Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private Letting off Steam: Where is He?! [The Devils Lair Casino]

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Kohana had been steering Shin for three days now. It was exhausting. He hadn't shown himself once in that time. She understood why, but she was over it. Shin wasn't the only one that lost Sora that day, she was just as much family to her as she was to him. Just because Sora called Kohana her aunt, didn't mean she wasn't also there with her every moment that Shin was. They did share a body after all. His body, no her body, was burning with rage and frustration. She couldn't put into words how angry and how sad she was, but she needed to let off some steam.

She had heard rumors of a Casino down in the ruins of Sunagakure that had been picking up popularity, normally a gambling house would not draw her attention in the slightest, but rumor has it that there was not only a fighting arena within it, but it was ran by that accursed Akkuma. The idea of punching someone in the face so hard that it would fracture or crush their orbital bone sounded sweet, but to have that face belong to a smug bastard like Akkuma made the idea even more tantalizing.

Donning all black she would quickly make it through the Red Light's District and enter into "The Devils Lair Casino" She did her best to withhold Shin's identity through the use of a Transformation Jutsu, as she did not want anyone to think that Shin would be down here with the likes of that criminal lord.

Making her way to the pit she would see two men, clearly not shinobi, fighting as best they could. The crowd seemed to enjoy the spectacle as these two muscled men glistened with sweat and blood as they bare knuckle brawled. Blow after blow the fight would continue on and the crowd would cheer. "I don't have time for this." She said softly to herself.

"Oh yea sweat cheeks, think you can do better?"

A man chimed in, having overheard her. With a quick strike she would sever the connection between the C4 and C5 Vertebrae, cutting the Larynx and the Trachea apart with a seemly strike of her two fingers. While the blow would look innocuous to any observer, within the man's neck the internal bleeding would make him quickly down in his own blood as his severed spinal cord would cause his body to become paralyzed in his chair. Still sitting and observing the fight he would be dead within moments.

Appearing into the ring she would catch the thrown blows from each man before snapping their Transvers Carpal Ligaments and crushing the Lunate and Scaphoid bones within their hands. as the two men would drop to their knees Kohana would let go of their hands before yelling out.

"Akkuma, you sick bastard where are you? We need to talk, and if you don't show up soon I'll burn this fucker to the ground." Dark energy began to fill the room as Shin's Shadow began to manifest an aura of dread around her. She was the product of not just the Overseer of the Chikamatsu Clan, but of a Grandeur Phantom as well.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Often the security staff were accompanied by spirits to entice customers. Fortunately for Kohana they had been called away to put on a private show for a VIP guest. Unfortunately for the Chikamatsu kunoichi the true security for the Casino did not lie at the entrance to the establishment. But within it, agents mingling with patrons while carrying on security checks on those entering. While individuals disguising their identity weren't unwelcome at the Devil's Lair, it did the gain the attention of the security team. Although it wouldn't be anything worth disturbing Akkuma for yet, with that he would remain in his Office speaking to Miroku Hirogata. The final report on the changes to his genetics had been compiled. They'd spent the evening going over the findings & allowing Hirogata to collect some more samples from the Sage.

"How many times has it been now my Lord?" curiosity getting the better of Hirogata as he packed up his equipment. The Sages emerald eyes moved to hold his kinsmen in their gaze for a moment thinking on the answer. "If I'm honest I've lost count...that's just in this cycle." he would say before letting out a chuckle & moving to stare out of the glass Off wall overlooking the Casino Games Room below. Hirogata's eyes reflected the awe & jealousy he felt at his Lords capabilities. Then he recalled the time he had witnessed Akkuma regenerate & how painful an ordeal it had seemed to be. Again his mortal life didn't seem so bad, after all it wasn't entirely mortal. There were certain benefits to working for an individual like Akkuma.

~Meanwhile in the Pits~

Seated in the arena stands an Agent would speak into the headset apparatus stitched into his collar. "Assailant in the stands, immediate action needed or death will be inevitable." his words would cause a series of events to begin. An announcement would come through the speakers established in the Pits audience gallery. "All spectators are to immediately, vacate the Pits. You will be allocated a House Credit for another Event, please see one of the hostesses waiting outside of the Arena." with the announcement people started murmuring to one another getting up to depart. A team of specialized Medics would enter the Pits spectator zone & retrieve the dying spectator. Fortunately such damage was considered minor among there trauma teams. Outside of the entrance to the Arena a team of the Medics waited tentatively as if gauging whether or not they to would be struck down if they entered the Pit Arena.

