Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time: Saturday, 15. Mar, 05:33:37

Medical Woes!

Aug 24, 2012
Adjusting her spectacles, Mikasa strolls through the corridor of the facility, occasionally poking her head into specific patients rooms to ensure their recovery. In light of the recent additions to the branch, the maiden felt she was making actual progress for once, not the she mined the faceless work staff; diligent as they truly were. This particular day she would dedicate herself to any open appointment, of any magnitude, merely leaving her door ajar for those who wished to enter. Settling down within the her usual armchair, the medical kunoichi begins to glance through paperwork of the three new recruits.

A thin grin widens upon her features, each an Uchiha child, and her thoughts racing towards the unusual boom of the clansman. It were truly odd how the gifted continue to multiple at an alarming rate and soon enough Konoha may need to relabel itself to a more standard Uchiha name. Needless to say, this tid bit of information had not influenced her decision. Prodding her index against the academy photo of Uchiha Miyako, the maiden allows her thoughts to linger once more, curious as to how this particular kunoichi would develop. The Minamoto child on the other hand, as per usual, would be a handful as his particular skill set made him an abnormally in the medical field; however she didn't wish for the youth to be lost within the system of main branch.

Snapping to her sense, the medical chief secures the folders, placing them within her desks slide out drawer for the meantime. Cupping her hands together, she awaits for the initial patient to enter the room. Coming to a stand, she politely shakes the hand of the faceless, inquiring as to why the visit is taking place. In the end she would determine an oddity to be remedied, bowing politely to the patient, "You have my thanks for utilizing our facilities. Please feel free to come back. In fact, I implore you." she murmurs, adjusting her ivory coat before turning about to head back into her office - unless she were to be stopped prior to reentering.​
Tatsuo wasn't a huge fan of hospitals, ever since Umashi forced him to be a medic that one time he had a very quiet resentment about them. However if you wanted to meet with a medical chief that was probably your best bet. After prodding, questioning and a little bit of charm he was able to make his way past the countless secretaries and bureaucrats who kept the hospital running smoothly. Before he knew it he was directly at the office of Mikasa Tsukasa, supposedly one of the best medical-nin in the village. Having been gone for so long he had no idea who she was, she might have been around when he was, but he was even more clueless as a student.

With a quick knock on the door, mostly to alert his presence as he entered he stepped into her office and with a smile waved. He was wearing the typical shinobi gear, a black shirt and matching pants with bandages wrapped around the legs. He even opted for the flak, the closest thing he would get to work attire. "Tsukasa, Mikasa, right?" Another grin flashed across his face as he said her name. In his hands was a brown folder, the edges bent and crumpled, it had obviously been well traveled. "I'm Ranna, Tatsuo. I recently returned from Kumogakure, when I was there I met .. someone who was very sick. Though I wouldn't consider this your typical illness.." he said cringing back in thought. That night was a nightmare, most of it made him sick. He bit the bottom of his lip wondering how they were doing, he heard no reports from Kumogakure but that could be both a blessing and a curse. Making his way over to her desk, he placed the folder in front of her. "This is what the man gave me, apparently he was researching on how to combat the disease himself. He was able to slow it, but.. that seemed to be just about it." An almost hopeless expression appeared on his face despite the chipper persona he exuded just moments ago.

"I'm sure you're busy and all, but would you at least be willing to read over this? I don't know if you can help him, or if he's even alive anymore, but the disease is truly terrible and if there's a cure of some type i'd hate to be sitting on it." He took a quick glance around the room looking for a chair or anything to sit in while Mikasa would be reading.


Considering the documents aren't actually written down this is what they would read.

Well it's based off three subjects. A,B and C. Their name's and personal info is blanked out. It shows that Subjact A is the primary holder of the mutated bloodcell, while subject B's bloodcell looks abnormally healthy, carrying extra cells, while subject C is slowly mutating to the cell of subject A. It does'nt have any specifics other then the process of the mutation of subject A's cells coming in contact with any life can cause mutation.]
A tapping upon the open door of the medical chief causes for her attention to stir, fixating against the Konohagakure returning shinobi. Swiftly Mikasa comes to a stand, extending her hand outwards to grasp against the strangers, "That is correct. Isn't strange so many grin when they pronounce my name?" she comments aloud, tilting her head curiously before speaking once more, "Pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Ranna Tatsuo-san." gesturing for the shinobi to take a seat. In due time the medical kunoichi grasps a hold of the tattered envelope, carefully her digits shuffle about the corners to examine the authenticity of the documents.

Cautiously the maiden opens the folder, retrieving the documents within, "Not your typical illness?" she inquires aloud, unsure of the definition the male was attempting to give her. Taking notice of the Chuunin sinking his teeth into his lower lip, the air about the room alters, the ocean blue gaze of the empathetic gifted woman twinkling, absorbing the emotion in a sense. Gesturing towards her forehead, Mikasa begins to prod against herself, "Not to worry, I understand, your facial expression convey quite a bit." pausing for a moment the kunoichi points utilizing her index and middle against Tatsuo's lips, "Don't bite too hard, your lips are sensitive." she states in a concerned tone, retracting her hands to adjust her spectacles.

Nearly forgetting her manners, the medical chief pivots about, rummaging through her drawers to retract two cups, chipped, yet still able to be used. Upon her desktop was a capped liquid container, a vibrant orange. Mikasa plucks the cork from the top to pour into each cup to the best of her abilities - a steady hand coming with the job until father time catches up. "Orange juice?" she offers, still a child at heart and not much for one coffee minus appearance purposes. Settling down within the chair, she carefully reads the documents, crinkling her brow in thought, "If I may, who wrote these?" she questions, burying her nose in the documents and no longer giving the shinobi her full attention.

"Physical contact? Genetic mutation through which sort of method?" she prods against her chin, "Cellular level." she answers her own inquiry through further reading. "A curse seal mutation perhaps? That would be too basic of a solution though." Mikasa didn't wish to doubt the level of Kumogakure's medical team, but surely they had the same lingering thought, assuming they bore witness to such. Truth to be told, there wasn't enough information at hand. "Can you explain any visible symptoms you bore witness too?" she asks in a gentle tone, knowing it wouldn't be pleasant to go down memory lane.​
"I grin when I pronounce anyone's name, people don't smile enough." Tatsuo responded quickly, he slipped into the seat spreading his legs and placing hands on his knees as he waited for her to go over the documents at hand. Personally he had no idea what they meant but if anyone in the village did, it was probably her. "Sorry about it being a bit torn, paper doesn't exactly travel well." He said chuckling lightheartedly, as he watched her begin to scan them. When asked the questions he shrugged his shoulders, "Yes ma'am, it seemed to.. change things? There skin would rot and blister but they would still be alive, but much more violent than before. I managed to fight a couple of them off and when trying to assist the patient here with a little bit of Ninjutsu it seemed to just speed things along. He grew more.. I don't know whats the word? His teeth got sharper and his hair grew. His skin turned more pale. It freaked me out, in all honesty. I was quick to bring him back to his lab where he administered some medicine which seemed to fight back the effects just a bit. Nothing major though, he seemed to be in a lot of pain. He told me to report it to the Raikage and leave him there. I was leaving the village soon so I never got a chance to look it over but I promised him I would show it to some Leaf people." He took a few breaths and he was a bit flustered when she mentioned him biting his lip. With a quick nod he released his grip on it.

When offered the orange juice he agreed and happily took a glass. Taking a few sips as read over the documents. "Gin, Keiji. I was wandering around the village when he was confronted by one of the infected things. I managed to hold it off until he finished it with this weapon of his. It was a disgusting beast but he was the same guy I told you about who I tried to help." A pang of guilt ran across his face. He probably shouldn't have tried anything, he had little to no medical experience but not helping was impossible for him. However his failure seemed to cause more pain than it did good, and for that, was something he would always feel terrible about. He perked up when she asked about symptoms, "Uh yeah, I mean.. they were red? Like they were rotting, they seemed to lose all.. I'm not sure they just were evil looking. They seemed to grow in size and strength, but just looked to kill. I really can't explain it that well, it sent chills up my spine though." He said trying to think back to that night. "Really everything happened so fast, I'm sorry I can't remember."
Tatsuo showcased a genuine concern for the inhabitants of Kumogakure, the medical chief unable to bring herself to ignore the plea for aid. Silently Mikasa listens intently to each detail, gears clicking against one another begin to stir thoughts within her mind, attempting to go over any sort of symptoms being described. For a shinobi or kunoichi to expand in power, unfortunately her mind always lead towards a curse seal of some sort. In the past their were instance of users of the dark arts becoming berserk to the point of uncontrollable rage. Tenderly her digits prod against her forehead, cell mutation to the degree of increasing overall size and power.

Truth to be told, it was infuriating to be unable to deduce the reasoning, the maiden begins to rummage through a drawer to retrieve a set of vanilla folders. Scattering the contents upon the work space, Mikasa trails her index down the text, "Those of a particular kinjutsu manifest in power, capable of infecting others with their chakra. Their bodies may not be used to the outside source, in turn causing them to gain temporary power and explaining the ghostly appearance?" she muses aloud, though not in her usual vivid tone. Unsure if Tatsuo was following, the medical kunoichi was referring to Jinchuuriki. "A curse seal from another spreading, a potential chakra infusion where the body attempts to reject the foreign, one with such properties as our ANBU Sennin utilizing corpses. A long list of potentials." she admits.

Pressing her index against an intercom, the platinum mane woman presses her mouth nearly against the microphone, "Please, send Suyashi-kun to my office as hastily as possible. He is to be receiving a mission." she states calmly, raising her oceanic gaze to level against the Senju gifted male - not that she were aware of this factoid. "Not to worry, we will be looking into this case. I do ask that you enlighten our guest." Mikasa explains, awaiting for the other to arrive.

[OOC: Requesting Minamoto Suyashi]​
In the Gym throwing around a basketball to get his agility and stamina up, Suyashi continued to train himself... today was the day Mikasa said that he was going to get the mission but, alas he was awaiting the call from the early morning hours. He was quite sure she didnt forget about him but she was a popular member of the village and her presence was something of a high demand, as such he was sure she would find time to send for him and his mission request. He was ready for everything, he'd cooled himself and calmed his body before studying the last two nights before. Tossing some hoops and styling on his shadow he would work on his footwork until he got a call on his headset.

"~//~Alright! I'll be right over!~//~", tapping the button on the side, he'd get his things together as he'd lift off and use his chakra to allow him to float and skid over the ground before he would find himself in the air completely thanks to a bit of his updrafting winds. Quickly getting dressed as he didnt want to come in without being within proper attire. So dressing with his wolfs fur mini coat, and his black under guard shirt, basic pants and his boots. He'd make his way flying through the village as he managed to make his way to the Konoha Byoin without much traffic... hell no one else he knew in this village knew how to fly like he did. Or rather he was falling with style. 'Which window is Mikasa's?' thinking to himself and her obsession with windows from the time off screen being around her. 'The biggest one... That one!' hovering for a moment he'd send wind directly under his feet until he built up the speed moving with a speed akin to visible lightning, but without the speed of light, into her window before flashing into a poof. before he broke the window and knocking on her door. 'Hah, the work of Clones...'

Opening the door he'd smile, "You rang Mikasa-senpai?" speaking before looking over to Tatsuo, remembering that he was a chuunin, so the mission was for him? Or... Hm, he'd await until he was told what he would be doing. "Hello Tasuo-san, been a while.", thinking to himself for a moment and brushing off negative thoughts he'd stand up straight before closing the door behind him and committing his mind to doing his best for the mission.
Tatsuo felt a sneer appear at his lips as the ANBU Sennin's techniques were mentioned. Those zombies he fought that one time, made him question how one could have any sense of morality while performing jutsu of that nature. However he knew his place in the village and was quick to hide it, despite the brief stint where Mikasa probably caught on.

He continued to listened to Tsukasa as she explained the ins and outs of her hypothesis. Unfortunately Tatsuo understood maybe a tenth of that, so he kind of just nodded along. Tapping a finger on his leg and acting like he was deep in thought, when he realized he was totally out of his element. When she used the microphone and called in a Suyashi, a friendly smile appeared on his lips. He wondered if it was the same guy he met in the Forest of Death that one time and it wasn't long until he realized it was.

