Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Oh! That's Shocking [Open]


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Man how long has it been since I've been here? Yuuto questioned himself silently wondering the last time he had been in the Coliseum before the Underprison. To be honest it had been so long, the thoughts escaped him. His mind glossed over battles that he has fought in the past, like when him and Karun took to the Coliseum, or him and Naoharu battled in the forest. He remembered running for his life from that madman with the blue Sharingan. He could even recall the smell of the burning plant deity he fought in the Primordial Realm. Yuuto always found himself somewhere in the midst of combat, whether be in the village, in the lightning country, or a place like Iwagakure, his job as a shinobi would always lead him to a battle, and eventually he would likely die on the end of someone else's blade. However today wasn't about anything heavy to that extent, Yuuto didn't seek to shed anyone's blood in fact he was worried he couldn't stand up to the standard that held himself at. Even though he had been fighting in the Coliseum during his incarceration, he wasn't able to train at his full extent. For one he still had to get a handle on this power that Cloud referred to as "Chimera". With the abilities of Hashigaki Ido residing in his body now, the medical shinobi would have to reevaluate his entire skillset the way he could do battle was so different from his most comfortable style. Without the use of Shadow Ninjutsu anymore, and Yuuto decided he wanted to abstain from Puppets right now, ever since the temporal receivers were taken out of his brain, his prowess for them went down or rather is hindered.

Regardless he was here today for one purpose and one purpose alone; to fight. He requested an open challenge, something familiar to most Kumo residents who frequented the Coliseum. Yuu sat in the pits with his eyes closed, darkness the only thing lacing his vision. Yuuto donned his gray/silver armor, wearing a red cloak over it and black clothes underneath. His hair was pulled back into a ponytail as he prepared himself mentally for his upcoming battle. His brown hands trembled as he considered the thrill of battle but the possibility of losing and making a complete fool of himself. The possibility of a tragedy like Ido's happening again... but that was so far off from possibly happening, no way lightning would strike twice.

It didn't take much longer for the events to begin, with his eyes closed and his mind clearing, he could focus on Hearing the announcer, hearing the crowd and the hushed breaths of the beats in their cage. He heard the first creak of the iron chains that held the gate closed before releasing the combatants onto the battlefield. As the light began to pour in, Yuuto would pull up his hood, covering his eyes, as he walked out of the pits and into the battleground.

THE THREE EYED VAGABOND! He's returning to the arena after a brief two year hiatus, reinstated as a medical chief after leaving the pits still a prisoner! So today a free man stands before us ready to spill his blood for your enjoyment! This brave son of a crossbow issued an open challenge to any and all, feel free to come down and test your mettle if you wish!

The challenge was issued, now all he had to do was wait while the announcer talked more and drew in the crowd.

[OOC: I'd like to have a Modded Fight, That's what this topic is for essentially. However if too much time passes by, I'll likely make up some kind of creature to fight. While I'm primarily looking for a Modded Fight, I don't mind RP Battling either]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Having been on the other side of the colosseum, Umashi was busy minding his business as he tried to get a bit of a workout in while abroad. Attempting to be inconspicuous wasn't exactly working however and soon many began to "strut their stuff" around him as they entered sparring sessions around him in hopes that he'd notice them. Notice he did but he found it completely not in his best interest to get too involved with their jockeying to show off brains and brawn in front of a visiting Kage. As he began to practice his weapon technique, Umashi zoned out to the point of blocking out all other persons as he only saw the enemy of his mind's eye. Switching from foot to foot, his muscles grew taut with exertion as he anticipated a blow and moved to a familiar groove as he juked to the side and counter with his own spinning blow.

Letting the passion of a good spar flow through him, he kept up his act of ignoring all others long after the announcers began to alert everyone on the colosseum floor that a challenge had been issued. The spotlight shone on the man that issued the challenge right as Umashi finally began to notice just where and when he happened to be. Speaking up over the roar of the crowd he asked,
"Hey, umm . . . can I be allowed to uh . . . exit? I really don't think that I should be here!" However he got at most a sly grin from one of the people that he had snubbed before as they looked down at him and coyly motioned towards the gate to exit. Relief spread over his face but he was far from surprised when he found that the gates wouldn't open for him to thankfully take an exit and he was effectively stuck. Looking back at the guy who had made his presence known, Umashi shook his head and sighed. "So much for avoiding an international exit, huh Umashi?" he muttered to himself.

OOC: This is Rogue Two, checking in!


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Yuuto stood in the center of the coliseum as the crowd bellowed like a choir, chanting their cheers, or their boos. Yuuto was unfazed by either, while he did enjoy combat immensely he was uncomfortable. Without his puppets he felt naked, and without his shadows he felt like his defenses were shot. There were quite a few things wrong with the current Yuuto, maybe he had given up too much power and should have retained more. Regardless of the circumstances, he would have to make due with his new abilities, and his new style that Hashigaki Ido taught him. He didn't want to squander the last four years of his life and act like they didn't happen not that he could even if he wanted to.

With his eyes covered it was easier to concentrate on the noises around him, it was easier to filter out and distinguish the sounds of those around him. Activating the Sonar ability still took some work for him since it wasn't completely natural. Yuuto clicked his tongue at the ground getting a feed back of the coliseum seeing that a few had stayed in the ring. They all were pretty impressive in their own rights, but one man caught his attention. The man who had been doing swift movements just a moment earlier was now speaking aloud asking if he could get out of here. The exchange wasn't clear but the man turned tail and went to the gates to exit, but unfortunately they were closed. The person who led him to started chuckling. "Assholes", Yuuto said before removing his hood to reveal his face and look for the guy that tried to leave. It didn't take long to spot him. Without hesitation he approached the unknown warrior seeking to gauge their intent.

While he approached the warrior, he (Umashi) would notice that Yuuto was a tanned skin man with creamy white hair pulled back into a small ponytail. Yet the most notable feature, would be Yuuto's third hazel eye on the middle of his forehead. While Yuuto approached he would "Hear" the man say "So much for avoiding an international exit, huh Umashi?", Umashi? Yuu hadn't heard that name before, he didn't know the guy but it wasn't a big deal to him.

Once he was in front of Umashi he would say, "Yo, sorry about dickhead mcgee over there. Normally once you're on the ground they take a few to let the challenges roll in or prepare the beasts we fight. If you really don't want to do battle, or caught cold feet, you can exit through the stands no one will really stop you..." Yuuto started to walk away refocusing himself without covering his eyes, only closing two of them while the third one stayed open. He stopped walking away turning to the man once more

"But if you do decide to stay Umashi, cut loose, enjoy yourself in the thrill of battle that we display like art."

You didn't think that was cool right Yuuto? Please tell me you didn't think what you just said was cool? ... he did.

OOC: Krrrt Krrt Rogue One to Rogue Two, do you copy Rogue Two!?
-Also Yuuto heard you cause he was focusing on your words with Hashigaki hearing.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Umashi focused on the other guy as he told him to enjoy the thrill of battle. Umashi, enjoy the thrill of battle? Clearly, this guy hadn't sailed the seven seas to hear the tales. Laughing with an amused grin, Umashi declared his entry into whatever sort of game this was. "Now, now, I never said that I wasn't capable of laying the smack down on a ninja." Raising a fist in the air, Umashi gave the signal that he was ready for any challenge as well, although, with the stakes now being increased to allow for a visiting Kage to be in the ring, he was sure to draw quite the opposition. "So am I to face you or is this going to be a rowdy party of a time?" Umashi looked around for who else might be approaching the arena. Hopefully, they'd get this show on the road sooner rather than later because if there was to be any meeting between the Raikage and the Hokage then spending all of his time beating up folks probably wouldn't earn him any favors in the meeting room. Speaking of . . . where was Kaji?


Aug 29, 2012
There was a slew of people rolling into the arena after they heard a call for a challenge. He heard murmurs of the Hokage even making an appearance; this was becoming more and more interesting for him. He would pull his watch out of his pocket, and check the time for no real reason, It's a dawn of a new day. He clasped the watch shut and slide it back into his pocket and he began to enter the arena.

