Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Nightmare's End

Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
“Would like some more tea?”

Maki had no idea, but those words instilled him with dread. Hopelessness. Futility. A flash of her face. The sweet embrace of pain followed.

“Would like some more tea?”

Maki was scared. Maki was alone. He fights back. He fails. And he watches as this woman, who was so familiar but he could not place, kills Takeshi right before him, then casually removes one of his limbs and forces hellfire into his skull.

“Would like some more tea?”

Maki was in a padded room. She was there. He could not stop her from beheading his wife. He could not stop her from torturing him. He was useless. He was a failure. He was nothing.

“Would like some more tea?”

Void. Emptiness. Maki was a shell. He was no shinobi. He was nothing more than a man who failed. A man who let down all of those who depended upon him. He had cost those he loved most dearly with his failure. He had let Konoha down, and he could not place how.

“Would you please stop fucking around?”

Maki opens his eyes. He was in an office. Not his own, but one eerily similar. One wall was completely transparent, looking out over a large city setup in the lake of a caldera. Something about it called to part of him. His eyes move along the buildings he can see. The amusement park, the casino, then they fall to the large mansion that spread across two islands. How did he know this place? And why were they so high up that he could see all of this? See to the very ocean beyond the crater walls.

“I said, stop fucking around. You’re going to get us both killed.”

Maki turns around swiftly, taking in the person speaking to him. They were seated behind a desk, not a large one but quite obviously of the finest make without forcing itself to be gaudy. There were papers strewn about it, but there seemed to be an order to the chaos. As if someone wanted it to be hard to find anything while knowing where to look themselves. He looks up slightly to the man himself.

Long white hair surrounded a golden face. Sharp, angular features were looking back at him. But it was the eyes that drew one’s gaze. Golden irises around pupils dark as space and shaped like hourglasses. Eyes that could see what others could not. Maki knew this person. Had fought this person’s puppeteered corpse before. A guttural growl begins in his chest.

“Though, I suppose I am already dead. Nevertheless, I do not want my spirit to be destroyed by your foolishness. Oh do stop the theatrics and sit down, brother of mine. We have much to discuss, and unless you want to spend the rest of eternity discussing it we don’t have much time to do so.”

Maki reaches for his sword, but nothing seems to be happening. He looks down and sees only a stump ending just above his elbow. The world around him begins to dim, his vision tunneling on that sight before a flying book slaps into him and draws his attention, and ire, at the person who threw it.

“Sit. I’m not here to fight you. It wouldn’t do either of us any good if I did.” The form motions to a chair, and Maki looks around, before using his foot to shove it aside. ”I’m sitting.” Golden eyes narrow a bit before the other sighs. “Indeed. Moving on then. Do you know who I am?” The question wasn’t one Maki expected. Of course he knew this man. It was the thief of his soul. The firstborn of the clan that their parents sacrificed Maki himself to in order to bolster the other’s failing health.

”Yeah. You’re an uptight asshole with a god complex and an ego so vast that the sun sometimes shines green with envy. You’re the man who uprooted an entire clan because he got his feelings hurt. Who sacrificed his parents to his own power in order to try and attain godhood. The man who took my damned soul and tainted it. I know you.”

“Good.” Hoshikata motions slightly, and the chair slides up behind Maki and smacks into the back of his shins, bringing him into a sitting position. “Then you know that currently, I’m dead. So attacking me won’t do anything. What you don’t know, is that your soul is being split in two. Yes yes yes, you took it back from Osore and had a horrible night when you did. All well and good, except you’ve been trying ever since to force your control upon it.”

“And I’ve been fighting back, tooth and nail, from within you. Because, you see, I am destined for greatness, and I will not be subsumed by someone who thinks the greatest moment of his life was when he was a mute simpleton. But neither of us can afford this fight any longer. You’re currently severely wounded, not only physically. Your mind is unravelling.”

”Sounds like a load of shit from someone who knows his end is near and he’s doing all he can to keep it from happening. Release me from whatever genjutsu this is so I can go about my day.”

“Would you like some more tea?”

As Hoshikata speaks, Maki doubles over and gives a groan of pain. Feelings rush in. Pain, loss, depression, emptiness. He was nothing. He was useless. He was a failure. How dare he assume he was any good to anyone when all he could do was put those he loved in danger? He was the worst thing to ever happen to his friends. He was a fool who couldn’t stand up in a fight.

