Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Moment of your time [pvt] Soku

The male was tired, a long shift and he was waiting for the time someone came by. So in the meanwhile, he used his time to sort out his examination room along with his desk. It was still this empty even though he had moved here now for a small while. "I swear... this is always a troublesome thing..." He muttered towards himself and rubbed the back of his neck, his ears were hanging on neutral as he was currently trying to differentiate the sounds. "I wonder... Is what I am thinking about that time... true.." He sighed a time more and grabbed some water, placed the glass down and leaned on the desk. "What do they do exactly... If they are indeed ANBU... What are they doing with identities... I thought that kept them hidden..." He started to sum things up and sat down behind his deck, laying his head down on the table. He was currently staring against the book behinds and reading each letter apart from each other. Just random books to read and a flower one. "I swear.... I am getting too old." He muttered further as he stood up, sounding like an old man and started to re-arrange stuff once more in his room. waiting for someone of ANBU... After all, he had asked one of a decent rank.
The footsteps echoed down the halls of the Byoin as she walked the corridors. The place had remained generally the same with a few new faces here and there. After the former Medical Sennin's departure, as far as she was aware, there had been a quick transfer in leadership though it did not seem to affect the functions of the hospital at all. Soku shook her head in distaste at the thought. That one incident had left a lasting mark on her alright. Still though, this place held memories for her. Not good ones as it was after all a hospital but still memories. She was eternally grateful for the work these shinobi put in tending to the care of others. All that aside, her purpose here was an entirely different one. She scanned the multiple office doorways as she passed murmuring to herself."This one..nope..maybe this...nope.."The Captain had been requested here for an audience with the medical chief, the last person she was expecting to recieve a summons from but nevertheless, it had to be important. She really hoped it didn't have anything to do with her health at the moment. Soku was quite conflicted as it was at the moment, last thing she needed was being told she had some major illness or something."Why else would someone of such rank request for me then?"Soku asked almost to herself. Perhaps she had some advice on some matter? The only other thing she could think of was the former Sennin's sudden departure from the gates, a discussion she'd rather not mull on too much.

The kunoichi stopped glancing up at the door where within, the person whom had summoned her possibly awaited her. The place was like a maze but through many roundabouts and retracing her steps, she had finally ended up here.Perhaps it would be better to knock first.After all, it was a common courtesy to do so. She shrugged raising her hand and knocking on the door lightly."I was told you had a urgent matter to discuss?"She spoke hoping the other could hear on the other side. The Santaru refrained from providing a name in the hallway. After all, it was still quite an open place with staff passing by every second and now, she would prefer to be in a more secure setting once she entered the office room. "It is the person you requested for to give you some light into a issue."She added hoping the chief would get the hint. She wondered who they were. The last senior medical-nin Konohagakure had evaded her memory so she was curious to see what indvidual had been entrusted to spearhead the branch along with the Sennin.
He was still working on the moment when the door was being knocked on. He listened closely and started to place the file away in a drawer. Everything was still looking spotless, even though he was here already for a while.
"Yes..." He said softly and started to go towards te door, open it and let the person in. After closing the door you couldn't hear the hallway anymore, nor the steps or much. Yet Ranji could still hear them. "If you hear less right now, that is because the door seals a bit of the noise away. So this moment the patience with me or people for important matters have privcy. Everything in these walls stays for me in these walls." He would lay out his ground rule right there and explain a little. "My name Is Kito Ranji, Ranji otherwise known. You may call me by that name instead of Doctor. I am a Medical chief in these halls and asked your for your knowledge as your rank." He would say nothing regards of ANBU or anything yet. "I assume you are able to help me with sush a task?" He would question, his ears turning on his head, one to the front, towards soku, the other ear moving half to the side. His tail was hanging motionless beside him and his dual colored eyes looked at her straight. "What do you know about this name: Kami."
She blinked a few times to comprehend the...person standing in front of her as she entered nodding her thanks. This was the Medical Chief? His ears were almost...abnormal in a sense and was that a tail?I swear this village gets weirder by the moment.The thought echoed through her mind as the door swung shut behind the Captain and she took a seat, biting down a sigh of relief. It was a long walk to the Byoin from her place of residence, not that she didn't mind though. Clearly, whatever the matter it was, it was urgent and the Santaru had decided to get it out of the way as soon as possible."Greetings Ranji-san...a pleasure. I am Soku, Santaru Soku."She replied almost in a neutral tone going over the name in her head. She hadn't seen his face around the hospital before but then again, it seemed like the medical leadership had changed so rapidly she could barely keep track of it. As she took her seat, Ranji would get to the point though after establishing the fact that everything said here would be kept within this room. Soku shrugged at that seeing no issue."Fine with me, part of my job is to keep secrets as you very well know."She replied her eyes glinting though a frown creased her features. What could be so dire yet of such importance it could not be leaked out of this room. She really was beginning to wonder what she had signed up for.

