Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Nanjirou Ranran -----> Kou [Academy Student]


New Member
Dec 6, 2023
OOC Rank
C Rank
Yo I would like to convert my PC Ranran into an NPC and replace her slot with this PC

Name: Kou
Rank: Academy Student
Bloodline: Senju
Age: Unknown

Physical Description:
Standing at a flat five foot Kou has pupilless blue eyes and short blond hair that seems almost silken. Her skin while appearing human is actually a composite of metal and wood designed to look real but does not give or respond like human flesh.
Kou wears a long sleeveless jacket with arms sleeves separated from the rest of her outfit leaving her shoulders bare. Beneath the jacket Kou wear a strapless top. Brown boots with a loose fitting pair of white trousers Kou also wears two large gold bracelets on each wrist as well as a small pair of gold ear rings.
Mental Description:
Kou is a fairly new artificial life form created by the missing nin Kureji by mistake, as such Kou is still developing her own ego and tends to struggle with emotions and human interactions making her appear cold or apathetic however Kou has attempted to analyse others around her and take her reject personality traits she finds either attractive or repellent as such Kou tend to act boldly with a fearlessness seeming in total contradiction with her creator which has caused her to also seem narcissistic as she believes she is superior to humans. Kou has developed an extremely intelligent and cunning intellect due to her creator attempting to quickly develop her ego easily understanding logical problems but does not have the ability to think in abstract ways yet often falling into both physical and verbal problems. Finally Kou does not understand or have any knowledge about human culture and often misunderstands her interactions with others. Despite her failings however she is extremely loyal and loving to the one she views as her parent and may extend those feelings to anyone who earns her trust.
Kou did not start life off as herself Infact Kou was originally known as wooden doll twelve and acted as an automated assistant for the missing nin Kureji. You see once Kureji had freed himself of his crystallisation he attempted to call in promises such as his battle with Nao and plan for his eventual and most likely deadly reunion with his father Akkuma. However Akkuma was a master of death, a living monster that now stalked the plans of Suna as one of their ninja and despite his own strengths no one was capable of taking on not only a S rank ninja but also an entire village even if the village was currently in a brewing civil war.

So much to Kureji's distaste on the idea he decided to create his own Homunculus much like Akkuma was prone to do and developed twelve wooden puppet assistants equipped with a new device of of Kureji's design that allowed the puppets to absorb ambient natural chakra allowing them to work separately from his own chakra reserves without needing to be recharged and following his instructions through a seal matrix embedded on to the device. These wooden robots were only capable of simple tasks and actions but helped Kureji with his main project as he began his experimentations into creating his own Homunculus. Flesh was moulded and many souls were lost between Kureji's hands as months leaked, the missing nin trying to create life again and again but flesh rotted and souls were obliterated as each experiment failed and one by one the wooden dolls fell either destroyed by their master in frustration or as a result of the failed experiments until finally only the doll known as twelve remained, always close, always ready to follow the next order but recently twelve had been experiencing new changes.

You see these puppets who absorbed the chakra from the air were often exposed to the dying spirits disappearing into the natural chakra around them as they were cast into oblivion and while none of them lingered trace amounts of their essence, the spark that made a soul think and feel as a unique organism slowly filtered into the device that pulled chakra from the air and ever so slowly something quickened within the doll. Gradually the dolls movements became more refined, rough and jagged actions turned into gentle ministrations which became normal for the doll and gradually Kureji began to rely on the dolls assistance as it became more intuitive until Kureji began to question if he even gave the damn thing an order. Just as the missing nin felt he was going crazy his puppet handed him a note much to his surprise as he stared in shock at the note and then back to the doll.

The puppet doll was no more than a simple wooden mannequin in the shape of a person, it had no features as it didn't need to see or speak and simply used natural chakra to navigate the only defining trait being the round hunk of metal in the centre of it's chest that glowed in a dull light with chakra inscribed seals, a small hole in the centre that greedily pulled in any natural chakra that got near, it did not think or feel it only obeyed. However despite this the puppet had handed him a note with a simple question, Daddy?

Is this my daddy? That was the first thought of the chakra within the engine it's essence having quickened at the expense of many human souls until it had become a soul in and of itself and the puppet around it became it's body. However this body could not speak and so this question reverberated within the puppet for months as it desperately tried to find a way to communicate but it could not see or feel and the agony of feeling trapped within a box drove the new souls to desperation until it find a way to write. A small rough hard to see note that had been composed by observing actions of Kureji.

Debates raged for longest time between Kureji and his own thoughts, How was this thing asking question, what had he done to create it, can it be replicated, should I take it apart and study? All question that raged days on end until the doll's father came to a decision. He had failed to create an organic homunculus but had somehow succeed in creating a new soul with a body that could be altered into whatever he saw fit, His child in every twisted definition of the word. After that Kou received her name and a new stronger body was built for her designed to look human in order to match Kureji's aesthetics and soon Kou had eyes, a mouth....she could communicate speak and learn. She was taught by her father a vast amount of things as her sense of self developed she even decided to emulate a female gender in order to better fit in with humans and as her soul grew stronger Kureji planned on teaching her shinobi arts however Kou was soon stolen from the rocker.

Akkuma had eyes and ears even in the most secluded places of the world and had discovered information about his sons new creation. In a twisted way this toy would be his grandchild and so Akkuma infiltrated Kureji's lab and stole away the child to confirm if his son had actually created life. Taken back to the village in the sand the seals that were created to obey Kureji were twisted for Akkuma's purposes as he brought the toy under his control and through his studies of her Akkuma found Kou to be as capable with chakra as any real human, her engine long since mutating to generate it's own mix of chakra along with natural chakra it, to the point that Akkuma was delighted to find the toy could manipulate wood release as if it had the blood of the Senju flowing through it's non existent veins. Soon after Kou found herself enrolled within the village Akkuma deciding to see how far this toy could develop into a person while at the same time separating the father from his daughter much to the nin's amusement.

Now it was time to see if this puppet could grow into a real person.

This character was created with the consent from both Kureji and Akkuma. Also Just to be clear this character is essentially an android created by Kureji.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
