Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Lights. . . [Open]

Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
In a dream a man would have on days like this Souji would lay himself down in the middle of the Sea. He laid upon a float. . . these were the days he was going to rest himself. The gunpowder fresh in his nose from the explosions. The Canons. The Destruction. He knew it was going to be ocoming so he would definitely not want to have it on his mind. On a wooden raft he'd tied together he'd take in the fresh air of Arcadia. . . he'd feel the spirits around him and with everything within him he would know that this was something of a daydream. . . he'd taken some time off since he got his promotion. His work he knew it was going to be simple enough to get back into it. Though now he would just take it all in. Every moment of solace he had left.

In his dreams he could feel the hand of another on his face. . . whispering inaudibly to himself. He couldnt make the voice out but the hand was soft and comforting. It soothed his heart. Who did he imagine it to be? His crush. . . someone who he saw himself loving but there was just so many yellow tape there right? One stipulation after the next, but was that what he wanted? In the end, Souji was pretty simple. He just wanted to have someone he tolerated in bed with him to just talk to, all that came with it was extra. Someone that wanted to share that with him. Someone who wanted that life with him. Either way. . . he would drift to and fro.

What was going to happen next? It was all up to the day. . . but he felt the light peering through the heavens from Iwagakure above. Maybe it was time for action...

[OOC: Open to whomever wishes to enter :D Souji's last day off before things pop off!]

One step, then another. There was a familiar feeling down here within Arcadia, and it was not even the feeling of the place that the young woman had called home for so long now. . . If one could really consider a year to be a long time, after all. It was some time, but never could it be a majority of someone's life no matter how long it felt. The feeling, though, that she could feel trickling in and out of the air, was the feeling of a person whom was familiar to her, but she had long forgotten how to decipher the means of chakra away from one another. However, she knew it to be a friendly's chakra. Leaning down over the edge of the crib in her home, she would press her lips just gently to her child's forehead before standing up straight to address Gai, "I'm going out for a while. Not for training, but there is something here that I. . . Something that I just have to find out what exactly it is." She'd murmur, a small smile as she watched the other woman nod. It was always like Haruka to take off if she had a feeling, and Gai knew the woman to be lucky for the fact that she had her-- Though, Gai knew that Haruka would never, ever leave Kei alone with no supervision. He was too precious to her. A life that needed to be protected above all else. That was why she lived down in Arcadia, and that was why she trained. If she was not strong, how could she protect what was hers?

Her footsteps would collide against the ground, her white heels giving away a click as she slipped to the outside world. As she walked, the feeling got stronger and stronger. . . It made her furrow her brow. She knew distinctly who this was at this point. Why? It was because it was one of her teammates and someone she had spent a good amount of time around. She would reach down and pull away her shoes, dropping them to the side of The Sea, and she would place a single foot down against the water, coming up to a full stand and focusing her chakra into the balls of her feet. A swift movement and she would be there, standing next to Souji on his float and she'd tilt her head a bit to the side before kneeling down next to him, attempting to touch her hand against his facial features.

"You're going to drown," and those were the words of Haruka as she loomed there over him.

It was quiet, the only thing he could hear was movement in the distance but he expected people to tread these waters but this one was getting close, then again he was dreaming so it didnt matter to him his perception was all but nulled by the hand in his dream. Now being met with another, and the oceanic blue eyes of Souji blinked for a moment, his hand raising to meet the hand of the other, soft hand. Followed by a sweet voice, but was cold as ice, 'You're going to drown.', and like that moment when you fall asleep in class, with your chin rested on your hand then you slip and flip out silently... yeah Souji did that, to the point where he would flip off of his small raft and into the waters. "GAH!?", someone had gotten the drop on him but with that he'd slowly reemerge moments later from the waters with his hair drenched as well as his clothes. "Damn you Haru... What is it that you want?", shaking his head and brushing it back a bit out and away from his eyes, Souji managed to feel the emotions again. First in the pit of his stomach then up into his rib cage.

"I have this sneaky suspicion that you're stalking me.", which it would definitely do. He didnt want to deal with it. Not now, but eh, this was an open area... anyone could join. Right?

Now, now. . . Could the young demoness really help the cheeky little grin that would cross over her features? Absolutely not. As he flipped out of the raft she would sit atop the water, unscathed by the warm wetness of the Sea. Then, the young woman would begin to chuckle. . . Pressing her hand over her mouth, she would laugh right into her hand. She had to get it together, but the Shadow's little display was enough to tickle her down to her very core. What had changed him? There was something. . . Something that was strange that made her immediately pause, her voice ceasing and her hand dropping. Then, her gaze would immediately lock onto him. There was something that did not seem so nice about her appearance right now. "What kind of people have you been associating with that make you believe that someone wants somethin' from you every time they show up?" She'd demand in a low tone, eyes narrowing down her sights and she would lift up her hands slowly. "And stalking shadows? That seems like it'd be a little bit. . . pointless." She'd use her hands to sweep her hair away from her facial features, binding it back into a ponytail now, letting it hang lowly down her back.

Soon there after, her blue eyes would begin to slit in just the strangest of ways and she would sit on her knees. "Here," She'd offer her hand now to help him back into the raft. "You'd think you'd have a better grip on your chakra control, but I've been mistaken before." She would smile a bit, shifting closer to him.

"Are you upset with me? It seems like that may be so. . ."

"What do you expect...? I'm calm now but I'm still a bit on edge about it...", nodding he would cross his arms looking over to her as he moved back unto the raft, and sat down. "I have a suppressing seal on me so I can rest my chakra.", he;d smirk revealing the seal patch on his arm before turning away from her and looking out into the distance. Souji loved Haruka alot, their friendship was a driving force for alot of his ambitions growing up and in his early adult-hood. Maybe because of how close they had been even with the relations getting as high and bothered as it did but they were still friends in the end. Thats what mattered most...

"So whats up? What do you want? Just to talk? We can do that but I'd rather not be annoyed with the situation anymore than I have been... I'd like to just talk like we used to. Or to develop something new, I dont know...", nodding he'd turn back to her as his feet would dangle within the water and he would manage to kick them back and forth as he'd drift with whatever current was taking him and whereever it would. "Like Endo... What are we going to do about this guy? Tomorrow I'm set to go into the capital and I'll lay everything down like I said I was... but what does that do for you?", tilting his head he;d lay back looking up and at Haruka with his hands acting as a pillow of sorts.

Ah, so a bit on edge? Good, then he knew how she felt for the past while or now. Closing her eyes a bit, she would reach up and wipe away a droplet of water that had splashed against her features. "I'd like to talk, Souji. I really would." She'd comment quietly, opening her eyes slowly to peer over at him. It must've been quite familiar, the yellow hues that her eyes seemed to take on whenever she was feeling a thrush of power or emotion. At least it was easier for her to control now, but when it came to him? It was like any and all of her control would come crashing down around her much like her little kingdom of ice. "But first I'm going to need you to shut the fuck up for me for a little bit." She'd state in a gruff tone of voice, looking back down towards him. As swift as the elements that carried her, she would suddenly be hovering over the male without any kind of hesitation. I guess one could say that she was straddling him, but. . . Oh well, it was what it was, right? Suddenly, her hands would reach down and attempt to grasp around his throat harshly, her canines becoming bore as she gave an angry. . . sound? That's what you could really call it. If she got her hands around his throat, she would squeeze her thumbs down harshly into his windpipe, threatening to crush it then and there.

"You don't leave until I tell you to leave. I command more than just a turned back from you, Yukata Souji! Don't treat me like I'm a god damn common piece of trash!" Her teeth would clench so hard he could probably hear her molars cracking far in the back of her mouth and the canines that showed up when she was 'like this' would cut into her lips. "How dare you, how dare you, how dare you?! I won't be pushed aside!" Okay, talk about flying off the handle here. It was like someone completely pressed the 'oh fuck' button here and now. Another interesting thing? Her eyes would fog up with tears that threatened to fall down her pale cheeks. He was the one uncontrollable element within her life. He was the one that she couldn't touch. And he was the one that drove her half way to bat shit fucking insane.

"Just look at me like I'm human! Not like I'm a demon!" And yet, it was exactly what she was right now. ". . . !" Her eyes would squeeze shut and she'd give an oddly anguished howl, her grip loosening a considerable amount if she had actually gotten her hands on him. Ho-ly shiiiiit.

And with that he'd have a Haruka atop him, his entire body tensed up as she clenched down on his throat and began to speak to him as if he had killed that child she'd talked about on their last meeting but there was little to no ideals on what could be happening in her mind what the hell did it matter honestly? He could feel himself poking her but that was a talk for another day he had knives and syringes on him anyways something had to make sense. Either way he could feel the breath being slowly taken from him. . . what kind of friend had she become to do this to him to literally strangle him but then again this wasnt the first time she was abusive to him in any way. . . she tortured him a bit from time to time. Though this seemed a bit more... depth reaching. There was something she was still battling with and he'd definitely be soon to find out about it. Either way he was going to move his hands to reach up to her arm but without his chakra source he was alittle useless at the moment. Though brute strength alone he'd likely be able to out power her.

"Ha...Ru...", something was going on through her mind, but if he loosened up a bit he'd be able to speak he could feel his esophagus beginning to clench down and no wind would pass through it, he would reach for the seal on his arm and once he got it off he;d begin to fight her strength with his own moving her hand from his throat but gasping for air as he looked up at her, his body and muscles still clenched and tense all rising up into her and motioning himself wiggling in place. He didnt have the strength yet, but her internal power was vastly greater than his. "I dont....I dont see... you as a...demon...", he'd pant out attempting to gasp for air between speaking. "You're Haru...", nodding he'd sigh and move himself over wiggling more as his muscles began to relax a bit. His body was still hot though... nodding he would manage to move his body a bit and loosen from her but her hand was still clenched around his neck just not as harshly done.

Burn, the conglomerate of everything that swelled within her was burning at her very seams and she could feel it like a pressure held against her soul. Oh, no, wait, that had to have been something else. Yes, god, it was something else that stung like a flush against her very flesh. The seal that he had given her some time ago would creep it's way up and along the line of her neck and she would give a sickened sound as she twisted her head from side to side. This was a thing that hadn't happened in such a long time. Something haunting and damning, and she couldn't resist it's allure. However, along with the damned Lunar seal that Souji had placed on her, there would be another one snaking from around her wrist on the opposite side of her body to trail along her hand and arm. Two combating forces, but after a moment, the one climbing along her neck would soon recede back while the Solar seal planted along her wrist would remain, burning deep into her flesh, muscle, and bone. The cuts created by the canines at her mouth would heal themselves and the sounds of her teeth snapping back into place from her abuse would echo between them. Breathing a bit heavier, she would stare at him as he spoke in an incredulous manner. "You're just saying that." Her voice would shake a bit as she spoke, her head shaking from side to side. "Stop talking, just stop. I said I didn't want to talk, god damnit." She'd speak in an increased pace as she used her strength in her legs to keep him from squirming around.

"You respond better to my actions, anyways." The whisper was low, angry, and above all else, it was forced out. Tears would roll down her features as she brought the hand that he had grabbed at away like she had been burned, but one hand would remain there at his throat. "Don't touch me!" Even when she was in control, she was out of control. Twisting her body in an odd manner, she would bring her hand up and slap him square across his face. Or she would at least attempt to. She hadn't noticed the fact that he ripped away that convenient little suppression seal, so. . .

"Say it. Say it again. Say my god damn real name." She'd growl, an odd tone behind her voice. "Aren't we beyond nicknames and childish things? Oh no, I forgot. We aren't." She would dig the nail of her thumb into the flesh there at his throat, hoping to draw blood from the male.

Without remorse as Souji got his bearings about him feeling the woman wiggling and swooning over him he'd only shake his head and cross his arms swiping her hand away from his neck and then channeling his shadows to a point where tendrils would wrap around her arms and legs, thrusting her up and then slamming her into the opposing side of the raft before he'd stand up and his eyes would glow an eerie green. "Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if you treated me half decently... But Tsk Tsk Haru Haru, you're just forever going to be that friend that didnt live up to Mister Souji's expectations of what he wanted from you.", what was this... if he had her bound the shadows would grip unto her tighter and cling onto her wrists and ankles as he continued, "Its too bad, you and Mister Souji could've been really good friends, but you just dont want that. . . and sadly thats all he wants. He could never tell you himself. . . he never wanted to hurt your feelings but, Fuck you Haruka. You've done nothing but be a thorn in his side from day one."

Rolling his shoulders, 'Souji' would smirk but this was different. He'd changed... and there was no coming back from it. Then again this would end up being the end to something that was never going to continue... "Just like your little demon you once had that told Souji off... I'm telling you. You've fucked up by leaving him when he needed you to prove him wrong and to be a friend to him... this is why when you met him at skyfall... he was so bitter towards you... he cant trust you.", tilting his head he'd release her, "As long as Souji is alive, I'll be here... And you're the one that brought this upon yourself little girl. . . pushing your power around. . . and now you have none~ Woe is you wittle Haru haru~ Former Daimyo-chan~", 'Souji's feel his body had already changed. His seal taking over, and with that he'd not say anything else.

". . .Bye. . ."

[Attempting to leave]

Political power. . . Did it define her? Did it become who the hell she was and what the hell she did? Infectious to the mind, intoxicating to the soul, and damning to the body. She was no Inu Endo, but damnit, sometimes it felt like she could get pretty damn close to that point. It was questionable as to what she had become and where she was going from here. . . But right now, there was a different thing staring her in the face. Hands and wrists bound up in tendrils of shadows, she would part her lips slightly as if to protest, but then she caught an eerie feeling, bone chilling really. Though that would soon be replaced with a flooding, tingling feeling as she felt her back slammed down into the raft. Well, there was a reminder to her that she was alive right now. Especially with how her breath escaped her with no warning what so ever. She wouldn't allow him to see that kind of internal struggle, though. It might've been what he wanted from her. The bindings on her arms and legs would leave her fingertips falling a bit numb and she would pull in a shaky breath as she listened to him. This tone. . . Where had it come from? Deep within? Oh, like she really needed to worry about logistics of a situation right now. Thorn in his side? Oh? Suddenly, she'd give a grin into his direction and a ragged laugh. Where this was coming from she had no idea. It almost sounded like Haru, but it was pathetic. Another bought of ragged laughter now, and a cough to accompany as she regained her breath. "This is bullshit that we both, or rather you probably don't have any clue because you're nothing but fragment off Souji, know. As she was released, she would lay there for a moment as she lifted up her hands now.

"Former Daimyo-chan? Have you got any more than that? Come on. Give it to me. I'm dying to hear it, Greeny." There would come odd ripples on the hot water, and then a quaking feeling from beneath the surface. The seal on her wrist had retreated back into it's smallest form and she would give a smile up towards the ceiling. A bubbling now and steam would rise from what seemed like below the very surface. And suddenly, the surface tension of the water would break, harshly. Two large figures would fly up into the sky by the guidance of her own hands. Ice born dragons would circle around one another, a clear testament to her affinity of Ice. Two creations from wind and water converted into a much more beautiful elemental composition. As 'Souji' would attempt to leave, one of the creations would stop in front of him and give a muted roar that forced cold air all throughout the area that belonged to The Sea. The woman would now be standing, arms crossed over her chest as she watched the male's back.

"You didn't think it would be this easy, did you? Even with your stupid little facade change. . . The only power that I need to push around is my superior physical prowess." Them's were fighting words, weren't they?

[ Preventing Souji from Leaving~ ]
[ We all knew THAT was going to happen. ]

"What you fail to realize is that Souji doesnt give a fuck anymore... So why hold on to something that will no longer be...", he'd stand with his back to Haruka, his shadows combating her strength and he knew this had changed. She was vastly weaker than she was previously. She didnt have the umph of power like she once had... She was no stronger than he at this point. "I suggest you let me go before I am forced to tear your page out of my life. . .", nodding he would turn to her. His face completely serious, and nothing changing. His chakra was stagnant. And his eyes were focused. There was something else going on within Souji... and now that this new form had taken over for the time being he would...

"Do not bother me anymore... again, I dont want to have to hurt you.", his voice dark, and vacant of emotion... no love no remorse just absolute void. "...I'll be going.", he'd continue walking poised to take his position outside of this place heading towards the spire... for it was time.

[Topic Left unless stopped]
Ah, it seemed he had some place that he needed to be. So let the man go to whatever place that he had to go. After all, why stop him? She could just hang out here with her creations anyways. Without any word, the woman would turn her back and step on the water, deeper into the sea and into Arcadia.

[ Topic left ]
[ Have my crappiest post to date. Enjoy. ]

Current Ninpocho Time:
