Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Medical prodigy in the making? (Request med nin)

Chigokai Yuna

Faithful Ninja
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank

The woman known as Ziren in a transfrom disguise rushed Kou off to the hospital. Rushing through the doors, he went to the faceless NPC secretary.

"This girl over exerted her powers when healing someone. That person is okay, but I fear that she may have used up all of her chakra. And she has a bloody nose"

It was weird, talking and a voice that isn't even his own coming out. It was more soft, and relaxing kind of voice. Even more weird to have both arms present, at least, for the transform justsu. He waited until the secretary nodded and made a room ready for Kou.

Once a room was prepared, Ziren set kou on the hospital bed and bowed to the secretary. "I'm sorry, but I really have to go. I can trust that the medical ninja here can take care of the little girl just fine."

(Topic entered as transformed, exited)
(Requesting Med nin)
(Takes place after Ziren lost his arm)
Kou laid in the bed, her black hair surrounded her small frame. Her breathing had become irregular and her chakra was gone, completely diminished. The blood that was coming from her nose had stopped and was smeared slightly. She seemed uncomfortable and her old medical issues were coming back to haunt her; a single heart attack would happen that would put her on a thin line of life and death.
The medical bay was bustling, the Medical Sennin nearing the point of exhaustion and didn't wish to be nothing more than a heap on the tile. Regrettably the Medical Chief on trial, Suyashi, was occupied with events superseding his control. There was the former Hokage who hadn't appeared since his trial of fire with Takashii, but that had been ages ago. For the time being Mikasa would take the reigns firmly, until the branch solidified itself once more - a constant roller coaster of emotions.

A transformed Ziren excited, leaving the maiden perplexed as to the identify of the unknown woman. Shaking her head, the kunoichi slides the door ajar to peer inside, an unconscious lass with raven locks occupy a medical table. Irregular breathing was identifiable due to the odd rising and falling of the academy students chest. Silently her digits stream across a blank patient card, not a single detail had been left behind for her to follow. "Not a single detail left behind, at least written." she murmurs under her breath. Crimson blotches catch her immediate attention, specifically located beneath Kou's nostrils.

Foremost she would wipe clean the bodily fluids, allowing a closer inspection of the deaf child; unfortunately Mikasa would have to combat this factoid at a later period as it was unknown. A damp cool cloth is brought across the upper lip of the child, dabbing away at the crimson. Pale flesh indicates to the Sennin there was more at work, exhaustion of some sort. Tenderly right arm grasps a hold of a cotton towel, becoming Kou's pillow to provide a bit more comfort until moved to a proper resting location. "The young ones always seem to be facing troubles, I must be more diligent with the academy grounds." the kunoichi scolds herself with a faint wisp. Kenshin and Shinzo had a fair amount of detail work still.

Pivoting about both her hands stretch over the lass, "First thing is first, allow me to quench the thirst. Drink from my own pool." her vocals melodic, although not one Kou would be able to hear, literally. A teal veil radiates outwards to coat the entire frame of the younger woman, a warm fuzzy sensation would potentially cause her eyes to stir - as if basking in the glorious rays of sunlight on a spring morning. Mikasa's own chakra would trickle into her system, gradually depositing through the method known as Energy Transfer<i></i>. Alternatively, the technique served as a double folded method, allowing an inner glancing at basic damages to address.​
Kou's eyes stirred lightly, flickering behind her lids gently. Mikasa would be able to see a minor strain on the girl's heart and lungs. The strain on her heart would cause an issue if it was not properly dealt with could cause Kou to have a deadly heart attack or heart failure. She was truly delicate in this matter. If she was open up, multiple small scars would be seen on her lungs. As for her heart, a ventricular septal defect (a hole) in the wall between her heart's lower chamber. It seemed to be larger when she was younger and had slowly started to close on its own which would be good if there wasn't blood or some kind of fluid slowly building up around her lungs, the true cause of her shortness of breath. Immediate action would be needed to take action to insure Kou's survival.
MIkasa withdraws her hands, digits trembling at the realization of the internal damage the youth suffers from, a pathetic creature awaiting for a curtain to fall. How one managed to go about their daily routine with the grim reaper gazing over there shoulder with frosted breath was beyond her fathoming. Leaning forward her lips brush against the forehead of the lass, caressing tenderly against the lightly moist flesh, "Not to worry my child, your path will not be obstructed and your ambitions unanswered." gentle whispers linger within the air before the maiden pivots about to venture off to collect the tools required.

Prior to the excursion the curtains would glide along the suspended railing to provide privacy for the pair. The events of this day would never leave the room, to perform a life threatening operation normally not a task to undergo alone under any circumstances. Clapping her hands together, the sole leather glove resonates from the impact, a field of chakra projects outwards with Mikasa as the center, an emotional barrier and her natural abilities flourishing in this sort of environment. Within the realm she creates her medical techniques amplify, yet the strain on her on her body tugs and consumes far more than chakra.

Extending her digits outwards, she grasps against the invisible, not a single item is clutched, yet the shape her fingers adhere to tell of a different tale. Light as a feather Mikasa brushes her index and middle finger against the arm of the lass, Tranquilize<i></i>, far more potent and numbing her bodies senses of pain. The nail of the maiden indents into the flesh of Kou, mimicking the motions of a needle, her chakra flooding forward to cycle through her frame. Utilizing her opposing hand, the leather caresses against the midsection of the academy student, Coagulation<i></i>, of a grander order - Mikasa's chakra shimmers in a brilliant teal about the very air in the room.

Inhaling, droplets of perspiration glisten in the radiant rays, a feint humming can be heard from her left hand, a chakra scalpel ushering into existence. Cleaving the space above the upper layer of clothing, a clean split separates the fabric to expose the ivory flesh of the youngster. The Medical Sennin ruffles the left half, aiming an apologetic grin to unconscious youth for observing the delicate blossoming space and following suit with the right. "Let us both pray for your future, Stranger-chan." murmurs, waltzing her exposed fingertips across the flesh they leave a line of crimson in their wake. The outer of flesh parting against the medical technique, rushing forward to greet her. "Crimson waters course through our veins and signify we are alive, yet you struggle to do so." a painful expression surfaces on the woman's visage.

Bubbles of crimson spring upwards, collecting in a mass above the duo, wishing to return to hence where they came from, forsaking the outside world from which their master allows their residence. Arcing her wrist lower, the dermis, fat cells, blood vessels, muscle layer, and the reserve fat part to reveal the one item in which she seeks. A weak pulsating organ for all to view, trapped within a sack of flesh and in this moment her existence ease to snuff out as if a mere candle. "I pray you forgive me for trespassing on sacred grounds. It is difficult for me to sway from the younger generation and allow them to become nothing more than a seed without soil and water." Mikasa murmurs continue to whisper to herself. Her chakra surges forward to embrace within, clinging and providing the bandage required - seeping through the even of most microscopic regions. "This will last longer than any, once my life ceases will this dissipate. Let us pray I have many years to give." she comments with a wavering smile.

Withdrawing her hands, the sphere of crimson above screech towards the owner, the layers stringing together as if sowed. The realm she creates shrinks in size to the epicenter known as Mikasa. Turning about a blanket is tossed on the frame of the youth, only that of a thin line remains as the truth of their adventures; perhaps a scar for the remainder of Kou's years. Slinking off into the corner of the room her exhausted frame collides with a chair, platinum locks cling against drenched flesh as she leans her head back.
Kou stayed asleep for a few hours before she awoken in a haze. She groaned lightly as her eyes fluttered open as she stared at the white ceiling of the hospital. Her brightly blue eyes were clouded slightly and took a while to clear. The young child sat up in her hospital bed and glanced around, her eyes stopped at the older female sitting in the chair.

She tilted her head slightly in confusion. Did she really require medical attention? She was well aware that she burnt herself out when she was healing Ziren. Hopefully her undeveloped healing skills were enough to heal him some what. She shook her head lightly. Right now, she needed to figure out why she felt why the female looked so exhausted. She couldn't have pulled a night shift right? Was she in that much need of medical attention for this nurse to take care of her? Did her heart fail?

That single line of question frightened Kou and her hand instinctively went to where her heart lied, feeling it pulse underneath her warm sweaty palm. Her heart felt normal. As if it belonged to her. That made her settle down and decided it was time to get answers.

Kou made a small chirp sound, in hopes of getting the females attention so she could answer her various questions. Hopefully this stranger could answer her.

The saving grace to cool the Medical Sennin were the windowpane, the sensation nearly nourishing against the rear of her neck. Sounds of fowls litter the air obstructed by thin material, instinctively her digits stretch upwards to grasp a hold of the thin air, a memory of a previous time plaguing her thoughts. The very world they adored caging them in, the acts they committed turn heads and yet she was taken in by the warming heart of a stranger; raised in the ways of medical arts and accomplished herself to this point. Life was a mystery and Mikasa a single piece of a much larger puzzle.

An unfamiliar sound peaks her interest, not a avian she heard before and leaning forward is she met with the gaze of the younger woman, "Oh? You have woken, fantastic." a grin surfacing on the features of the kunoichi once more. Reluctantly she returns to her feet, lessening the distance to grasp a hold of a chair to settle near the bed of Kou. Tenderly her digits stream through platinum locks, unmatting the obscene eyesore with a chuckle, "You were brought in by a stranger, although I dare say you should call her a hero." she explains, "I am unsure why you were exhausted of chakra, but that has been taken care of. All I ask is in the future be a bit more conservative and pace yourself with techniques." Mikasa extends her middle and index outwards to prod against the forehead of lass.

Radiating outwards from the Sennin was an aura of warmth, enveloping the room itself, the sensation of fuzzy tingles were often the initial thought of others and a bubbly mood befalling them. Truth to be told, to be able to project emotions outwards was a task she normally did unconsciously, but due to the exhaustion of her own chakra this were requiring concentration for the first time in many weeks. "The reason as to why your attire is split and a blanket is on you is simple. I noticed your heart condition and made the necessary adjustments. I would hate to see your ambitions snuffed out." her head tilts as her grin widens considerably. Clearly Mikasa requiring rest soon after their conversation.​
Kou blushed lightly and nodded her head "Thank you very much! I exhausted my Chakra by healing a friend. It was my first time too. I had no clue what I was truly doing. Um...My name is Himemiya Kou! You're a medical nin right?" she asked her blue eyes shinning brightly like the sun "I was being tutored by The Hokage but he passed me onto someone who works at the hospital....He told me to go seek her out immediately but I got super nervous and decided to take a lovely walk in the forest of many nope and the rest of that story shall be history" she sheepishly signed hoping the female could read sign language. It was her only way to currently communicate. "Um....What's your name? You look to young to be a old like Takeshi-sama! You do not need to push out the warm aura of yours either! Im highly sensitive to people's emotions so you should probably rest soon." she smiles brightly with a small chirp
Hastily Kou would sign towards the Medical Sennin, fortunate enough having a similar experience with the ANBU in Training known as Izumi; thus not a stranger towards the communication. Reluctantly the aura of warmth dissipates, "Pleasure to meet you, Himemiya Kou-chan." the kunoichi replies in a brisk tone, although she could have spoken in any particular tone and a false expression. Listening the light summary of the events that unfolded for the young Genin, Mikasa nods her head to signify she is following along, "If one is not careful when healing, you may end up exhausting chakra and harming those you wish to mend." she explains.

Utilizing her hands, she begins to shrink and widen the space between the palms, "Chakra is a river, as I generally explain this, it is ever flowing. If you lack proper control you flood the river and excess overflows into the soil - rather the coils of the patient. Too much water can drown the growth on the land and in retrospect poison another." Mikasa summarizes for the youth, wishing to hit home with the delicacy of the process. Settling her hands upon her lap, the Sennin's fingers intertwine and create a prison, "Tutored by the Takeshi-sama?" curiously the maidens head tilts.

Ironic, the previous ANBU Sennin dabbling in the arts of medical personnel and attempting to round himself out as much as possible. Dismissing the notion of potential improper teachings passed down to the lass, she continues, "Sent to seek out one who works in the Konohagakure Byoin? There are many." she teases with a faint chuckle, extending her hand outwards to ruffle the locks of the youngster, "I appreciate your comment, but Takeshi-sama only has me out numbered by a few. I am Tsukasa Mikasa, head of the Medical Corporation." the maiden introduces.​
Kou's eyes widen as she bounced lightly with a small cheep. She was really lucky this time! The young deaf girl couldnt believe she found her mentor so quickly. Especially since Mikasa saved her life. Kou did a small little wiggle-like dance before she focused back onto the older female, hoping she did not creep her out.

"You're exactly who I am looking for! Maybe it was fate that we met the way we did!" she giggled lightly "It would have been very awkward if I went looking for you. Im not sure if anyone else in the hospital can read sign language and I imagine itll be extremely hard to read lips here too. When can we start training? I would like to start as soon as possible!" She signed with the largest smile her lips would allow her to do.
Unsurprisingly the Konohagakure Leader, Takeshi, had sent the youngster to study beneath the Sennin; Mikasa forced to cater to a potential hazardous situation. Wiggling and shifting about, the lass displays herself as if Kou had located a treasure trove, curiously the Medical Sennin observes the swift hand signs. Truth to be told, the sheer swiftness cause the kunoichi to mentally replay the movements until comprehending completely, "Not many, unfortunately, take the necessary time to learn." she mouths back while signing in the same instance - a bit rusty due to the last patient with a similar predicament being Izumi.

Kou appeared to be the one in charge, nearly dictating the pace Mikasa were to perform - a puppet beneath a marionette. Lightly her lips part to allow a chuckle to escape, "Normally I don't immediately teach those who are eager to learn of medical philosophies, Kou-chan." Mikasa emphasizing on the honorific. Pivoting about the maiden settles down upon a rolling chair, her chin resting on the bridge - chest pressing against the normal back rest to face the younger woman properly. "It appears we don't have much choice, I can't risk you diminishing your chakra to the point of exhaustion." a thin grin spreads across her features.

Daintily her digits course through the platinum mane, "If you are prepared to listen and study diligently, we can give this a proper go." her hand extends forward, "Two days from now, sunrise, we will begin with the basics. How does that sound to you?" she inquires. Here was hoping that Takeshi sent a seedlings that Mikasa could nourish to blossom into elegance.​
Kou's eyes seem to become even brighter, sparkling in pure joy "That's perfect Mikasa-sama! Now please go home and rest! I'll see you in two days at sunrise! Don't be late!" She beamed as she rested her hands in her lap. A bright soft glow had surrounded the small female as if she was projecting her happiness onto the room.
Curiously the young kunoichi to be projects a similar aura to that of Mikasa, potentially alluding to further similarities on the horizon. In that particular moment the Medical Sennin understood the gentle nudge forward by the Hokage, a confusing leader with odd tendencies. Chuckling, the medical nin strolls forward, extending her digits outwards to graze against the features of the youth, "Two days at sunrise it shall be, young one." she mouths, withdrawing from the moss hue hair teen. "Please do not exert yourself, for your first trial will require much energy and concentration." the Sennin alludes towards, following with a gentle wave of her non-gloved hand.

Bowing towards the lass, the Sennin withdraws from the office - adjusting the ivory coat adhering against her shoulders as if by ninjutsu magic. "Until we meet again." a gentle murmur wisps against the doorway, to never reach the ears of the one who signed; an item Mikasa would have ample time to adjust towards. Leaving the door ajar, a secret between the pair that only she knew forged. Satisfied with the work of the day, the kunoichi leans against the wall, a single hand being the only item keeping her body off the floor below, droplets of perspiration gliding down rear flesh of her neck.

Tsukasa Mikasa had overdone it, her own ivory flesh paling far more than usual and the norm appearance of brightness faded - the crows feet blaring there hideous beaks to the world. Silently she steps forward, the ward she works within becoming a crutch, yet still she must press on for the future of the next generation not yet met.

[OOC: Topic Left]​

Current Ninpocho Time:
