Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Contract Search [Mission] Exploration mission of a tomb.

Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
It was still early in the morning, and the sun hadn’t peeked over the horizon yet, but there were soft hints of dawn in the air. Inside a small tent nestled among the rolling dunes, a red-haired teenager began to wake up slowly. Shadows danced on the tent walls, contrasting with the gentle golden light that was trying to break in. With a groan, the teen turned his face away from the light, finally opening his bright golden eyes.

Ryota, with his spiky hair all messy, blinked away the sleep from his sharp yellow eyes. His closed-mouth smile had a playful, mischievous vibe that was different from the intimidating aura he usually gave off. Wearing a snug black shirt that hugged his fit body and matching pants, he looked cool, especially since his outfit stood out against the dull beige of the desert outside. As Ryota sat up, he ran his fingers through his hair, playfully pushing some strands over his eyes, which made his sharp gaze even more striking. Stretching his powerful muscles as the warmth of the morning sun kissed his skin. He walked towards a compact mirror layered with dust, clearing it with a swift stroke of his gloved hand. The figure reflected was striking; a handsome and confounding sight, a contrast of warmth and shadows. A breeze from the half-open tent flapped the fabric, causing his black scarf, a familiar companion, to flutter excitedly around his neck. It looked like an elegant noose, a paradox that seemed to signify the duality of his life—both freedom and restraint intertwined.

His mission today was a dangerous exploration into newly discovered ruins, where remnants of an ancient civilization lay obscured by the shifting sands. Stories spoke of the creatures lurking within, guardians of secrets that should have remained untouched. Monsters hungrily prowled the shadows, their forms twisted by the whispers of dark jutsu. Still, Ryota relished the thrill that came with danger. It awakened something powerful within him.

With one last look in the mirror, he pulled on the leather gloves, their surface worn from previous encounters. He wrapped the scarf tightly around his neck before donning a fitted leather vest that bore various pouches and equipment. Each pocket contained essentials. Ryota walked out into the open, where the sunlight turned into fiery beams over the dunes. The desert stretched out in front of him like a vast ocean of glowing gold, shifting and moving. With each step he took, the sand crunched softly under his boots, and the heat from the ground felt warm against the cool air around his neck. As he got closer, he started to see shapes appear: broken columns with faded designs, pieces of walls that used to be strong and tall, and signs of an ancient civilization that had been forgotten by everyone but still lived on in the harsh heart of the desert. With an exhilarated breath, Ryota stepped into the shadow of the ruins, coolness engulfing him. The air thickened, and the sunlight resisted entry, pressed back stubbornly by the looming structures. His instincts tingled, and he adjusted his grip on the hilt of his hidden dagger, ready for whatever emerged from the darkness.

The whispers of monsters rumored to dwell deep within the stones drifted in the air like a noise of fear. He stepped forward, not hesitating despite the warnings that danced in his mind. A flicker of a closed-mouth smile tugged at his lips; fear was a distant memory to him. It was the thrill of challenge that pulled him deeper into the heart of that ancient place. Inside, the ruins morphed into a labyrinth of crumbling walls and interwoven vines. Shadows danced ominously as he navigated through the narrow passages. Each step echoed, resonating against the silence that lurked around him. It wasn’t long before he met the first of the monsters a ghastly creature with long, sinewy limbs and eyes that glowed with malice. The fight was over quickly. He used his quick movements and the strength he gained from many battles to dodge the creature's attack. With a fast punch to its side, he pushed it back into the shadows where it came from. A wave of calmness filled him as he enjoyed the rush of adrenaline. But deep down, he realized this was just the start.

As night arrived and the temperature dropped, he found a small nook that protected him from the wind. Feeling tired, he set up his camp to create some warmth in the cold air. The stars twinkled through the gaps in the rocks above, casting a soft light on his red hair, making it look magical. He gazed into the fire, lost in his thoughts, thinking about the exciting adventures that were still waiting for him. The cold air made the shadows stretch in strange ways, teasing him with quick flashes of shapes moving just outside the light. Sleep was hard to find, slipping away because of the flickering fire that kept him warm but also filled his head with memories of the battles he had fought. He couldn’t ignore the heavy noose around his neck, which felt like it was tightening with every beat of his heart, reminding him of the dangers hiding nearby. When morning finally came, he woke up from a dream that felt so real a dream where he and a ghostly friend wandered through old ruins, with laughter from past friendships echoing around them. It was almost too vivid to shake off. After brushing off the dream, he continued his exploration as the first sunlight lit up the ancient stones.

As he ventured deeper into the ruins, he came across even more monsters. He fought bravely, his muscles tense and ready, each move showing off his skills. But with every battle, the air felt heavier, making him uneasy. He stopped in front of a fancy door, covered in strange and beautiful designs, hinting at secrets hidden inside. There was no way to open it, and his curiosity was strong, so he decided to keep going. Days passed, and soon he stood in front of a room that had only one impressive door, perfectly made and untouched by time. He thought about what could be behind it, maybe an answer, a treasure, or something even more dangerous. As he ran his fingers over the door's surface, it suddenly clicked open with a loud noise, as if it had been waiting for him. As he stepped inside, a wave of cold wrapped around him along with the scent of ancient decay. The air glimmered, and before him stood a ghost, translucent and shimmering like moonlight on water. His eyes piercing yet sorrowful locked onto his, and a strange comradeship blossomed between them like flowers in the desert after rain.

A deep, rumbling growl bounced off the empty hallways, and then there was a loud clang. Ryota felt his muscles tense up like a spring, ready to spring into action. From the shadows, a huge figure lurched forward a creature that was part man and part beast, looking completely twisted. Its eyes shone a creepy red, wild and hungry. This wasn’t just any monster; it was a guardian, made by the anger of a furious creator. Just as the creature was about to pounce, Ryota barely dodged its swipe, feeling a rush of excitement and fear.
He charged forward, swinging his dagger through the air, its jutsu-coated blade slicing through the darkness around them. The creature growled, pulling back but still ready to fight, swinging its massive limbs like a wild storm. Each move he made was sharp and practiced from many battles, his body flowing smoothly as he defended and attacked at the same time. The sound of its sharp teeth clashing against his blade rang out in the ruins, every second filled with an ancient power. Ryota felt the energy of life all around him he transformed from just a fighter into a storyteller, navigating through the dark shadows and reclaiming a story that had been forgotten. As the battle raged on, the creature grew weaker, the last bits of its strength starting to disappear. Ryota noticed a brief moment of doubt in its red eyes, a flash of confusion, maybe even a hint of recognition. It wasn’t just a monster; it was a guardian trapped by its destiny lost in a storm of duty to protect a world that didn’t appreciate it.

Taking a deep breath, Ryota steadied himself, centering his focus. "I don’t wish to fight you," he declared, his voice steady as he stumbled into a moment of clarity. "I seek only to learn. To understand." For a heartbeat, silence reigned within the ruins the air thickening with tension. And in that moment, Ryota saw something shift within the creature’s eyes, a flicker of sentience, freedom yearning for respite.

"Why do you roam these ruins?" he asked, his voice hauntingly melodic. There was grace in his form, a beauty marred only by the shroud of his ghostly existence.
"I seek answers… and perhaps a bit of adventure," he replied, his curiosity piquing. Underneath the surface, there was an unvoiced connection between them. “What of you?”
"I am bound to this place, a guardian of memories long forgotten. I have seen monsters rise and fall, just as I have witnessed the strength of men like you," he said, his voice laced with ancient knowledge.
He felt an unexpected comfort in his presence—a friendship born not from shared trials but from the understanding of solitude. They spent hours speaking, sharing tales of battles fought and dreams unfulfilled. Horiuchi Yoshi, for that was his name, felt a kinship he had never found with another soul, even amidst the chaos of his escapades.
As days turned into weeks, their friendship deepened in the hidden corners of the ruins. They uncovered the mysteries of the past, gathering knowledge like it was a treasure, and faced the shadows together. With every monster they defeated and every puzzle they cracked, this otherworldly friend helped him remember what it meant to be human, a little scary but also a beautiful connection to both the world above and the one below. In the abandoned caves, surrounded by the fading sounds of creatures and dreams, Ryota discovered not just a spirit but a spark of hope, a sign of life in the quiet. The ruins transformed from a grave into a place where two lost souls found friendship, forever linked by the darkness they had overcome.

In the heart of an expansive desert, a solitary figure marched through the swirling sands, his sharp yellow eyes shining like twin suns against the backdrop of twilight. He was clad in a sleek black ensemble—a stark contrast to the golden dunes around him. His red hair, tousled by the desert winds, framed his chiseled face, while a black scarf billowed behind him like the shadow of a specter. A noose, decorative yet foreboding, hung around his neck, giving him an air of mystery.
Years ago, Horiuchi Yoshi had been a brash adventurer, but the desert had taught him lesson after lesson, transforming him into a measured strategist. He had discovered many secrets buried under layers of sand.

One evening, under a sky sprinkled with stars, Ryota spread out his parchment, the intricate map unfurling like a tapestry of their adventures. "Look at all of this, Yoshi," he said, letting his fingers glide across the parchment. "Together, we’ve unraveled the mysteries of this place." Horiuchi Yoshi watched silently, his form shimmering faintly in the lantern’s glow. "Yet I am still bound to this forsaken existence. All these places... they hold my tragedy."
"Then let me help you break free," Ryota proposed, his voice resolute. "We’ve fought side by side. I know the darkness doesn’t wish to let you go, but we can face it together."
For the first time, Horiuchi Yoshi’s sorrowful visage lit up softly, his smile echoing a sense of hope. "There’s a way, a contract. But it demands a price—a willingness to bind your fate to mine."
The weight of the words hung in the air, and Ryota felt a shiver creep down his spine. "What does it entail?"
Horiuchi Yoshi explained that the contract would enable their spirits to intertwine, allowing Ryota to wield the power of Horiuchi Yoshi’s past while granting the ghost a chance at liberation. Ryota pondered, staring into the desert abyss that stretched before him. Despite the risks, he felt an unshakeable conviction. "I will not abandon you. We’ve faced shadows together; we will face this too."
Under the twinkling stars, they marked their pact. Horiuchi Yoshi’s essence enveloped Ryota, a rush of cool air and electric energy as the contract took hold. From that moment on, Ryota felt a connection deeper than skin and bone, as if part of his soul resonated with Horiuchi Yoshi’s past life.
As the days faded into nights, Ryota continued his exploration of the ruins, now emboldened by Horiuchi Yoshi’s memories—the echoes of laughter, glimpses of ancient love, and moments of heartache woven through his mind. Together, they confronted increasingly powerful foes: monstrous sand serpents, vengeful phantoms of the fallen, and whispers of an ancient malevolence that sought to ensnare them.
In the final battle, they found themselves at the edge of a dark canyon, with a storm gathering in the sky above. The clouds twisted and turned, forming a shadowy figure. It was the spirit of Horiuchi Yoshi’s past, a curse from a life that ended too soon, determined to take away their very souls.
Ryota clenched his fists, muscles tense, the aura of Horiuchi Yoshi thrumming through him. "We will not be bound any longer!" he shouted, launching toward the shadow like a bolt of lightning. The two together fought fiercely, each blowing a mixture of physical prowess and ghostly energy, their partnership igniting the air around them like fire and ice.

While battling the darkness, Horiuchi Yoshi quietly said, "Together, we are stronger." With each blow they landed, Ryota felt Yoshi's energy flow into him, boosting his strength until their final fight exploded in a bright flash of light, driving away the shadows and releasing the trapped spirits. Once everything calmed down and the chaos faded, a deep silence filled the area. Ryota glanced around and saw the once-evil canyon now shining in the gentle light of morning. He felt lighter and free, but Horiuchi Yoshi was still by his side, providing comfort.
"You are free now," Ryota murmured, looking into the ethereal glow of his friend. Horiuchi Yoshi, the sorrow lifted, replaced by an eternal gratitude. "And I will always walk beside you, Ryota. Our souls are intertwined through choice, bound by friendship."
With a smooth swoosh, the ghost transformed into a stunning large cat, its eyes sparkling with the mysteries of the night and its fur shining like the stars. “Let’s go on an adventure together,” the ghost said, its strong paws softly touching the ground as they walked through the desert.

"Get on," Yoshi said softly, his voice like the gentle rustle of leaves, wrapping Ryota in a peaceful feeling. Feeling a mix of fear and wonder, he climbed onto his back, and with a powerful leap, he soared into the night, moving with elegance and speed. The stars twinkled above them like tiny diamonds, lighting up their way. Yet there were screams of Ryota filling the night too.

As they glided through the cool night air, he moved silently over the dunes, his paws leaving no marks behind. The soft sound of sand beneath them whispered stories of old spirits and lost worlds. Ryota held on tight, amazed by the bond between spirit and creature, his heart beating in sync with Tsukuyomi.

When morning came, they reached the edge of the village, where the golden sands met the land. Yoshi stopped and transformed back into his magical form, his glowing eyes meeting his with a look of understanding. “Home…”

OOC said:
Mission Name: Exploration mission of a tomb.
Mission Type: Self-modded Solo mission.
Mission Rank: S
Objective: Ryota has been given the mission to explore and map out a newfound tomb. Ryota will find a lot of things there and an ally in an awkward place.

!! This will be combined with a contract search, so the word count must be extra!!
discord said:

Kitsune, Mother of Dragons
Today at 6:18 PM

Huh? What?
Yes, but you'll need to meet both word counts.
As in. 1500 for the contract PLUS however many for the mission.
Meaning a minimum of 500 + 1500 word count mission.

  • S-Rank: 500 Words
  • S-Rank: 30000 Yen
Discovery of Contract of Your Choice - Link
Tsukuyomi. Ghostiiieees.
  • Contract search: 1500 Words
Total wordcount; 2500+

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
