Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Letter for the Kage! [ Messenger NPC)

Ii Hissori

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
It has been a whole two weeks since the red head had been told to go deliver a message to Sunagakure. He had changed his outfit from the normal more durable stone shinobi gear that he had been wearing to a much more pairing of lighter clothing. The red head with the pale almost white eyes was in a red shirt and white shorts. He still of course had on his marching boots, and a pair of elbow and knee pads. It could be assumed that as well the Hyuuga had on some sort of protective chest gear as well.

Lifting the canteen of water the chuunin had brought, the pale eye male sighed some. Nothing came out. “Darn.” The Hyuuga said as he looked at the gates he was walking up too. Hopefully, the man with the letter and a stone emblem covering his forehead and holding up his fire red hair would have someone to answer him at the gate soon.

Topic Entered A-rank NPC.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank

Akkuma appeared in front of the Iwagakurian messenger holding out a full water canteen. Standing at a massive seven feet he looked down at the man below him, one Crimson eye and a diamond-like counterpart gazed intently down on the messenger. His hands were clawed like those of a demon and two massive horns protruded from his forehead. A massive demon tail flicked behind the man, his curious it's burning within him. 'Why is there a messenger from Iwa here?' he thought to himself before bowing to the shinobi before him. "I am Lord Miroku Akkuma, take your time. You look as if you could drop from exhaustion at any moment." he said in that devilish tone of his. Built like some old Warlord from a horror story and wearing an armour like one Akkuma was a sight to behold.

A large scythe was strapped to his back and it's each gleamed in the sun. "So tell me why does an Iwa nin travel so far from his home?" asked the demon formally and with a tone of authority. Smiling he revealed razor sharp shark-like teeth, long midnight black hair hung down past his shoulders. Due to his recent blood rite with Kuro the demon sage's ears had become furry and almost wolf-like. This along with those animalistic slits for pupils were the only sign the ritual had been done, well that and the fact he now stood at seven feet.


11th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012
Kasha - Demon of the ANBU

Perched up on a small stone piece that jutted from the side of the dojo was a figured clad in black and red. His face was masked as he was working on the clock at this point in time. The reports of increased visitors stopping by the dojo seemed to be holding up as it seemed a new travel was making their way to their current village entrance. Stalking outside of Toraono Clan's main complex was not his ideal monitoring spot, but with the current shape of the village it was their make shift entry point. It did not sit well with the ANBU that so much traffic was being subverted to the Sennin's family, nor that it seemed that some of their personal guests were becoming increasingly comfortable within the village. His body would gracefully leap down from his perch, maintaining distance away from both individuals.

"Esteemed guest of the Toraono clan, thank you for offering water to this traveler."

He would move a few feet closer to the physically imposing creature that had crept forth from the dojo, and then scanned over towards the pale red head that had made the journey across the desert. His emblem was clearly displayed upon his head, making it easy to recognize him as a member of another shinobi village.

Wonder how far travel that is from here.

"Thank you again for you assistance, Miroku Akkuma. I can take over from here, if that isn't problematic for you? I see no need to ask our own guests to start watching our entry point, just seems to lack courtesy. You should be enjoying your stay, not working."

From under his mask his glare was maintained on both figures as the ANBU named Kasha was suspicious of one more so than the other. While his mask would stay positioned in a way to show his view was looking at both figures, his words would shift to the pale red head.

"Greetings, traveler. What brings a guest from such a distant location to our humble little sand box?"

Ii Hissori

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
Blinked a bit as Akkuma appeared in front of the hyuuga with a fresh canteen. “Thank you.” Akarhi said as he took it from the tall man. He would take a long and deep swig of the water. Some of the water ran down the dry face of the red head. His pale eyes however watched what he thought was an allied shinobi carefully.

“Thank you very much.” The red head said politely as he wiped the back of his arm across his now moist lips as he listened to the demon. He would blink a bit as he looked at him. “Oh well, I am looking to the leader of Sunagakure, as well as the head of a clan called the Miroku clan.” He said his voice still a bit hoarse from the travels in the desserts. It was of course at this point when the medium sized young adult had told the leader of the clan he was seeking, then of course an official ANBU would come.

In a polite way the hyuuga greeted Roku. “Hello, ANBU-san.” Akarhi said as he saulted him and started to fish through a hip pouch for his passport and presenting it to him. The passport was pristine and this would be the first country stamp for his career.

“As I just told this man.” The hyuuga said gesturing towards the demon in a kind tone, “I have an official letter of introduction from the new Tsuchikage Ii Hissori. I would like to request a meeting with whoever is the leader of this village.” He said before registering who the demon was.

“Oh… wow, you were the person Hissori-sama was telling me to look for, wow. He wanted me to tell you that hello, and hope you were real.” The messenger said.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank

Akkuma smiled at the courier before him "It was no problem I assure you." he'd say in that warm and friendly tone he had used to charm so many. He watched the water spill down the mans face and the sweat dripping down his body. Feeling an urge he hadn't felt for quite sometime, when the shinobi spoke his next words he remained silent. 'Well it seems Hissori does still think about me...' he would think to himself with a small grin. Waiting he would let the messenger realise who he was.

Turning to face the approaching shadow he smiled that shark-like grin reveals those monstrous teeth. "Nonsense my dear shadow. I consider it my duty to assist with such trivial matters." he would say in that business-like tone of his. Before walking to stand beside the messenger as he and the shadow exchanged words. "Hissori is the Tsuchikage now?" he would ask in a surprised tone, with a raised eyebrow. 'My little medic has become Tsuchikage...good for him.' he thought with a chuckle before looking towards the shadow.

"It seems that I have business with this man." his gaze slid from the messenger to the shadow, as he placed his arm around the messengers shoulders. "I have to discuss a few things of dire importance with the Kazekage, I'd be happy to escort our new friend here. Besides I'd love to discuss further how my old friend Hissori is doing as Tsuchikage...maybe over some sake? I haven't seen him since...I curse sealed those Iwa nin and performed that re-animation." he'd say in that charming voice of his, although those eyes burned with an intensity suggesting the man did not wish to be challenged on this matter. Openly talking about curse seals and re-animating corpses. Who was this demon who dealt in such forbidden arts, haunted village gates and consorted with Kage's. Truly this demon was someone to be watched if anything had been gained today from this encounter.

Taking out a smoke he ignited it with a snap of his fingers inhaling he waited for a response from the two ninja's. His ears twitching with curiosity wondering what would happen and if the Anbu would be satisfied with the demon sage's request. Than again few people liked the thought of going against the demons wishes, others decided to go against their better judgement.


11th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012
Kasha - Demon of the ANBU

A word with the Steward-Kazekage, that would make sense if he was a messenger of the Tsuchikage.

"I see, there should be no problem arranging such a meeting."

His words were directed as the messenger, at which point Akkuma would join the conversation and make it clear his intentions to meet with Sousuke as well. The mans word and his appearance gave the clear indication to the masked man; don't trust him. Unfortunately, he was already granted access to the village, but that was also a blessing as it would make it much easier to keep an eye on his doings. Rumors were already starting to swirl about this man impacting the youth of Suna. Soon rumors would turn concrete and this horrid beast might find his head sitting on a chopping block.

"Two things before any proceeding forward can happen. First, do you mind presenting me with your passport so I may document your entry?"

This was clearly directed to the Iwa Shinobi who had still yet to release his name. This hopefully sounded like a very pleasant request as it lacked any hostility.

"Second, I would recommend utilizing Sennin Kuro or, if needed, myself in arranging a meeting with the Steward, the Kazekage, of this village. We have recently exited a period of armed engagement so tensions are still running high in some regards."

