Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Math class! Yeah... just... Math [Class]

Uchiha Asuka

Izen no hokage
Feb 20, 2018
Asuka figured this would be quite an interesting class. It wouldn't be any actual theory on Shinobi abilities, no Bloodlines, no Ninjutsu, Tijutsu or Genjutsu. It would simply be a class on Kunai and Shuriken throwing. More specifically, the context on it. What a Shinobi should know by heart to accurately hit their target. It would be an introduction as well as practice. Outside, in the target range was a clear day, almost no clouds in the sky and those that were there seemed more like background rather than a nuisance. Wind conditions were favorable so they wouldn't have problem with that... whoever joined anyway.

Asuka had already placed the posting and it was free for any student to join, she would wait 45 minutes before starting the class, or cancelling it if need be, making sure that whoever was interested was already there. Asuka had plenty of Kunais and Shurikens for them to use as well as a portable board with enough chalk to sustain it for a day, in case she broke some out of annoyance. The edges of the weapons were dulled so no to cause major harm to any of the students but it would still hurt if it was thrown hard enough. She just hoped this would be a normal class, not like last time... god damn last time. ""Do wonder if anyone new will show up." She wasn't that excited to teach new students, they mostly knew nothing but they would have to start from somewhere and it would probably be best with her. Asuka didn't care what family or social status you where from, either you got it or you would fail the class. She sighed, well now to wait. Worst part of the job.

May 28, 2018
Ryujou wandered around outside of the school, trying to figure out where the target range was. The posting for the class had said that it would be at the range yet he had absolutely no clue where that was. The first time he was here, he had been led to the Academy by Kenshin and this time he had to figure out where this target range was without any guidance at all. "Should post some kind of map," He grumbled to himself, waiting for his bees to come back to him so that he could know where the class was being held. "Finally glad that there is some sort of class that teaches math though. Avoiding all of these dumb ninja classes has been tedious. I hear that they look at rocks and whatnot in those ones. Better stick to my manners and math class."

He urgently needed some brushing up on math. Let alone making a fool out of bees and honey, he was betraying his glasses if he didn't stay on top of his essential subjects like mathematics. Eventually the bees returned with the info that there seemed to be a class held in a location with targets and he set off towards that. "I wonder why we're having the math class at the target range," He murmured to himself, "Maybe all of the classrooms are full of those dumb tijutsu and genjutsu classes and we have to host math out here. It can't actually be a jutsu class disguised as math to force the esteemed Bee Whisperer to come, can it?"

The student's worst fears were confirmed as he walked into the target range, completely oblivious to the fact that the instructor was there as he stared at the kunai and shuriken laid out. He thought of the closest Higher Power that could have caused this and immediately cursed the Hokage for entrapping him in a tijutsu class! "This isn't math class!" He shouted as he hurriedly rummaging around in his trench coat's pockets for something to save him from this situation, "It's a trap!" His hands managed to find what they were looking for - his trapped jars of honey that he had trapped in case some evildoer attempted to run off with his prized possessions. With the fury of a boy possessed by honey and deceived by the lack of math class, he flung as many of his explosive tagged-honey jars as he could at the kunai targets.

"There can't be a kunai class if there isn't anywhere to use them." Ryujou mused to himself as he formed the hand seal to detonate the tags in succession, eliminating the threat of the fake class turning into a tijutsu one. Then he turned to the teenager nearby - too young to be a teacher compared to old man Kenshin so it must be another student. "Looks like no other kids gotten themselves ensnared by this devious scheme," He said, pushing up his glasses and turning to her, "The name's Ryujou, may the benevolent Lord of Honey cleanse the sins of those who force evil classes upon the unwilling."

Word Count: 522
Total: 522

Oshiro Junpei

New Member
Jul 29, 2018
The morning sunlight slowly began to filter its way in to the bedroom through small cracks in the blinds. It felt early. Way too early. His silver alarm clock was blaring loudly, desperately trying to wake Junpei, who was just as desperately trying to sleep. He had hardly been able to sleep all night, he had been too full of excitement and anticipation of finally starting at the academy! Now that it was already time to get up though and head to his first class, Junpei was finding it difficult to have that same energy as he did last night.

Looking back at the clock again, a moment of panic struck him! He had wasted far more time than he had thought! It was still early, but he didn’t know the academy very well at all. So, Junpei wanted to make sure he had plenty of time to find where he was supposed to go. He quickly threw his shorts on with a black tank-top, and then ran out the door and headed toward the academy.

Junpei’s father had taken him to the academy once to show him around after he had decided to join and become a shinobi, but now without his father the academy seemed to loom over him; it was so much larger than he remembered! There were postings for different classes on the different shinobi arts, but not having much experience with those yet, he decided to go with something a little less intimidating; math class.

Now he just had to go find the target range. The boy was getting nervous about the time, but It didn’t take long as long as he had thought to find. He hadn’t been wandering the grounds too long before there was a loud commotion. It wasn’t far away, and it contrasted strongly against the peaceful serenity of the day so far. Junpei walked towards the commotion and saw a couple other kids there who seemed to be waiting also. “This must be it” he mused to himself.

A toothy smile crept up on the boy that belied his anxiety of being the new kid. It seemed there was a couple others here already, but a wave of relief spread over him now that he had arrived at class and on time. “Hey, uh, I’m Junpei, and I’m, uh, here for class,” the boy stumbled through his introduction, before he finally trailed off into a small nervous laughter. He did a mental facepalm, as that did not come out anywhere near as smooth as he wanted. He decided to take a couple deep breaths to calm his nerves before class started and he ended up making himself look like a bigger idiot than he already had.

Word Count: 456
Total: 456

Uchiha Asuka

Izen no hokage
Feb 20, 2018
Asuka had been waiting for a bit since she had gotten there quite early, but it wasn't long till one student showed up. And man what an entrance it was. Asuka pinched the bridge of her nose once the idiot pretty much blew up her targets with explosive tags in... Honey jars? Honey flew everywhere, the ones who were going to hit her simply flew threw her. Asuka sighed, this certainly wasn't the way she was expecting to start the day. She kept quiet for a while waiting if anyone else would show up. She already went through something like this once, and she wouldn't go through something like this again.

Not long after the new guy showed up, who hadn't seen him at all. Probably a new student, Asuka took a deep breath and rubbed her eyes, trying to find the right words to say. But in the end she didn't care. "Ryujou, Junpei." "She spoke "Nice to meet you. I'm Uchiha Asuka, your teacher for today." With a sigh she looked at the idiot who blew up her targets. "I don't understand your reasoning on why you blew up MY targets and to be honest, I don't care. So you got two choices right now. You either leave this class, that type of behavior is unacceptable, especially in one of MY clasess. Or two, you stay and I'll make sure you never graduate from the academy. I do hope I've made myself clear."

With another sigh she turned to Junpei. "You." She gave a smile "Since it seems you're going to be my student I'll let you choose what you want to learn. I had planned on giving a Math class using Kunai and Shuriken as examples and practice. If you want to learn something else though, please don't hesitate to ask. I am willing to teach you whatever you want!"


[Aburame Ryujou has failed the class for blowing up class material.]
[Do remember, to pass the class you need 1,500 words over 5 posts (300 words per post)]

Oshiro Junpei

New Member
Jul 29, 2018
The other person spoke up finally, she seemed rather annoyed. After she spoke up everything seemed to click into place as to what had happened, and what the noise was that he had heard before arriving to class. The other kid, Ryujou, had blown up the targets for class. Looking around it seemed that explained the substance strewn about everywhere. Junpei was both horrified and amused that someone would think to do that, much less actually do it. This was certainly not how he had expected his first day to start off.

Not surprisingly, the other kid was told to leave the class, meaning his first class was more like having a private tutor for the day. A tutor in which he was even allowed to choose what he wanted to learn! His smile faded slightly as the flood of possibilities set in. He was often able to see both sides of something, and look at all possibilities; this was both a blessing and a curse. It wasn’t easy for him to make a decision. The silence soon started to become palpable, the longer he took the more noticeable it became.

Junpei’s smiled faded. He placed his hands on his head and took another deep breath. After some time the child’s smile returned full force and he finally boldly spoke up; a decision reached, ”It’s nice to meet you also, Asuka-sensei! I would like to learn whatever you’re the best at!” After all, what better to learn from someone than their specialty? It was also a way of choosing without having to choose. ”What an interesting day this is going to be; I’m just certain of it.” he thought to himself.

Word Count: 281
Total: 743/1500
May 28, 2018
The older kid seemed pretty angry that Ryujou had stopped the diabolical trap-class plot. Perhaps she was in on it! Then came the fact that the debris from the explosions simply passed straight through her. Ryujou peered at her closer - it wasn't every day that you saw fake ghost people like this. Suddenly he came to the realization that this was the kid who had stopped those ANBU gangsters from stopping fight club! The weird girl said some stuff and he wasn't paying attention as he rummaged around in his pockets but he heard her final ultimatum for him, "-or two, you stay and I'll make sure you never graduate from the academy." In shock, Ryujou pulled out another jar of his explosive tagged honey.

"You mean that I'll have to keep going to classes for the rest of my time here in Leaf?" Hallelujah! It didn't matter in the slightest what the first three options was. Number two was definitely the best out of all eight of them! Screw math class - Ryujou already knew that a simple one plus one was a trick question and incalculable. This option was simply far too great to pass up. "And I'll continue to get paid for it!? I knew that you were a sensible lady!" Ryujou looked at her with eyes of amazement - this was definitely some higher-up with the ability to keep him in school forever. "First you get fight club legalized, now you find me a method of sustainable income, you're the best! That's like a billion yen a minute just for coming to this building and listening to old man Kenshin talk about manners! That's atleast 0 times what graduates make."

"I won't even have to risk my life for any dumb missions or do anything for Leaf like Kenshin said I would have to!" Ryujou immediately unscrewed his jar of honey, dipping his pinky into it and starting to eat it there. Manners begone; this was a time of celebration! Eyes glazing over with the possibility of infinite honey, Ryujou couldn't help but fear that the girl was toying with him. "No taking that back, okay?! A promise is a promise." He quickly got back to his feet, sticking his sticky honeyed pinky out at the girl. "Pinky promise! That way I'll make sure that you don't go back on your word!"

No matter what the result was from his attempt at friendship with a fellow comrade-in-arms, Bee Boy quickly went back to eating honey with said pinky finger as he contemplated what he wanted to learn from the lady while the other kid made his hopes clear. "I think she's good at not actually existing. Ghosts, y'know? She seems best at walking out of solid stuff or solid stuff walking out of her! You'd better be careful! What if she actually takes you up on that request and 'teaches' you what she's best at by turning you into a ghost too?" Ryujou gave a shudder, "I won't want to be a ghost. How will I eat my honey? Surely the greatest mortal substance that the Lord of Honey created for mankind would reject a weird ghost person. Just look at her! Honey goes right through her." Ryujou remembered the many misunderstandings in the manners class and hastily added something on, "Don't worry, even though even the Divines don't like you and refuse to give you honey, I'm open minded! I even let a foreigner like that Kenshin try to teach me stuff! I guess I can be okay with the fact that you're a ghost that can't experience the greatness of honey. After all, you're getting me out of having to find an actual job!"

"What if you taught us something cool like ninjutsu? Boss Riku already told us that genjutsu classes is just a lot of staring at rocks." Ryujou grimaced, "I don't want to look at rocks. Stones are boring and bland and uncool. I guess kinda like old man Kenshin since he's from rock village. Besides, genjutsu is about hiding stuff. Only criminals and evil people use that stuff! Why else would you want to hide from the Lord's honeyed light or conceal His greatness from the rest of us?" He shook his head, "Not good at all! I'm not gonna do what criminals do." Finger in mouth, Ryujou stumbled upon an idea, "Hey! Actually, show us something cool like how to fight. You backed down those ANBU thugs so you probably know how to beat people up!" He started jumping around, splattering more honey everywhere on the already saturated target range, "Teach us how to beat up someone like old man Kenshin!"

Uchiha Asuka

Izen no hokage
Feb 20, 2018
Asuka simply ignored the troublemaker, to be honest his words didn't mean anything to her. Her other student though, he was going to get a class to remember. She did think on what exactly to do? The other guy wasn't leaving and she didn't have the patience to deal with him, let alone the desire. Asuka scratched the back of her head. "What I'm good at... huh?" She repeated, she was only good at pretty much two or three things, adept at others and it wouldn't be much of a class if she demonstrated... hell... teaching Genjutsu would be theory. She went around in circles with that thought, thinking of hundreds of different ways she could teach the class but nothing seemed satisfactory.... that is until she remembered her own training. The one she had been doing, using her memories to see where she could be better... using her mind as place to learn. Oh, that was brilliant.

Asuka walked past Ryujou without even looking and looked down at Junpei. "I got quite an amazing idea." Asuka said her Eternal Mangekyou activating. "I need you to trust me, so just look into my eyes."

If Junpei did he would be instantly transported into another plane of exsistance. As if he travelled in between dimensions. Asuka stood behind him. "Welcome to my world." She said breathing deeply, she liked being in a place like this. Grass floor was the perfect height, healthy trees to one side, a wasteland to the other. Lake in front. This placed had everything anyone could desire. "In here I'm God." She said flicking her hand, turning it to night time, one more flick back to day. "In here you won't go hungry or tired. In here you can train without fear of Chakra exhaustion this world still follows the same rules." Asuka took a few steps in front of him. "This world is one of my specialities. Genjutsu."

You asked what I was good at, well... three or four things." Asuka made a quick set of hand seals. Fire erupted from above, condensing it, forming it into a large meteor. With Both hands Asuka seemed to control it's shape and trayectory, dropping it into the lake. Huge BOOM. Steam rose up, storm clouds covering the sky. "That's Fire Jutsu. Being an Uchiha I'm inclined into the fire element, making it stronger. Next up!" As she spoke lightning covered her hand and it rose to the air. A Roar was heard from the Sky, lightning seemed to want to come down but something was stopping it. Asuka slowly lowered her hand, in a flash a beast made of lightning in the shape of a dragon dropped from the Sky at blinding speeds. Slowly dissapearing. "That was the lightning element, always had a fondness for things that shock, which is why I learned. it."

Asuka turned to Junpei "But that's not all you can do. Besides the normal elements there's a sub category called Advance Elements. A combination of two elements that make new powerful techniques." Asuka made her hands into fists, placing them together. With a deep breath she slowly started taking them apart. A sword made out of Plasma. "This is what you get when you combine Fire and Lightning. Plasma. A very powerful element, capable of extreme damage or defensive capabilities. Depending on what you actually want."

The sword dissapeared. Asuka looked at Junpei with a slight smile on her face. "So, what can you do? And what else do you want to learn?"

[Tsukuyomi used, Junpei and Asuka now inside the Genjutsu. Since in the real world only seconds pass, Ryujou can not intervene.]

[Sol Fire Tempest used A- rank fire technique]

[Kirin used. A-rank lightning technique]

[Plasma Blade used B-rank Plasma technique]



Oshiro Junpei

New Member
Jul 29, 2018
His classmate was rather strange. He joined the ninja academy but didn’t seem very upset about the prospect of never actually becoming a shinobi. Junpei didn’t understand Ryujou’s thought process on that, but he seemed super stoked about it. His classmate was also a talker. A big talker. Junpei had always been told by his parents that ‘you have two ears and one mouth, so you should listen twice as much as you talk’, but apparently, Ryujou had never heard that. There were a couple things that caught Junpei’s attention though, Ryujou mentioned a fight club. He didn’t know how to fight, but a student club learning how to fight could be educational. Then there was the other boy mentioning the teacher being a… ghost? Could that be true? A chill ran down the boy’s spine. He didn’t believe it; it had to just have been a trick of the eye, but the other kid seemed pretty convinced of it. He decided he should be on his best behavior… just in case.