That was when the Chief threw out a name she instantly recgonized. The woman raised an eyebrow at that leaning forward placing her elbows on the table. Ranji defnitely had her full attention now."Kami? Why, of course. She is a fresh recruit into the branch, newly promoted."Soku said her frown growing deeper. She had only met the girl once but judging from her first appearance, she had not exactly left a good impression on the Captain."What is the matter? Has she done something wrong?"The woman asked geniunely concerned. If it was a matter of behavior, Soku could fix that with some simple disciplinary action, no problem but the way the man was going about this made it sound like she had really screwed up which really made Soku wonder what foolish thing that girl had been up to this time.
He started to tilt his head... He wasn't joking or anything, in fact, he was serious about it. But her words did make him think more. "So then she was truly an ANBU..." She had now confirmed for him that it was indeed an ANBU. Slowly he tilted his head towards the other way. " You could say so..." he started as he sat down too after he offered some water towards the female company. "At the gates, there was a visitor and no one of the Main branch near... So eventually an ANBU joined me, she removed her mask and introduced herself as Kami. Yet I was unsure if this was or wasn't an ANBU till you kind of confirmed it. Is it new that ANBU gives their identity away this quick? In front of the eyes of the village 'and that she gives an OK for a complete stranger to be let in? Nothing was in order... No passport, no papers no nothing... and she came up while I was talking to this person." He would pause for a moment, let it sink in what this... Student of hers basically had done. " In my memory... It was only a fairytale ANBU would be living people among us... Living peacefully... and that their second life was a strict secret from the light. Then why give it away so casually to a completely new person who is coming from an unknown land, we never heard of... At least I haven't..." He added the last part as he started to go through his hairs.
"There is, right now, a person inside Leaf and god knows if what that person said was true... Your subordinate revealed herself while wearing the mask as Kami and let this person in the village. Again... no papers nothing."
She accepted the water glass with a appreciative nod sighing in relief as the droplets trickled down her throat. The climate had not been forgiving this season and any chance she could get to rest and hydrate would be much appreciate. Though, all of her sentimental thoughts would be cut short by the medical-nin's next words. Soku's vision hardened and she coughed up some water spluttering as she wiped her sleeve looking at Ranji almost in disbelief."She did what now?!"The Captain was beyond herself as her hand clenched and unclenched the hilt of her blade. It would be fine if the person arriving or exiting was a Konohagakure shinobi but to a complete stranger and without any hesistation! On top of that, apparently, she had trampled all over the other people present and let the stranger in without any second thought. The thought it sickened her. One of the ANBU's core values was secrecy, the ability to blend in, maintain your cover. She had spat on that value without any second thought. It was an honor to wear that mask, to know what it stood for. You did not merely gain it, you earnt it. It meant you had truly learnt what it means to be an ANBU of Konohagakure, how to dwell in the shadows, something that clearly, Kami had not picked up from what she gathered."This is unacceptable..such a thing should never have happened, Ranji-san."She began slowly setting down her glass with slightly more force than she should have clearly wondering what to do."You have my utmost assurance that such an gross violation of protocol will not go unpunished. I will see to that."The kunoichi declared her eyes flicking forward to meet the man's.

Oh, she would be seeing to it alright. The idea of having her scrub the sewers clean for a week or so sounded very appealing, it was far better than getting a demotion which was what Soku ought to have to done."Unless that person is of this village, I do not allow my ANBU for whatever reason to remove that mask, it is crucial to the security of the village that such an operative remain concealed. You say the traveler was let in? Did they give a name? I can attempt to track them down, perhaps have a chit-chat after dealing with this ANBU."She added as an afterthought. Soku just prayed Kami had not just let some S-Rank missing-nin into the village, the consequences for such an thing...would be severe.Unacceptable. She looked at Ranji bowing her head almost aplogetic in a fashion."I do extend my apologies on behalf of her. Such a thing will not happen again, I have my word. I will not allow her near the gates in any form or fashion until she has learnt what it means to follow the code of the ANBU ."Soku's hand was balled into a fist. Without documentation, she had let someone in? The woman worked hard to protect this village and to think someone could just let someone in so easily, just at first glance sickened her. "The Sennin will be hearing of this, I will contact him personally."
He could almost cover up his animalistic ears as he had heard her scream. "Urf... Loud got another concept..." He muttered as he slowly let go of his ears. "I meant sound proof on the normal speaking level... Shouting won't help either..." He said as he looked at her, his eyebrow slight tilting up as he crossed his arms over each other. He tried to study her emotions as she set back the glass, spoke to him once more. But before letting her speak once more he would reassure one thing. "I assume you too are an ANBU then, Soku-chan." He would try to tease in the meanwhile with that chan name. But the playful smirk went soon away. "Both Identity is saved with me... I will not blow your or your subordinate's cover.."

On the question of the name, there was a soft silence in the room. He had to think back now to the day on the gates. "Hmm.." He started to shift and look through some papers, knowing he would forget it right there and then.
After opening up the second drawer he took out a paper sheet. "Ah... Here we go." He spoke and would show the paper sheet, even though it was in a.... handwriting that was, some sort of readable fashion.
Murakami Tomomi, policing force of Tomoe Country. The goal, learn the culture, fight, eat, drink, get information for a home to grow. Rank unknown.

"Ehh... Is it not the best handwriting, still getting used to my prosthetic and writing, want me to translate it otherwise..?" He offered as soon as he had given it, hoping it wasn't needed anyways. "Do have to say... Thought the corporation was more manly..." He shrugged a little, turning his back on her to pick something else of the drawer before sitting down once more.
"I do extend my apologies on behalf of her. Such a thing will not happen again, I have my word. I will not allow her near the gates in any form or fashion until she has learned what it means to follow the code of the ANBU."
"Ahhh... take it easy to take a sisi... or how the myth goes, an apple a day keeps a doc' away." He obviously didn't believe in that story either. "Feel free to do with this information, I am just glad the safety of this village is being held high and thank you for answering my high call." He would be honest and let her go if she wanted right now, even he was understanding that she needed to share this information. Yet now he remained with questions... They were both from the branch, yet what rank were they. She was speaking of a sennin, that would mean she had still a boss above her. "So many new questions.." He muttered softly as he started to toy around with his fake fingers.

ooc: This... erm... was easy to type up.
MFT: 489
She raised an eyebrow at Ranji's playful comment, people assumed her to be many things but she did not feel the need to confirm nor deny the man
s remark."Now, if I told you, that would not fall in line with the ANBU code, would it now?"She said briefly chuckling as she finished her water cup. Though in her head, the Captain was mentally preparing herself for an encounter with the recruit. Clearly, someone did not understand the value of the uniform they wore so she would have to remind Kami. A task she was most happy to carry out though that did not make it any lesser of a pain. She had her own paperwork and reports to attend to and a misconduct of an ANBU operative was the last thing she needed on her hands. That just meant Kami's consequences would be worse, so much for scrubbing the sewers. Perhaps she could have the girl fill out her reports for her in that sutffy, small office space. Yes, the idea did sound appealing after all. She glanced down as Ranji handed her a sheet with handwriting that was well... one could hardly call it fancy but it was legible at the very least."Tomomi..huh..."She murmured."I will be keeping eyes on this individual at the very least until I am rest assured they pose no threat to the village. There is only so much we can do once a foreigner is let in as unfornuate as it is."She added frowning a bit. It really was a troublesome situation no matter what way you looked at it.

She stood from her chair grinning at the doctor remark."I don't know about that one, Ranji-san, I've eaten many apples in my lifetimes and yet I seem to be revisiting the hospital ever so frequently.". Soku came to the conclusion that she rather liked this particular medical-nin and that was always a good start."If there is nothing more to be discussed, may I take my leave then, Ranji-san?"She asked bowing her head slightly as a form of respect. Though technically, the only person the Santaru would really reserve this gesture for would be the Hokage but she considered it appropiate at the time seeing as she was in the man's office."I think it would be a good idea to seek out this visitor as soon as possible and I intend to do just that right now."Her eyes glinted with a spark of confidence and excitement. New people..they were always a fun little bunch. Who knew what this indvidual would turn out to be like, only one way to find out.
What ever this person was thinking about him he didn't care either way. This person was a good person so far he could even tell already. "Hmmm... That would eb true... and it would also mean that the secret is out, so you aren't a mysterious type..." He would smirk more and look towards her. "Hm hmm, I have my hands full if they start around here... Hense, I just hope the sick epedemic stays away from us for a while..." He muttered a little bit bitter as his own thoughts were already trailing off. Yet he hadn't had an idea that she was such a major visitor towards the boujin. "Hmm.. Well... If it is for these kinds of visists, then you are around a lot I guess... But if you are a personal patient... Then if you wish to, I can sometimes look into it, if you wish to seek answers." After listening once more towards him he would nod. "Ofcourse it ain't no problem to do such a thing." He would be honest and nod a single time. "Please feel free to come and to go."
She bowed her head in the direction of the man in an appreciatve gesture simply, a sign of respect."I am grateful to your kind, Ranji-san. You people have saved me from near-death and severe injury on many occassions, for that, I am grateful."Soku said turning towards the door. At the mention of diseases and epidemics, she winced a bit just imagining the thought. The flu season around the village had not struck yet though it came and went. It really took a damper not only on the villagers but the shinobi personnel as well. As if they were not already short-handed, they now had to deal with bacteria, germs and who knew what else. "Until next time and rest assured, this matter will be dealt with swiftly."With that, the Captain pushed open the office door stepping out into the long corridor that stretched for miles. She let loose a sigh as she walked towards the exit ignoring the various glances she got responding to some greetings here and there. After all, the Byoin was no strange place to her but that had been under a different person. Some new changes were noticeable as they always were with a trasnfer in leadership but other than, there was no glaring difference. "Well, time to find this foreigner, I presume."Now if she was a visitor, where would she happen to visit first? Soku grinned at the thought. It was almost like hunting or tracking someone, this would not take long. Although, one was never to assume. Assumptions were always a risk, you could either be right and score a huge victory or mistep and end up severely hurt or dead."Maybe one of the districts, first."Soku murmured to herself heading off in that direction as the sounds of shouting merchants and crowds reached her. This really was going to be quite a handful.
[Topic left unless stopped]

Current Ninpocho Time:
