The Great World Tree
Shin Yoko
The Coffee Republic
The Great World Tree said:![]()
Located in the center of the Fire Country, the Great World Tree is a large eerily bone white tree that was used to create the Infinite Tsukiyomi that plagued Fire Country under the rule of a previous Daimyo. Reaching all the way to the clouds, the large tree has large roots that create an interesting battleground for those wishing to overthrow the corrupt Fire Country Daimyo and his forces. Seemingly bending reality, it isn’t uncommon for strange weather phenomena or life-like chakra creations to suddenly appear and throw everything into chaos. The tree itself is a sentient creature that lies beyond even the strongest shinobi's ability to control.
-The Dreamwork Plains
Lying for miles around the Great World Tree are large roots that crate a twisting and turning maze leading to the base of the tree. There is always a feeling of being under a genjutsu, hence the name of the area. Only the strongest shinobi are advised to travel through this zone as the maze of roots is ever changing and always claiming lives.
-Tanzaku Castle
The former base of operations for the united front against the former evil Fire Country Daimyo, Tanzaku Castle was a decaying outpost of what was once the city of Tanzaku Gai. The united shinobi front lead by the combined forces of Iwagakure and Konohagakure quickly rebuilt the structure to serve as a protection against the strange aura that permeates the area. Tanzaku castle is the largest shinobi controlled zone close to the Great World Tree.
Shin Yoko
Shin Yoko said:![]()
A sprawling city located in a ferocious jungle. The people living here are considered some of the most life hardened folk within Fire country. Home to many prosperous businesses, and would be vigilantes, it's often noted just how new the city seems in relation to many of the other prefectures surrounding it, especially when considering just how much of the prefecture is actually a part of the city itself.
-Utau Utau
A penal colony off of the North-East coast of the Fire Country. Just three miles off the coast of the Shin Yoko prefecture,the three mile Island of Utau Utau is considered to be one of the worst prisons within all of the Fire Country.
The Coffee Republic
The Coffee Republic said:![]()
The Coffee Republic occupies the northern end of the southern peninsula connecting the Fire Country to the Tea Country. The Coffee Republic is a large region of the Fire Country where some of the world’s best coffee is grown. Sharing a coastline with the Tea Country, the area is commonly referred to as the Caffeine Coast by the locals. Home to a colorful people with very distinct earthy skin tones, dress and culture, the Coffee Republic citizens only barely consider themselves to be a part of the Fire Country but recognize the powerful economic influence that they wield by not seceding from the Fire Country.
-Coffee City
Coffee City is arguably the most advanced society within the Fire Country and is the controlling state within the Coffee Republic. The ruling power of Coffee City closely guards the secret to the naturally occurring chakra enhanced crop that makes the city prosperous. It is thanks in part to their economic independence from the rest of the Fire Country that Coffee City remains the thriving isolated society that prides itself on its rich heritage and unyielding quest for excellence.