Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Lunch Date (Private)

Sukuna Kiyo

Active Member
Apr 16, 2015
OOC Rank


Akane was lead into the susukino district by Kouin. She followed behind him, since he said he knew a great place to eat. She was honestly excited to get some food in her stomach. She liked eating, to bad she couldn't cook, like her mother, or kitsune.

Akane looked around, "Are we almost there?" she asked curiously. She felt like it shouldn't be that far, then again she could be wrong. Akane's mind began to wonder again, she hadnt been out and about with someone in a long time. She didnt really like strangers, she preferred to be with people she's known for a while. She felt it was logical to go for lunch though, she wouldn't have to pay for it, and she was hungry.

Akane left that thought, and looked around. She remembered back when she used to roam these streets at night, to escape the silence of her house. But since her mother has opened up, it wasn't quiet anymore. She could be home, and not be so lonesome. She kinda missed exploring the streets of the night though, it was entertaining.​

Topic entered with Kouin


Aug 29, 2012
He had somehow found himself on the good side of deed. The fiery red head had agreed to let him treat her to lunch; Kouin was slightly nervous though, he had never actually taken a women on a date, though how hard could it be? He could shoot lightning from his hands, taking a girl to lunch should be a cake walk.

They approached restaurant part of the district, he wasn't too familiar with the area, but he went off the landmarks his father told him stories of, Turn left twice, once right and keep heading straight He never had a chance to eat Kumo cuisine, but he would gladly give Akane the chance to indulge in it herself, Almost there Akanee-chan~ His voice held a chipperness he hasnt felt since he lived in Kiri, but it could just be his Santaru blood finally being at ease in the place of its origen. Akanee-chan, what do you look for out of life? His question came from out of no where; he found great curiosity in the things people do, like going on a date with a random joe.

They had continued walking and eventually reached a quiet dango shop, one he had seen on his previous visit, sadly he never got to eat their, but he recalled a fellow named Shoukyou Tatsuya still owed him a fine dining experience that would rock his ninja socks off. He open the door, and naturally ushered for Akane to enter before him, After you Akanee-chan~ A smile beamed from his face, a smile he never thought he could manage after the devastation of his village.

[Topic Entered w/ Akane]

Sukuna Kiyo

Active Member
Apr 16, 2015
OOC Rank


Akane hummed as he said that they were almost there. She followed close by as they walked. She seemed happy to go out and eat, she could almost feel her mouth watering. Though his question threw her off a little bit. What did she look for in life? She wasnt sure... she just kinda kept going without a goal. Her drive was to save people... To heal the wounded. For herself, well she didn't know.

"I don't know. I kinda just go with the flow." She answered truthfully. Well it was also the best answer she could think of. She hummed lightly again as she thought of something. "I know I want to be happy." She stated, it was true, that's all she really wanted for herself, was to be happy. She knows sometimes she wants to become powerful... but being happy feels better.

Akane looked at the Dango shop as they walked up to it. She had never been here before.... It smelt yummy. As Kouin opened the door for her, she walked in and nodded her thanks to him. His smile naturally made her smile. She seemed to smile whenever others smiled, she just couldn't help it. She looked around the shop, her eyes glistened like a child as she took everything in. The smell made her mouth water.​



Aug 29, 2012
Just living life to go with the flow? Whom ever you were going along with things was always the easiest, but Doesn't that ever get boring? Living each day just going along with things...? His words were ironic, as she just went with the flow by going to lunch. But then Akane said something that made his heart sink a bit, Happiness... I've seen many things in my travels; the wasteland of Kazegakure, the mountainous region leading to Iwagakure, the frigid barrens of Kirigakure, everything I could have ever imagined... Yet still nothing compares to the best.

As she passed by him he could smell the distinct scent of cherries fill his nose. The smell reminded him of home... Or what was left of it. His homesickness started to hit him hard; even though he deserted his village, his people... His family, all of it he just left without a second thought; Forget about it... You can't do anything about a frozen village, and neither can they. Even through the painstaking nostalgia, the scent was heavenly. Maybe Kouin had been lucky running into Akane.

He followes suit shortly behind the dynamic red haired dynamo. The shop had a sweet yet tangy aroma lingering around, Akanee-chan, pick whatever you please for yourself, I personally have never eaten Kumo cuisine, maybe you could pick something? His eyes skittered across the menu, he had no idea what was good or bad, one of the many downfalls of being a foreigner. He handed the clerk a sack full of yen, Allow the miss what she would like; if more is required just let me know on the way out. He gave the clerk a polite smile, and then Kouin began for the grand table hunt.

There was a nice table situated right by the window, the view of the sky was impeccable. Not a storm cloud in site, or any chance of rain for that matter. A single vase adorned the table; cherry blossoms sat in the vase of water, the scent of the flowers balanced the aroma floating around the rest of the shop.

His eyes glanced to Akane; the series of events intrigued him from the beginning. What would he be doing if he didnt run into her? Where would he have gone? Life was a huge mystery; every door opens one, but closes another and hardly allows you to go back. The commitment of choice was astounding, and they both had chosen to go for a date. He couldnt help but smile. The possibilities in this village were endless, and Kouin felt he was only hitting the tip of the iceberg.

Sukuna Kiyo

Active Member
Apr 16, 2015
OOC Rank


"I haven't really left Kumo... But I know happiness isnt something you find... its something that finds you. You sometimes don't realise its there." Akane said to him, she found it interesting that he had visited so many places. She would soon be able to travel around, but she had work that she needed to do. One day, she wanted to go visit the other villages, even the ruins of the fallen villages. It sounded idealistic, but it would gain her more knowledge.

Akane liked the thought of being able to get whatever she pleased, but she was shocked to hear he had never actually eaten anywhere here. He did say this was place with good food, maybe he heard that from someone else? "Alright, I'll pick something I think you might like." She stated with a grin. She couldn't remember the last time she had dango. it had been a while. "We'll have two servings of mitarashi dango please." She stated with a smile. She always had the sweet tooth, hopefully he did too.

After the clerk confirmed the order, she walked over, and took a seat at the window table. Her eyes went right towards the flower. She has always loved flowers, one of the reasons she planned on studying herbology. It was logical to study it for her job, and beneficial to her own likes. Akane looked towards Kouin, she found it a bit off that she just decided to out on the date. She barely knew what a date was, yet she went on one with a stranger. Maybe today was an off day for her, it didn't hurt to explore new behavior after all.

Akane realized that earlier he asked her if it was boring to go with the flow... she didn't answer him then, and now he was looking at her. "It is very boring, by the way. Living day to day... pretty much doing the same thing. But there are days like these that make it less boring." She explained, suddenly. She admitted that she was bored of the same things, but not every day was the same. She just didn't know what else to do, other than gather knowledge from her books.​



Aug 29, 2012
Kouin watched at the subtle movements she made. The way her hair flowed as she turned, the subtle charm each word she spoke provoked. His mind waa fluttering, he had to get ahold of himself, tis just a simple gesture for a folly of his own, but why was he suddenly paying her so much attention?

He could hear the order being placed, Mitarashi Dango? Hopefully its not sour and bitter... As Akane approached the table the smell of the dango was intoxicating, but in the good way. He wouldn't care either way if it were sour and bitter, he would just have to feign simple satisfaction, yet the aroma hinted to neither of those things, more like a sweet and tangy aroma. He carefully grabbed his serving of Dango and examined it carefully, it appeared to be quite tasty and simple to make, must be why so many people enjoy it.

You're right, you cant just find happiness, but sometimes it won't come looking for you. My home is in shambles; frozen over by a frigid curse that plagues it with frozen desolation... His voice grew quitr solemn; he cared for his village with all his being, but the strict rules and relegations were too much; everyone knew the stable structure was collapsing as soon as thr Shoukyou and Isaki clan exodus'd from Kiri.

He took a bite into his dango; the sweet and tangy taste danced across his taste buds like hawaiian dancers at a festival. The only thing that made the dish better was sharing it with someone else; Kouin never had a penchant to hanging with others, but the gang from Kiri he encountered made him change his tune, There is always pleasure in company... Living a routine day in day out. You wake up knowing what each day has in store for you... Wouldnt you love to see the world? See all new types of flowers and new food? Being seperated from a village gave him a freedom none other could have, and that was true freedom. I could show you the world.. Shining, shimmering, splendid; now Akane, tell me when did you last let your heart decide?

Sukuna Kiyo

Active Member
Apr 16, 2015
OOC Rank


Akane blinked as he explained that his home was in shambles... and frozen over. Was he from one of the old villages? She just assumed he was a traveler.... The one time she didn't think it through. Why was he in the hospital in the first place? and if he came from the mist... was he a ninja? This made her a bit anxious, but she would not allow it to show. She never allowed her true emotions to show, if they meant no good. She did feel pity for him however... She wouldn't know what she would do if she lost her home. "I am sorry to hear that." She said with a sincere tone of voice.

Akane decided it was logical to keep on her toes, she would rather be safe than sorry. If he was a wanted person, she predicted that people were probably after him. and if they came, she'd have to act. So she naturally simulated different scenarios within her mind, and came up with solutions. Meanwhile, she had a dango to eat, she smiled before she took a bite of the dango. Sweet, she loved the taste.

Akane looked up as Kouin started speaking again. She made a confused face towards his offer. Was he telling her to come with him? "I will have to decline your offer. It is illogical for me to leave." She explained. She would have to wait to get what she wanted. "If I allowed my heart to decide anything, well...." she trailed off, purposely leaving it at that. she would rather logic to decide things instead. Feelings were whims, they changed too often, and were hard to control.

"I do not deny, it would be nice to see and try new things, but I could never abandon my comrades, family, and mission." Akane explained honestly, maybe that would work on an ordinary girl, but she wouldn't leave so easily. She liked a controlled environment any how, or maybe she was scared of the outside world.​



Aug 29, 2012
People usually always offered condolences, but he never paid them mind; it was usually a way for them to feel better about themselves, but he knew Akane wasnt showing him any pity, Thank you, but I never even heard how it happened, only what did; if I was there.... Maybe I couldve done something... It's my own damn fault. He let out a brief sigh of frustration, We live and die by the choices we make everyday. If i can't move on and make a new choices I'll be stuck in the past. Though the pain that it instills me with each helps me feel alive.

He had a slight smile as he stared at the cherry blossoms on the table; he allowes the petals to sit on top of his hamd, he gently brushed the petals with thumb feeling the smooth texture of the petal, Its true you can't find happiness, but you can find happiness in people and other things. I find it through my travels; I have no home so everywhere is my home... He turned his attention to the sky outside; Though... If i had to chose a permanent place... Not just whatever comes my way.... I think Kumo could be just as soothing as Kiri... Maybe even better.

Kouin had to laugh at himself, like anyone would just leave their loyalty behind; not everyone was like him, That's the beauty of time, it lasts forever. Maybe not now, maybe not tomorrow, but when you're ready to see the world; ill show you each land possible to see. He could feel his age get him; as shinobi they tend to expire sooner than usual, I've seen so much... Ive seen so much senseless violence... A sigh of content parted his mouth, All i have left is to share my time, and my moments with those that matter.

Sukuna Kiyo

Active Member
Apr 16, 2015
OOC Rank


Akane listened to him speak about his homeland. Truly sad, but there was no point in worrying about it now, he was right. No point living in the past, Akane decided to leave it at that.She was curious about his home though, and how it was his fault it fell into ruin. she found that most of the time people blamed themselves for uncontrollable things.

Akane seemed a little surprised that he wanted to stay in kumo. "I think kumo is a great place... though i've only seen one side of it." she explained truthfully, as she nibbled on the dango. She didnt say anything towards the traveling part though. She wasnt sure about leaving still, she had much to do here after all. Even if it was boring.

"I love my home. I'll most likely only leave it for missions, and maybe to look for a contract." Akane explained, and then she looked out the window. "Last time i left kumo, it was for a day... it was fun, until we ran into problems." She said, then she shook her head. She didnt enjoy those monks, nor did she enjoy the feeling of a demon eating her from the inside either.​



Aug 29, 2012
He let out a slight sigh of relief; though what kind of person was he? What did Kouin even want at this point? A haze of doubt rolled through his head; he had never been one to brode over details, yet here he was, at a lunch date spilling beans he never would've. A weak smile reformed on his appearent distressed face, The pain of lost holds an icy grip over my head... I should've stayed behind and helped.... But I was tired... Tired of all the chaos and anarchy; ya'know? He didnt know his purposw anymore; he was missing in every sense of the word, in village and hope.

He pulled out his only momento, the only thing he has of remembrance of his father. The watch was simple of simple craft, sterling silver with the Kaze family crest embossed in opal in the center. This is all that remains, and even having this is painstaking... I act so strong.... yet He really hated himself, it got like this whenever home came up. He could usually maintain himself, yet why have the times started weighing him down? He could feel a single tear well up in his eye, but playing it off coyly he just let out a hushed laugh Im so pathetic arent I? Here I am being an emotional mess while I have a beautiful women sitting right in front of me.

He finished off the rest of his serving of dango and sighed in content, My father told me great stories of legends that rose from Kumogakure; they were all awe inspiring, especially Aion the man who ascended. I just wish to be remembered like them one day. He checked the time on his watch and checked the sky; The weather is still perfect....

He couldnt help but smile at Akane, such raw loyalty and love for her village, I can see you becoming great things Akanee-chan~ He wasnt surprised when she said that she ran into trouble outside of the village, People tend to look down on shinobi... Rage filled eyes at power that they wished to harness or use... But! Kouin stood up with a new vigor and determination; he was finished with his past, yet he'd never forget Kirigakure, never. If you are still interested, would you like to continue this in the garden?

Sukuna Kiyo

Active Member
Apr 16, 2015
OOC Rank


Akane listened to him, she wished she knew what to say... but she didnt know. "If it helps, you didnt know that would happen. So I dont think its your fault."" She said with a nod. Unless he was physic, then how could he have known? She couldn't blame him for not knowing, and not being able to be there at the time.

Akane glanced towards the watch he pulled out. She blinked as he called her beautiful, she was not used to compliments like that after all. "I think you are... cool, everyone has their off days." She thought he was interesting indeed. It'd take more than being emotional to make her see him as pathetic. He knew so much of the outside would, or at least she thought he did. She wasn't sure why she was trusting him, but she did anyways. For all she knew, he could be lying all about it.

Akane had finished up her serving of dango as well. It was very good, she'd have to come back to this place in the future. She smiled as he mentioned his father, "I didnt know much about my father, but he was inspiring to me. He's the main reason why I joined the medical branch." She explained, she saw her father as her hero, even though she barely knew anything about who he was. "I think as long as you do great things, and make comrades along the way, you'll be remembered." She explained.

Akane smiled as he said that he could see her doing great things. She sure hoped she would. AKane didnt comment on the people hating shinobi thing. SHe knew that those monks sure did not like them in the beginning. Well that was mostly her sensei's fault.

Akane looked up at him as he stood, she grinned at him, but before she could answer, her pager went off. "Ah, I'd love to, but it seems I am needed. Maybe a walk through the garden can be a second date?" She said, in a apologetic tone of voice. "You are very interesting, so I would love to continue this another time. I believe I am free for a full day tuesday, in about two weeks?" She explained, or at least tried to. She had plans for the rest of this week, and next week.

After hearing his answer, akane would give him a finale smile, then she would head out of the shop.​

ooc said:
Topic left


Aug 29, 2012
The threads of time were mocking him or pushing him in the right direction, because this women was helping him more than she could ever know. You're right; I'd have to be a soothsayer to have know, but i will release the grip in repentance.

He listened as she spoke of her own father; her inspiration and hero, Just like my father.... He wiped the single tear from his eye smiled, and let out a sigh of relief. Comrades its a thing he hasnt had for quite some time, maybe it would be good to see things from the inside; the lonely road gets tiring sometimes.

He could see the grin form, he could smell the walk through the garden, yet something pierced the veil; the accursed mednin pager went of, and a look of dashed hopes washed over his face. Though now the tables have turned; Oooh~ That sounds really fun![ He shot Akane a playful smile, who knew what was ahead? Tuesday in two weeks? Sounds like a date. Maybe I'll run into you again Akanee-chan~.

He penciled it into his planner and clapped it shut, and bide Akane farewell with nod and a smile; as he too exitted the shop.

[Topic left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
