Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Loss [ Private ]

Tsukada Sato

New Ninja
Mar 24, 2018
Sato had been sitting in the waiting room for... he wasn't sure how long. A few minutes. Hours. It felt like an eternity. Long enough for him to run out of tears. For now. The fresh pain was starting to numb over, making him feel sluggish as he pulled his knees up to his chest and hugged his legs tightly. He didn't know what to do. There was nothing he could do. He wanted to have hope, he really did but the doctors had tried to make it as clear as possible while being gentle on the poor kid. He recognized the pity in their eyes before they'd even said a word. Even then it'd been a shock. How? How could this happen? Why her of all people? Why did this have to happen at all?

He'd just gotten home from training when he realized that the house was a bit too quiet. He searched around, calling for his mother when he found her on the ground, half conscious and not even able to stand. Panic set in immediately. Had she hurt herself? Fallen? Had someone broken in?! She was't bleeding... but she was so hot to the touch. When she refused to stir he went for help, just trying to find anyone who could do something for her. Before long someone was able to get in contact with the medical corp and they brought her here as fast as they could.

That was yesterday. Maybe. Time was still fuzzy. He'd stayed in the waiting room all night. Nobody had bothered to tell him to go home, just left out a blanket for him. It was that morning that he received the news. At first he couldn't wrap his head around what he was being told. It couldn't be true after all. This couldn't be happening.

"... We're not sure how long she's had it. Must have been waving off the symptoms up until now..."

"... It's... terminal..."

"... No treatment options..."

"... Do everything we can to make her comfortable..."

He didn't cry until he'd been left alone. Once it all sunk in there was nothing left but the sorrow. He'd been telling himself he didn't want to cry so much anymore but here there was no restraint. This wasn't just disappointment or discomfort. This was a deep, sharp pain at the very core of his soul. Losing Father had been one thing... but Mother? She'd forced herself to be so strong for the both of them for so long. She was all he had when Father had died. She'd been the one to take everything they had and bring it here, to provide for the both of them. She'd supported everything he really set his mind to and even seemed proud when she saw him succeed.

And now she was in some hospital bed, fading away fast with no hope in sight. How... How was this fair? She didn't deserve this. Any of it. Not what happened to Father and certainly not this. And he... oh God, he felt so alone. He didn't know what was going to happen to him. He didn't think he could provide for himself -- and even if he could.. he didn't want to go back to that house. The house he found her in. But he had nowhere else. No family. He'd never known Father's family and the only family Mother had was Grandfather -- dead since he was five. He wanted to be strong, to tell himself he could take care of himself. That he was a shinobi, someone who could do incredible things if he put his mind to it.

But he was still scared.

And now the tears were gone and all he had left was to think. And he gave up on even that. Now all could manage was to stare at the wall over his glasses, his eyes red from all the crying and his vision blurred. There was nothing to be done. About anything. He had no desire to get up, to move. To talk. The untouched tray next to him made it clear he'd lost even hunger. And so he just sat and... stared. Waiting for his world to end.
Ziren had made his way to the hospital for his own reasons. A sleek metal arm, made smooth had made a temporary replacement for the arm that was cut off. He was originally here to be checked on by the doctors about his wound, considering how he has been bleeding off and on, not commonly, but enough to have notice and see that it might be an issue.

But seeing a small boy, with a blanket around him, the sadness in his own eyes, even the blood flow suggested that he was sad. Ziren can blow off one small appointment considering how this kid seems to be needing of attention.

"Hey there kid. Looks like you've been here for a while." Ziren brushed the boy's hair out of his face so he can see his eyes, they were puffy from crying, a little bit of redness, probably from lack of sleep and exhaustion.

Ziren himself worn a plain white shirt with jeans, he decided not to wear contacts today, so one could see his own permanent bloodified eyes, the blood swirling around. His right arm, worn nothing but the scar he had since he was little, that wrapped around his arm. His left arm, organically not being present, has been placed with a metal arm, that Ziren has made from his own business, chakra runs through it, being the only way to even function the new arm.

"Is there anyone looking after you?" Ziren asked, a concerned look was on his face.

(WC 252)
Once on her feet again, Hana made her way to hospital, knowing Ziren would be there. He seemed to be bleeding badly at times, this worried her. She also felt so tender still from the damage of Takeshi sword. She might be healed but the scar reminded from his sword on her chest, a constant reminder of that day.

Hana rushed to the near by hospital searching for Ziren, she couldn’t sense him like he could her. By she knew he was nearby. In the meantime, in a hallway she heard soft whimpers, Hana thought to herself, what or who is that, she rounded a corner to see a young boy sitting down, very sad and Ziren was by him. Hana got closer to him and Ziren slowly, not wanting to startle him.

“Are you ok? she asked the small boy”

Hana asked softly, she saw how red the boy’s eyes were from crying, she felt so bad, not knowing why he was upset.

“Can I help you in anyway?”

She wondered if anyone was with him, seemed to be alone, Hana looked over at Ziren, knowing her needed medical attention.

“Ziren, please go get treatment your still bleeding bad, I’ll stay with the boy.”
Sato didn't say anything when a man came up and checked on him. He didn't even acknowledge him at first. He brought the blanket around himself tighter and averted his gaze, just hoping he could be left alone. These were strangers... maybe... the man with blue hair was vaguely familiar. Somehow. It didn't matter. He didn't even flinch when a hand reach out to move his hair out of the way though he refused to look at him all the same. When questions were directed at him they were ignored. He wasn't a doctor. From the looks of one of his arms he could barely take care of himself. He wasn't about to make anything better.

Why bother...?

When a woman came along it was the same ordeal. His head ducked lower as he began to wonder why people just couldn't leave him alone. He ignored the questions yet again, burying his face against his legs and hoping it'd all just go away.
Ziren sighed, can't argue with the woman. No matter how much he wanted to say that he was fine. Guess that is an incentive of being a lucky guy to have her. She sure makes him get off his butt to get done with stuff that needs to be done.

Even though he wasn't bleeding as of the moment, he did as he was told by the woman he loves and went to go to his appointment.

As the doctor was checking his vitals, which Ziren knew were good, because he can hear his own blood.

After the check ups were done, Ziren came back and Hana was still there with the kid. This was really pulling at his heart strings seeing this kid looking so devastated.

He thought about what kids liked. Ice cream? Ninja weapons? A cool neat trick? "Come on. We can take you anywhere you want to go to eat and we can talk about what is on your mind."

He held out a hand to the boy, it was his real hand, not the metal arm, as it was stretched out to him. Maybe if they could talk more, Ziren can help the kid out. Understanding one's situation is the first part of helping the person out.
Hana was relieved Ziren would get medical attention, Hana looked back at the boy, feeling very sorry for him and wanted to help anyway she could. She saw him tuck his head in the blanket like a turtle in a shell.

“Please don’t be afraid, I wish to help you, I am Hana, what is your name?”

She asked him calmly, she hoped the young boy would open up to her or Ziren. Hana loved children a lot, and her motherly instincts sent in to help this boy, that was all alone.
She saw Ziren come out of an examination room, she hoped the doctor could help him. Ziren came closer to them and spoke to the young boy, Hana looked up at Ziren, she saw a metal arm. This was different to Hana and she still felt it was her fault somehow, he lost his other one to Takeshi. Hana got up from the boy and hugged the father of her kids, tears started to form in her tired eyes as she looked at him.

“Ziren, I’m glad you’re ok, but we need to help this poor boy.”
He heard the woman tell the man go to on and get checked up on. He begrudgingly agreed and went off, leaving him alone with the soft spoken red head who tried to get a name out of him. He'd shift a bit in his seat, closing his eyes and waiting for her to stop but after only a few moments he started to lower that wall. He was so scared and hurt right now... but he was also very scared and very, very lonely.

"Sato..." is all he could mumble out, giving her at least that much and a brief moment of eye contact before he went back to staring at the floor. She wasn't likely to coax anything more out of him. He appreciate the company but there wasn't anything to be said. These people seemed nice but... it wasn't going to change things.

After a little while the man came back, still trying to be playful and offering his hand and a treat out wherever he wanted. Sato dared to look up and his heart broke all over again as he saw the genuine kindness on his face. That wall of numbness crumbled down, tears already streaming down his face as he raspily asked, "C-Can you save my mother?"

The moment the words left his mouth he broke down again, burying his head in his knees as he started to cry again. A moment later a medical nin came in, hesitating at the sight of the two around the boy before stepping over and clearing his throat, trying to speak softly as to hopefully not disturb the already grief stricken boy.

"Excuse me. Sir, ma'am. Could I have a moment of your time?"
Ziren agreed without question that this kid needed some attention. And when he got back, at least this time he did manage to get a few words out of him. That was when the kid asked if they could try and save his mother.

Ziren listened for blood flow. But it really didn't seem to help much. A lot of people on this side of the hospital were fighting battles of their own. Some were winning. Others... He pushed the thought out as Ziren wiped a tear from the kid's eyes.

"Well I'm-" Ziren was interrupted by a medical ninja. He heard the man's blood flow before he spoke up to Ziren.

Not really wanting to leave the kid alone, Ziren made some hand seals and an Elemental Clone poofed into existence by him. The Clone went to the kid, as Ziren went with the medical ninja. "What's up? Is there something wrong sir?"

The clone was by the kid. Unsure what to say, the Ziren Clone asked him, "So tell me. What is it that you do for fun?"

(Made elemental clone)
Hana looked down at young boy, he seemed to stir a bit in his seat, she didn’t want to make him nervous or uncomfortable. The scared young slow let words come out of his mouth and slowly from his lips, at one point he made eye contact with her, she smiled a little, but couldn’t help thinking he was still real scared. He stared at floor than when Ziren spoke again he looked up at him, Hana felt so bad for the young boy Sato.
Than the boy starting to cry a little as long tears fell from the small corners of his eyes and streamed down his tiny little face, Hana heart broke in half when he spoke of saving his mother, it crushed her so much she wanted to cry out. The boy started to cry harder, Hana couldn’t take this as being a mother herself she gently put her hand on his shoulder and wanted to embrace Sato in a hug.

“please don’t cry Young Sato, we will try and help you, please let us.”

Then a medical nin showed up and wanted to talk to Ziren and Hana, she worried about this greatly
Sato was past consoling at this point. There wasn't much that could be gotten out of him in his state. Despite this the boy wouldn't push the man -- or his clone -- away as he tried to comfort him, just letting the tears flow as they did their best to comfort him. It was nice even if he couldn't express it in his current state.

The gaunt looking medical staff member who'd called Ziren over gave the boy a glance, a deep frown and general look of pity crossing his features before he locked eyes with the red eyed shinobi. "Apologizes, I'm sure you're off duty but we some files from the village records we need. I'm afraid that boy has no apparent next of kin and we need the documentation to see where to go from here."
Ziren listened to what the doctor had to say, it was straight to the point, and from hearing of what he had to say, along with what the kid had said.

In that split second, he came up with an answer. He just hoped Hana would be okay with it. "I understand... Me and Hana. We can adopt him. We are just starting out as parents ourselves, I have a booming business, and a home."

Ziren realized that then this means one thing. He will have to make the whole building his business, and actually buy a home for himself, Hana and the kids. But he didn't have to worry on money, his business was doing all of that for him.

He held Hana's hand in his own, as he kissed her hand. He let go of it and walked over to the kid. The clone had did it's best to entertain the kid, even doing some small juggling tricks, but Ziren dismissed it as it went poof, into smoke. He knelt down to the kid, he wiped the tears coming off of the boy's face.

"I know how you may feel. I know that it is a horrible feeling. So I want to give you the chance of something I never had a chance at. How would you like to have a second chance at life? To have a mother and a father that will give you unconditional love? You will even be a big brother to twin brother and sister." Ziren had let that sink into the boy's mind, Ziren truly knows how this kid must feel. Though, he had mainly pushed away those emotions to the back of his head as at the time, he needed to survive. But not a day goes by that he can't stop thinking about his own parents, and the caravan that took him in, and how they all met their ends way too fast. That it was unfair that so much people have died caring for him. And now, Ziren is all grown up, strong enough to protect those he cares about.

Ziren gave the kid a sweet, reassuring smile, and ruffled his actual hand through the kid's hair. "I promise to not let anything happen to you."
Hana heard what the Medical person said, she looked over at young Sato and her heart sank, how could this happen to this sweet young boy and why, just wasn’t fair. Hana looked over to Ziren as he held her hand tenderly, and gave him a warm sweet smile, than he kissed her hand, Hana lit up. She followed him over to Sato, and watched the clone disappeared before their eyes.

She saw how gentle he wiped the young boy’s tears away, her heart sunk more, and she started tearing up watching them, gently she wiped the corner of her eyes, as she thought of him being a compassionate father to their own children.

She heard what Ziren announced to the young boy, Hana began to cry more at Ziren’s kind words and to help this boy. She went over to them boy and hugged Ziren tight, she looked over at Sato with eyes swelled with tears.

“Please let us help you and give you a chance and new start to become what you want in life, we love you like our own, I know I cannot replace your mother but promise to cherish ever moment with you and love you forever like my own.”
The doctor looked rather stunned by this and opened his mouth as if to argue but he was quick to draw a blank. After a moment's hesitation he let out a sigh and put on a tired but genuine smile for the couple. "We're sure that can be arranged quite easily then. It's good to see our people sticking together like this... I'll send someone to pick up the paperwork if you don't mind staying a little while."

He hurried off as the couple went to comfort Sato more. He seemed oblivious to the brief conversation that'd just happened a few feet away, still looking like he was trying to recover from that last outburst of tears that'd welled up before. He looked up with surprise written clearly on his face as the clone disappeared, looking up at the genuine article and his wife as they spoke to him. It was clear that the dazed youth didn't understand at first. The moment it clicked though his poor bloodshot and tired eyes began to well up again with tears as he suddenly got up and put either arm around each of the couple to pull them both into a hug.

"Th-Thank you! Thank you so much!" He buried his face in their shoulders as he cried, suddenly feeling far more hopeful if not just as overwhelmed as this unexpected kindness came from nowhere.

[ Topic Left ]
Ziren hugged the boy, as if he was his own son, he held Sato and Hana tight in his arms. Not saying a word for the longest time. Once they let go, the kid bounded off out if the hospital, Ziren made another clone to follow the kid so nothing bad will happen to him.

And then it was just him and Hana. Once they signed the papers, Ziren had another surprise. Once the doctor had left to go get a copy and and original of the papers for having Sato as their adopted son, Ziren got down on one knee.

"Hana. You make my world so bright. You brought into this world two beautiful children. You mean everything to me, and considering recent events... I can't just sit by and wait anymore." Ziren pulled a ring out of his pocket, it's a ring that he got from Tea. It was some sort if pink crystal, and engraved on the side said, "forever". "Uchiha Hana. Will you marry me?"
Hana embraced both of them tightly into a hug, Hana’s tears started to dry up and she wiped the last of them, looking at her new son Sato. She stood up when the doctor came with the adoption papers, and signed them with her beloved Ziren. She watched Sato walk away outside.

Than Hana saw Ziren get on one knee and pull a beautiful ring out of pink crystal and, say the sweetest things anyone has ever said to her. Hana was speechless when he asked her to marry him, her heart skipped a beat with each breathe.

“Of course I will marry you Ziren , my love.”

Tears flowed in Hana’s eyes once again and as he Stood up smiling at her Hana grabbed him in a sweet embrace and kiss his sweet lips.
Ziren's lips met Hana's, as they stood there, close to each other for what seemed like forever. How much time has passed? One minute? Two? Ziren couldn't tell anymore, as he held her close to him, in his arms.

As their lips parted, Ziren couldn't help but look into her beautiful eyes. He was so mesmerized by them. He brushed her hair out of her face so that he can see the beauty at it's fullest and finest.

He loves her long flowing red hair, how soft and smooth her skin was. Ziren looked down at her left hand, and he slid the ring on to her ring finger, and then held her hand in his right hand.

Ziren looked back up at Hana. He smiled at her. "Come on. Let's start our family together."

(Topic left)

Current Ninpocho Time:
