A hand reached up to rub the back of his head as he shut his eyes and slinked down a bit. "Come on guys you really gotta stop calling me that..." renewed laughter followed and the young man simply sighed and stood back up straight. Six academy students stood in a gaggle before him poking fun at their ever-late teacher. All of the kids were familiar to him as one of his duties as a Chūnin was to spend time here at the Konoha Academy instructing the newest generation of ninja-in-training. As you can probably guess from his moniker he never seemed to arrive on time to do so. "So what kind of trouble are you all getting into today?" he asked the youths in a faux serious voice, placing his hands back inside of his pockets and allowing his gaze to pass over each of them. Some giggled but one of the more studious children stepped forward and placed her small hands on her hips. "Enough joking, sensei." she declared, prompting the raising of one of the man's eyebrows and a patronizing "Hm?" to escape his throat. He was only acting confused as he tended to do. He knew exactly where this was going. "When are you going to show us what you can do?!" Of course this prompted an entire backup ensemble of "Yeah!"s and "Show us your strongest jutsu!"s because they were children and why wouldn't it?
The young man tilted his head to one side and let his eyes drift upwards in 'thought'. "Didn't I show you last week?" he replied to the confusion of all the students. "Haven't you been practicing the Clone jutsu like I taught yo-" "NO!" a very enthusiastic coordinated shout cut him off mid-sentence and blew his hair back a bit. "At least their teamwork's improving..." the sensei mused to himself in his own head, his eyes drifing off to the side. It didn't look like there was any getting out of this time. Lest he get mobbed by a group of angry rugrats with burgeoning jutsu knowledge and shoddy chakra control. He had to appease the masses. "Alright, alright... let's see." A wave of "Yay!'s and 'Yes!'s rang out as his head moved while he looked around the yard. High fives were exchanged between the youngsters and a haughty smirk displayed proudly on Raya's face. She was becoming quite the little ringleader around here. Upon spotting the object of his search he turned towards the children and motioned by nodding his head in its direction. "Over here kids, follow me." They tagged along like a flock of baby ducklings behind their sensei, excitedly chatting the entire time. What would they see? Some kind of big fireball? His clan's ultimate jutsu?! The release of an inner demon that he can barely contain and is more powerful than anything in the worl- "Here."
Six sets of eyes stared upwards at both their sensei and a large tree in the middle of the academy grounds. "...here?" they said in unison, "Yep." he responded. Turning to face the children he slowly withdrew his hands from his pockets and formed the Hitsuji seal, making sure to do so deliberately so that his students could see the motions. Some imitated him, most just stood watching. Waiting. "First you focus some chakra to the soles of your feet..." a bit of dust kicked up near his sandals signaling the movement of his chakra. After placing his hands back within his pockets, the young man slowly approached the large tree, placed one foot on the trunk... and then a second. He stood completely horizontal seemingly defying gravity and traveled up the side of the tree and then onto the underside of a high-hanging branch, all with the same nonchalant manner he normally walked about. Now stood upside down on the branch staring at his students below. "Not bad, huh?" he spoke, his round sunglasses now dangling precariously from his ears. Some mumbling began among the students below but only lasted for a few moments, after which they all looked back up towards their teacher and spoke in unison. "Boring!" the young man's eyes squinted and he sighed, still standing upsidedown. What was he going to do with these kids?
[Open to All!]