Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Momocon 2k15 [Private]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank

Sitting his empty glass down at the bar, Umashi turned another page in the book that he was reading as he signaled for another drink to be brought to him. Pouring over his notes, he figured that now was as good a time as ever to do a little homework before the upcoming Kage Tournament. Having notes on what to expect always came in handy but with these sorts of things, it was best to expect the unexpected. Flashing the bartender a smile, he momentarily gazed about with his all too eerily green eyes and again went back to his reading. With features mostly unknown due to the heavy red hood that he wore over his head, of what could be figured was his earthy skin tone and his emerald isle eyes. As strange a sight as one could generate with a man reading at a bar, in a world full of fire breathing shinobi very few people asked questions about seemingly strange acts. Fortunately for Umashi, there were more than enough unsavory characters floating about to keep the most discerning of eyes off of him. Most wouldn’t so quickly recognize a foreign born Kage from a recently shaken power but for those that could know, Umashi was open to talking about the good ol days. Though no longer overtly carrying the swagger of a pirate, the ways of old never lay too far below the surface. Another page turned, another fact pondered over and the drinks kept inspiring the crazy thoughts of a madman.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Somewhat stumbling into the establishment, Kagemaru had a splitting headache that words couldn't begin to describe. Eyes covered in a damp blindfold and the rest of his clothes looked like they were still drying as well, Kagemaru made his way to bar. The night he'd had was not one he wanted to forget, but he couldn't. There was a psychopath on the loose and he was not currently equipped to handle that kind of problem. So for now, he'd simply drink his issues away for the moment. Flagging the bartender down, the brown skinned seemingly blind man would make his order.

Hardest lemonade you got bub. From then on , he'd wait till his drink arrived. He didn't much mind about the other shady characters in the bar. He looked shady himself. He was simply here to drink.

Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Cheshire called in sick today which unfortunately means Ryu will have to cover her shift. She wore Cheshire’s outfit which made her look like some sort of vampiric cat-girl maid; it was like someone just threw a bunch of costumes together and hoped that it would work. The bartender, the Queen of Hearts, hands Ryu a trey of drinks for her to take to the tables. Now Ryu is an adopted member of the gypsy clan Shikame. This clan has three goddesses in which they praise. Ryu dutifully follows the teachings of Tia, The Goddess of Dance. Ryu takes the trey balances on her head and dances from table to table. The bartender felt quite nervous about this and cringes with every twill expecting the worst to happen. However not only did nothing fall from the trey, not a single drop was spelt from the glasses. This is the art of the dance fluid motion with pristine balance. Even the Missing-nin with the blindfold could hear the gracefulness of her footsteps for she wore bells around her wrists and ankles. It was quite a show seeing her hand out drinks with such finesse. Finally she came back to the bar and places a drink for Umashi and Kagemaru. “Here you go sirs. Would you two like something to eat?” Umashi may be wise to ask her about the tournament for she has met some of the competitors first hand or at least have some second hand knowledge from those of her clan.

[occ: hope you don't mind me entering for Ryu does officially work here.]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Then there was that shady guy who sat next to him . . . Well, there wasn't much to be done after this so he chirped up a comment loud enough to be heard by the immediate vicinity. "So about that Kage tourney that the ever honorable Minamoto-Kono Haruka is throwing eh? Heard that they only invited a handpicked few instead of casting the wider net." Said in such a matter of fact way he himself was hoping to himself catch a big tuna but he quickly followed up with a bit of his own personal flavor. "Why, it seems a shame to throw such party without inviting the real animals . . . no?" Following his rhetoric with a sip of his drink, he shook his head and sighed audibly enough that his current pages became a bit damp. Kids these days just would never understand the struggle that those of his generation had to go through, that and well . . . Kids these days were just downright disrespectful. Never minding that though, the girl had asked him if he'd wanted something to eat. He'd better take her up on that offer while the plates would still be hot. "Sorry about that rambling milady, I just hate the way these things tend to go. Got any chicken noodle soup? Strange I know, but I'm feeling like a home cooked meal." Another smiling nod and upon assuming that they had some sort of soup, he was reaching into his pockets for some funds to pay for the meal. Where were the big bills again?


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
He didn't have the mindset to deal with the dancing at the moment so Kagemaru ignored it. However what did catch his attention was the mention of a "Kage-tournament". He didn't know anything about it and it seemed strange that there would be such a thing. Turning his head slightly towards the hooded gentleman that mentioned it, Kagemaru would inquire as to what he meant.

Kage-tourney? What happened to the last Kage? This was strange for Kagemaru. He'd entered the village not too long ago to speak with the Kage. It was possible that he'd been out for much longer than he expected after Kiira blacked him out, or perhaps he had another episode of dying for an unexplained period of time. Depending on the answer he received, he would know which was more likely.

Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Ryu sincerely doubts that the members were hand picked for just look at who they are. Reishii was a pyromaniac that would likely set the village ablaze. Kari is only a student and has an artificial look to her; at least to the keen eye of an experienced artist. Jomei is a hachimon with a hero complex. Kazehi Ryu seemed to be hiding something. “Real animals?” Ryu jumps into a back flip and as her body travels through the air an emerald flame passes over her from head to toe. The flame quickly passes over her body, her form changed. It was like she jumped through a portal for the flame did not move, but she moved through the flame. Coming out the other side of the green blaze was not a human but a pony. When she completely passed through the fire, it instantly dissipated and she land on her fore-hoof and walks around on them a little before going on all fours. She had a yellow coat, pink mane, bat like wings and ears. Her canines stuck out of her mouth like fangs. The outfit she wore as a human was gone; she was completely in the fur. “You me you wanted someone like this participating in the kage tournament? I think that would be kind of strange.” Obviously Ryu took Umashi statement literally when he meant figurative animals. If he was wondering how she did that, he might notice a strong demonic aura emanating from her at this point. It was easy to tell she was not fully human.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Umashi chuckled. Obviously somebody hadn't been in the loop for a bit. Never an issue though, he was more than happy to inform the uninformed. "They said that the last guy was killed. Funny enough though, there's no body, was no funeral and no official acknowledgement of his passing for any reason. Makes you wonder if it was an inside job or not, no? Heck, is the old guy actually dead, or is he lying in wait to catch the dastardly villains when they think that they've covered up the perfect crime?" A shrug followed a quick shaking of the head as if getting rid of a bad thought. Fortunately there was the ever interactive bartender girl to keep his attention from diving over the deep end. Smiling he indulged her playful banter. "My my my, aren't you the energetic one. Is that form of yours battle ready?" He felt just the tiniest amount of something dark within the girl. That could be of some use in the future. Always thinking . . . always thinking was he.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
The dancing girl was becoming increasingly annoying and his headache was coming back. He wasn't fond of demonic chakra and this girl's flaunting of it wasn't something he was capable of handling at the moment.

I'm not drunk enough to tolerate your demonic idiocy. Get me the strongest drink you have. No ice. Then, looking back to the man with the mouth, Kage had to compose himself before he spoke. Finding out that the Kage he'd come here to warn had already been killed. Perhaps he was knocked out much longer then expected. But it didn't matter now. If he was dead then his impromptu mission was a failure.

Thats disappointing... I had hopped to tell him of an impending threat to his life. Guess I didn't make it in time. Taking a sip of his drink, he placed the cup down notably hard.

I was dead longer then I thought. This wasn't the fist time he'd been taken out of commission for an extended period of time. Luckily this time was much shorter then his last forced unexplained vacation. But it was just long enough to keep him from saving a Kage. Perhaps it was a sign. Maybe he should stop trying to be the good guy. Things weren't working out for him in that regard.

So this tournament is supposed to dictate who the new leader of this village is? Thats archaic...

Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Ryu gives a little laugh at the question. Like he had to even ask. “Is it battle ready? Watch this.” Ryu lifts her foreleg and bite down on it just above the hoof. Her fangs sank into the flesh like a hot knife through butter; they were sharp. When she releases her grasp on the leg, blood came spilling out and trickling onto the floor. She then waves her hoof in a horizontal motion, thus causing the blood to fly into the air. However instead of raining down onto the floor, droplets floated around like they were no longer affected by gravity. They morphed, shaped and solidified into little pins. “See that dart board over there?” She points her head over to the dartboard in the back of the room. She was a good distance away; no average person would be throwing from this far. The blood pins point at there target and soar through the air like a needle shower. They turned the dart board into a pin cushion; she hit the board so much that it fell off the wall. Ryu was quite proud of herself up until the blindfolded man spoke. Calling her transformation a demonic idiocy; she was starting not to like this guy. The emerald flames return engulfing her whole body and when it dissipates she is human once again in the same outfit she was in before she transformed. “One Gilda coming up.” She casts a quick healing justu on her wrist as she strolls over to the cabinet to get the man’s order. If he wanted a drink she was going to give it to him and boy was she going to give it to him. But like always she does it with a show. It was a darn shame the man cannot appreciate the performance she is doing preparing his beverage. On the other hand he won’t be able to see what she is putting into it either. She takes a glass and sits it on the counter. She then takes various bottles and juggles them. As she does she pours a little of each liquid into the glass: Gin, Amaretto and Tabasco. When the glass was full she places the bottles down on the counter one by one with there backs facing the audience. She then takes the glass and hands it to the blindfolded man. “Here you go. Though I warn you it is sure to not you on your ass, if you’re a light weight.”



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
He'd seen enough. His head was hurting entirely too much to deal with this demon and her transformations and showboating.

Forget the drink. I'm done here. Getting up and heading towards the door. He'd heard and seen enough. His self imposed mission to save the Tsuikage failed before it began and now he was dealing with some demon pony woman and her annoying shape shifting. He'd heard and seen enough. The Tsuchikage was dead and they were having a tournament to replace the guy. This village was proving to be less together than he originally thought. While it was true that a kage should be strone, a trial by combat was not a good means of choosing a leader. Should the person be strong in combat but weak in the mind then the village could be in an altogether different situation then it is now. As he left the bar, he flipped a few yen to the counter top he once sat at. More then enough to pay for his drinks.

I miss the days when I got paid to kill demons. On the off chance that this particular demon was capable of reading minds, he'd allow this thought to be read. He truly didn't like demons. It didn't help that he had demonic chakra flowing through his own body.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
"Perhaps I'll catch you . . . later then?" Well, that was one way to end things. Taking a sip of his own drink and opting to finish off his notes, he sighed as he thought about all the trouble that ones typically got into due to them not taking time to smell the flowers. Alas, there was the whole issue with the way that the man described his yearning for the days when killing demons resulted in monetary gain. Umashi himself remembered those days and they were anything but the most terrifying of days at best. "Thank you milady, you run a fine shop." He chuckled and continued on about his business. He'd get to where he needed to go soon enough.

OOC: Topic left. It's been swell!

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