He didn't care much for the people in his way, his method f getting through the crowd was simply push through them r force himself through, most people were smart enough to grasp that they shouldn't stand in his way for too long lest they are tossed like a rag doll, metaphorically speaking. He broke through the herd of people and basked in the warm sun encompassing the arena. In the center stage stood none other than the former medical sennin of Iwagakure. The other appeared to be a man of study, someone who maybe studies medicine? Who knew, but he was here for a challenge.

He walked out of the hall and into the field, he locked eyes with the two combatants; a smirk drew across his face, Someone asked for a challenge? Name's Kaze Kouin.


Oct 28, 2012
It had only been a few weeks since Sunuke had decided to try and earn some money to help Yuii with the costs of living. Taking his place as a contender at the local arena was certainly a safer way of earning money than it was with going on missions and other highly dangerous jobs with low pay. At least with betting on arenas it was easy to make some money, the Nanjirou was surprised that not that many people had decided to jump in on this. It was far easier to earn a living with guaranteed opponents and knowing where they are.

Today was just another one of those days when it came to the coliseum. He was wearing a traditional robe, akin to that of some vagabonds in warmer countries. To juxtapose the look he was wearing boots that had fur inside to keep him warm. Faux fur of course... Yuii wouldn't want him wearing the real deal. On top of thag the sword he carried in a sheath dangled gently on the side of him, along with the owner walking next to him. Spirits were such clingy critters.

The roars of the crowd were already bellowing out towards the group of people who stood in the middle. He joined who he thought was his partner, the one with the sword, and nodded slowly before looking to the two in front to gauge them. One with a blindfold around where the eyes should be, and an eye where it shouldn't. And another in a hood, not really recognisable right now but a good called shot to the head or two would knock it off.

He did his usual play thing, pretending to do some dumb handseals as his spirit rolled his eyes and drew the sword for him. For those who couldn't see ghosts the sword would be floating in midair, hanging there as if controlled by the mind. Those who could, however, would see the sword was instead being held by the ghost who stood next to Sunuke.

He didn't need to talk to make his voice heard. Instead the best way to learn of someone was to fight them, this he knew. So fighting was all he needed to do to find out all about them.



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
The Announcer began yelling into the microphone once again preparing the combatants in the arena: Since we have more than quite a few of you, we're going to have you guys duke it out in a tag styled battle. Hurry now and pick your partner, because after that you'll immediately be grouped to do battle.


The instructions of the announcer were clear and before any more side chatter started Yuuto instantly looked to a partner. He saw some bozo type warriors who were you run of the mill gladiators. They'd be vetted out, but Yuuto did see an iinsteresting one with a floating sword, and the guy who just approached started smirking asking about challenges. To be honest doing a group battle this soon was definitely not going to be within the best interest of Yuuto but it was a challenge non the less.

He looked to Umashi the only person he even started conversation and lifted his finger pointing to Umashi while staring at the announcer. Yuuto would use his chakra to amplify his voice speaking to the announcer, "I pick this one", Yuu would exclaim picking Umashi to be his partner. He'd look at Umashi and shrug apologizing if it wasn't exactly what he wanted. "Got any words of advice you'd like to say before we begin?" Yuuto would show Umashi his improvised mic, funneling a very tiny amount of wind around it but enough to let Umashi know what Yuuto''s fighting style was.

Without barraging the reader with a slew of back and forth names like a tele-novela, the three eyed vagabond began speaking into his mic while sound began coming from it, almost like a combination of different instruments, and his voice overlapping. Even in this world of magical ninjas, rapping could exist.

"Tell me something"

Yuuto started mumbling the lyrics to another Kung Fu Kenny track
[Calling B-Mod]
It's in our DNA

Edit: Sent Actions


Oct 23, 2012

Wtf is happening here guys, chill! I shall be your mod for this... thing. Just send me your profiles quoted in one PM then your actions in another PM, also do remember a few things:

1) Link your jutsu in your actions (PLEASE)
2) Always say what level your using your jutsu, if its empty I'll mod it as rank 1
3) Tell me what you're maintaining in every PM you send me, if you don't mention any I'll assume you dropped it.
4) Follow the Deadline*

Normal Deadline is 2 days from now; if a longer time is desired you can both speak to me on Discord for a longer time period as long as you're both ok with it.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
When Kouin showed up, Umashi knew that the party was truly about to get started. The Pikachu loving shinobi from Kumo was one that Umashi could hardly forget. Though he was about to say something when a fourth party entered the arena. Fully letting go of his hammer, Umashi's sixth sense was triggered and instantly he decided that he didn't like the guy. Giving him a good and thorough looking over, Umashi's leanings were made valid when the guy did something to make his sword float. From his looks to his stance, Umashi was convinced that he was a samurai and with all that had happened back in Konoha, having the chance to beat up on a samurai would bring him the ultimate pleasure. Normal shinobi tricks would not further the purpose to answering the question of which class of fighter was greater. To answer that question, Umashi would have to return to his roots and to what allowed him to survive all of these years.

While he hadn't packed all of his usual gear he did have the third of the "CRTR" class single shot pistols on him and another finely crafted piece from the "Blueprint" collection. Reaching at his waist, Umashi began to pull out one pistol and then the other as he inspected them and stuffed them full of chakra buckshot. Surely it was also instructed here to never bring a knife to a gunfight, right? partially tearing off the wrapping of one bag of chakra shot with his mouth,he stuffed it in one of his pockets as Yuuto pointed the mic in his direction and asked him if he had any words to say. Smirking, Umashi sheathed one of his pistols as the wonders of chakra shot allowed for the ammunition needed for the pistol to stay in place despite gravity being a real factor. Not wanting to give away too much of his strategy, Umashi took the comical route.
"Two shinobi, a pirate and a samurai enter a bar . . . Which two are to be trusted in order to not be shot?" Without saying much more on the mic, Umashi leaned away and with one pistol aimed squarely at the silent swordsman (Sunuke), he muttered to Yuuto. "Fly like the wind my friend." With no more to be said at the moment, Umashi cocked his weapon and waited for the signal for the bout to begin.

OOC: Sending stuff.


Oct 23, 2012

HP: 51000 - 395 = 50605
CP: 30000 - 2797 = 27203
AP: 10 - 10 = 0
AP Next Round: 10
Focus Points: 3
Status: Seeing more than one Yuuto
Maintaining: Wrath Seal, Chakra Absorbtion


HP: 42000 - 1000 - 395 = 40605
CP: 33000 - 6610 - 55 = 26335
AP: 10 - 8 = 2
AP Next Round: 11
Status Seeing more than one Yuuto
Maintaining: Lightning Style, Inborn Mutagen​
Round 1!

0.00s Kouin Duelist on Yuuto, Lightning style: Surge, draws Tensai-Zentouken
0.00s Sunuke Enters Defensive and Kensei Ryu Stance
0.00s Yuuto Activates Duelist on Sunuke
0.00s Umashi activates Hasted Steps
0.50s Yuuto Enters Enchanter Style
1.00s Yuuto Enters Defensive Style
1.00s Umashi Hastes Stardust Nova and sends it to the future
1.25s Sunuke Uses Cross Rip w/ Batoujutsu on Yuuto's Arms
[Yuuto Does a hidden action! Success! Success!]

2.00s Umashi Uses Pressure Burst on Sunuke

2.00s Umashi Uses Upgrade, sends 1.5 AP to next round
3.00s Sunuke Activates Chakra Absorption
3.00s Kouin Activates Inborn Mutagen
4.00s Yuuto Does a Hidden Action
[Fail! Success! Duelist Lost!]

4.75s Sunuke Uses Temporalised slash on Yuuto

5.00s Kouin Uses Gravitational Pull on Yuuto
[Success! Its Yuuto!]

5.00s Kouin follows up with Koorikan

7.00s Sunuke Uses Kill Driver on Yuuto
[1 Miss]
[1 Hit A Clone! Knows its a Clone!]
[1 Hit, Also a clone!]
[1 Hit,its Yuuto!! 1 Hit, Crit Bleed 1, Partial, Miss, Miss, Miss!]

