Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Private Mission calls for you

Nao had been pulling an all-nighter... first off it started after the conversation with Keiji- then it started with an emergency patient being rushed in... Then someone else made a determination which needed close prevalence over the night... Not to mention the report for the Kage he had been working on wasn'te ven finished... something he should really get working on to finish more easily.

A dirty doctor's cloak was in the recycle bin as it tore in his work and his medical sennin robe was hanging behind him. The window was opened because of the fact that he had been smoking in the office. Despite his own rules. In this line of work- you never know how the day was going to go. He would call for an assistant to search for their Medical Trainee Masami.

As Masami would be entering the office, you could see a very tired Nao sitting on the windowsill drinking coffee while having a hand out the window with a cigarette in it. "Morning..." he said with a weak smile, put out the cigarette, and walked back to the office.

[summoning Uchiha Masami]
Since being provided with access to the advanced medical books, Masami spent a lot of time intaking information and researching. Not only did she yearn to improve herself, but she harboured a genuine enjoyment for the practice. She always was a dog with a bone when she took up anything, refusing to let go. It was the same when she took to art, and identical when she chose to pursue medicine.

This time her expertise in the field was more crucial; being able to diagnose and treat a grievous injury or sickness was a little more severe in the long term than whether she could impress people with paintings.

The consequence was she tended to get overzealous with studies, usually disregarding herself to an extent. The assistant would find her reading medical books after her arrival at the Konoha Byoin, preparing to help make rounds soon. The book itself held relevancy to plants and their medical uses. Eyes widening when she was told about the early summons, Masami packed her belongings and started on her way to Nao’s office.

Weary, dark bags underlined her eyes as well as she made her way to the office. She didn’t get a ton of sleep herself, spending most of her time trying to cram in as much knowledge as possible. The gloss of her glasses helped cover that up at least. Masami didn’t doubt that she enjoyed the studying, however, and she wanted to assure she knew how to do her job. “I’m here,” she started, tapping her knuckles on the door to announce her arrival before easing herself into the room.

“Morning, Nao-sens—.. Nao,” she began, groggily forgetting that he told her to forego formalities before and correcting herself with a wry smile. Masami took inventory of the room before her gaze drifted back to him; deep concern apparent in her eyes. The smoke itself didn't seem to bother her, although it certainly surprised her. A lot. “Is everything alright? You look tired—anything I can help you with?”

[topic entered]
He himself already knew he would feel the effects probably tomorrow of the overworking he had been doing right now... But he had after this a few more things to sort out and do too... As Masami entered the place, he looked calmer despite his past with Uchiha's not being a pleasant one. So far- All the Uchiha's he met, except one child, seemed reasonable and not wanting to pick on him.

As Masami entered he knew he looked like a marathon without sleep... On which she even poked. "Except sleep deprived... I like to think I am fine, at least for now..." he said with a sheepish grin as he would go towards his desk and grab a file. "I have a medical mission for you-- It is nothing too big, but big enough for a medical-nin to learn enough from." He would smile and hand over the file. "Location is Crater City... There are a few people there who gain medical check-up and the likes. Mainly for people who can never afford it... Normally I would go myself- but I am quite knackered. I had to pull an all-nighter after an emergency." He would let her go over the details inside, along with a few patient notes.

Dossier said:
File 1. Checklist; medical backbag.


File 2.
Age: 8
Prescribe; Painkillers 500mg. 2x a day
notes; check on the broken leg; make sure she didn't walk. Cast for another 2 weeks.

File 3.
Age: 90
Prescribe; Antibiotics; painkillers
notes; check their pulse and old wound on the shoulder.

There will be most likely more cases, but this is at least some field experience..." Nao said as he would rub his templates. "I won't be around today and tomorrow; if there is anything please go to Hikaru or Keiji." he would say to make sure that she knew that he wouldn't be much around. The reason for tomorrow he held a secret. "Ah- before I forget-- a temporary passport to get through the gates at least; for this one mission..." He would hand her one to use as she was on mission passing through.

OOC said:
mission said:
Name;; free to give one yourself.
Mission rank: C
mission type: self modded solo mission
participants: Uchiha Masami
OOC rank: A
Mission description:
Nao, the medical sennin, has given this mission to Uchiha Masami to go to Crater City, aiding those who need it but are in poverty to go regularly. She has to check up at least 2 persons and help anyone else that is around there. A temporary passport has been given for this occasion licensed by Sazuki Nao.
You don't have to go through the gates with this passport to do this mission- it is more for RP flavor.
Masami couldn’t imagine the sheer number of responsibilities being a Medical Sennin must have entailed. Overseeing many different things, much of which she doubted she learned about yet, on top of the myriad undertakings that pertained to taking care of the patients in the hospital must have been overbearing. While she knew that time off probably didn’t come often for him, she hoped that he managed to wrest a few days at least—given how tired he looked, she imagined he could appreciate it.

As she learned that he had a mission for her, Masami looked at the file she was handed. Enthusiastic over the prospect of learning more and getting experience on the field, she listened foremost to his overview of the task at hand. Spending much of her life inside of the village, Crater City was not a location often investigated. In fact, she hadn’t been there before. To take care of those who otherwise would be unable to get medical attention—rather than just gaining knowledge, she was happy to take on the task for the sake of helping those people, too.

Hearing that he may not be around the following day, she wondered if he did manage to get time off after all; or maybe she was largely wrong—probably. Either way, she nodded and accepted the passport. Even though it was light, the gravity of its meaning felt heavy.

“As young as eight and as old as ninety…” Masami started in response as she sifted through the file, briefly beginning to take in the more minute details of the situation. “Thanks for this opportunity, really. I’m going to do my utmost best to help these people, some living conditions are truly eye-opening…” Carefully bundling together the various documentation given, she spoke her current line of thoughts. “Crater City, huh? It’ll be my first time going there, first time traveling far, even. I’ll make my way there anon, is there anything I should know about the location before I do?”

[OOC: Masami accepts! =] Sorry about the wait!]
“Crater City, huh? It’ll be my first time going there, first time traveling far, even. I’ll make my way there anon, is there anything I should know about the location before I do?” Nao would be thinking for a moment before he would speak up; attempting to give her the best situation possible. " It is not really a place to let your guard down... It was once a slumlord controlled backwater village... After that it grew and people have seen better days, some have better days there... All I can really say about the place- is to keep your guard up, they love illegal activities... Be they childish pickpocket up to the big things with weapons..."

He would grab an old map from somewhere to show it to her. "It may not look like much;; but these are generally the area's to advoid, unless you want to sight see a lot of trouble... and... more then you bargen for..." He would scratch his cheek as he couldn't exactly say people sold their bodies there either... He hoped she got the hint.

"I always follow along this route- never really have any problem..." He would point with his finger the route on the map before he would look towards her. " Hope that gives you a more accurate idea regards the situation...?" He asked as he wasn't sure, for him it was a lot easier to see, but explaining it was something different as ones view of things were completely different too.

[ooc;; No worries, take ur time.]
It sounded like a location that saw a significant amount of struggling over the years. Even though her household never boasted wealth or privilege, she never came from a place that resembled or contained hardship equitable to what Nao described. Although she deemed herself fortunate, she believed in her ability to assuage the suffering of those who were worse off. However, she became vividly aware of the need to keep her guard up. If illegal activity bustled, then she needed to steer clear of it and remain objective.

Masami's attention gravitated towards the map Nao showed her. Taking inventory of the different locations he emphasized as zones to avoid, she made a mental note of each. Her brow creased when she picked up on the implications. An understanding nod implicated her comprehension of what was hinted at, providing a greater scope of what to avoid. "I see. I'm going to keep all this in mind..."

If she had to make an educated guess about the nature of the destination, she would think in retrospect to how impoverished it sounded. That desperation tended to lead to people taking equally desperate measures to scrape by, and depending on the severity of the illegal activity, she could at least comprehend why they chose to do what they did.

"I'll stick to that route and keep my guard up. Need to stay objective and make sure I quickly get the help needed to those people, right?" While she was confident she may be able to handle minor disputes or complications, her experiences had yet to include much conflict with weaponry involved. Training was different than practical application, after all. "Thank you- I feel like I've got a good grasp on what I'm working with. Ah- should I go start on my way there now, then?"
"It would be best to do that yes." With everything being said; there was just one more thing left to do. Send her on her way, luckily she did mention that herself and he would start to nod. " Yes, take your time preparing and then off you go. The gate guards will tell me once you went through." He would just hope that her mission and way would be good, that she did got through it and fully made it. Maybe if she got back and had some troubles there could be a tutor in place to learn her more about it.

He would grab a file that needed work on and sat down once more behind his desk. "Please take care of yourself out there." He said as a goodbye for now.

[topic left unless stopped.]
Nodding in response, she took inventory of the advice. Making sure she was prepared seemed integral given it was a location new to her, and she was uncertain if trouble would arise in complications in treatment, or troubles birthed from the questionable environment itself. Both seemed like viable possibilities to happen; she needed to keep her guard up and make sure she remained prepared for a general list of complications.

“Thanks, sensei. I’ll do my best out there, I swear it,” she pledged, steeling her resolve for what would be the first external assignment of her career. After having gathered as much preliminary information as she could muster, she politely ushered her way out of the room for now. With success in mind, or at least grounds for looking at her mistakes in hindsight and seeking improvement, she was certain she would be back soon.

[topic left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