He turned to face him when he opened the door, lifting up his arm to offer a wave. "It has been." He rose from his chair, to seem polite, but mostly to stretch his legs a bit. He looked between the two medics and wondered what was coming next. He felt just as useless now as he did that night, he supposed he had to leave it up to the professionals.
A refraction of light left the Medical Chiefs heart at a cliff hanging, the imagery of Suyashi crashing through her precious window cause her to stand abruptly. Weaving a set of handseals she readies for the intrusion, only for the medical-nin in training to disperse into a wisp of smoke. Frowning, Mikasa turns about to take notice of the actual Minamoto young man entering, there were no needs for words for her dull deep blue sea gaze sent daggers across the room. Unsurprisingly the pair were already acquainted, making this far more easier to get on board with. "Fantastic, you too know each other already. Minamoto Suyashi-kun is under my branch, a medical shinobi." she reintroduces.

Gesturing for the two to take a seat once more, the maiden does the same, pressing forward the documents Tatsuo had given her moments prior; although she doubted the newcomer would have the same keen insight as herself - despite his recent bookworm tendencies. "Effective immediately you are being sent to Kumogakure under the classification of a B-Rank mission, as it stands for now." the woman cups her hands together to further explain the situation and raises her hand to silence Suyashi until she were done. "There appears to be an outbreak of some sort and I am unable to determine the cause. I believe it could be one of two items, a curse seal mutation or the corruption of chakra through another unknown variable." she pauses to gather her thoughts to better explain.

Taking a light breath, her chest heaves, "The cells mutate and cause the hosts to become enraged, their physical prowess to double and their structure to alter as well. Needless to say one would have to take great caution when investigating." nodding towards Tatsuo, she would allow the Chuunin to further describe any additional details as he were the one most familiar.​
Bowing before his superior, Suyashi did find himself in the lion's den of sorts. Being that he was still just a Genin, but he had the power of a Ranked Chunin, if not a Special Class Jounin. Though he wouldnt get ahead of himself, his training with Jerfu and others calmed down alot of his overzealous behavior, though he did still like to have energy and fun. He was the storm. The Hurricane. And the Rainbow all wrapped in one. Double Rainbow all the way, as was the way of the Sushi. It would be the true ways of the Sushi... And you may ask... what did any of that mean? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. But you read it, and you freakin enjoyed it.

Now, onto what he was brought for as he would find himself sitting down before Mikasa began, his eyes lit up with a sense of youthful exuberance! And a chuckle turned chortle caught in the throat of Suyashi as he would smirk at Mikasa, she trusted him a great deal. He could see why, he'd matured a great deal, but even if he was a goof, he would take everything seriously especially with the banner of Konoha on him. Though now he would be tasked with something quite alarming, and he would instantly stop chuckling, smiling, and any laughter he chimed out. 'B Rank? Right, I got this.' nodding he would take out a notepad and begin taking notes as to what exactly he would be looking for, and why. Where... and everything else that went along with it. Even taking notes on what she said about the cells mutating. And the idea of the cursed sealing... Who knew?

"Right, I will do my best... Tatsuo-san, is there anything else I'd need to know? Names of who I might have to talk to exclusively? Or any place I would go within the village to find more info or intel regarding this?", looking over Suyashi found himself completely drawn into the moment, putting on his best detective thinking cap on, he would find that he could do this alot more? Maybe he needed some sort of edge in regards to this. Who knew? But he would find out everything he could so he could come back with a fine report because this could be the thing that sets him apart in his branch of service...
Tatsuo wasn't sure if Suyashi was ready for such a mission, but he knew where his authority began and more importantly, he knew where it ended. Nodding as she gave him the mission he couldn't help but feel worried that he might get injured. Going into the thick of it might end up in permanent injury or worse, but there was not much else he could do. He only knew so much and had to trust the Medical Branch, they definitely weren't lightweights. Letting out a deep sigh he nodded as he went to stand. He crossed his arms as Suyashi began to ask him a few questions about his upcoming mission.

"The only name I have is Gin, Keiji. I have no idea what he's been up to, I barely know how to contact him. I met him one night and he gave me those documents." he pointed over to the ones on Mikasa's desk. "The only advice I can give you is to make sure whatever you're fighting is dead after you're done with it. They don't go down so easily." he said grimacing, memories of that night coming back to him. "And try to be safe." he said, his mouth reversing into a friendly smile.

"I don't really have much else to tell, or say about the matter, I just want you to be able to help him. He trusted me to get these documents to you guys, since there might be a solution to be found, but who knows." he shrugged, "It looked really nasty, I definitely don't want to fight one of those things again." he shuddered visibly and could feel his lunch coming back, just thinking about how terrible they looked and smelled.
Mikasa was well aware with the lack of informaiton, the mission for her newest recruit and former student may prove to be a difficulty level far above what he were capable of; however the medical chief would take the risk to allow him to understand the world. Furthermore, Konohgakure were a small island in the grand scheme of things, to traverse would allow further development and Tatsuo was a prime example - a young man returned a full fledged shinobi. While the pair converse among one another, the kunoichi rummages through her drawers to locate a passport for the honeydew blonde lad, and in time reveals a crisp clean forest green one.

Nonchalantly the maiden tosses the documentation towards Suyashi, unfortunately the picture wasn't ideal, but she had been meaning on having get a new identification at a later date; however duty would call to the young shinobi. Eyeing Tatsuo, the medical chief would speak, "Not to worry, he is fully capable. You left around his age and returned fine as well, if I am to understand correctly?" she inquires, "Suyashi-kun, do not needlessly engage as that is not the priority of your mission. If you require additional support you are to send message to the village immediately, understood?" she does her utmost to sound authoritative.

Silently the woman gestures for the male to take his leave, "Send letter when you make contact with Keiji-kun. Dismissed." Mikasa calls out in a vibrant tone, ocean orbs shimmering and awaiting for his usual cheeky grin, perhaps today would be a different day and the young man taking this serious as possible. Upon his exit, the medical chief would await for any additional concerns Tatsuo may have, grateful to have the opportunity to allow her student to grow outside of the village.​
Whatever those things were Suyashi felt excited to fight one himself. The thought of fighting something strong made him feel like he was going to jump out of his seat. Though he would not let the excitement overtake him and with the moment passing and his notes taken down about the situation that he dug up from Tatsuo. Shaking his head a bit through he'd answer Tsukasa, "Right. I'll head out... but How did you get this picture of me?", nodding he'd look to Tsukasa and shake his head again, maybe this wasnt the best idea?

'Maybe she already has something planned...', thinking for a moment he'd hesitate before bowing to Tatsuo and Mikasa before leaving, "I'll send word when I make it to Kumogakure...", and with that out of excitement he would head out the room before heading to his apartment to begin packing. 'I wish I could bring Kouza with me... but he's been distant since I got medic... Hmm...' he'd shake the thoughts, he didnt need negativity while on this trip. He was travelling for the first time alone... and this would definitely be a trip. Maybe he would learn more about himself? Who knew...

Tatsuo sighed as Suyashi left the room, he realized that there were many dangers ahead, but he couldn't find every enemy alone. He'd just have to trust in him, not that he didn't trust him but he would feel terrible if he returned injured in anyway. Glancing over to Mikasa he smiled once again at her friendly enough, "Is there anything else you need? I'm sure you're a busy woman and I don't want to take any more of your time. Thanks again for helping me with this." He gave a deep bow and nodded his head as he rose. Unless she needed anything else he would take his exit.

As suddenly as the Minamoto youth appeared he disappears, the passport been delivered leaving only the Jounin and herself to discuss any additional details. Unsurprisingly, the shinobi ready to depart with the basic addressing of common courtesy inquires, "None, unless you have some." Mikasa replies with a warm smile upon her features. Returning her attention towards the file upon her desk, the chiefs digits trace finite circles and allowing her thoughts to wander into the realm of possibilities. To flat out state Suyashi a capable fit for the mission, at least on his own, more than likely untruthful, but with his recent training he left the village on a much higher scale than Ranna Tatsuo surely did.

For one to not spread their wings would ultimately stunt their growth, the Minamoto's adventure would change him one way or another; the only issue would the possible attempt to forge through Kirigakure. Sighing at the thought, the maiden takes notice she is alone in the office, needing to prepare for the possibility of the next open appointment. Adjusting her eye wear upon the bridge of her nose, the medical chief turns about to stare at the window against the outskirts of the village.

[OOC: Topic Left]​

Current Ninpocho Time: Saturday, 15. Mar, 05:33:37
