Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Private New Beginnings [Req. Hikaru]

Dec 24, 2018
OOC Rank
Masami inhaled a deep breath, tasting the sterile air of the Konoha Byoin. A significant period passed since she last visited that place with aspirations of growth and tutelage on her mind. It felt like years passed since the thought of transference and setting her mind on a novel path; a path that pertained to mending, health, and life. Since a certain tragic incident threw her life into disarray, she felt lost—she felt as though she lost sight of the goals she had prior. Becoming aloof, she felt a disconnect from the people and world around her—and today, she wanted to set her feet on the ground and start truly walking a path again.

That brought her to her decision to send a letter to the Medical Corps of Konohagakure. When she was younger, she remembered her dilemma; when she could not decide if she wanted to remain in her current branch, or pursue the latter two options. She received mentorship in both areas, but she always was artistic. Life was an art to her, and seeing it destroyed before her eyes lit a fire in her to never let it happen again to the best of her ability. The Medical Branch allured her the most, and that was why she sent a letter in hopes of receiving further guidance and possibly making her case for transference into the division.

While she passed through the clean corridors of the Byoin midday, she deliberated if she had what it took. Her abilities seemed to pertain to offense, but her will desired to keep those around her safe. Fire was a force that could both take and give life, but part of her was uncertain if that was enough. Masami’s expression was clouded while she made her way to her destination, a dark knot of anxiety in her gut as she stepped down the halls. Part of her knew if she truly inherited any semblance of the Will of Fire, then she would find a way.

When she arrived at the door to the office that she was instructed to head to upon passing into the building, she idled there for a moment. The young Uchiha clanswoman remained nervous, but she steeled her mettle as she swallowed down a gulp of saliva. She knocked on the door and waited, introducing herself as she awaited permission to enter. Masami wasn’t late—she hoped her punctuality would leave a good impression.

“Hello, Uchiha Masami here. I sent a letter earlier about an interest in the Branch,” Masami said, her tone light.
Hikaru sat upright on a stool in her office, reading. The room had become her respite from the bustle that her position was accustomed to, and she had tried her best to decorate it well. Many-colored books furnished the surfaces of her desk and worktable, while the large windows had received a cleaning, their sills lined with small plastic bottles and potted plants alike. Her walls were home to the occasional chart depicting a section of human anatomy, but also sported colorful posters of flora she had been collecting, a small map of the village, and even a picture from the 5th Hokage’s inauguration. She didn’t have much of a precedent for what a Medical Chief’s office was supposed to look like, besides Keiji’s (which was nice, but a tiny bit creepy) and the Sennin, Nao’s (cozy, businesslike, and filled with paperwork). So, the Mednin had gone with what worked best for day-to-day operations, and she was proud of it. The open, naturally-lit space was comfortable; there was even a fish tank by her desk with a few guppies swimming around inside.

The young woman closed her book, setting it down on the metal table next to her. From a look at the clock, it should be about time… the Byoin’s secretary had given her a letter when she made her rounds earlier that morning, saying he had spoken with a handful of doctors and that they thought she would be the right person to give an introduction of the branch. Apparently, they had already cleared it with her Paramedicine instructor, which was a relief- as important as she knew those sessions were to her job as the Chief of the Medical Combat Division, teaching was a part that she absolutely loved.

A knock came from the other side of the door, right on time. Hikaru scrambled to finish rereading the letter, glanced at her reflection in the steel sides of the worktable, heard a reprimanding voice in her head for bothering with her appearance in a hospital. She reached the door and slid it open, revealing a girl standing there that appeared to be… about her age. A bit surprised, the Mednin smiled- she had expected someone on the younger side. She introduced herself, “Hello! I’m Miyazaki Hikaru, Medical Chief of the Combat Division. Yes, we received your letter; come on in!” She stood back to let her enter, looking around the office for another chair.

Offering a seat to her guest, Hikaru picked up the letter, beginning, “So, Masami-san, welcome to the Konoha Byoin. Why don’t you tell me a bit about who you are? You can restate anything from the letter, that’s fine- any past experiences, skills, reasons for your interest in the Medical Branch.” She caught herself, adding, “This isn’t an interview, don’t worry! Well… sort of. It’s not meant to be stressful or anything.”