Asuka-sensei spoke up, asking Junpei to look into her eyes. Junpei complied and looked into his teacher’s eyes. The sudden change in landscape was anxiety inducing. It took a second to even begin to understand what had happened. Almost immediately though Askusa-sensei began to explain about the new dimension. Junpei could hardly believe this was the power of genjutsu. He didn’t know much of anything about genjutsu, other than the name and it was the art of illusion, but certainly this was indeed unreal; literally and figuratively. Everything in this dimension felt just the same as. His smile faded, and his jaw dropped in amazement. This was… beyond incredible.

His teacher went on to show him some incredible ninjutsu, giving the boy a basic introduction the elemental system; giving examples of normal and advanced elements; showing her amazing strength the whole way. Junpei could hardly believe his eyes, he could feel the heat of her fire; all his senses were intact in her illusionary world; her skill with genjutsu and ninjutsu was extremely intimidating to him to say the least.

Then she asked him what he was able to do, and again asking him what else he wanted to learn. The kid didn’t know much, but his father had shown him a couple things before he had enrolled in the academy. ”Well, it’s only my first day at the academy, but I do know a couple things!” The boy said excitedly, his smile returning full force. Junpei clumsily threw together the handseals for Gravel Shift, except his aim wasn’t great and shifted the ground right below him; throwing him off balance and landing on his butt. He laughed and rubbed the back of his head and quickly jumped back up. He performed a couple more handseals and a small rock lifted from the earth and was thrown into the lake with a small, but noticeable, plop.

”That’s what I can do, but what I really want to learn is how you were able to do all this,” he said waving his arms around. ”I want to learn how to do genjutsu.”

[Gravel Shift used]
[Stone Bullet used]
Word Count: 523
Total: 1266/1500
May 28, 2018
Sucking on his pinky as he was ignored by Asuka, Ryujou wandered back over to one of the target ranges beeginning to try and scoop up honeyed debris back into a few of his empty jars. "You're right, you're right," He said to himself as he worked. The Beenevolent Lord wished for a math class to bee held and so such a math class must continue to bee held. We must bee kind in our teachings. She can teach Jumpei over here how to bee a ghost man and we can continue to learn! It's a win-win-win situation!"

Bee Man then pulled out a flare, setting it off and letting the fireworks spiral into the sky as he pulled some of the less damaged boards closer to each other while continuing to eat the charred exploded honey.

"You know, this stuff is a real treat! It's got some wacky smoked flavour. Like something that you would eat when camping in your treehouse over a campfire! Ooey and gooey and in beetween crackers... What am I thinking of?"

Ryujou crossed his arms, looking upwards at the firework drift in the sky, deep in thought. "Oh right! The perfect campfire treat! Honey on crackers! Man, how could I forget that? It appears that the Almighty Lord of Honey has not graced upon me with the opportunity to travel these forested lands and spread the joy of Honey and the care that it brings to all creatures touched by Him under His great powerful burning ball of Honey set deep inside the recesses of the sky! To all creatures that gaze upon the beeautiful reflection of the Honey Sphere set in the night sky as they eagerly await dawn to once again shine His faith upon them!"

"Honey is great and will protect you! Unless it's from a ghost!" As the girl stopped pacing around in circles and told Jumpey to look into her eyes, he gave a solemn word of advice. "You know, you can't trust everything you see, especially from a ghost. She seems like a nice and cool ghost but just bee wary. Even the great ooze cannot stop an eyeball ghost that's set her malevolent eye upon someone."

"Otherwise, learn cool stuff!" He dipped another finger back in his jar of charred honey as he turned to wait.

Kuru Naohiro

New Member
Apr 19, 2018
Riku laid tiredly on one of the classroom tables. It was weird how often the second story had empty classes. The white-haired boy didn’t argue as he used the place to hide away from the authorities sight. He had heard there was a math class, but apparently it was outside. Deciding such a thing must’ve been a mess up with the printing, the scoundrel assumed it must have been cancelled …

As the boy looked out the window with tired eyes, his view was caught by the sighting a flare. With a curious expression, he ran to the window and saw one of his crew members with … Asuka? The charters apparently weren’t wrong. With a grin on his face, the white-haired boy took a deep breath, before taking a running start and bounding out the window with a sprinkle of shining glass!

“I have come for math!” Riku declared, as he rolled from his landing.

The rogue glanced towards the new guy with a confused expression for only a moment before walking towards the Aburame, giving his friend a wide grin before looking outward for anyone else that arrived.

“Seems like our math teacher is occupied.” Riku muttered with a sigh, “Guess I’ll teach some stuff. I figured out how counting with fingers worked anyway.”

The boy gave a wink with that, throwing his hands out to encourage anyone else to arrive. Running up to the blackboard with a laugh. Beginning to draw on it with a piece of chalk.



Jul 1, 2018
Class. It was boring, as usual. The teachers monotone voice droned on, and on, continuing to pound ideals into them that they had already learned in their first year here. Though, he guess he couldn't blamed them. Exams were coming up soon, and most of these students couldn't be bothered to study at home. Perhaps people we're right, maybe he was a nerd. Regardless, he scratched the back of his head, straightening himself up in his seat to keep himself from falling asleep.

Taking a look out the window, that was when he saw the flare. He squinted his eyes to get a closer look at it, and sure enough, someone had set off a flare in the courtyard beneath them. Who... who would be that stupid? It was then that he heard the shattering of glass, and the falling form of the same white haired boy that had lead fight club. He let out a tired sigh as he stood up from his seat.

"Dad, er I mean, Uchiha-Sensei, I have to.. use the bath- I have to see the nu- I just have to go."

Moving to the window, he opened it, unlike some people, before swinging himself out of the opened exit and falling to the ground beneath him. He landed in a three point landing, before standing and brushing himself off. The scene in front of him was interesting. Asuka was staring at a boy, with her Mangekyo out.. was she using Tsukuyomi on him? Wasn't that illegal? Why would she use such a high rank genjutsu on an Academy Student. Then there was Riku and.. an Aburame he had yet to meet.

"So, you two. What's the plan here? We having an impromptu math class?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at the two younger boys. "Fuck it, count me in. Where do I sit?"

Imaya Kuza

New Member
Jun 8, 2018
Katsu had followed Riku to this so-called "Math Class". He'd never heard of any such thing in Leaf, figuring that counting wasn't necessary to succeeding in this upside-down village. Of course, the young swordsman had never had issue with mathematics himself. It was quite simple when one had the wits about him: One stick equals three thugs, a metal rod equals eight thugs, and a knife equalled ten thugs. He always knew what weapon was appropriate for any number of foes!

When Riku, without a care, leaped out of the window, Katsu followed suite, though scaled the wall, hopping over to the nearby tree rather than go so dynamic as his friend. With a few hops, he was back to ground floor, approaching the apparently outdoor math class, upon which he noted that Ryujou had apparently used his explosive honey mix. "Yo~ Bee Man."

With a hand up for a high five, Katsu greeted his Aburame friend. While he had only recently discovered his sense linking abilities, Katsu had always found the hivemind which Ryujou embodied strange, like he was a single worker in a hive, yet part of the greater hive at the same time. "Learned any maths yet?"

Katsu began to draw, alongside Riku, on the blackboard, going for a more compact comic style where he drew action scenes of a fight between stick figures, one wielding a sword (him) and five others with diamond-shaped heads (Takeshi). The swordsman stickfigure beheaded them individually, with superior skill and speed and overall intelligence.

Saitou Rei

Jan 31, 2018
OOC Rank
At the academy, it wasn't entirely out of the question for unusual and potentially dangerous accidents to occur. A stray fireball that missed its target in ninjutsu class, improper application of an explosive note in tools class, medical sensei who talked about illegal doujutsu techniques instead of medical jutsu; the place could really be a mad house. Still, the flare that went off in the courtyard as Reicheru was wrapping up her shinobi history class caught her attention. As the class stood to leave, most of the rest of her peers writing it off as a demonstration for another class, Reicheru moved to the window to see what was going on. 'Oh no…' Quickly, she made her way to the target range.

Approaching the group of boys that had become too familiar to her by now, Reicheru noticed two others she hadn't seen before. One, a girl who seemed to be just slightly older than them - wait, was that the girl from fight club? - and a boy who was most certainly a student. While the well known troublemakers (and Maikeru) gathered around a blackboard, these two stood to the side motionless. Trying to make sense of the words, numbers and doodles on the board, the young kunoichi waved and smiled before speaking up. "Hey guys, so… what's going on?" Her voice trailed off as she finally took note of the destroyed targets, and honey strewn everywhere. It appeared to be a class gone terribly wrong, but where was the teacher? Reicheru sighed - things never seemed to go well when she was with this group, but she had to admit she had a soft spot for them. "Mat…. oh, math. Alright, I'll bite. I could use a math class," she grinned, resigning herself to sticking around, if for nothing else than to keep an eye on them and make sure no one got hurt.


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Get out.

No. You're not taking over a class. PM Asuka for permission to enter, and until you get that don't post in this thread again. Especially to attempt to hijack the thing.

Uchiha Asuka

Izen no hokage
Feb 20, 2018
Asuka gave out a smile once she saw the amusement on her student eyes. How easy it was to impress young minds, but if only he knew he would probably do more amazing things once he grew up. But anyway he had asked for something and she was going to deliver.

"I appreciate your words." She told him raising her hand. "But if you want to learn Genjutsu we need to go out!" With a snap of her fingers Junpei and Asuka were brought back to the real world. Asuka holding her eye for a bit, her eternal Mangekyou being replaced by the regular Sharingan. "Yep, still not used to it." She whispered to herself. With a deep breath she looked back up.

"Genjutsu is a simple concept but hard to master." She told him walking a few steps back. "Genjutsu plays around with the senses. Makes the victim confused on their sourroundings, on themselves. For example." Asuka smiled looking directly at his eyes. This was for a test, a test for him to show her he had potential. It wasn't the easiest of ways or the best way, but it was the fastest way to see if a Shinobi would live beyond the normal lifespan. Would be able to fight situations they would face, unpredictable situations that would test his instincts.

Asuka concentrated Chakra to her eyes, looking it directly into Junpei's mind. Making it show Junpei what he fears most. Slowly a gaseous figure appeared next to Asuka, taking form on whatever it was Junpei feared. "Don't be alarmed." She gestured him with a sigh. "This is only a hallucination so don't fear it. Instead.... be strong for me." We a sigh she stepped away from her creation. "Beat it into submission, show me Genjutsu won't slow you down. Fight your fears."


Oshiro Junpei

New Member
Jul 29, 2018
With a simple snap of her fingers, his teacher had shifted the landscape instantaneously back to familiar surroundings. He wasn't sure he would ever get used to such an experience, it was so... inexplicable. Junpei blinked and took a breath to help bring himself back into his body and ground himself. He averted his gaze from Asuka’s red eyes; their intensity had become unbearable. The boy was still reeling from the craziness of his first class; he couldn’t even imagine what his next class would be like.

His teacher told him to brace himself, and to be prepared, but nothing could have truly prepared him for what came next. His surroundings began to change again, a feeling of dread was almost overwhelming. He repeated to himself that it wasn’t real, but everything inside him told him otherwise. Next to where Asuka stood was a giant cobra, venom dripping from his fangs. Junpei was paralyzed, mentally repeating over and over that it was just an illusion and not real.

The cobra charged at him, and the boy switched automatically into instinct. He wasn’t consciously aware of it at the time, but this was the first time in a long time he was free of his own mind and indecisiveness. He jumped backwards; barely avoiding the snake’s strike. It was moving quickly, playing defensive was only going to waste his energy. The more he moved, the more he would tire, but an illusion wouldn’t. Junpei jumped to the side again, the snake getting to close for comfort with his attacks. The boy was starting to breath heavier. He was beginning to tire.

The oversized serpent went to strike at Junpei once more, but instead of avoiding it Junpei threw together a few handseals. The ground beneath him shook and a piece of the earth lifted from the ground and hovered in the air for a second before launching headlong into the cobra’s face, smashing it square on its jaw, breaking one of the fangs. The snake reeled in pain, but the boy wasn’t done. He grabbed the rock that he had hurled at it and began to smash it in the head, blood spattering on his clothes. The rush was exhilarating, he had never felt like this before. He felt like he could do anything, his hands were shaking with adrenaline.

Junpei just stood there, breathing heavily and trembling with excitement. He knew none of this was real, but his body didn’t agree.

[Stone Bullet used]
Word Count: 411
Total Word Count: 1677/1500

Uchiha Asuka

Izen no hokage
Feb 20, 2018
Asuka smiled as her saw her student run into action. It seemed as though he indeed had potential to succeed in this harsh world. Although she had to admit, even she was a bit impress on how he went head on with the cobra. She did find it a little odd that someone from leaf, which snakes weren't that big of a thing, would fear such a majestic creature. But well, she wouldn't be able to judge considering what herself was afraid of. Once it seemed he was well done with the snake, which was brutally beaten to death, Asuka dispelled the Genjutsu. Crossing her arms with a deadpan expression. "I'm impressed." She said looking at the student "You went at that snake even though you were scared out of your mind." She sighed, finally ending her lesson with a small speech.

"But you do have to know." She stated with a sigh "Running away isn't a bad option if you are overwhelmed by the enemy." She spoke, serious expression on her face. "Living another day isn't disgraceful or will make anyone tell you you're a coward. Nothing is worth your life."

She turned around, walking towards a nearby tree. "You did good Junpei." She said, looking back at him "I will keep an eye on your progress in the future." With that she apparently walked through the tree, dissapearing from sight.

[Junpei passes the class. Everyone else that joined the topic fails.]

[Will ask for the rewards soon]
[Topic left]

Oshiro Junpei

New Member
Jul 29, 2018
Junpei continued panting, his body was beginning to return to normal, he could feel his heartbeat and his breathing begin to slow again. His hands weren't trembling like before. Very suddenly, the snake was gone just as quickly as it had appeared. He smiled at his teacher's compliment, glad to have done so well for his first class. He listened intently to Asuka's words, taking them to heart. The words of Ryujou telling him the teacher was a ghost though immediately returned to his mind as his teacher seemingly disappeared. Maybe there was something to what he was saying, and more truth in his ramblings than he had originally thought.

What a day. What a class! He smiled and looked at Ryujou, "See ya next time!" and Junpei began walking. He was tired and definitely ready for home.

[Topic Left]
Total Word Count: 1500+
May 28, 2018
Ryujou moped around trying to figure out how math worked on the blackboard that now stood otherwise unused before the shooting range while Ghost Girl and the other student stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds. That was kind of weird but Ryujou wasn't going to judge the actions of Ghosty Girl who had saved them from the ANBU in Fight Club. Drawing a giant plus sign in chalk and staring at it to figure out its cryptic meaning, Ghost Girl said that she was impressed with the student.

Bee Boy glanced back at the two, half wondering what he was missing while the other half thought it would be a terrible thing to know, before sticking the chalk in his pocket and grabbing more of the burnt honey into his hands. Watching the teacher's passionate speech after the lesson of looking into each other's eyes, Ryujou kept on eating his snack. Honey was good on its own but food always tasted sweeter when there was something you didn't know about going on or things that didn't concern you. And there was a lot that the ignorant little Aburame boy didn't know.

Ghost Girl left as she always came, by walking out through a tree. Could she be some sort of specific ghost? A tree ghost!? Ryujou didn't know that trees had spirits and that those spirits looked like people instead of, you know, trees. Ghost Girl was really making it harder and harder for Ryujou to not judge her. Nodding at Junpei, Ryujou decided to teach the kid something actually useful, "Yep, don't let anyone say that you're a coward. When those big boys in the Kage office say that you're a coward for not fighting them later, keep that lesson in mind! It'll probably come up soon if you're a student."

Ryujou waved goodbye to Junpei as he began walking home and spun around to look at the forest surrounding the academy, thoughtfully sucking some honey off of his finger. "I hear there's fun stuff in these woods!" He mused to himself, "Might have the opportunity to learn something actually useful for once." Setting off into the woods with his pinky in his mouth, Ryujou felt like he really needed a turn of fortune after that disastrous fake math class.

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