Here most wounds could be mended with enough time. Akkuma's techniques & resources had been heavily invested into ensuring that. Despite this they knew with each passing moment the chance & cost of doing so grew. Whether it was something like dismemberment or the treating of cellular death via high exposure to radiation. What mattered was whether or not the Miroku were willing to expend the resources necessary for the feat. Fortunately for these spectators tonight they would, but not for them.

~In Akkuma's Office~

Hirogata's jaw was open from shock & disbelief as he heard the information passed through the headset. "Who would be so foolish as to come here of all places & cause Havoc?" he knew all too well the safety measures they had in place. "Why don't we find out?" the Sage would say as he passed corrupted chakra through his hands into a section of his desk which caused a compartment with a console to slide open. Pushing one of the buttons a nearby monitor would flicker to life, much to his surprise it wasn't any of the individuals he imagined it would be. A surprised 'Hmph.' escaped the Sage, before his emerald gaze slid to Hirogata. "It appears to be Chikamatsu Kohana...sister to Chikamatsu Shin, Overseer of their Clan." at these words Hirogata would was surprised. "Should I report the incident to the authorities? We could make sure the right person handled it, mayb.." he was cut short by the flash of bloodlust that briefly flickered in his Lords eyes.

A moment would go by before Akkuma would speak. "You're not wrong we could handle this in a way that would gain us great leverage over them..." he could blackmail them, after all if they did nothing Kohana had just murdered three men. Fortunately for her Akkuma had plans for the Chikamatsu kunoichi, her clan & especially that brother of hers. "I have other plans for the Chikamatsu & they won't work unless this is handled more delicately." as he spoke Hirogata nodded in response, of course he had a plan for them. They were growing to be a formidable influence within Sunagakure & no one with that much reach could exist for long before he got to them. The alternative well that was far more painful for those who resisted his ploys. Pushing another button on the console a microphone would crackle to life.

~Back in the Pits~

"I'm heading down, let the Medics attend to the collateral damage." the speakers would crackle momentarily before falling silent once more. Almost immediately an ominous aura would engulf this section of the Casino as the Sage descended to it's depths. Cautiously the medics would open the Pit Arena & if Kohana made no effort to strike at them they would enter to remove the dying combatants. The window for resurrection would be even shorter if Akkuma was engaged in combat with this aggressor, they knew the urgency. But they also would not put their lives on the line for non shinobi, not unless directly ordered to of course. If Kohana did attack the medics they would attempt to flee from the scene to a safer vantage until it was safe to attempt another retrieval.

Before long a nearby electronic 'ting' could be heard one of the lifts opened revealing Akkuma. Stepping out of the lift those emerald eyes would take in the scene around him. before they came to rest on Kohana. So much anger, pain & loss burned within her gaze as she glared at him. This was why she was here, something had happened. Whatever it was had left her feeling powerless & needing to lash out at something without fear of worrying whatmight happened. It was a role he had been designated many a time by shinobi in the past. For he had done nothing to warrant such anger from her. "For Shin's sake I'm removing the potential for collateral damage." with those words he would begin to walk towards the Arena. Corrupted chakra licking at his heels, how unfortunate he wouldn't be able to utilize his full abilities.

Kohana of all people, was not someone he imagined capable of keeping THAT secret on his behest. Well not yet at least, but the evening had just started & who knew where this little...therapeutic bout of combat would lead. For that was undeniably why she was here. Approaching the Pit Arena Akkuma would equip his combat gloves, that were runed with various effects. A half dozen agents would step forward & begin performing a series of handseals for a Jutsu known as the Black Blockade. Utilizing the Tri-Flame formation they erected a secure chakra barrier to prevent significant structural damage to the Casino. "It's just you & me now Kohana..." with those words he entered the Arena shrugging off his robes, revealing the numerous scars that littered his torso & the numerous seals accompanied by their runic glyphs.

Akkuma had lived more lives then anyone ever should, let alone a monster like himself. Each scar a memory of pain or betrayal he had refused to lose when changing forms. Each seal a promise kept or broken, each was a piece to the puzzle that was his life. Shifting into a style commonly utilized by the Main Branch for accuracy over damage, the Sage was clearly preparing for a fight. With a quick series of handseals a sickly green chakra coated his gloves, each strike he landed upon her would slowly sap the chakra from her form. Even being in his very presence with the desire to inflict harm upon him was enough to potentially have ones very life force sapped from them, that was the true power of his corruptive presence. Whatever happened he would not underestemate her, he knew all well the advantages that could be gained if your opponent underestimated you.

(Apologies on the delay, let's do this!)

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
”Perfect, the Immortal Man that can withstand being a punching bag"

Without so much as a further statement the shadow would dart forward. She didn't need to explain herself, nor did she want to. She simply wanted to have someone else hurt as much as she did. The rancid smell of alcohol and sweat in the air would be replaced by the pleasant aroma of flowers as Kohana stepped into the Phantosmia fighting style that was practiced by the Yamanaka Clan. Her first strike would be an easily discernable blow, clearly a shadow boxing punch, as the woman's fist extended out a radiant glow would emit from her body. Spectral wings would erupt from her back, red and radiant like an battle ready angel's. She could feel the rancid breath of Cursed Chakra and knew that the best way to counter it was to radiate her own Holy Alignment Focused Chakra.

"Akkuma, don't worry, if you die I'll have Shin bring you back so I can continue letting off some steam."

She turned to look at the surrounding seal before chuckling. Did this man truly think this barrier could contain her? Her eyes looked back to Akkuma, The battle had already begun. No more than a matter a blink of an eye and the infamous Illusory Cantrips would already begin as multiple forms of her began to appear. Three Kohanas stood before the man she met under the moniker of Fate. She Grinned. Not only could she create clones instantly, but she was also able to slip in the deceptive elements of audial genjutsu as well to help mask which of the clones were her. The fight had barely started and her brother's genetics she was able to lace this Dark Sage with aspects of deceit as easy as it was to breath.

She would steady her breath as she slowly walked around the arena, keeping her eyes on Akkuma. All three of her forms would begin to emit even more light. A concentration of blue light would grow in her hands. Temperance, the aspect of Virtue she would channel into her hands. Without so much of a movement a powerful blow would be thrown at Akkuma's blind spot, targeting his left kidney. If this blow landed, on a normal human it would shatter their internal organs in the vicinity but she knew Akkuma was no ordinary human.

If she knew anything about the Sage she knew that simple hand to hand combat could not be the only method she took to win this scrapping. Sliding back a field of flowers would fill the sealed space the two of them where standing in. While the flowers were beautiful they were also dangerous if the Miroku Mercenary knew his botany he would immediately recognize them as the Ninja Wolfsbane, the toxic plant that is the main ingredient in the Nightshade Extract the Yamanaka utilized, but in this field their toxic fluttering pollen would act as a noxious fume that would burn any flesh it came into contact with.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank

Her statement was a verification of his suspicions. For what other reason would she be here? By all accounts the Sage was a consequence free target, at least by most societal accounts. There would be few circumstances he would ever turn to the authorities to handle a matter. No, he preferred to do so in house. Kohana shifted her stance into a stance that informed Akkuma this was not going to be a fun encounter. Immediately the telltale signs of the Yamanaka's Phantosmia fighting style became apparent, almost as if a bouquet of wild flowers were held before him. Any remaining scent of smoke, alcohol, sweat & blood, was now replaced with the pleasing aroma. Unfortunately he knew all too well that the Clan was well famed for much more than their botany skills.

Unfortunately for the Chikamatsu kunoichi, not unlike herself he was not a standard shinobi. His will was corruption manifest, to be in his presence while intending to harm him. Well that invited his corruption into oneself, like the inevitable waves of the ocean crashing against a sandy dune. It would erode the defenses of ones mind & sap away their very life. Perhaps surprisingly the Sage made no effort to dodge the first blow. It would connect clearly with his jaw with a resounding thud. In the moments before impact Kohana's very form shifted into one reminiscent of times long gone. Stirring to life the shattered memories of prior life times that he had forgotten. More then a decade had passed since he last dwelt on such thoughts.

Her strike was not a normal blow, no that would have been far too simple for the pain & frustration she sought to escape. That familiar burn of Holy energy laced her attack & he reflexively let out a low snarl. Those emerald eyes of his flashed with malicious intent for the briefest of moments. These Sunan's seemed to be born to fight his kind, so many of them throughout his time here had been capable of harnessing the energy. How he missed the days when people foolishly came at him with mortal weapons. Her radiance was a vivid contrast to the barriers glow, an ominous ethereal glow that outlined their forms with an eerie luminescence. The pulsating darkness created an otherworldly spotlight, casting deep shadows. It accentuated the contours of the fighters in a surreal dance of light & shadow. "Akkuma, don't worry, if you die I'll have Shin bring you back so I can continue letting off some steam." An attempt to goad him that only brought a devilish grin to his face. For her sake he had removed any sign of collateral damage, but more so for Shin.

He watched as she surveyed the barrier that had been erected around them, no doubt she thought it a simple obstacle. But the Black Blockade Tri-Flame Formation was not an obstruction one could simply shrug off. She would learn that as this battle proceeded, it would protect his facility from most of the damage & the Chikamatsu siblings from any further collateral damage in the forms of life lost. Without so much as a handseal Kohana was accompanied by clones of herself. Each step of the clones echoed around him & he was forced to wonder whether these were Ninjutsu or Genjutsu based. Although given the particular talents she exhibited he would decide to act as if they were Genjutsu based. They encircled him like a pack of wolves, waiting for the right opportunity to pounce.

Each step they took was accompanied by more power being channeled into their fists. Preparation for another attack, yet the Sage had barely moved since the conflict had begun. He was utilizing all of his willpower in an attempt to free himself of any illusions that had been placed upon him. But most importantly he was controlling the reflexive nature of his new form, keeping the Sands from stirring in an attempt to aid him. An act that required a significant amount of his will, but such conflicts could be won in more then one way. "I've been thinking about what could have transpired. That you would come for me in such a manner." Each word rung with an unspoken question, yet his tone suggested he knew more. "This village is in no greater danger then it has been in the past...from what I understand your career is on track. The same could be said of your brother..." There it was again each word oozed with the unspoken question accompanied by the goading tone of pity.

This would be when she struck, when he had been waiting for her to reply she did so with a strike to the left kidney. Energy burst into the point of impact & erupted out of the other side. Akkuma would erupt into a flock of crows that swarmed the barrier encased arena, their midnight feathers cascading in the air around them. A trade mark jutsu of the Anbu, one he had mastered long before Kohana had first tasted the delight that was combat. Various crows swarmed together reforming into various replicas of the Sage, they walked parallel to those Kohana had created. During this chaos she had slipped back to position herself as safely as she could from the Akkuma's, Ninja Wolfsbane would erupt in the space around them. A sigh would escape his lips, this was going to be painful.

Ninja Wolfsbane was a particular favorite of the Yamanaka's not just because of it's importance in their toxin, but because it's very pollen could burn the flesh of an unsuspecting individual. "..then it dawned on me when I saw the pain & fury in your eyes." The words were echoed by his clones, finally he had reached what would now obviously be his question. "Who did you sacrifice for this village?" Each word spoken as the Akkuma's ran through a series of handseals. Which upon completion would cause the very air around them to ripple. Then suddenly it would become apparent what he had done. This technique like the Sages aura consumed all before it, whether stone, plant, flesh or metal. Particle Destabilization was a technique that that broke things down molecular scale, breaking it down & disintegrating it to dust. While the pollen of the Ninja Wolfsbane rained down on him, searing his flesh. He sought to consume everything that Kohana was & could use.

The Sage continued on immediately following up with a Medical Ward jutsu, placing it upon himself. This was not his first time dealing with a broken shinobi, nor did he think it would be his last. Another series of handseals, this time numerous undead figures would be ripped back to temporary life. Touka, Mai, Hebi, Ori & Oda all stood before him now. Monstrous reflections of what they had been, a horrible reminder of the power he possessed. "They are but a handful of the kin that have been taken from me..." Each stood with their gaze locked on a Kohana. Every shinobi life he had lost or been forced to take during his tenure weighed heavily on his soul. He had lost numerous kin over the decade, lost his entire village.

Chakra was carried to every sinew of muscle in his body with practiced precision. Each blood vessel strengthened by the energy in preparation for what he would do next. The Sage was making the preparations to utilize the Shadow Dance technique. A technique where the user moves with such speed they appear behind their target in the blink of an eye. While often used as a means to better position for a strike, one could instead use it to dodge. His hope was that he would get the opportunity to properly taunt the shinobi, but he wanted to be close & personal when he did that. What better way then to whisper her failings to her. Was she not meant to be her brothers protector? Their very presence here put him in danger, jeopardized how they might be seen in the village. But most importantly in the Sages eyes she was failing as a shinobi. They existed to be the blades in the darkness, the watchers of the walls & the shields that guarded the realms of men.

In order to do so they had to endure through all the loss they would face in this life. Akkuma would help her with that, but it would be a painful process for them both. First he would break her down, even if he had to do it on a molecular level. Akkuma suspected Kohana was used to being in control of a situation when it counted, at least from the few encounters he had witnessed. She was no doubt contending not only with the pain of loss but the powerlessness she felt in the face of her inability to change the situation. Death, could not be thwarted at every turn. Even by someone like the Immortal Trickster, it had been a painful fact for an individual with his talent to accept.

[Apologies on the delay, hope the wait was worth it.]​

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank

The burst of Holy Chakra would quickly dissipate as the radiant blue energy around Kohana would begin to flicker and shift in hue as Akkuma burst into a cloud of feathers. Her eyes would begin to emit a devlish glance as she looked at where the sage now stood. Her body dropping low as maniacal laughter would slip from her lips.

"Shut up, Shut up, DIE, DIE, DIE!"

A pair of summoned gauntlets that ended in razor sharp claws would form around her hands. The dark and sickening aura that Akkuma radiated seemed to be being consumed by Kohana's physical form.

Through the clones a rip of Particle Style would cut through reality, striking her clear in the chest, causing a chakra barrier to apparate around her body momentarily. Pushing forward she would begin to vibrate. Her body would begin to shake and shimmer as her appearance would begin to seemingly break apart from the Particle Style.

Tears would begin to swell in her eyes as the thought of the loss of her niece, Shin's daughter Sora.

As the undead forms would beging to appear Kohana's mentality began to revert to when she first appeared in Shin's mind. She was a soul of a dead child trapped in her brother's body after all. She was beginning to burn and Shin's body was beginning to reject her presence after being aware of her for fifteen years. She knew this day would one day come, but she was not expecting it to come so soon.

As soon as Akkuma's body vanish, Kohana would step around to try and look at him but Shin did not.

A Break.

A Tear.

A Sever of flesh and blood.

Their souls tore apart for the first time ever.

The twins were no longer spiritually conjoined, and because of this Kohana's body began to burn with chakra. A Technique that was used by the Yamanaka known as Name of the Rose. Her body was not physical. She had no flesh to cut nor bones to break.

Landing on the ground before her was her brother Shin, his movements slowed and his mind muddled as to what just happened.

Tears burned like blue flames across the red fiery body that was Kohana. Her chakra had soured. Her energy had began to rot.

Her brother's holy chakra network could not, no... would not, hold a Cursed spirit like this within it's body. She had self exercised her spirit. From his body.

Drips of venom like chakra would begin to drip from his form as she let out a banshee like cry darting towards Akkuma, slashing wildly and unpredictedly. As she lunged at the Sage, Shin would begin to become aware of the world around him.

"Where-? Where am I?"

His eyes blinked a few times as he looked around, smelled the rancid flesh of the undead before him, felt the pressure of the cursed miasma of Akkuma's presence and the burning pollen of his clan's flowers. He could feel the stress and adrenaline in his body from the fight. His fight, fright, or flight senses were strong.

Quickly taking to his feet and conjuring forth his Holy Blade, Shin would look around and point it at the burning creature that was Kohana before turning and pointing the blade at Akkuma.

"What is going on?"

The screeching banshee that was Kohana would continue it's assault, but her eyes and anger would turn towards Shin. Once again, after years of peace, Kohana would try and slit Shin's throat. With a quick lift of his blade to parry her strike, Shin's eyes would grow wide as he saw what had happened to his sister.

[OoC: using this as an OCR to create Kohana as a PC]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