This would hopefully come off with the same pleasant tone as his earlier comment. It would be foolish to not realize that such tension still lingered and it would be unwise to blindly send in a foreign shinobi without a little context. The next step would be waiting for the passport information from the Iwa-nin and then it would be all but wrapped up, at least in the entry of this individual, for Kasha.

Ii Hissori

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
Ahakri smiled and nodded politely as he handed over his passport. "Fresh off the presses." He said in a polite way glad that his request was probably going to be accepted. After all, who would want their first mission out of the country to be a fail? Handing over the small booklet that had all his important information. Listening though, the Hyuuga would nod and take another sip from the canteen the large demon was given. Certainly this Kuro wouldn't be to hard of a fellow to track down for the chuunin.

"I will get right on looking for this Sennin Kuro to get my meeting with the Steward. Unless you can be so kind as to do that for me ANBU-san." The traveler said before hearing the explaination. "It is understandable, and if I have to disarm myself, I will." He said. Ahakri could expect some sort of protection from the village hidden in the sand. Then the skinny framed twenty something man knees nearly buckled under the heavy arm of Akkuma.

Ahakri didn't know what the demon was thinking or how he felt about his military leader, but by the look on his face it was almost predatory. "Yes sir." The pale eye man said looking up to him. "He was elected by our villages council about five months ago." The man informed him as he then looked up with somewhat of a scowl on his face. To Ahakri, curse seals were dirty things that shouldn't ever be used. All he needed was his eyes, and his open palm style and that was it to fight, there was no need for some steroid like a curse seal to corrupt him. "That certainly sounds nice, though, if I can be shown to where I can stay? I need to shower all this sand got into my hair." The hyuuga said as he then nodded as his eyes began to activate as the smoke puff filled the air around him waiting to be taken away or well led away to the inside of the village.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank

Akkuma waited calmly for the showing of passports and completing of protocol. As they discussed that Kuro would be more suitable to arrange a meeting with the Kazekage. "I shall escort you into the dojo, there I'm sure brother Kuro would be happy to arrange somewhere for you to stay. I believe you'll find the Toraono baths quite refreshing." he chuckled at the typical response of disgust at the mention of his curse seals. So many were fools in the regard of their use, it only made things easier for him. Taking another draw of his smoke he exhaled, the messenger seemed tiny in comparison to the formidable being standing next to him.

"I'm so glad that Hissori has been so accepted by your people, to even be made Tsuchikage. I knew he could do it..." he said the look on his face was warm and earnest. His gaze slid to the shadow that stood before them "If everything looks fine on your end with our new guest I'd be happy to take it from here. Besides I have something for our guest to take back to his Tsuchikage." he would say revealing that shark-like grin, Hissori was one of the few Mist shinobi still alive. A comrade from a past life, back when their world had been simpler.


11th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012
Kasha - Demon of the ANBU

After gaining a couple of nifty little nuggets of knowledge about some other village affairs, Kasha would be satisfied with this encounter. He would take the passport from Ahakri and pull out a note pad. After making a few quick scribbles of information he would pass the item back to its owner.

"No need to disarm. The village is a great place full of splendid sights, but since we are still in for a state of unrest I would rather you be armed and vigilant."

Probably a unique welcoming.

"That aside, I hope you enjoy your time in the village and I will make sure to notify Steward Takahashi of your meeting request, Ahakri of Iwagakure no Sato."

From behind the mask his attention would turn to Akkuma.

"As you wish, Miroku Akkuma."

And with that the ANBU would leap back, making his way up the walls of the dojo to return to his watch.

[Entry Granted]
[Topic Left Unless Stopped]

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank

The demon sage would smile that shark-like grin of his it seems things were still going as he had hoped they would. Akkuma grabbed Ahakri throwing the smaller man over his shoulder, taking large strides towards the dojo. He'd take his new associate to the bathes where they would discuss further their mutual friend, hopefully over a few drinks. Kasha would feel what could only be described as pure malice and despair trying to enter his mind. After this he would hear the demon Sages words, spoken within his mind only to the shadow. 'Seek me out if you truly wish to help this village in its time of need...' his thoughts would echo within the shadows mind. A truly disturbing jutsu for those that didn't understand it or its functions. After all not too many mortals were used to another beings thoughts entering their mind let alone a demon.

Within moments they would be entering the dojo the speed at which the demon moved was incredible. As they entered the building the demon would begin to whistle, he couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of what was running through Ahakri's mind. "Do not worry my new friend we'll get you cleaned up and presentable. I shall send word to brother Kuro once we've gotten you...more comfortable." his tone was full of warmth and held a hint of mischief. Things had seemed to go well for the demon since his arrival in Sunagakure he'd never had so much go so right for him.

Kasha Stopped to deliver mental message via Demonic Mindlink
Topic Left w/ Ahakri
Next thread shall be in the dojo somewhere I'll send you a link.
Laters Roku hopefully catch up with Kasha sometime...
Demonic Mindlink {Approved in link provided above}
CRPJ's Effect: Allows Akkuma and up to X-amount of people to communicate via telepathy.
Example RP of how it will be used: Akkuma could feel the meeting heading down a bad road and decided to inform the others of their next actions "Alright be prepared watch the guards I'll get the old man." thought the demon he heard his teams acknowledgements and their usual rowdy thoughts of what they'd do should that happen. Chuckling he smiled a wide devilish grin as the first guard reached for his katana "Now!" thought the sage and his team disabled the two guards before they could even get a strike off. While Akkuma moved with blinding speed towards the old man coming to a stop in front of him. "Now that was silly wasn't it..." he said with a confident grin upon his face.
Reason why it cannot be used in battle: It would be impossible to maintain that kind of link in the heat of battle the chakra control required to accomplish such a feat is impossible to acquire.


11th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012
Kasha - Demon of the ANBU

Moving his way up the side of the dojo something would occur that would give him a decent spook. A voice would echo, in what seemed like his head but with the voice of Akkuma. He would freeze, chakra molded into his feet to allow him to cling to the wall as he swiftly withdrew his sword. Scanning the area, he would try to determine where the horned beast had appeared from to deliver that message. It appeared, however, that the voice indeed come from within his head. Now he assumed this was the best course of action.


If the horned visitor of the Toraono could also receive mental messages like he could send them then it would seem Kasha would be meeting with this individual in the future. It was troubling, and frustrating, that the monster was able to talk directly into his mind.


[Topic Left]

Ii Hissori

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
Jeez, why would Hissori be looking for a guy like this? This dude is scary. The red head thought to himself. In the back of his head he assumed that his connection to Iwagakure would keep him safe, but with rather large men like this around the Hyugga was not so sure.

“That sounds like much of a plan. I will certainly believe that getting this letter delivered to your leader will be a great benefit to both our villages.”The man said in a polite tone trying to keep the conversation going. Of course he would nod some listening more closely to the ANBU as he finished up his protocol.

“Yes, Hissori-senpai has done a lot of great work for our village in terms of medical practices and medicine for our people. After the last Tsuchikage resigned it was almost certain that he was the one to take leadership of the village.” Ahakri said as he would adjust his own short shirt.

“Thank you so much for you time. I am sure we will have much to discuss with him.” The shinobi said politely as he took his hands and took back his passport in his pouch. With a nod he would open his mouth to say something before Akkuma would seemingly sweep the man off his feet.

The chuunin would make a noise of protest, as the demon would get so easily lifted off the ground. There was a sharp intake in air as he felt his tone frame come in contact with the demons shoulder as he was then stuck there. He would squirm a bit as he was carried away, not use to being babied like this from anyone.

“Hey, Umm.. I can walk myself you know.” He told the demon as he looked at the gates that were slowly disappearing. When the man was put down again, he huffed, a slight blush on his olive toned cheeks. “If this is where I am staying, do you mind showing me to my room, and the baths?” He asked.

Topic Left with Akkuma

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