[Topic entered]
Masami lifted her hand and tidied her hair, pushing away a stray, dark lock of hair as if to make herself more presentable. Not knowing what to expect, she tried to keep herself devoid of jumpy nerves while she stood before the door. However, she did not have to wait long before she was answered, and she found herself looking back at a girl of her age with an equal amount of fleeting surprise. Witnessing this, she found herself feeling increasingly antsy in her wake. Still, she curled her lips into a small smile when receiving the pleasantly warm reception.

“Thank you, Hikaru-san,” The Uchiha said gently with a small bow, before she made her way in when permitted entry and ultimately shown towards a seat. Although there was an undeniable pressure when she encountered one with an esteemed rank and responsibilities such as the Medical Chief before her, she took note of the warmer atmosphere around her, and consequently felt a lot more at ease because of her demeanour. From her first impression of her, she immediately likened the feeling to a breath of fresh air; it greatly contrasted the dense gloom that enshrouded her life in recent times, after all.

After claiming the seat offered, she maintained her attentive gaze on Hikaru. Hands resting on her own lap, she tried to keep her posture straight; it felt a bit foreign to her, as her body language usually remained casual. Part of her was interested in the same about the girl, as she felt intrigued by her—however, she didn’t want her own curiosity to tempt her into overstepping her boundaries. The spotlight was presently on her, and with an affirmative nod, she began to collect and piece together her reasoning.

“Well, it’s a bit of a long story, I hope you don’t mind,” Masami started, her eyes looking downward for just a moment as she idly twirled a long lock of her hair with her finger. Shifting her focus back to Hikaru, she continued. “Before I started training, I was always into art, since I basically grew up in an art shop. My uncle—he told me something that stuck with me all my life: ‘Look around you, Masami. Art is everywhere—because life itself is the most beautiful form of art of all.’ From then on, I started to see everything differently. I started seeing the beauty everywhere, and that made me want to protect it more. The first time I saw it harmed, that was what sprung me into training.”

Twiddling her thumbs, she looked at her with a smile most sheepish. She hadn’t quite opened up like this about it before. “I’m an Uchiha, inherently I didn’t have a lot of abilities that could help me help mend injuries, and help alleviate pain, and just in general put damaged life back together. So, I started to deviate and try to study medical arts. Even though I hit a ceiling with it, lacking much tutelage with it for years, it became a passion of mine. I was—I am—a little scared though, because outside of that, my techniques are rather offensive in nature. I… just hoped that it’s not too contradictory for me to fit in.”
Hikaru smiled as she listened to the young woman’s story- if there was one thing she had been looking for in this not-an-interview, it was some kind of motivation to contribute to the branch. Though she seemed the slightest bit uncomfortable, she spoke naturally about a passion for art. The Mednin gave a nod as Masami brought up her uncle; she knew from experience how far encouragement from one’s family could take them. Her father had definitely played a bit more than a small part in her decision to become a shinobi…

Not wanting to interrupt, she sat quietly, politely watching her guest with her head supported by an arm resting on the table nearby. As soon as she mentioned her aversion to healing just for being an Uchiha, though, Hikaru raised her eyebrows, “Of course it wouldn’t be contradictory! My predecessor is an Uchiha, and he’s a gifted shinobi in terms of both combat ability and medical research. I think it’s great that you have some experience with studying the field- all I had when I started was what I could figure out from dusty old books in the library.” She grinned, already mostly assured of the young woman’s fit for the branch. “If you’re worried about being unable to balance your medical techniques, let me tell you something I’ve learned: healing is not only Medical Ninjutsu, and the branch as a whole is not only healing. If it’s any comfort, I’m sure we can find a use for you.”

The fish tank bubbled as Hikaru looked off to the side, putting a finger to her chin. “As I said, this isn’t a test- you’re not required to know a single thing about technique to be considered for a position as a Mednin-in-Training. However, since you mentioned it, I’d be interested to see what you’ve learned so far! What would you say is one of the areas of the medical arts you’re most familiar with?”

[OOC: Sorry for the wait! :)]
Masami hunched forward slightly, listening intently to Hikaru’s response to her tale. Her face filled with conspicuous surprise when she heeded the detail of the Miyazaki’s predecessor hailing from the same lineage of her, and the insidious boons not distracting him from his medicinal talent and research. The elevation in her brow signified she didn’t know about that—which had nothing to do with the man’s level renown; no, rather, Masami lived under a metaphorical rock for many years and it ultimately caught up to her. She interacted with a member of the Medical Branch before, and in hearing this, she wished she engaged with more of its benign denizens.

Her subsequent smile eclipsed the initial surprise she felt. After all, the statement was reassuring—additionally, she did reckon the ounce of experience she gained in studying the field helped make any transferral process easier. Although, she wouldn’t have minded the other route that pertained to studying from the aged tomes. It was an impressive feat, to say the least, given Hikaru’s esteemed abilities and rank in the field. Moreover, curiosity was made manifest in the glint in her coal eyes as she heard about how expansive the medical field truly was.

Leaning back in her seat, she felt the nervousness she failed to completely shake on entry beginning to melt away. Hikaru certainly had a calming disposition, and she felt pleasantly at ease in her company. “Honestly, I’ve always had a taste for reading. Literature itself is quite the renowned art—from poetic to more technical prose, every expression has its own unique flare, you know?”

A small laugh slipped past her lips, which upturned into a playful smile. “To tell you the truth, I was jittery coming in. But I find you easy to talk to, Hikaru-san,” she said, a momentary pause dividing her words before she resumed. She pondered over the current skills within her repertoire that pertained to the field. “I’m proficient with the basic use of Mystical Hand, for example, and I know a handful of other medical techniques around that grade, but nothing particularly advanced. I think I’m most familiar with hands-on applications like that—but I’m less familiar with things like research, or even how to give a patient a physical examination; of course, I’d love to learn.”

(OOC: No worries at all! :D )
The Medical Chief smiled, raising her eyebrows in enthusiasm rather than inquisition this time. “A kindred spirit, huh? Well, if you have the patience and discernment to appreciate the liberal arts, I think your mind’s already in the right place for Medical work.” She was going to roll with the word ‘flare’ being a pun on her Uchiha heritage, as well, but that seemed like a little bit of a stretch. Hikaru appreciated the young woman’s compliment- she had been talking to her as an equal, since they seemed similar in age (and since she was awful at talking down to people). She understood the jittery feeling, at least.

She nodded again, “Ok, I see. Don’t worry- if you’re accepted into the branch, there’s no shortage of things you have to learn.” The young woman grinned, rising from her seat and consulting a schedule on her desk. “Good, it looks like he’s around. Masami-san;” she motioned for her to follow, sliding the door open mysteriously, “we’re going to meet with someone else to discuss your admission to the branch. You might be asked to demonstrate a Medical jutsu or something of that nature, so the part about this not being a test may end here.” Hikaru stepped out of the office, pausing a moment to allow the girl to do so as well, and started through the hallways at a brisk pace. Though she was sure the ANBU branch had perfected their intimidating initiations, the Medical Ninja weren’t pushovers either. She had said she wanted to learn- well, her first lesson began here.

Through half a dozen hallways, Hikaru didn’t say a word, walking as though a patient in critical condition lay on the other side of the hospital. The familiar door came into view past their seventh turn, many of the rooms around it empty at this time of day. She knocked, calling, “It’s Hikaru- I have an interested Genin with me.”

[Requesting Sazuki Nao]
There were many, many books in his office, all of them stacked upon each other and something seemed to be laying between each book. Nao was already busy for a few days making a few new herbology books, but sadly they did require a lot of work. but it was something his body seemed to be dealing with better than running around the place all the time.

As he heard Hikaru, he would turn around. "Please come in!" He would say, not being able to open up the door at the moment as he was standing on his couch while placing a new set of books on a pile. "Watch out for the books, I'm drying plants." He would say a moment later if Hikaru would open up the door. "Wait... did you say, Genin?" It probably wasn't the best first expression a Genin could have of him, but at least it showed how dedicated he was to his work. "By the way Hikaru, I need tomorrow some time off you to help me out with the new plants. We need to vacuum them on small boards for inside books.." he would mention before getting off the couch and clean his hands with a wipe. "Sazuki Nao, Medical branch sennin, nice to meet you..?"
With Hikaru’s words in mind, the vague sense of unease gradually diminished. Not entirely, but it was good to know her mind aligned with the path more than she expected. While others might view it as a detriment, the notion of perusing through and learning in-depth about the field appealed to her, and she hoped what little experience she had with a couple techniques may serve as a gateway into further interpretation. Regarding surprises, flecks of surprise manifested in her eyes as she learned they were in for a change in location; and meeting with another in the branch.

“O-oh, I understand,” the Uchiha stammered, the enigmatic unexpected catching her off-guard. “That’s great news, then—I will do my best.” If she was going to have to demonstrate one of the medical techniques in her repertoire, she hoped that it would be up to the standard for consideration. Naturally, she followed Hikaru once motioned for, her heart thrumming quicker in her chest. She heard it behind her ears, the anticipation flourishing with every hallway they crossed. When the Medical Chief knocked and spoke, Masami inhaled a breath of air and soothed her nerves.

Standing with her hands joined before her, she perked up slightly upon hearing the voice, and politely awaited Hikaru. Should she open the door, Masami’s eyes would glance about the interior of the room, taking inventory of the various books (which greatly appealed to her), and feeling a little bad to have caught him in the middle of work. Sazuki Nao... And he was the Medical Branch Sennin! The revelation certainly caught her off-guard. When addressed directly, Masami froze for a moment, before offering a quick bow to exhibit her respect. She felt a pang of embarrassment to be a bit of an overgrown Genin at present. “U-Uchiha Masami, it’s very nice to meet you, too. If possible, I am hoping to be considered for the Medical Branch.”
Hikaru opened the door solemnly, the Genin following behind her. Nao’s office was as alive and ever-changing as it usually was, with towers of books and partially preserved vegetation lining the floor. It felt like the workspace of a disorganized genius- she marveled at how effortlessly the atmosphere of the room fell into place, whereas she had spent so much time planning out her own décor. At his request, her face lit up for a moment, “Sure, of course! I’d be happy to help out; I could come by after the morning rounds, or…” she remembered Masami standing beside her, the reason they were here. “...we can figure it out later.”

The Sennin was clearly in the middle of something, more or less, and she had a feeling the whole mysterious-test-thing she had built up to wouldn’t end up being that bad at all. She still gave it some effort, though, “Yes, I believe she can introduce herself.” And she did, still looking a bit nervous, but speaking eloquently. The decision was up to Nao, although the Medical Chief felt inclined to add a few words first. She didn’t expect him to turn her down, but, still. “If you need any particular convincing, Sensei, she’s shown me a genuine passion for the branch. Actually… if you don’t mind, I’d like to oversee a portion of her training in the Medical Combat Division. Don’t worry-” she addressed the Genin now, “you’ll get plenty of exposure to everything the branch has to offer as a Mednin-in-Training. I think you’ll really enjoy Research, come to think of it! But if you’re worried about balancing a repertoire of offensive and medical techniques, I’d like to help with that.” She dipped her head, finished and awaiting both of their choices.
He was glad that they both entered, and once she told her who she was, he would make a small nod. He had been attempting to follow the etiquettes a bit more. "Thank you, Hikaru. That will be greatly appreciated." He himself had to learn to rely more on others rather than trying to everything himself, he had learned that the hard way through Keiji recently.

"It is nice to meet you Masami.." Even though he was... a bit held back, another Uchiha... He hated them for what they had done with him in the past, he knew that he couldn't blame every Uchiha for that... but he couldn't help but act a bit more chilled towards the child in front of him. After all, it was an old wound in his heart.

"Before she can join your branch... She will have a route to go through, Medical in training, medical before picking a branching option... but if she really is this keen on this. I see no problem with this... However..." He would pause a moment. "Having a great interest is good, but just like Hikaru, she had to prove she could be something inside of the branch." It left him to think for a moment and he would walk towards his own battle gear, grab the Kunai and make a cut in his own hand. Blood was soon dripping from it. "Show me how you would treat this wound, without the use of chakra. On your left is the bag, it's called a first aid bag. It contains everything you need, gloves, disinfectant everything." By now the blood would be seeping down from the inside of his hand to the back of his hand and forming a droplet. "As soon as Hikaru needs to step in... You have failed. If you use chakra, you have failed... Hikaru can only give single spoken advice if you are stuck." This was, and would always remain a lesson... Chakra wasn't endless, so everyone needed common sense regards of medical.

ooc said:
Test Masami;; said:
Acceptance into the Medical Branch.
How to pass;; Treat the wound without chakra / jutsu.
How to fail;; Either Hikaru needs to step in or you used chakra / jutsu.
Reward if pass;; Medical In training rank.
Hikaru said:
You have IC permission to give Masami 1 spoken tip, no acting on your part sorry ^^;;

Feel free to google up step by step, watch videos. It's a clean-cut, no jagged lines in the palm of his Left hand. It is fine if your character asks for advice from Hikaru, as I am well aware not everyone knows everything instantly as they need to start in the branch. However, Hikaru cannot help unlimited as shown above. Feel free to do this in 1 - 2 - 3 posts. I will reply once the wound has been treated. Feel free to go nuts.

I have this topic on Watch so I'll be watching you~
Masami’s eyes widened when she heard Hikaru vouch for her, and she turned to steal a glance in her direction. Essentially being taken under her wing soon should she gain acceptance into the branch formally was an honour. To say it would be a boon would be an understatement, and she nearly found herself at a loss for words. Not wanting to interrupt the conversation thus far, Masami mouthed a quiet “Thank you” in her direction.

Returning her attention to Nao, Masami listened intently to the words he spoke. Albeit tense from a bad case of nerves, she aspired to make a good impression and remained as polite as she could. She expected to have a hurdle in the form of a trial; when dealing with the well-being and lives of others, she was aware the integrity of the branch needed to be assured. Though she would give her best, she would be understanding should the outcome not go her way. If she was going to be a liability on the field, then it could get someone hurt or worse.

She felt thankful that the test provided was relevant to a past lesson in the branch, under the tutelage and supervision of another. What she did not expect, however, was for a wound to be opened directly in front of her. Pushing up her glasses, she scrutinized the infliction as Nao spoke. Taking a deep breath, she steeled her mettle and calmed herself—having the right state of mind was integral, too. Making her way over to the bag, she began to speak, simulating what she would do if in this situation. “My name is Uchiha Masami, I’m here to help. Please, stay still—we don’t want to agitate it further. It’s going to be okay,” she started, pulling on a pair of gloves from the bag. She fetched gauze, disinfectant, and sterile bandages. Stray bacteria, if unattended, could lead to infection, even with a shallower wound such as this.

Her first prerogative was stopping the bleeding; otherwise, attempts to disinfect and dress the wound would be in vain. She would move to take hold of Nao’s left hand. A clean cut—not a puncture, but a laceration. Masami used the gauze and applied pressure to the bloody incision, and took the liberty of elevating his left hand above his heart. Generally, this positioning helped speed the process of stopping the blood loss.

“I’m uncertain who still calls this branch home, but Nagisa-sensei taught me that anything I can do to heal naturally will conserve chakra. That being a medical shinobi is more than just the application of healing jutsu. It includes surgeries, medicinal plants, conducting research and more… I learned that crushed Goldenseal can be used as a coagulant in a situation like this for example, but I’m uncertain if any is available right now. She taught me the interpretation of life as a cycle, each thing feeding off the other. That even healing requires a sacrifice, even if minute—she told me to remember the beauty of life, no matter how small, and I always will...” Lips curled into a small smile, she decided to ask Hikaru the question she devised. “Oh—I wanted to ask while I staunch the bleeding, and before I continue with disinfecting and dressing… This likely isn’t grievous enough to require stitching, right?”

[OOC: I'm sorry in advance about the length. x.x Requesting the tip from Hikaru before proceeding!]
Hikaru appreciated the Genin’s silent thanks, but she didn’t reply, partly because she didn’t want to show favoritism and partly because she had a feeling Nao had some more to say. And indeed he did- Hikaru nodded, the choice of sub-branch would ultimately be up to Masami, of course. She just wanted a chance to train someone up to the full Medical Ninja rank. She recalled her own introduction to the Byoin as he mentioned it, including her visit with Ranji and subsequent meeting with the newly-appointed Sennin. The former Medical Chief had vouched for her in the same way she had for Masami… although that had been after she was taken to visit the old woman and quizzed on the proper treatment of a broken leg. The Mednin wondered if she had made a mistake calling Nao so early. If the Genin wasn’t able to pass whatever examination he had in mind, she was going to feel terrible.

The test itself was a simple one, although it could easily be daunting for someone unfamiliar with traditional applications of first aid. Hikaru had the procedure ready instinctually, but she began working backwards through the steps, one by one, to decipher her thoughts into something she could communicate in only a few words. In the meantime, she watched, prepared to observe Masami’s experience so far.

She began, reassuring the patient and remembering to put on gloves. The Medical chief made a note, but otherwise her familiarity with standard medical procedure was showing well. As the Genin continued, she went down her own mental checklist- fetch disinfectant, apply pressure and elevate to stop the bleeding, good. She spoke as she waited. Hikaru glanced at Nao for any change in expression; if there was any question, her commitment to healing was shining through, and mentioning Nagisa’s name certainly didn’t hurt.

At Masami’s question, Hikaru met the girl’s eyes with a small smile, her one piece of advice already prepared: “Correct. However, even if you’re familiar with standard first aid, your focus should be primarily on the patient at all times. Make sure there’s nothing else wrong with him before you launch gung-ho into treatment.” She hoped it wasn’t too much advice, and at the same time hoped it wasn’t confusing. She was doing a very good job- there wasn’t much else to point out- but because of that, the smaller mistakes were likely to matter more.
While maintaining direct pressure on the wound, Masami listened to the piece of advice Hikaru offered. Opening her mouth as though about to speak, the realization sank in and she nodded. Lips adorning a diminutive, sheepish smile, she appreciated the tidbit given. After all, she almost became negligent to another integral aspect of the process; one pertaining to the diagnostic part of the role. In a situation akin to the current simulation, she doubted she would have the luxury to undergo a more thorough examination. However, she knew of a smaller scale method of quickly discerning other potential threats to a person’s well-being—she imagined Hikaru may have been referencing it.

“Ah—like a primary survey, I think. Thank you!” Masami answered, hoping to lend credit to Hikaru’s vouch for her. For believing in her, it was the least she could do. Sifting through a mental list of priorities of her own devise, she wagered several steps in the procedure already stood as completed. No immediate danger in the vicinity, and the causality appeared responsive. There was a scale she needed to follow: Alert, voice, pain, and unresponsive. The current engagement and interactions classified Nao as alert and responsive, ruling out the need for precautions for treating an unconscious patient.

The subsequent steps included checking the respiratory system, followed by circulation, her pressure on the wound being part of the latter process. “Okay, I would like to check your breathing,” The Genin continued, keeping tabs on any symptoms alluding to the condition known as shock. As she did, she brought her ear adjacent to Nao’s mouth. Masami, very thankful to have slipped into a medical respondent mindset at this point, listened to the breathing sounds surprisingly calmly and felt for periodic breath against her cheek for an approximate ten seconds. Once it elapsed, she peeled away.

“Clear—excellent. Pulse…” Snaking her freer of her hands to Nao’s wrist for a moment, she then moved and parked the lithe, gloved fingers under his neck, feeling for confirmation of a steady pulse. “Also good.” Now, Masami was not acutely aware of which type heartbeat denoted which condition yet, but she at least knew that the heartbeat being present meant she would not have to exercise chest compressions or other basic means of resuscitation. Masami placed the freed hand on his forehead, the sterile back of it, and likely did not sense a fever.

If her assessment failed to turn up any unseen anomalies or issues, she resumed applying pressure with both hands, reckoning she covered the general bases. After taking inventory of his body for any additional injuries or ailments, Masami nodded reassuringly, peaking at the wound to discern whether the bleeding stopped. “I’m going to disinfect and dress it now. Disinfection may be a little uncomfortable, but hang tight, okay?” she concluded, before proceeding to the respective steps.

Holding his hand and using the disinfecting solution for both its inherent function, and to clear any small debris left in the wound, she looked closely at it before proceeding. The sterile bandage followed, and she made sure to ensure a balance; not too loose to fall off and not maintain a healthy amount of pressure, and not tight enough to cut off circulation. Although unlikely, if the wound bled through the bandage, she followed protocol and snugly wrapped a fresh piece around the existing bandage, of course not removing the first one. With that, the wound was hopefully correctly treated.

“There we go. Is it comfortable—? Not too tight, is it?”
Hikaru stood back as the girl listened to her advice, and seemed to consider the test more carefully afterwards. She hoped she hadn’t taken over how Nao wanted the situation to proceed, but it had seemed like an important thing to remind Masami of, especially since it fell under her division. Medical Ninja were required to think fast and thoroughly at once on the battlefield. If she was familiar enough with treating smaller injuries, typically the system of Triage and individual risk assessment was the next most important skill in the field. Medical Ninjutsu (which obviously wouldn’t always be restricted like this) was excellent at healing specific external injuries, such as gashes like these, but it wasn’t a catch-all solution, which was why traditional skills were just as important. That said… she was still doing quite well so far.

The Medical Chief gave a small nod as she checked the patient’s breathing, pulse, and temperature. The primary survey was a priority, it was true, but she watched to make sure the girl didn’t lose track of treating his existing wound at the same time. It seemed she didn’t; she disinfected and dressed it, continuing to talk to him as she did so.

She wasn’t sure what the Sennin’s assessment would be, but Hikaru had been pleasantly surprised with the Genin’s experience. Trying very hard not to show any outward signs of approval or disapproval before Nao gave his verdict, she simply watched them, waiting. Masami seemed like she had indeed met and been instructed by the former Sennin Nagisa… Hikaru couldn’t help but envy her a bit, since she had never gotten the chance. Regardless, she felt that she had done well- the Mednin would have to make sure to challenge her in the future.
As he had given her an ultimatum test.... He would watch her every move and the words from Hikaru. He would remain silent and watch as a hawk as the situation progressed. The way she introduced herself, the way she started to go through the process and let him stretch out the hand a bit above his heart. She was smart... He listened to her story regards of Nagisa... He was just hoping, she would know that he was no Nagisa. Not by far.

There was a small exchange of knowledge from Hikaru to Masami, one that was just right on the balance of reminding something, he was glad that Hikaru didn't answer more or further. Because he would not be sure how this otherwise would have progressed.

The whole procedure went fine with his idea. As she was done, he would remain silent for a little. Test out the bandage and how it was wrapped around. Eventually, he looked from the bandage to Hikaru, to the girl in front of him. "For the next time, make sure you cross the section bit better, keep thinking, you cover 2/3 at this section, not 50/50. Other than that..." He would turn over his hand and nod. "You have passed." He would walk towards the desk and lean against it.

"You were clear in what you were doing, you didn't hesitate in the actions that you did. You cleaned it, bandaged it correctly, but do take that tip with you. You have passed the test to gain Medical in Training. Congratulations. Also congratulations to you Hikaru for bringing her in." He would reach back and in his mind, already racing along, leaning on the wounded hand so he could lean over. He flinched and knew that he was being an idiot walking around the desk to grab a paper. "Fill this in if you agree with the Medical In training. It's a transfer sheet." He would hand it over towards Masami while waving his hand.

' Note for next time;; WOUND PLACEMENT?! or just not do it like this... How am I to explain this one to Keiji...' He looked rather annoyed by the bandage, his head already going elsewhere as he spotted the books in front of him.

[OOC;; Sorry for my late post. IRL is caught up now :) ]

[offering Medical in Training rank to Masami]
Masami surprised herself when she remained composed under the sheer weight of the scrutinizing gaze during the procedure. She never comprehended the origins throughout her life, but she seldom shook the sensation of being watched. Eyes. Eyes. Always, so many eyes. She always wondered whose they were. While she succeeded in steeling her nerves for the integrity of the procedure, she could hear her own heartbeat behind her ears in the silent aftermath of the test.

The rhythmic thrumming persisted through the quiet anticipation. An inadvertent mercy was provided to her when the Sennin began to speak and provide the results of the assessment. When she started listening to his words about the way she wrapped the wound, she feared for the worst. Wide, dark eyes taking inventory of Nao before he ultimately revealed that she passed the test. With her fears assuaged, her expression relaxed; she did her best to conceal too many overt feelings of relief. Of course, Masami intended to take the advice for any future procedures of that nature.

The majority of Masami’s mind focused on the Sennin’s words while he reviewed and congratulated her, as well as Hikaru. Another part of it, however, was still concerned about the lingering injury. It might have been treated, but she did not doubt that it looked painful and cumbersome. Her brow furrowed and knit in genuine sympathy. He did do it for her test, after all, which filled the Medical in Training to be with nagging guilt.

“I didn't know that, but I will learn from it. In fact, I'm going to do my best to learn as much as I can… It’s an honour—thank you, senseis,” Masami said with a bow, deliberately pluralizing the term as she shifted her gaze to Hikaru and back.

When given the paper, Masami employed the closest writing utensil to fill it out, as well as sign it. Her penmanship bordered on calligraphy—she grew up in an art shop, after all. “Also, earlier on Hikaru-san expressed a desire to oversee a portion of my training. Even if I cannot declare a specific division until I am a higher rank, I would very much like to take up her offer, too.”

[OOC: No worries!! :D ]

[Masami accepts Medical in Training rank offer]
Hikaru was quiet as the girl finished her treatment and waited. Nao raised his eyes, and began with pointing out a misstep, examining his bandaging. The look he had given her betrayed no trace of approval or otherwise… the Medical Chief stood on edge, waiting for the seeming eternity between her Sensei’s words to end. As she watched, he turned his hand over once, wearing the same expression, and said simply, ‘You passed.’

Her body relaxed, probably noticeably, and she grinned at Masami. The Genin looked relieved as well. The Sennin continued, citing her decisiveness and experience- which truly were very good. Once he paused, Hikaru took the chance to add, “Yes, congratulations! That was impressive- Nagisa must have taught you quite a bit.” She nodded in answer to Nao, still smiling. Her eyebrows moved the slightest bit when the new Mednin-in-training called her Sensei as well; though she was a bit more used to it now, she doubted she’d ever be able to accustom herself to people calling her by her rank. She replied, “Of course. We’re always glad to have more experienced Mednin around, and I hope you’re ready for your official training to start. On that subject, I believe Nao can give you your headband clip-” she pointed to her own, a green band that ran from the top to the bottom of her forehead protector bearing the symbol of the Medical Branch- “and I’ll see you here on Monday. You don’t have to bring anything special, we’ll be making rounds in the morning and going over Branch structure in the afternoon.” She grinned again in spite of herself; exactly like her own introduction to the branch.

“For now, though, you did well! I should be getting back- I can’t miss all of my training sessions today. Again, congratulations! And thanks, Sensei.” She gave each of them a nod, and slid the door open once more, disappearing into the hallways outside.

[Topic left unless stopped]

OOC said:
Congrats Masami! Remember to request your Leaf MiT banner here. :D
Nao couldn't get used to the word sensei... no matter how many times people told him those words. He got a rather sheepish grin at that and soon he found himself holding his hands up in front of his chest. "P-please... Just call me Nao... I am terrible with formalities..." He would say and look towards them both. "Hm hmm-- Now that she has signed the paper we can most certainly." He would walk around the desk once more, going through a few drawers till he found what he wanted. "It is up to you if you wear it or not..." he would show a clip that could be attached to the headband just like Hikaru was having. "This is a small thing that shows you aren't just a shinobi. You can also wear a medical band around your upper arm... But I found, for me, that I became a target because of them..." He was honest in his words. "Also, I will make sure you have an access card by tomorrow, to make sure you can go and come around the place. In the library, you can now also take up advanced medical books. Just not the expert books yet. If you wish to learn something more specific, please head towards me or one of the medical chiefs." He would watch Hikaru get out of the office and nodded towards her. "well... That sums up that, rest up now and don't think too much about it." His hand was raised and shown towards the new medical. "This is sort of my own problem now. As I didn't think things through... Which you will find more often with me, feel free to address that. But... if you excuse me.. I have to do a lot more plants in papers..." He said as he eyed the books and for her a moment to excuse herself.

{topic left unless stopped]
Upon receiving Hikaru’s compliment, she glanced to her side—trying to obfuscate the slight blush that surfaced from the praise. Not accustomed to the feeling, she found herself caught off guard. Gaze gravitating back towards her when she continued to speak, she listened intently to the rest of her words.

With her attention drawn towards the headband clip, the significance of it quickly became known to her. Both Hikaru and Nao spoke about it, with the latter providing the item thereafter. “That makes sense. Callous as the reality is, targeting the dedicated medic of a group is a solid plan. Yikes. I’ll always wear this clip, but the band maybe more just around here.” In her mind, it seemed like a good balance between both Hikaru’s encouragement and Nao’s observation and advice. Naturally, she would accept hers if provided, and attach it to the forehead protector she kept fastened around her neck.

Masami wanted to contribute as much as she could to the Branch. Not only did it sound like a good idea, but the notion of learning about its structure while doing what she could appealed to her as well. Making the first step towards her aspiration was a significant milestone for her. She was due to receive an access card tomorrow, and that would allow her to dive into even more books, up to the advanced grade. So, she made another mental note to show up to receive that, too, affirming with a nod.

“Thanks again, really. And see you on Monday, I look forward to it,” Masami bid her farewell to Hikaru when she departed from the room. To be brought there and provided the opportunity, the thankfulness in her tone was genuine. Smiling abashedly, she made a mental note to show up early. When she listened to Nao afterward and seen the bandaged injury once more, sympathy pooled in her eyes and she winced. It must have been painful and cumbersome for anyone. “Alright. I’m hoping that heals up quick for you. And… thanks for this, you both are putting faith in me in doing this and I’m going to do my best to live up to that. Later!”

After excusing herself from the room, she took a moment to look around—see if anyone was watching—if the coast was clear, she pumped her fist, before formally taking her leave.

[OOC: Thanks! And also thanks again for the thread everyone!]

[topic left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