“Do you think that is a genjutsu? You know genjutsu, Maki. You know that, right there, is not one. What it is, is a wound. You talk of my ego being vast, but your own is quite large as well. And the beating you took at the hands of that woman has left it shattered. The attacks on your mind has left it with a gaping wound. And you, well, you’re currently on the brink of complete mental collapse. And when that happens, you will not be coming back.”

Maki looks up, his face streaked with the wet remnants of the emotions that had gripped him so fiercely. ”And what do you care…?” Maki’s voice was weak, but tinged with the rage of knowing someone could reduce him to a blubbering fool with a mere question. ”Wouldn’t it be on your best interest if my mind dies? You can go back to controlling things.”

“Are you so foolish? I have no control over your body. If I did, I’d have used it by now. I do have some control externally, but so far I’ve only used it to save your sorry ass once. And then you tried to weaponize it without even taking the time to understand what it was! That’s why it cost you the second round in the tournament. You didn’t take the time to figure out what this toy you had could do or what the downsides were. And there are ALWAYS downsides.”

Maki sits back, letting the words of Hoshikata sink in. His soul was splitting, and Hoshikata just admitted to controlling the persona he’d come to rely on so much these past years. With questioning look, he brings forth his conclusion. ”So the persona is the split part of my soul? I’ve been splitting my own soul in half each time I use it in a fight?”

“Yes. Very good, you get a gold star. And that’s why it is both a strength and a weakness. It can attack from beyond the veil of life and death, which gives awesome power to those who use it. But attacks aimed at it that are off a less….permanent nature tend to have an intense backlash into your own soul. You’re opening yourself up each and every time you use it.”

”But you said you used it to save me….?”

“Don’t! Don’t think about it. Your mind can’t handle it right now. Just try to relax and think about something else. We need to keep you alive, or we both perish. What you need to do is stay right there in that seat while this all gets better.”

Something about those words struck him as odd. Maki’s head tilts ever so slightly. Something was not right here. Well, honestly, nothing was right here but something was very not right. The samurai slayer rises from his seat, kicking it away from him as he does. He might not know what was going on, but Maki had some very deep seated instincts for how to handle it when things were off.

”You think me that weak? Of course. You’re me. Drop the façade. Hoshikata is not only dead, his spirit is gone. You’re just another hallucination dreamed up by my brain to try and keep me from getting hurt. Unfortunately, I don’t have time for that.” He reaches for his sword, noting with clarity that one of his arms was gone. As he frees the blade, one of his eyes simply stops registering. He knew where it had gone, also.

The form before him sighs, before rising and rising and rising. Soon it stood before him, the armored figure that had protected him and sheltered him, fought for him and brought him glory. Words were no longer needed as Maki lets out a whistle, scattering the furniture. Before he can attack, however, the thing….shifts. A white mask covers the helmet briefly before fading. Maki lets forth another whistle, and nothing happens.

To say he was alarmed would be an understatement. Somehow this thing had ripped his gift from him. He stole it from the soul of Ha, and apparently the soul of Ha had taken it back. With a shout, then, Maki leaps at the figure, sword swinging wide to be knocked aside by a riposte that he barely evades. Sword rings on sword, his own seeming paltry beside the raw hunk of iron that his opponent had, but it worked.

Maki knew his persona was simply trying to protect him. And he knew that it didn’t lie earlier about what it was. His soul was split in two. And he would have to fix that. But he would not walk around with a weakness like that on his shoulders. The fight was short, but it was brutal. Finally, Maki ducks low as it overswings, and his own sword slams into the armor, all of his force behind the point before it punches through.

Maki shoves his hand into the hole left behind, gripping the substance of souls behind it. ”I may have split you off out of fear of what was happening to me, but I need your power now. And I will not have you weakening me. Come, let’s end this.” He pulls his arm free, the smoke dying as a pure white something comes out of the armor with him, envelopes him. Frees him.

“Would you like some more tea?”

The nurse screams as his remaining hand grabs her wrist, the nurse she’d been offering tea to also screams, running out of the room to fetch the mednin in charge of him.

”Shut up about the fucking tea.”
Full of fright the faceless ushers the Medical Sennin towards the ajar door of the rescued ANBU lead, a vulgar word catches her immediate attention. Gently her hand rests on the shoulder of the medical personnel assistant, the maiden nodding her head to indicate her full attention focused, "I see, let us not take it personal however. Maki-san has gone through a traumatic experience and isn't in the correct state of mind." she assures her colleague. Tenderly the medical kunoichi presses forward, extending her visit into the temporary abode; ironically enough in her opposing hand a pitcher of a carrot hue.

"Pleasure to finally meet face to face, Maki-san. Unfortunately I wish it were under better circumstances." she murmurs in a tender tone, placing the pitcher at his bedstead, waltzing about the room to locate a pair of glasses to sip from. "If you haven't taken notice yet, you are in the Konohagakure Byoin. Takeshi-sama sent Yukio-san, Shinzo-san, and I took the liberty to join the pair on the rescue operation. We found you in an delicate state, the Frost-nin persuaded for the time being to allow the success of our recovery mission." she continues, enlightening the recent woken Konohagakure ANBU Sennin. Pouring the liquid into each glass, she takes the first sip to satisfy her curiosity, a thin grin flashes before dispersing. "Fresh, fresh orange juice that is." she speaks in a dove tone, extending the opposite glass outwards towards the recovering shinobi.

Gesturing with her eyes, scanning between the fallen samurai and the drink, "Doctors order, drink up. After all, you lost a considerable amount of blood. Wasn't an easy task to patch you up while returning to Konohagakure at the same time." Mikasa halts in mid thought, nearly forgetting her manners in the process. "Ah, my mistake. Allow me to formally introduce myself, I am Tsukasa Mikasa, head of the medical corps. Please, drink up." she rectifies her mistake, crossing the room to ajar the larger window, allowing fresh air to flood the room.

Pivoting about, the maidens platinum locks sway to and fro - a neat braid, "Not to worry, I have your arm." she affirms the samurai, for whatever peace of mid the information would assure him, Mikasa was unsure. Settling in the nearest chair, her legs cross and oceanic hues focus against his own. "It is safe to assume you have inquiries, Maki-san. Feel free to ask away, but prior to that, let me assure you. I don't serve tea."
His remaining eye focuses on the white haired woman who steps in behind the nurse that had fled moments earlier. Maki lets go of the wrist he was holding as this happens, looking around the room once he’s sure he’s no longer in danger. It was certainly more inviting than the last room he woke up in without knowing how he’d gotten there. As the other begins to speak of finally meeting, Maki shifts so he is sitting up, making the mistake of trying to use his left arm to steady himself and nearly falling out of the bed before he grabs the rail and pulls himself back.

”I guess it’s a good thing to wake up in a proper medical facility instead of a cement room with torture implements around me.” Her mention of Frost was not missed, but made little sense to him just yet. Instead he takes the glass handed to him and downs the liquid. Sweet and a bit tart, but he knew it would help him recover even a little bit faster than if he didn’t keep his body nourished in the coming days.

”Normally I would say the pleasure is mine, but I fear my pleasure is still wherever my arm and eye are.” At his words, she opens the window and mentions having his arm, which causes one eyebrow, thank goodness he had both of those still, to rise slightly. ”First, my arm came off in pieces. It’s been a while since I was a mednin, but I would think having any use of that thing at this point would be quite difficult. Am I correct?”

Regardless of her answer he would take a breath before continuing. ”You said Frost nin earlier. I’m assuming that’s who attacked me, but I wasn’t aware there was a shinobi village in Frost. I suppose the second most important question is to ask how long I’ve been out, and to know if my wife has been notified yet. Also, I think I should report to Takeshi. So how soon can I get out of this bed?”
Curiously she eyes the Sennin, his senses returned swiftly to him and the outburst could be chalked up due to dreams. Rummaging through the ivory coat, Mikasa withdraws a scroll - petite in size with a crimson ribbon neatly wrapped about it. "While you are correct, via chakra threads the remains have been stitched back together. My hopes was to ice it and hope for a reconnection." a slight pause, "Similar to when one loses a finger, it is possible to have slight mobility, yet it was proven to be far more difficult. Not to mention I doubt you would settle for little to no actual function." she admits with a wisp, not being the one that should be upset at her own lack of efforts. Simply put, the technology wasn't advanced enough and may never reach a suitable level.

"Truth of the matter is, I have it for when you decide how you wish to proceed forward, an artificial limb can be molded to be the closest fit." the Medical Sennin summarizes. Lowering the scroll onto the bedstead, Mikasa gestures towards her leather glove that occupied only a single hand and signifying a similar predicament. A flurry of inquiries would issue towards the kunoichi, yet that was to be expected considering the extremity of the situation they all found themselves within. "Correct, I am unsure of anyone among the Konohagakure higher ups actually knew there was a shinobi village in the land of Frost." settling into a chair nearest Maki's hospital cot, daintily crosses her legs.

"Your wife? I am unsure if she was notified, but I will see to it personally. It has only been a few days since your admittance." a faint inhale, "Takeshi-sama is preparing for the altercation between Frost and Konoha. They are bent on extracting a 'revenge' on the village. I would hope we can settle without further bloodshed, yet the message they sent, yourself, difficult to ignore." placing her digits against her knees, the Sennin rises to a stand, not comfortable with sitting after all. "While it is true your stabilizing, there is not set departure date from the Byoin. From a professional standpoint, I would guess another week at the bare minimum. Although, I am under the impression that will not suffice for you, Maki-san."
The moment Hoshirei received word on her radio that Maki was actually in the Konohagakure Byoin she immediately headed toward the building she would shortly be guarding. Being assigned to the hospital was a double edged sword now more than ever. Until Maki was well enough, she would at least know where he was, but she would have to push her worry aside. She knows she can do that, but it would still be difficult. It took her less than ten minutes to make it to the hospital proper and less than five to confirm her identity and Maki's room location. Hoshirei took a moment to breathe before calmly making her way to Maki's room.

She heard Maki speaking with someone and she felt the metaphorical fist around her heart unclench a bit. Hoshirei stopped just a few steps from the doorway and took a deep breath. With a grace she recently grew into, Hoshirei almost glided into the room just after the woman speaking mentioned letting her know where Maki was. She took in how Maki looked. She could tell that he was missing an eye and an arm, but also knew there were plenty of ways to replace those if he decided to do so. Considering he was attacked and, by the look of him, tortured, Maki looked to be healing rather well.

"I heard you were here. I did not know until a day or so ago that you were attacked. For some reason unbeknownst to me, I was not informed. Perhaps we should place some sort of emergency contact in our records, eh Maki?" her voice was steady but she smiled a little playfully at the end.

"It is good to see you again, even in these circumstances," Hoshirei paused and an almost shark-like grin formed as she continued, "Of course, it will be nice to at least imagine shoving your continued existence in the Elders' faces. As if you wouldn't have visited me had you perished."

It might seem like she was making light of the situation, but Hoshirei was not. Even though they had been married only a short while, she knew that Maki would not appreciate pity. She was also giving him a small update on the clan, though she would fully update him later. Perhaps he could tell by her more confident stance that she had done well while in his place. She also knew he would probably get a kick out of her threatening the Elders, but that was for another conversation.
MFT; WC: 421
His eye follows the scroll as he takes in what he knew and she verified. His arm was lost to him. They could reconnect it, sure. Make it dance with he pulled on chakra strings like some marionette. But he would never feel with it. He would never be able to control it without actively thinking about the motions. Handseals may as well not exist, nor could he show the nimble sleight of hand required of his position. The stump of his left arm twitches as Maki involuntarily tries to move a limb not there.

So Frost was news to all. That was good and bad. Good because he wasn’t a complete and utter fuck up, bad because it meant there was a threat out there that he’d never known could exist. One that apparently would go to this level of extremes in order to….send a message, as Mikasa put it. At the mention of another week, part of his immediately bristles like a cat staring at a leopard. He needed to be out there, he needed to be doing something.

But he was here. In bed. Safe. And unable to bring danger upon the rest of the village with his inability to do his own damned job. Unable to let his weakness create an issue for the rest of Konoha. His right hand begins trembling slightly before he grips the side of the bed so hard his knuckles turn stark white. As he was about to respond, how he wasn’t sure, salvation enters.

Levity was something he needed, and she brought it. It took a moment for his brain to catch up, however. ”Right. Contact. I’ll chastise Takeshi for not informing you immediately. Shouldn't leave his friends out to hang like that.” At her mention of the rest of the clan, and of her gift, Maki looks down at his legs, a frown creasing his face. Perhaps he could somehow reawaken his own powers over the ethereal? He’d heard of people generating weapons using it in the clan, could he maybe generate an entire limb?

It was a useless train of thought for now, since Ha’s goddess had locked away his gift. Food for thought. He turns and looks at Mikasa once more. ”I think I’ll recover better if I’m making use of myself.” He left it unsaid what he meant, but the fact was sitting in this bed for a week might be good for the body, but it would destroy the soul. ”If one of you could let Takeshi know I’m awake? And I think I’m going to need a wheelchair. And a beautiful woman to push it.” Indeed, merely sitting up was creating a problem. But he couldn’t just sit here.

He couldn’t be useless.
Curiously she eyes the individual who appeared within the ANBU Sennin's recovery room, the moss hair kunoichi arriving eluding to the factoid of being the supposed wife. Admittedly, Mikasa kept her fingers out of others personal affairs and private lives, unless proving to be an issue with performing the tasks the village required of each. The terminology of the Isaki clan was wasted on someone such as herself, the odd structures of clans weren't her forte. Taking a step back, she contemplates leaving the couple alone to their own devices - the maiden assuming they would care greatly for a private moment between them. Not to mention the lack of conversation directed towards her the moment Hoshirei appeared, the Medical Sennin nothing more than a lingering spirit in the room.

A thin grin appears on her lips, "I'll leave you two be. A wheelchair will be brought to you shortly, however you are not to leave the care of the Byoin. I'll return to administer further medicine in an hour or so and instruct you in more depth." the Sennin murmurs in a gentle tone. Pivoting about she clasps a hold of the door frame, beginning her exit, "Just for a few more days, stay within the hospital grounds. I won't ask for more than that." she calls back, allowing a wisp to escape her pursed lips. In his current state, the ANBU Sennin wouldn't be much use outside of his judgement, surely another meeting would be called for the Sennin to converse among one another in due time.

The words of Maki resonate, were there in fact a Village Hidden in the Frost or a mere small band of shinobi and kunoichi utilizing an unknown name to strike fear to make them appear larger in strength than normal? This wasn't to state Mikasa foolish enough to not recognize the sheer strength it would require to dismantle a Sennin, but the samurai had certainly been caught off guard, no?

[OOC: Topic Left?]​
When Hoshirei finally got a good look at the woman in the room, a memory clicked into place. The woman had been at the meeting her sennin called. Maki's words had her smiling. He sounded better than one would assume after being tortured, but that was her husband, a stubborn man who could conquer the insurmountable. Mikasa made to leave, saying a wheelchair would be brought soon and that Maki was to stay put for now. Hoshirei just smiled and nodded while moving out of the medic-sennin's path.

Once they were alone, she strode to the bed and moved her hands gently toward the pillows behind Maki's back, giving him time to refuse the gesture. She would then take the seat Mikasa left moments before, but pulled it closer to the bed so she could rest her elbows on it if she leaned forward.
"Once that wheelchair gets in here, I'll take you for a walk and find someplace where you can feel the wind on your face. I would think that would do you some good, to see the sky and the trees, even Hokage Rock," she finished with a soft chuckle.

"You can still do a lot, even if she tries to confine you to a bed for a while. Paperwork may not be all that interesting, but we could go through it. And there are always clan scrolls to peruse. Not the boring ones, the ones my mother stole on her way out," Hoshirei smiled sharply before continuing, "Some of them were rather useful to me while growing up and were simple clan jutsu and information about the clan's abilities. However, there were a couple that might interest you. Rituals and jutsu that I never met the requirements to accomplish. I haven't read them in a while, so maybe you could have accomplished them."

Hoshirei reached out her hand to softly touch Maki's right leg. She then leaned in and, eyes shining with mischief, whispered conspiratorially, "And don't worry about getting stuck here. We do have medics in the clan after all."
MFT; WC: 345

Current Ninpocho Time:
