Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Little Ripples [Force Exiting] | Mission


Mar 25, 2015
[url= said:
Admin/Councilor Approval[/url]"]Mission Name: The Forerunner
Mission Type: Self Modded Solo
Mission Rank: D-Rank
Objective: Scout the city of Soon's Haven. Gather basic information on the Merchants and Daimyo for later use. Return home without being captured or implicating Sunagakure in any form of espionage.

Notes: This is not a mission officially being commissioned by the government of Sunagakure. This is a private set of choices made by Makeinu after learning that Shouki is related to one of the Daimyos here. If this excludes me from the OOC benefits of undertaking this mission, I will simply make it a Free RP to avoid complication. If I'm allowed to proceed as normal, I will not be making a post in the ruins dropping this mission off. Instead I'll post in Sand Request as that portion will be purely OOC.

With the free travel between the subterranean and the surface, I figured it would be easy enough for him to get out. With all the chaos and more important things going on, it's obvious no one's really watching the borders/gates at this point with far bigger threats entering and exiting at will. Finding his way to Soon's Haven and back within a reasonable amount of time without raising suspicion should be effortless. Especially with the loose history of helping move minor things as a one time worker. His citizenship shouldn't be in question by now. This takes place chronologically before the topic Shocking Revenlations, but after Catchin' Spirit.

OC: I was told that I would not need to post exiting in order to post my mission and subsequent contract search. However; for the sake of neatness, paper-trails, and continuity, here it is any way.

Irregardless of the fact that he abhorred the surface and everything it claimed to offer, he could not escape its call. Patience wasn't something he had been taught in full by any of his elders, and had he learned of the trait in the past it had been lost with the rest of his memories. True that he was loud or boisterous, but a mind that raced with the best of them without effort was always considering the possibilities. He knew that while Kuro was doing everything he could to find and return Shiori, and that Sousuke and his squad were at work on the same task, he hadn't seen any results. Now, he didn't have the audacity to make demands of anyone else on the matter, but he did have a duty to carry out his heart's desire. Having recalled Sousuke mentioning perhaps a familial connection to Shiori's kidnapper with a Daimyo. Whatever that was.

Having had his biology stabilized by the foreign demonic energies bestowed by Kuro and Creator of all things, he felt stronger. Feeling stronger than you were wasn't much when your previous strength amounted to nothing in comparison to baby dustboars. How did he know what a dustboar was? Either way, now he was capable of the feats you'd expect only a partially disabled young malnourished boy to be able to perform. The specially designed Desert Travel Armor, created at the Toraono Dojo was soaked in his patternless and defiant spiritual resonance or lack thereof. It helped to prevent him from absorbing too much of the external energies of the outside world too quickly, averting an overload of the damaged cells that knew not their limitations.

The black fighting gi with its gold trimming, hidden mostly by the hooded sweatshirt he chose to don over it, was comprised of microscopic fibers of the most durable kind. Although a pair of gloves were given, with special modifications that was supposed to allow forced rehabilitation of his damaged hand, he left those behind. There was little more reasoning behind his choice other than the discomfort of his right hand being restrained no matter the length of time being enough. In his mind, his hand had already recovered as much as it was going to and he wasn't entirely concerned about much more than being able to make a fist, which he could. Instead, he opted for some basic wraps and the boots made for walking the sands.

He waited until it was dark but not late, throwing the tattered shroud he once wore while temporarily stayingg in the slums of the Grand Palais over his shoulders. The breathing mask was secure over his face, and an over-sized hood cast a shadow over his pale and sickly flesh. Now staying at the Toraono Dojo until Shiori's return, he was close enough to the entrance that he would reach it in little time. As a pupil of Toraono Kuro himself, he had access to a small amount of tools despite never formally having undergone a training session. Armed with simple wires and other marble-sized gadgets, even if someone could see through his entire form he'd be nothing more than a child with enough weaponry at best to cause a prank. If you could call any of what he had weapons in the first place.

Barely more than four feet tall, he seemed like a walking cluster of shadows as he climbed to the surface and stood at the entrance. A night breeze cooled the exposed flesh around his vividly colored but dimly posed eyes. No one cared these days who came in and who came out, especially with Project Rebirth going on. It would have been less suspicious had he chosen to leave during the day, but it wasn't as if work ceased when the sun fell for but a couple hours either. Already having worked the surface once before moving tools, he was familiar even as strange and obscure as he seemed. Though there were many strange children in Sunagakure, there were few as small as he that wore such an unmistakable mask or draped themselves up in attire as if hiding so much. Even without name, he was a citizen that also endured the catastrophe and busied themselves seeking to help in the aftermath. It was time that he headed to Soon's Haven himself, a place where he was sure he'd be able to learn more about the Daimyo without all the "Red Tape" that even Kuro had to wade through.
[D-Rank | 4 Hours (240 Minutes) to leave village]

[To my knowledge from what I've read within the rules, I'm allowed to continue all RPs I'm currently participating with inside. I'll not be able to start any new ones inside until I come back.This is just so one thinks I'm bailing on any RPs any time soon.]​

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
