Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Private Medical Training! [Tutor]

Apr 19, 2021
OOC Rank

The day was beautiful and sunny, not a single cloud in sight. The perfect day if you will. And even despite all the woes Shishiwakamaru had in his life today still gave him a little hope. Keeping his body and mind busy was very helpful. And today was the perfect day for that dose of dopamine. Sennin Nao agreed to give Shi a private lesson on medical ninjutsu and the like, how exciting! Pressing play on a music player he had brought young Shi began to dance on the way to the Byoin. He had found a cassette in the street the other day and had not listened to it yet. It was pretty good.

The song ended about the time he arrived at the Byoin, Shi tucked the player and headphones away into his pack and entered. Sennin Nao was kind enough to be waiting for him there at the entrance. "Nao-san! Thank you sooooo much for agreeing to teach me, I couldn't have asked for a better instructor." As flattering as that may have been, it was not his intention. He was just genuinely excited about the whole ordeal. "I don't have any actual tools or instruments yet, so I hope you don't mind I came ill-prepared. I hope to gain a blessing from this lesson, sensei..."
Nao had been carrying cases from all kinds of patients around and gave them here and there to people. "Please give her the medication with some apple juice, that will keep her happy. The medicine is otherwise too bitter for the taste." He would comment and go further with the files and go through hem one by one till he finally made it to the morning coffee break which he happily took in the back of the byoin with his cigarette. He was lessening it, but he still had a habit of them. "I honestly need more arms around the place..." He spoke to himself as he would then eventually look at the watch. It was old, and busted and the glass pane was half out of it, but he still carried it with him to tell the time. And the time said; hurry.

Quickly he would put out the cigarette in his coffee and throw it in the trash as he started to walk further. "Sorry, not right now." he said to one of the workers and started to make his way to the front. It seemed that he wasn't there yet, a sigh a relief was given by Nao who started to redo his braid quickly to make it a bit more representable. The recent attacks from the Forrest of Death had made the people spread thin once more in the Byoin.

"Nao-san! Thank you sooooo much for agreeing to teach me, I couldn't have asked for a better instructor" A big smile got on Nao's face as he heard Shishi and would hear him out after about the instruments or the like. "Please don't worry about that. I am going to take you into the botanical garden, the smaller one. But I will be sure to teach you a thing or two in there. Inside the Byoin it is a bit hectic today. So I had to switch up a plan or two." He would reach out his hand to Shishi, up to him to take it to walk with Nao through the corridors. A question or two was asked to Nao while they walked through. In one case he asked for the file on his desk so he was able to take a look at it.

Just before the small herbal garden, he would stand outside and make sure that the wind blew in his face and in the back of Shishi. This is because he put up a cigarette and would take a second. "So today... I am going to learn you how to create two different pastes." He would then look to the few flowers and herbs inside. "A healing herb.. One that is often made, but also an antidote herbal paste... For stab wounds that is, not for liquid poisons... But I will tell you. Please stay clear of the purple leaf plant. It isn't poisonous, but it will leave you with blisters." He would comment and take a new drag from his smoke..

"What do you know of herbs, what are the potentials and things like that."

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Shishiwakamaru would gladly take Nao's hand as they walked down the corridors towards the botanical garden. Soon enough they would stand just outside the herbal garden and Nao would begin to speak. "So today... I am going to learn you how to create two different pastes." Shishi nodded emphatically, he knew what those were. Salves n such, he read about them before. "A healing herb.. One that is often made, but also an antidote herbal paste... For stab wounds that is, not for liquid poisons... But I will tell you. Please stay clear of the purple leaf plant. It isn't poisonous, but it will leave you with blisters." Ok, an herb that could be used for healing and antidotes, for flesh wounds but not liquid poisons, noted. "Oh ok, I'll be sure to stay away from the purple leafed plant. Or at least wear some gloves if I have to use it. What's it for anyway, the purple leaf plant I mean." Shi would pull out a notebook and a pencil and began to take notes.

Shi would cough a little bit from the smoke from Nao's cigarette. It smelled good in a way, but also bad? Maybe he would try one in the future, when he was older. It had been sometime since he started at the academy, now being genin he was 12 years old. "What do you know of herbs, what are the potentials and things like that." Nao would ask. Shi tapped his pencil against his chin as he gave the question some thought. "Hmm..." Shi started. "Well I do know that herbal remedies and such are plants used like a medicine. We use herbal remedies to help prevent or cure diseases, sometimes they can be used to get relief from symptoms, boost energy, relax, or lose weight. I know you have to be careful with it as mixing the wrong ingredients or too much or too little could be really really bad. Sometimes people think that using plants to treat illness is safer than taking medicine. People have been using plants in folk medicine for ages. So, it is easy to see the appeal. Yet natural does not mean safe. Unless taken as directed, some herbals can interact with other medicines or be toxic at high doses. Also, some may cause side effects." Shi recited as if he were reading straight out of a text book. His memory was very good and his intellect was also high due to his Nara bloodline. "That's about all I know, I didn't get a chance to read the other book that goes over all the different kinds of herbs and plants and what they do. I was hoping you could share some information on that."

[OOC - WC: 676/1,500 - Post 2/5]
He did his best to keep the smoke away from the young child as he took it. Yet as Shi started to cough, he took one more big drag from it before putting it in a can that was near the door. There was water and sand in it, so that every cigarette bud would be put out.

After that, he would open up the door and start to make his way inside. "So first off... we will start with a Wound cleanser. A cream-like potion with a strong cooling effect and powerful antibacterial properties." He would say and start to go around the medical herb place to spot the herbs they would need. "This little green one here, with the bigger leaves?" He would question to see if Shishi saw it. "That one you can find all over Konoha, people often oversee it. But that makes it so that there is an antibiotic prospect to the salve." He would pluck the leaves, and leave the stem. "If you pluck the leaves only, it will regrow." He then started to walk to a flower in a pot, pick it up to place it on the ground so they could grouch down to the pot. "This one holds a flower which we decapitate, this flower holds a lot of water in the core, which makes it smooth to spread and funny enough, combines all the ingredients." He would let Shi take the flower's head before placing the pot aside. "Now from all these flowers around, which one do you think has a cooling effect?"

All the flowers inside the herbal house were the situation to their needs. Some were where there were open windows, some were at a cooler spot of the glass house, and others stood in the sun all day. One flower even stood in the darkest spot of the glasshouse.

After Shi got the right one, with or without Nao's help, he would grab a mortar and grinder. First, apply the watery plant, then the leaves and then the leaves of the cooling plant. "You make sure, you grind of all this up, It will turn oozy but that is why we will put it through a cloth later. You just need to make sure you ground all of it really through it. Want to give it a shot?" He asked Shi and would let him do the rest if he wished to do it. After the grinding, he would instruct Shi to get as much water out as possible.
"This little green one here, with the bigger leaves?" Nao-san would ask, probably making sure the young Nara was paying attention. Shi would nod and ask a follow-up question; "What is the name of this plant, I want to write it down in my journal for later use." Nao would continue; "That one you can find all over Konoha, people often oversee it. But that makes it so that there is an antibiotic prospect to the salve." Nao would pick off the leaves, leaving the stem intact. "If you pluck the leaves only, it will regrow." Shi furiously scribbled in his notebook, this was wonderful information. If you had a few of these planted near you, you wouldn't even have to go looking for more as it would just keep growing, how neat is that!

Nao-san would then walk over to a flowerpot and bring it closer for them to inspect. Crouching down Shi got a better up close look at the pretty flower. "This one holds a flower which we decapitate, this flower holds a lot of water in the core, which makes it smooth to spread and funny enough, combines all the ingredients." Nao would gesture for Shi to pluck the flower's head himself. A gleeful smile overtook his expression, hands on learning is the best. Now with the flower in hand Nao would ask a most difficult question. "Now from all these flowers around, which one do you think has a cooling effect?" Shi would stand up and take a look around the garden area. He honestly had no clue as to which was the right one. And picking the wrong one could spell disaster for this potion. "Um... Let me see here..." Shi would walk around the garden, occasionally kneeling down to sniff a plant or two, touching a few more hoping that would give him a clue. Sadly Shi was not a prodigy in the arts of medicinal herbology.

"I'm sorry father, I don't know which one is the correct one" Thankfully Nao was full of grace and simply smiled and showed Shi the correct plant. Nao would then reach into a cabinet and pull forth a mortar and pestle, a common tool for mixing and grinding ingredients. "You make sure, you grind of all this up, It will turn oozy but that is why we will put it through a cloth later. You just need to make sure you ground all of it really through it. Want to give it a shot?" Shi brightened up again upon being given the opportunity to do it himself. "Yes, I would love to do it, thank you." First he would insert the watery plant and grind it up a bit, then he added the leaves Nao had plucked just earlier. Finally he would add in the plant that had a cooling property to it and ground it all up until it turned oozy. The next step was fairly simple, get as much of the water out as possible.

Shi thought for a moment before coming up with a brilliant idea. Looking into the cupboards he would rummage around until he found what he was looking for. Pulling out a length of cheesecloth Shi would return to the area he was working at previously. Using the pestle he would scoop out the contents while also pouring it into the cheesecloth. The cloth acted like a strainer for when you cooked spaghetti. The concept was the same, as was the process. With all the contents in the cheesecloth Shi would close it up and direct all the stuff to the bottom where it formed into a little ball. Shi would then close the cloth and began to twist the top which constricted the contents inside, much water gushed out in the process. "What's next, father?" Shi was so eager to be learning from his adopted father, it was like studying with a master of a trade. There was nobody better in the village to train Shi than Sennin Nao.

[OOC - WC: 1,344/1,500 - Post 3/5]
"What's next, father?" Nao grinned big as he heard the child and would first open up the cloth to show the paste inside. It was green blueish and it was a paste. "Now if you were to bind this to someone, you would make a small ball out of it, then spread it without touching the wound. So place the ball on the wound, gently pressure the ball flat and then wrap a bandage around it." He would show it by picking a part of the paste and making a small ball out of it.

Now they had to start on the other one. The antidote. " There are many ways people can get poisoned... and a lot we can make with a mixture of the herbs in this glasshouse alone..." he would say and look around. "Even one of the plants we used, if used differently could easily turn to poison." He would point to the flower that they had decapitated. "The roots of that plant for example." He simply said before looking back to the other. He would then grin with a bit of a sheepish expression. "Basil must be used almost immediately on being picked. Asarabacca is a creeping vine with many small leaves each on its own small stalk. It also has small purple flowers. After crushing the two together you must brew up on a fire and leave to stand. You basically cook all the liquid out until you have a paste. Then you wait for it to cool down." Nao explained and would grab the two in question that they needed. Along with the equipment Shishi had to use. This time Nao stayed a bit silent as he watched Shi get to work. Almost a test of sort.
"Now if you were to bind this to someone, you would make a small ball out of it, then spread it without touching the wound. So place the ball on the wound, gently pressure the ball flat and then wrap a bandage around it." Ok, that makes sense. Shishiwakamaru would write some more notes into his notebook. He didn't want to miss a thing. Nao would then begin explaining the next concoction they were about to procure, an antidote of sorts. "There are many ways people can get poisoned... and a lot we can make with a mixture of the herbs in this glasshouse alone..." he would say and look around. "Even one of the plants we used, if used differently could easily turn to poison." Sennin Nao would point towards the flower they had taken the head off of, suggesting that one was one of the ones he was talking about. "The roots of that plant for example." Interesting! Shishi would note the name of the flower and write some notes about its roots and how they could be used to make a poison. This information could be useful in the future.

"Basil must be used almost immediately on being picked. Asarabacca is a creeping vine with many small leaves each on its own small stalk. It also has small purple flowers. After crushing the two together you must brew up on a fire and leave to stand. You basically cook all the liquid out until you have a paste. Then you wait for it to cool down." Nao-san would gather some ingredients and some equipment they would need to make this mixture. Now it was Shi's turn to act, he needed to prepare this new paste on his own, hopefully he would get it right. Since the basil needed to be used immediately he would save that one for last and started with the Asarabacca vine. Removing the roots he would place the remainder of the plant into the mortar and pestle and grind it up. Then he would pluck the leaves of basil and throw them into the mixture and crush it all together. Grabbing a glass container he would put all the crushed up bits into it and place it on top of the bunsen burner. Now it was time to wait.

While they waited Shi would ask Sennin Nao a serious question. "Father..." He started, looking Nao directly in the eyes. "I want to join the medical branch, do you think that would be ok?" Shi was sure of his goals and interests, and knew that he wanted to support his friends and loved ones. If Nao-san could do it, help others that is, then Shishiwakamaru would do so also. The young Nara would look back to the bubbling potion they were brewing and decided it was done. Almost all of the liquid had boiled out and what was left was a thick, gooey paste. Now it was time to let it cool off. So Shishi turned off the fire and set the container to the side to cool down. Turning his attention back to Sennin Nao Shishi would continue; "For real though, I really just want to help people, like you Father. People depend on you, I want to be dependable too. Please let me join your branch, please please please!" Shi would put his hands together as he playfully begged his father to let him join.

[OOC - WC: 1,915/1,500 - Post 4/5]
He saw how Shishi was doing everything he told him, how he was absorbing all that medical knowledge into him. He would slowly start to think also, but at a point, he saw that something was on his child's mind. He would wait patiently till he would ask or make the initiative to it. It soon came and he would listen. "Hmm?" he replied to the father part and heard him as he looked at Shi. "Of course, that would be fine with me, I would love to see you grow up in the branch." He would watch him turn off the fire and hear him out even further. He would chuckle softly as he heard him.

"Being a Medical Shinobi is no easy feat. You will work hard day in and day out. You will have to face it..." And with that, his eyes saddened a little. "That sometimes no matter what you did, all the effort put into something, you cannot safe." He would look back up to Shi with a more positive set in his eyes. "I am sure you will do great. How about we start in the Medical branch after the weekend, so you start with the other few?" He would offer a position as a Medical in training to his son.

"I will open up a section of our library for you too to help you further with your studies. Just let me know when you need something alright?" He would ruffle the hairs from Shi if he allowed it before looking at the potion. "Give that ten more minutes to cool down, and you have a paste to help against the antidote. If you want you can bottle them both so you have a vial with you at all times."

[Offered Medical in Training]
"Of course, that would be fine with me, I would love to see you grow up in the branch." Shishiwakamaru's eyes lit up like fireworks in the night sky. He had hoped Sennin Nao would say yes. Nao would then give Shishi some hard facts about being a medical shinobi. "Being a Medical Shinobi is no easy feat. You will work hard day in and day out. You will have to face it..." Nao paused, his eyes turning somber and cold; "That sometimes no matter what you did, all the effort put into something, you cannot safe." Shi understood this, that sometimes no matter how hard you try you will still lose people. But young Shi was still just that, young and naïve. He felt in his heart that he would be able to save everyone he could touch. He felt like he needed to, to give him new purpose in life.

Nao's attitude returned to the happy go lucky state and reassured Shi; "I am sure you will do great. How about we start in the Medical branch after the weekend, so you start with the other few?" A wide smile grew upon Shi's face in response to this offer; "Oh yes, father, I would love that very much indeed. Thank you so so so much, you're the best!" Shi would leap into his father's arms and hold him tightly. "I will open up a section of our library for you too to help you further with your studies. Just let me know when you need something alright?" Shi would release his grasp on Sennin Nao, who then ruffled his hair and made it playfully messy. Shi was beaming with happiness still over the fact that he was going to get to join the wonderous medical branch. "Give that ten more minutes to cool down, and you have a paste to help against the antidote. If you want you can bottle them both so you have a vial with you at all times." Shishiwakamaru would nod emphatically and quickly went to find some vials to prepare for storing the antidote. This was truly an exciting day. Today was the first official lesson Shi had received in regards to medical training, but it would not be the last. They both had a bright future ahead of them, and with this knowledge came great responsibility, one that he would share with others looking to also join the ranks of the Konahagure Medical Branch.~

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Current Ninpocho Time:
