Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Requesting Entry 'Nothing' to see here.

This thread is marked as containing someone requesting/being allowed entrance into the village.
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Normally there would have been some sort of official party, perhaps a fanfare of some nature for a visiting dignitary from another country. Certainly this was no ordinary dignitary, but flowers would have been nice.

All the gate guards of Sunagakure would see, after feeling a frigid blast of cold air, would be the appearance of two personages clad in form-fitting masked black armour adorned with strange mechanical contraptions, each glowing a with a strange, dull purple light. Each was heavily armed with a pair of katana strapped to their backs, and pouches that clearly obtained tools of their death-dealing trade. These individuals would simply look around, taking in the surroundings and mentally making notes. A seal, the Myakashi seal to be exact, would provide that information to the next person who would appear out of the darkness.


Dressed in a black robe, what appeared was a thing out of a dystopian horror film. Floating a foot from the ground, this figure would float to ‘stand’ between the two guards before drifting down to stand on the sands before the great gate of Sunagakure. Its black hood hid its face, the only hint of its humanity being the pale, skeletal hands that grasped a strange, white glowing wooden staff. Tendrils of what appeared to be shadowstuff floated from its shoulders as if it was burning.


The immediate environment seemed to scream in protest, as if this ‘thing’ was extremely alien to it. Those looking at the figure would feel a sense of dread - not of fear - but of knowing that whatever this thing was, it was… nothing. A void in space. A promise that all things would eventually turn into nothing.

One of the guards would step forward towards the gate.

“Please be informed that Lord Myakashi Migoya, Yamikage of Yamigakure, is here in response to the Kazekage, Lord Chikamatsu Shin’s, invitation.”

There would be silence, as the figures would wait in the darkness for someone to answer.

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank

From the guard tower, I'd holler, "Now they look like fun!" Maybe spooked a few, still tinkering with my volume knobs. Human ears, you know, sensitive little things. But hey, the guards had thrown in the towel on attacking me. Guess I'm just part of their daily lives now, like a sandstorm or screaming toddler —better to duck for cover than to try and stop it.

So there I was, just finished raiding their lunch boxes, when these armored figures roll up. And smack dab in the middle? Well, there's this ominous dude, sandwiched between them like the filling in a fruit pie. Speaking of pie, hmm, fruit pie. "You guys should take five, I got this," I chirped. Only problem? They had no lunch left... because, well, I snarfed it all down. The guards looked genuinely confused as I leaped from the tower.

Gliding down the walls like a pro surfer, I beelined it to the trio in record time. And wouldn't you know it, there's a very familiar face amongst them. Judging from the energy vibes, could it be Migoya? "Myakashi Migoya?" I blurt out, genuinely surprised. It's been a hot minute since our last encounter. How long? Uh, let's see... feels like three human years? Months? Heck, who knows? I'm an artificial war fighting Goddess, not a timekeeper!

"Myakashi Migoya..." my tone shifts to neutral as I recall our first—and only—meet-up. He offered me tea. I hate tea. "I do not wish to drink any of your dirt water," I'd clam back, in disgust, unsure if he would offer it again.

[topic entered]
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
The two figures started to form handseals as what appeared to be a beautiful woman glided down the walls of the bulwark as skillfully as any they had seen before. Clearly she was shinobi, and by the speed of her response they were ready for a quick attack.

“Myakashi Migoya?”

The voice was familiar to Migoya, and a silent order given to his guards caused them to instantly relax as Migoya glided forward, the sand undisturbed at his passing. The shadowy figure gave the slightest bow of respect towards Akkuma’s greatest creation.

“Lady Akira. A pleasure again. Your presence suggests that Lord Akkuma is nearby.”Migoya’s voice was rather different from the last time the pair had met. What once was a silver-tongued devil now seemed somewhat hollow, as if speaking from far away, but reverberating in one’s chest like a bean in a can. It was dispassionate, unempathetic and cold.

The figure seemed to raise its head, Migoya’s extremely pale face coming into view, looking far more skeletal than it once did. Where once piercing red eyes gleamed, sullen black pools of darkness that seemed to absorb the light around it now loomed, framed by stretched skin over hollow eye sockets.

It took a moment for Migoya to understand what Akira was speaking about… dirt water? Even geniuses get confused from time to time.

“No. I am not here to dispense beverages. I trust there is a gate guardian here to grant us access to Sunagakure, unless you have… dispensed with them.”
The tone was not accusatory in any way, but simply matter-of-fact. “The Myakashi have received a summons. Yong should have arrived by now.”

His pale fingers gripped the strange pale staff tighter.

“And how are you faring Lady Akira since last we met?”
[WC: 287]

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
He couldn’t be at the gates 24/7, though the great Hyou knew he was trying.

Considering he wasn’t one of the rank-and-file, officially, the Toraono’s presence at the gate was something of a whim. He bore a responsibility for his own personal reasons, and because of that it meant he could leave to go get lunch when he felt like it. More to the point, Michino could enjoy, the meal. Considering the current state of affairs forced his hand to grab something a bit more portable, the Suna gourmand still opted for Strider Skewers. Took a minute to cook but, it was a nice lean protein, shiskabob style, with a bunch of local peppers and fruits. He ordered two, devoured one, and took the second one slow on his walk back to the Gates.

The heat of the peppers stoked by the fruit’s sharp sweet flavors danced across his tongue, but they were all quickly shot to ash the moment he got within range of Sunagakure’s grand entrance. For there stood a distance away something radiating an unpleasant energy that tried to claw at his grasp of reality. Memories of standing in Hyou’s Jungles stretched through Purgatory echoed through the Beast’s mind before he turned his eyes to the others standing there with the walking black hole. Those two looked like guards…and the other one talking was…

Michino squinted his eyes, causing purple flames to wreath around them and enhance his vision via chakra like a camera. Something, in his gut was telling the Toraono that he should know who that person was. Something about them screamed familiar but, for the life of him, he couldn’t recall why. Still, his enhanced vision scanned around to find that there was suspiciously a lack of guards greeting their living shadow of a guest.

You’d think they’d be used to Mikaboshi…” he muttered to himself before finishing the rest of his kebab in a single bite. A flex of his core and a quick breath concentrated chakra to force the sudden burst of oxygen in his bloodstream to direct a modicum of strength to his calves. Moving as if to simply take a step his form flickered, and appeared some twenty feet away. Then again, and again, and again until he was before the entrance. The speed of which he entered made it impossible to hear what they were discussing, but he doubted it was of much importance.

He landed with a soft pad on the cobbled path, his presence of chakra a burst of demon that quelled quickly once he stopped,
Afternoon, I am Michino - a lord of the Toraono Clan. Please state your reasons for entrance to Sunagakure.” His demonic presence carried the infamous strength of the Toraono clan but, was merely a drop of darkness in the pit that was this guest. He could feel the strength that was already pulling at a distance, up close turned into an eternal pit. A ninjutsu, perhaps? The guards gave Michino the answer he was seeking for the avatar of nothing that stood before him, and it wasn’t a pleasant answer. The Yamikage…

He thought the man a rumor. A boogeyman made up to mess with the villages. Someone with such a high status within the community of ronin shinobi that they all called him the “Yamikage”…the Shadow of Darkness. A title so grandiose he had written it off. Yet this presence was unmistakable, and the man didn’t just simply walk in alone; there were guard. There was proceedings. What the hell was Shin trying to do…?

My lord,” the Toraono lord stated with a small bow - hand to his chest, “It is with a great regret that I must inform you the 12th Kazekage was kidnapped but a month ago. I do not know what it was he wished to discuss with you but, due to your proceeding reputation and the manner in which Shin was removed from leadership; I might need to decline your entrance. At the very least I can radio to contact our Lord Steward Chikamatsu Wei - perhaps he knows of the 12th’s…plans. If you wish, that is.” Something was up. There was too many pieces all at once for the Toraono to put them all together at once though - as he wasn’t exactly the brilliance that was his older brother - but even Michino could tell this wasn't normal. A rogue puppet toy with the strength of a shinobi, Akkuma vouching for them, the rogue that broke into their village a few days ago, and now...this.

You, on the other hand,” He turned towards Akira, “Now, you look familiar for some other reason I can’t quite put a finger on. Not that, ‘I’ve seen you around’, familiar either. You with ‘em?” Michino said, nodding his head towards the group of evil on his right. Speaking of that shinobi that had broken in the gates, once he got a more personal look a familiar detail caught his attention. Something about a woman in shades dodging the guards a few days back like they didn’t exist. If at all possible the shinobi didn’t want a conflict to break out right in front of the Yamikage but, he was pretty sure this was that person.

Guess he’d have to see how that shook out. One problem at a time. He looked to Migoya for the answer in contacting Wei, his brave eyes unwavering despite the darkness he stared into.
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
[OOC: Apologies skipping the post order, I just thought it would make more sense :p]

He sensed him before he made his impressive presence known, flicking before the gates with inhuman speed. A fount of chakra, encased in a demonic hide, appeared before him again causing his guards to reach for their weapons before a silent, mental order caused them to relax once more. A large man now stood before the Yamikage, dwarfing the small man in terms of size, but if Migoya was intimidated in any way there were no tells.

He introduced himself as a Toraono, immediately causing Migoya to have a small measure of respect towards whoever this was. He took a polite step forward, the sand unmoving as the glow of his white staff outlined the figure in front of him as well as casting a ghastly shade over his own taught features.

“I trust Kuro-sama is well, though I expect nothing less of the great Bull of Suna, favoured of the mother goddess. It is a pleasure to meet those of his clan, worthy to bear the mighty name of Toraono.” Migoya’s words were polite but held no warmth behind them, as if spoken by an automaton.

As mentioned the great clan’s name, Migoya gave a bow, causing the two guards with him to do the same. His dreaded gaze looked over the panther prophets' impressive form, taking in minute details that others would simply discard in an attempt to absorb as much information as he could. He could feel the restraint of chakra bound into the man, the untapped and raw energy. The ‘smell’ of the demonic was clear, but it was much more. There was… potential. Perhaps he contained the might of another within his form, similar to those in his clan. Perhaps it was something else entirely. If only he could experiment on him… draw that darkness out.

“The Lord Kazekage has requested members of my clan to attend to him in friendship, to ensure mutual protection against particularly aggressive insurgents.”

Miohino responded, and his words were troubling. The Kazekage was kidnapped! Not another one!

“That is… distressing. Strange… I have not heard of any plots or designs against his person… Should any in my network hear of any news, we shall naturally impart it to your village and assist with his recovery”.Although his voice lacked any emotion, it was clear that Migoya was speaking the truth, and that he was both surprised and annoyed at the information. Migoya loathed when his intricate plans were thwarted by happenings outside of his control, and this simple thread when pulled could pull apart the tapestry of his scheming. It was an irritant, and would need to be remedied somehow. His fingers wrapped more tightly around his strange, glowing staff, the only indication that he was upset.

Miohino then spoke of denying him access to the village. Certainly if Migoya wanted to cause conflict swatting away this demon could be pleasurable, but he was a Toraono and a member of Sunagakure, and Migoya had vowed not to harm any individuals allied with the village hidden in the Sands. Well, unless they attacked first, and knowing the honour of the Toraono, they would not do so without just cause. Plus, Kuro was one of the few individuals in this plane of existence that Migoya held any genuine respect towards, and harming or insulting any of his clan would be… impolite.

“I understand Lord Toraono, and will naturally comply with your request. Apart from the Kazekage, I believe Lord Akkuma was aware of the request for our assistance, but you are welcome to summon this… Chikamatsu Wei. This is a time of conflict, so one cannot be too careful.” The dispassionate tone of Migoya’s unearthly voice made it extremely difficult to ascertain if he was being courteous, sarcastic, threatening, or merely informative.

As the attention was turned to Akira, Migoya would remain silent, hoping Akkuma’s homunculus held a measure of diplomatic savvy, or this could turn… interesting. To fight alongside his new-found ally, or alongside his old mentors clanmate?


Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank

I was given no time to respond to Migoya’s inquiry due to the sudden appearance of seven foot entity. The behemoth of a man was interrupting a delicate reunion of old acquaintances. I was just about to tell Migoya all about the interesting facts I learned about humans in my travels. Like their peculiar greeting rituals. They would wrap their arms around each other and connect lips, sometimes tongues. It’s called a hug and a kiss. I don’t know why humans greet each other this way but it is definitely harder than it looks. One wrong move and you’re either tickling someone’s armpit or chocking them with your tongue. But how would I hug and kiss Migoya? He was all wispy and spectral now. He did not look like this when we first met. I wonder if it was something he ate? A human once told me, you are what you eat. So maybe Migoya ate something you’d find in a cemetery or to much... tea.

The giant man that interrupted us would then address me directly. He said that I seemed familiar but perhaps he meant by reputation or by some other means besides officially meeting. I certainly have never met him before. I think I would remember hugging and sticking my tongue down the throat of a bulky seven foot man.

“I don’t know why I seem familiar to you as you do not seem familiar to me. I think I would remember meeting a comically large man who doesn’t wear a shirt. Because you probably couldn’t find one in your size. Ha! You get it? Because you are so large and shops do not make shirts that big. We have not met before. You seem to be friendly to Migoya and so, a friend of Migoya is an associate of mine. Should we adhere to the customary human introduction ritual?”

[ooc: if you say yes, Akira attempts to hug Michino and stick her six inch tongue down his throat. You are free to rp how this attempt turns out.]
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Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
The shadowy figure that called themselves the Yamikage lived up to their name. Even in just the scant moment spent in the beings presence, Michino could tell the man was well versed in politics. Their words were carefully selected to both praise and show his recognition of the Toraono clan, affirm their surprise of the missing Kazekage, and in general hold a presence of leadership. They were invited, and were willing to take the reseeded invitation based on the order of things in Suna despite the chaotic title in which they held. Everything about the man screamed professional to a point of suspicion. Thankfully for Migoya, the Toraono before him wasn’t quick of thought enough to begin rising such paranoia. Meeting someone in the political shinobi sphere containing the wisdom of restraint was rare for the lord, and it warmed him up to the man who supposedly commanded the rogues of their world.

Akira, on the other hand…

They at least voiced in knowing Migoya, and claimed that friends with the Yamikage made them friends; a fact that Michino argued against mentally. When asked if he wanted to preform the custom human greeting ritual the man’s large hand started to extend before catching himself - would it be more rude to deny the woman? Before Michino could get a chance to decide, his open hand was taken and pulled in. His body felt the familiar female softness press against his own and before he knew what was happening there was a tongue in his mouth.

An explosion of chakra smoke filled the air to replace Michino with a log that Akira was now making out with; her tongue filling the void of a kawarmi target. His face was aghast. Not the fact that the unprepared action had given Akira so many chances to outright poison the Toraono, or that the sudden closeness was so disarming he would have had trouble combating it; no, it was the kiss itself. Michino had the mixed luck of being involved with the last queen of the Uzumoreru, engaged to be married in fact, and she had a habit of beating the tar out of people who flirted, with him; let alone kiss. He quickly became worried for his own genitalia, eyes quickly scouting to where there would be marked Crystal Cameras that recorded the gates.

He needed to get those down, and soon.

Wiping the back of his hand across his lips his tone came out deeper, and somewhat more aggressive as the anger of the situation Akira had put him in slipped,
Most humans prefer a handshake,” he growled at the rogue before lifting his other hand to touch against the little hidden transmitter. He made a quick rundown of everything happening an the other end of the mic exploded with panic. A quizative look overtook his face before nodding and releasing the button.

The Steward themselves is on their way to see you, apparently. They’ll be here within a few moments…

Well now, that was weird. The prophet didn’t expect that Wei had any dealings with anything Shin had actually set up. In fact, many of the policies that were about to take place to make life in the military slightly easier were quickly being folded back into older regulations that made more sense for an underground civilization. Michino suspected many of the old ways were being returned to force a more dictatorship level of governance they once endured while the maelstrom wrecked the world above. Regardless, now the Toraono lord waited their illustrious leader to come and make his appearance…

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
The carriage shook as the shinobi carrying it tried to move with their normal speeds down through the bazaar. Within an annoyed Sunan leader bounced back and forth as he glared daggers down at the fellow clansman that was supposed to sure his life was “pillow perfect.” Wei sighed loudly as he clung to the bench seat, waiting for the ride to be over so he could meet with this “Yamikage.”

To be blunt, the Steward didn’t give much of a rat’s ass. The only reason he quickly found himself putting on fresh garments and removing himself from the fleshy pleasures of his home was because of Akkuma. One of the two Sennins brought up into the ranks during Shin’s appointments, he was the one in Wei’s ear the most giving advice and direction. Of course, Wei only listened to maybe half of the Devil’s advice, and only followed a quarter, but there was one thing the man had been astute about - making sure diplomatic relations with the Yamigake went through. Why Akkuma thought Suna needed an in with the mercenaries of the world, Wei had no idea but also didn’t question the potential spike in military strength. He also, again, really didn’t care. Far as the Steward was concerned, the Sennin could simply run the Village while he dictated a few things and enjoyed the wealth/power of someone in his position.

The carriage came to a screeching halt as the shinobi who carried it came to their destination and stopped as shinobi customarily did: suddenly. Wei was peeled off of his bench seat and flew into the arms of his Chikamatsu brethren. Swearing loudly, Wei kicked open the door of his pavilion and threw out the adviser he came with onto the cobbled grounds. The, clearly weaker, man shouted in pain as he landed against the smooth stone. Foot planted firmly on the fallen man's face, the Steward stepped out of his transportation and onto the street while ignoring the grinding bones under his shoe.

Blond hair, green eyes, and a petite form clothed in the finest silks; Wei walked up to the Yamikage and pass his guards with the grace and cockiness of man who believed he was invincible. He didn’t even bother to acknowledge that either Michino or Akira even existed, just simply spoke to the only other person that was worthy of his time.

Welcome to Sunagakure, my lord. I hope the trip wasn’t too demanding given the on going war beyond our safe walls! Please, come in. There is much to discuss.” After quick handshake with the shadowy figure, showing oddly no signs of discomfort from Migoya’s presence, Wei waved over to his pavilion and the six shinobi that knelt beneath it,

Would you wish a ride to the new offices? We’re still rebuilding the Tower of the recent bombing.

[Topic Entered with Council NPC: Chikamatsu Wei - Steward of Sunagakure]
[Entrance Granted]
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Just as the uncomfortable situation, at least for the poor Toraono guard, seemed to be escalating, Migoya’s attention was drawn to the arrival of a strange carriage, supported it seemed by shinobi, based on the speed that it was traversing at. After stopping, Migoya noted the puffed up individual alighting from it, clearly in his own world as he used one of his servants as a footstool. It was sickening.

After introducing himself - wait… he didn't. This must be the Chikamatsu that Miohino spoke of. Chikamatsu Wei. The clan was known to Migoya - he had dealings with them over the years - but this one… this one he did not recall. The poise and air of authority this man had spoke clearly though as Migoya listened to his words. He hoped he was correct about the man’s identity.

“Greetings my Lord. Our journey was… uneventful. I am honoured you have come to greet me personally.”Taking the man’s hand, it was surprising that his warmth was felt through Migoya’s coldness - something that the Myakashi took due note of. This was not an ordinary man. The aloofness, the confidence, the utter lack of fear… It was almost like he was dealing with Akkuma himself. No - this one was something else. It was too intentional to put someone like this in this new position of power. There was something afoot here and the Myakashi had to find out what was going on.

“I would be honoured”,Migoya would respond to the invitation to join Wei in his carriage, his voice barely above a whisper. Moving as silently as a shadow and following the steward the Yamikage walked slowly towards the carriage, his blackened gaze taking in the simple details others might fail to notice. More importantly however, were the details anyone with a brain would notice - the carriage born by men, the symbolic grinding under the foot of an oppressor. This ‘Wei’ was everything Migoya expected and taught his clanmates about leaders in the ‘organised’ shinobi villages. Despotic, power hungry, greedy, vain…

He was perfect.

Stopping for a brief second, Migoya turned his cowled head, the sands remaining undisturbed except for the indentation of his strange glowing staff. His two guards heard, through the Myakashi seal, the silent orders of their leader. "Follow. Watch for any signs of danger. Do not engage however unless ordered. Be safe."On hearing this they moved back, their intention to follow the carriage, albeit from the outside, clearly visible.

“Lady Akira, would you care to accompany us? Lord Akkuma would certainly be concerned as to your welfare, and I am sure Lord Toraono here has to maintain his vigil on the gates and your presence may, naturally, divert his attention.”. He motioned to Akira with his left hand towards the carriage, his plaid face showing no emotion but clearly ‘politely insisting’ that she accompany them. It was a risk, certainly, inviting such a wild creature to the diplomatic table so to speak. But there was a secret powerplay here… by ‘summoning’ the name of Akkuma, Migoya would see whether this ‘Wei’ would react to the name dropping, and to the invitation of someone else being put in his carriage in a place of honour. It was a subtle diplomatic ploy, demonstrating ones power in non-direct ways, but also seeing how much… meddling Akkuma had with this one. And if indeed this was a possible trap or backstab from the devil he would not be alone, with Akkuma’s prized creation right next to him ensuring his safety from unwanted attack. That is, if she wasn’t trying to kiss anyone else, though secretly Migoya would like to see the chaos if she tried it with Wei.

Turning, his blackened gaze falling on the demonic giant behind him, Migoya gave a notable bow of respect. “Lord Toraono - it was a pleasure. Please send my regards to Lord Kuro. Sunagakure is in safe hands with you at its gates.”

Turning back towards the carriage, Migoya would walk silently towards the vehicle, noting the looks of dread on the shinobi’s faces as his chilling aura moved closer. Wei probably wouldn’t even notice that his charges would certainly not approve of the presence of this… thing, but nevertheless they were very much ‘under the heel’. His foot slightly touched the man who was acting as a footstool, and a very small amount of chakra would pass into the poor creature. Almost immediately the pain of his affliction would subside (OOC: Mystical Hand), despite the wretched coldness of whatever monster had touched him. Migoya would then casually float up into the carriage, waiting for Wei and Akira, should she follow, before taking his seat.

Oh, Migoya was not a benevolent creature, but he knew how to stir up the masses against the leadership of a village. The greatest wave started from the simplest drop of water after all.

[Village entered]
[Topic Left]
[OOC: Thank you all!]

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Mouth full of log, I began to ponder if this was a unique spin on the human greeting ritual or a cruel joke played by the large man. He had vanished momentarily and replaced himself with a log. I was now holding the log like a wet puppy, disoriented and confused. And then the large man began shouting at me. Something about a milkshake. Yes, I was indeed in the mood for a milkshake but was this really the proper time to be discussing milky beverages? Human interactions were very confusing. As if there wasn’t enough confusion already, a man was carrying a carriage, that was carrying another man. Humans were very inefficient. Wouldn’t it make more sense to simply hop on the back of the man carrying the carriage. However, I would give credit for this humans display of multiple talents. Not only was he good at carrying other humans but he also served as a foot stool. What an odd set of skills but I suppose someone would have to do it. Migoya would then offer me a ride on the human-mobile. I must admit, I always wanted to ride a human like they rode horses and other creatures but I was now in the mood for a milkshake and strangely, I had the taste of peppers and fruits lingering on my tongue. I’d decline for now and meet up with Migoya later. Leaping into the sky, I’d demonstrate a new skill I picked up, flying (dessert nimbus).

“Perhaps I’ll ride the tired man later. I’m going to go grab a milkshake and pie! TTFN! That’s Ta ta for now!”

[topic left]
[ooc: this was fun]

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
The Toraono lord stood stock still as Wei welcomed himself into the view. It was all he had to not snap the man’s neck watching him literally trample the weak. His emotions became even further confused upon seeing the Yamikage’s tempered reaction, and the way the man on the ground seemingly became better once the dark lord passed by him and stepped into the carriage. Did…they just heal the man Wei considered little more than a stepping stone?

The Toraono were protectors of Suna, there to snuff out evil in all forms. Rarely did evil walk in their midst for any extended time, but they weren’t blinded against the evils that could also show a modicum of restraint or had honor. After all, they had a sometimes uncontrollable demonic bloodlust that stems from their progenitor’s pact with demons. Some evil could be used, trusted, and controlled for the better of man. Michino, himself, had seen and worked with that evil many times via his own brother who was a man of constant shifting morals. That one alone had been both Sunagakure's greatest weapon and downfall within the same breath. It had taken no small amount of effort to ensure to his brothers that the Ryuu bloodline envoked none of the madness that plagued Tama.

A small moment of weakness, and a skip in his rational. The Toraono Lord watched as Migoya was carried away with Wei and felt respect well up in his chest for the walking void. He hoped that the creature was true in their intent to help Sunakagure, and that he didn’t need to add yet another target to his ever growing hunting list.

[Belated, but Topic Left]
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Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
