Unless you hadn't already noticed, this announcement isn't much of an actual announcement.
If you'll see the Donator medal is back out there in the wild, with it comes the previous medals we had before, as well as some new ones one or two individuals are currently holding.
I'm not going to list every single medal holder and who holds what.
But rest assured, the most essential one, the Donator medal, works. So that's all we basically need.
Kitsune assisted in this, as he took a pre-existing extension, and modified it to our needs, which seemed to do the right trick for us.
If you'll see the Donator medal is back out there in the wild, with it comes the previous medals we had before, as well as some new ones one or two individuals are currently holding.
I'm not going to list every single medal holder and who holds what.
But rest assured, the most essential one, the Donator medal, works. So that's all we basically need.
Kitsune assisted in this, as he took a pre-existing extension, and modified it to our needs, which seemed to do the right trick for us.