In his dreams he could feel the hand of another on his face. . . whispering inaudibly to himself. He couldnt make the voice out but the hand was soft and comforting. It soothed his heart. Who did he imagine it to be? His crush. . . someone who he saw himself loving but there was just so many yellow tape there right? One stipulation after the next, but was that what he wanted? In the end, Souji was pretty simple. He just wanted to have someone he tolerated in bed with him to just talk to, all that came with it was extra. Someone that wanted to share that with him. Someone who wanted that life with him. Either way. . . he would drift to and fro.
What was going to happen next? It was all up to the day. . . but he felt the light peering through the heavens from Iwagakure above. Maybe it was time for action...
[OOC: Open to whomever wishes to enter