Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Madoka, Makoto (Done)

Madoka Makoto

New Member
Jun 15, 2017
Name: Madoka, Makoto
Physical Description: Makoto is pale white and has bright green hair and emerald eyes. His hair leads down to his middle neck and covers most of his face. He is six feet tall exactly and walks with a slight slouch. Around his torso he keeps bandages tied semi-loosely so he can remove them if necessary. Outside of that he wears a green robe over his chest with a darker green belt. Under that he wears a pair of black pants and boots. Around his neck he keeps an extra long tan scarf that hangs behind him.

Mental Description: Makoto is often quiet and keeps to himself. He might work well with others but that is only because he would rather things get done correctly than build bonds with others. He has a little bit of a head issue when he sees blood that sets him into a more aggressive stance on everything that often causes him to go wanting to fight. He is extremely gentle with his companions and children around him as well as extremely quiet around his superiors. When in other lands he is extremely cautious about every single person.

History: Makoto was born as the youngest of three. His older brother Hanzo and his sister Rin. In his early years Makoto usually just did chores around the village that people had asked of him and his older brother and sister. He looked up to his father who was a semi successful artist. Makoto himself couldn't be an artist, he never really had the hands for it. When he turned 8 he went with his older brother to apply for the sand village academy so he can become a ninja. It really wasn't a dream rather than a way for him to find his way in his life. He went through near the top but not ever doing anything notable other than being silent and following most instructions. When he finished he didn't do much other than doing side jobs here and there.

Quite swiftly the young ninja had finished his academy training and had become a genin. When Makoto was 16 he went out to actually make a name for himself only to fail miserably and stayed hidden again. After a few months while hiding his father and sister went missing for about three months before they were declared killed. After that he got angry and went on a one man man hunt just out of the village to hunt for them. A day later he found them covered in blood in a ditch with all of their money gone. After seeing this he decided to devote his life to finding whoever or whatever it was that killed them.


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
Do you want your old account back?
It is our policy to deactivate old accounts to prevent having extras when someone does have multiples. i want to be sure you keep the one you want to have.


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
I think I would be in mortal danger if i removed hers.

I will deactivate the other accounts, we don't delete accounts anyways.

Also, welcome to the fold, PING Sand Council for addition to Sandchat when you are online.

Before I do the banner swaps, I just need to find out if we are doing Genin (can be any age) or Student (can be age 8-13). With the former, I just need a sentence (literally) stating you went to the academy and survived, I mean passed. With the later, you are considered to be to old at your present age. A 'get around' (not quite a loophole because the passage of time we use on the site is purely a recommendation with the only true and solid request being not to age someone decades in weeks because it messes up everyone else but a few years as a teen is usually not noticed) I have seen from players because time has no correlation with the real world they join at 13 and then very quickly age their character up a few years over their first few topics.


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
Stamina: 5
Agility: 5
Taijutsu: 5
Ninjutsu: 5
Genjutsu: 5
Chakra Control: 0

If you have any issues please contact any member of the Sand Council<i></i>: here
Please post your bio: here
Make sure you've brushed up on all the rules located: here and here
A great resource to help you find your way around here
You'll want to request an Academy Student or Genin banner here if one has not been given to you already.

Few things to note for your own sake:
  • We recently completed an Inter-village Examination held by our Daimyo, a lot of things have went wrong and have caused tensions to mount between Sunagakure and the rest of Wind Country. Paranoia is mounting for the upper echelon as political unions are being made and nefarious plans are being hatched.. This is an on-going story line with village-wide ramifications that are about to reach into the rest of Wind Country as well as the world.
  • Part of our village is underground as we have been trapped underground for the last few decades due to a terrible sandstorm we called the Diamond Maelstrom that ceased last year so we started to rebuild on the surface (namely the Kazekage Tower and Suna Residences thus far). A sandworm attack has caused massive damage to the subterranean village, the "ceiling' has been lifted off and for the first time in decades some people are living under the son. Others are dead and buried.
  • Sunans are still reeling from a Cabal attack 5 years ago that not only threatened the integrity of the community but lost a number of lives. The surviving members of the Cabal have allied themselves with Sunagakure but hard feelings remain. I see you are aware of the Cabal attack, contact me if you have any questions.
  • A war is also brewing between Sunagakure and the Diamyo who is raising an army to destroy the village called the Soverign.
  • Please be aware that we do have a battle system with BL and CAs, you might want to familiarize yourself with the system. While it is uncommon for a Sand player to start a modded fight, I would not put it past a sand user to respond in character (IC) to insane, abusive or dangerous behavior. I strongly recommend joining some of the our of character (OOC/OC) communities such as Skype or Discord so you can plan out some of your stories with other sandies, RP is much more entertaining than modded situations.
  • Feel free to PM me or any other Sand user if you have any questions.
  • Suna also uses Skype as a community channel as well I would be more than happy to add you to if you are interested. If you are interested, PM any Sand member besides myself (my PM box is broken and we have not been able to fix that) and once added I can take care of your Skype permissions (I am Daimetric Dealings, or bladerun40 @ yahoo . com).
  • We also have a Discord group. I see that you have already found us in there. Feel free to speak up and make friends.
  • Genin Banner. 500 yen.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
