. "You should ask the Kage if he's going to be me soon." he said slashing left and right before clicking the sword seamlessly back into the sheath. He could feel how lame the sword thought he was, but also how sweet it thought he was for playing along with this girls spazzy nature.

Hyuuga Mirame

Dec 31, 2013

He kissed her forehead! She was half in her mind to knock the asshole onto his back, but Aru kept a smile on her face. As he spoke the young girl realized how conceited this boy was. The little girl then realized that he was putting on a display for her. She laughed, covering her mouth with her hands. Standing up, Aru punched into the air whilst throwing a foot off the ground as well. "Yeah! She once again giggled before she jumped back and raised her arms into a defensive position. She winked at the boy before taunting him. "So? How about you put your money where your mouth is?" Suteki Aru was always up for a good spar, even if she had just had one with her friend Kodomo, whom seemed to still be repairing the after their ninja battle. The little girl began focusing her chakra before making a series of handseals. Clapping her hands together in the "Tori" handseal, the arena around them slowly began to shift. This young girl was beginning to learn her way around a few Genjutsu and this was one of her attempts. If Homura-Kun resisted this jutsu nothing would seem to happen, but if he fell for it, the place they were at would seize to exist. The entire area would be turned into the world above their cave. A dessert would take the place of the school and sand dunes would be able to be seen for miles around.

Randamu Kyarakuta

New Member
Oct 22, 2012
She smiled and laughed, good. She will remember this when things hit the fan and she's having the worst moments of her life. There would be many, in her chosen profession. She then kicked off the ground, doing an over hyped fist pump into the air. This would be an opportune time to freeze frame and give a 'next time on dragonball z' announcer speech but today wouldn't be the day that odd thing would occur. Instead she took up a defensive fighting stance, as if too fisticuffs the man with the sword.

"So? How about you put your money where your mouth is?"

She made a handseal, clearly visible to his eyes and his vision began to distort, the arena around them turning into the very dunes that encompassed the villages outer regions that have long since been destroyed. It was a simple genjutsu, but he wouldn't fight it. While he wasn't good at them, he could fight against them though he chose not to.

"So you've set the stage, what next?" he said in a less joking tone. Moving his hand up and pointing his index and middle finger toward her, swiping the air. It would ripple in her direction, an opening attack that she'd have to avoid or be ripped into by the very air around her. A simple jutsu he had learned at the very academy they now fought at. Though he had since perfected it's intended use as a wind slash of sorts, like an invisible sword. Seemed fitting considering his weapon of choice.

Hyuuga Mirame

Dec 31, 2013
((Sorry I'm late, Spring Break has been hectic with all of my observations for class))

Aru smiled as the boy taunted her, but before she could attack first she say a glimpse of a Wind Style Ninjutsu. Reacting quickly are made a handseal and performed a substitution that a chakra bomb charged kawarami target. The wooden log exploded, making a bomb that could take out the untrained with ease. The young girl appeared in the air above the young samurai. She made a quick handseal and inhaled deeply. Fire Style:Fireball Mythical Phoenix Fire Jutsu! When the girl exhaled five fire balls shot from her mouth and went down to the boy. Each small flame would explode making a small little crater. This student was as strong as any beginning Genin and she wasn't afraid to show her power. Once she landed on the ground her body began to radiate heat because of her Immolation Armor technique.

Randamu Kyarakuta

New Member
Oct 22, 2012
Swoosh, the air cut the log in half and he caught a glimpse of the note before it caught fire for its detonation. His left foot kicked off the ground and he slid backward gracefully, it exploding just in front of him, probably giving his skin 2nd degree burns when things settled, though he didn't seem too bothered by it. His body had been tempered more-so than the average person who those notes are intended for. Then he looked upward, as it was the only real place she could go with such a technique and still be able to attack him without getting blown up herself. She then began to flash handseals up there. He couldn't make them out but he knew the body language. A big inhale, her chest puffing out as she took in a lot of air. He would run forward quickly, into the big black cloud left over from the explosion only seconds before. His eyes, mouth, and nose covered and it was still really hot. However, it provided a cover she couldn't aim in. He ran out the other side, hearing the fireballs impact the earth and seeing the red streak down into small plumes of fire that spread the cloud.

"I would surrender if I were you!"

He called out through the smoke, before sending another air wave through it to clear it and maybe even hit her/disorient her vision by using the debris cloud against her.

"You just got done with a strenuous battle with your friend over there. Your chakra can't take much more, neither can your clothes!" he said, pointing out how ragged she was starting to look

"If you refuse to back down though, I will attack for reaaallll!" he taunted, expecting her fully to not back down. Perhaps he was trying to motivate her, perhaps he was trying to teach her. Either way, it was her choice to make.

Hyuuga Mirame

Dec 31, 2013
The explosion from the chakra bombs made Homura slide back to avoid the flames. The man was quick on his feet, but this little girl believed she was faster. As her Phoenix Flower Jutsu hit the ground she realized that he had dodged her attack. He must have darted into the cloud of debris, and just then a voice could be heard. She smiled as she saw the cloud separate as if wind was shot through it. He had sent another Wind Blade at her. The girl tried to dodge it as she landed on the ground, but it hit her on the shoulder. The skin of a civilian would've cleaved through easily, but being a young kunoichi Aru was able to bear it. She landed on the ground near the Genin and smiled. This young girl was always extremely hyperactive and hardy ever ran out of energy.

"It'll take more than a threat to get me to leave!"

He was right though; the girl's body was weakened from the battle she had before. She was probably only at 30% strength, but she had to continue. The girl brought forth her hands to her chest made began to weave a set of seals. She knew that she had power in her. She has come from a long line of powerful shinobi. The girl clasped her hands together for her last handseal.

I am Suteki Aru of Sunagakure, and as a Kunoichi of Sand I will never give up!

The girl clapped her hands onto the ground in front of her. She could feel the earth below her take in her chakra. As it did something unusual happened. Her mother once told her that when her latent Kekke-Genkai activated as a child she could feel the elements in her chakra merge with one another. She was one of the first students in her class to activate the Sunaku Bloodline and created Sand Jutsu. Yet this somehow did not feel as if it would be the same. There have been many shinobi from across the lands marry into the Suteki Family, from the Aburame to the Toujigikou,and each of them have possessed a unique trait. In the very brief moment that she began to cast the Stone Bullet Jutsu something new occurred, something destructive. Instead of a stone bullet launching at Homura a clay bird would launch from in front of the girl. This clay technique was not new to Aru; she has seen her Great Aunt perform a similar style. Aru's Aunt was apart of the Bakuyaku no Kimete Clan, a small splinter family from the Toujigikou Clan that has come from Stone to Sand, and it seems that Aru has been cut from the same cloth.

As the bird launched at Homura, Aru followed suit with what she had seen her aunt do. The girl made a half tiger seal and just like her aunt's technique the bird came alive. It flew towards the Genin and once it touches anything it would explode.


Randamu Kyarakuta

New Member
Oct 22, 2012
"It'll take more than a threat to get me to leave!"

She sounded confident for no reason other than young student pride. He was like that growing up also, headstrong and like nothing could stop him. In some ways he still was, but he wasn't exactly grown, just have taken more abuse in his life than most people his age. She would lift her hands to her chest and fling hand seals around while making an exclamation to him, or to the world.

"I am Suteki Aru of Sunagakure, and as a Kunoichi of Sand I will never give up!"

She slapped the ground, he dug in expecting some sort of ground spike or something. Instead a bird made of clay erupted from the ground and flew at him. It spreading its wings and picking up speed as it got closer. You don't send a pet of any kind out at you like that unless it intends to do something suicidal. He wouldn't take chances, having never seen the jutsu before. So when it made contact, it blew up sending splintered wood shards everywhere. She wasn't the only one able to body switch, except he would appear directly behind her with it instead of above her. If it worked, he would have the element of surprise and use it simply to place his index finger and middle finger against her neck. She had seen him do the jutsu before, and how it sliced through the air fast. What would it do at this range?

"Fancy jutsu, never seen it before..."

He would remove his fingers from her neck, sliding into a sitting position.

"You win! You're too good for me!" he threw his hands up in the air, falling backwards into the genjutsu sand, bringing his hand to his mouth and biting down on it, dispelling the genjutsu. He didn't want to crush the girls urge to fight and win, so he'd give up unless she truly pressed the fight, in which case he was laying prone for at least one good attack to smack into him unguarded. "I like you, you're cool!" he said with a smile on his face, he hadn't had one of those for quite some time.

[WC: 371 MFT]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