7.50s Yuuto Does a Hidden Action

9.00s Sunuke Activates Uncanny Dodge
9.00s Sunuke Activates Wrath Seal
10.0s Sunuke and Kouin Lost track of Yuuto!
  1. Kouin your conditional did not go off due to it requiring OOC knowledge
  2. Umashi what you did does/should not work.


HP: 42000
CP: 36000 - 2837 = 33163
AP: 10 - 5 - 1.5 = 3.5
AP Next Round: 13.5
Maintaining: Hasted Steps


HP: 42000 - 771 = 41229
CP: 36000 - 2747 = 33253
AP: 10 - 10 = 0
AP Next Round: 10
Status Bleed 1
Maintaining: Stuff​


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Yuuto walked forward with his mic as the battle began. The other groups did battle with those closest to them. Yuu and Umashi began dueling with the two that squared up with them.

“I guess the Neighbors think I'm selling dope, sellin dope... I don't want no picture with the president, I just wanna talk to the man. Speak for the boys in the bando and my ninjas never walkin again...”

He started off the song “Neighbors” by Young Cole, another great rapper in this era. His words were always laced with a tonic venom when he got to snapping. Sometimes it was your medicine and other times your sentence.

Yuuto started off the battle slow and steady, both of the swordsmen pulling out weapons extremely quick, and in response he entered the Enchanter Style increasing the power of his illusions, while going into Defensive Stance to bolster his defenses. His partner was doing other moves, using some kind of energy, it wasn't until Yuuto saw his chakra evaporate almost as if it didn't exist in the first place, to the point where it didn't even leave a trace at least not to the normal eyes of the world. Yuuto couldn't see chakra but he always had a knack for sensing it, and when temporal energy popped up (previously being a user) you could somewhat catch the drift.

However Sunuke and Kouin would come out the gates swinging at Yuuto. He expected as much, for some reason he just had a feeling they'd attack him and ignore the other guy. So he prepared for attacks the only way he knew how.

“Apologize if I'm harping again I know these things happen often but I'm back on the scene I was lost in a dream...” and with that he was already disappearing from sight, their eyes would begin to betray them as they would feel some minor pain in their heads, and would begin seeing more three eyed bandits on the field. Kouin struck blindly through it still catching Yuuto with a damned gravitational pull. That ninjutsu was becoming so tiresome, even Yuuto had it, but he was using a new strategy one he would test until he felt it was sufficient. A large icicle came barreling towards him but Yuuto was able to evade it boosting his feet with chakra and sliding away from Kouin.

Umashi began doing more subtle movements that hinted towards him building up the tempo. He tried an attack on Sunuke but it failed ultimately, leaving the floating swordsman open to attack Yuuto. His final assault of 10 slashes didn't fully connect with Yuuto evading most of the damage. So he slunk into the shadows while they simply attempted to find him through the multiple copies of him. Before fading off he said some final words.

"Careful, you're starting to excite me now...."

The tone was very high and graveled. The voice was just a memento something he wanted to leave them with before he sang any more of Young Cole.
[Sending Actions..]


Oct 28, 2012
The battle started off quick. It seemed that his partner also liked to swing swords around too. This was good because this could also be a good practice on watching others fighting styles. While this was something to watch the Nanjirou had to focus.

He started off with his styles before going straight for Yuuto, his spiritshitting a vein or artery and spraining his hand. One of his opponents tried to do a jutsu before it fizzled into thin air, causing the Nanjirou to smile a confident smile. Was this really his opponent? Seemed a little lame for a fighter.

Good job, Sunuke, Sunuke thought to himself as the fight continued.

Then the opponent went for him, in which he dodged an attack with ease. He would ignore him for a while as he focused down Yuuto.

His partner pulled him in with some kind of gravity jutsu but missed the follow through. He in turn tried to go for Yuuto with a move but somehow a bunch of clones appeared until he recognised the original, critting again.

At this point his opponent disappeared, causing Sunuke's eyes to widen while looking around the arena. Looks like he would have to wait to decide what to do next.

(Bad post on train before deadline is bad. Sending actions.)


Aug 29, 2012
The wind howled under the afternoon sun as the four combatants stood in the center of the arena. His ally seemed to be fairly adept in the way of the sword, today seemed to be a good day to learn a thing or two. Well friend, looks like we'll be teaming up today; let's not try to hurt them too badly, yea? Luckily no one here was at risk of dying; him being a captain in the village meant he had some law to maintain. Kouin could feel the low hum of amulet resting around his neck vibrating in anticipation, Soon, just a few more minutes.

As the howl of the wind died down, it appeared everyone was ready to get this show started; even the people in the stand were getting restless with the idle chatter that was going on rather than jutsu slinging and sword brandishing. The fighters also seemed to be getting antsy as they begun to take up their fighting style. I guess it is time to get started. The amulet shined in a vibrant emerald color, much like his emerald rippled eyes. Kouin would rip the amulet from his neck and an eruption of an emerald glow erupted. As the color and dust cleared, Kouin’s demeanor would be visibly changed.

In his hands was now a pair of unique weapons. He had yet to use them at all yet but now seemed like the aptest time to test drive them. The blades were a twin pair, the same yet different in every way, he was curious how the duo in front of him would stand up to it. I hope you two are ready for a shocking development because I think there is a chance of heavy showers.

In his veins he could feel pulses of radiation; he could only muster a sigh, probably a side effect from discarding his curse seal; those things always carry nasty prices, whether it’s to obtain one or to remove one. Though maybe something came from this minor radiation?

He and Sunuke locked eyes, and as if without any words they both knew who they would target first; the three-eyed caster of Kumo, Yuuto. Kouin would watch Sunuke’s moves carefully; he was a curious fighter not having yet to draw his blade, yet when he approached Yuuto with an intensity to attack, he felt he caught a glimpse of him cutting through Yuuto, but it appeared nothing happened… Interesting.

Getting his head out of the clouds Kouin followed behind Sunuke’s path and slid around to Yuuto’s backside a few feet back. With an outstretched arm, he quickly brought it to his side causing a strong sucking motion to pull Yuuto around into him. Ice enveloped his blade and followed the pull in up with a lunge of the ice spear, but he somehow caught his footing and narrowly avoided it. Looks like you have some fancy footwork, but let’s see if you can keep up. A holy light began to emit from Kouin and his blade, what could he have planned?

I’ll show you the true might of a former Hidden Mist Shinobi.

[Sending Actions]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Quite disappointed in how things had progressed, Umashi shook his head as he checked his weapon and wonder how his aim had been off. The "Blueprint" was supposed to be a collection of the finest pistols that the world had known. Seeing that his newfound ally was the target of their foes attacks, Umashi shook his head at how they could be so simple minded. To completely ignore him was probably going to be a mistake on their part but while they gave him the time, he'd use it to re-calibrate his aim and focus and switch to the "CRTR III" series pistol. It was a breeze to reload and with what he was planning, he'd need the ease of execution.

Like most battles, the pace was quick but in true shinobi fashion there was still time for trash talking in between the "rounds". Packing more chakra shot into his pistol, he eyed the formation of the two that were against him and Yuuto. Slowly he was beginning to see just what their plan was shaping up to be. A little bit more time and he'd be fully adapted to their styles of play. Muttering to himself he shook his head and checked his sights again as he lined up a shot.
"Ok, let’s run that back!” As of right now, he really needed to do something about those swords and figure out how they worked. A few more shots would tell the tale and seal the deal in his mind.

OOC: Actions sent.


Oct 23, 2012

HP: 50605 - 2907 - 10200 + 1530 = 39028
CP: 27203 - 2912 + 236 = 24527
AP: 10 - 10 = 0
AP Next Round: 10
Focus Points: 3 + 3 = 5 (cap) - 5 = 0
Status: Bleed 1


HP: 40605 - 10493 - 4518 = 25594
CP: 26335 - 4382 = 21953
AP: 11 - 9 = 2
AP Next Round: 11
Status Bleed R3
Maintaining: Lightning Style,

Black Panther
HP: 2860
AP: 2​
Round 2!

0.00s Umashi's Stardust Nova activates!
[Miss, Partial, Miss, Hit, Miss, Crit Bleed 1, Partial, Miss, Partial, Miss]

0.00s Sunuke strikes Umashi's arms w/ Lethality
[Hit! Bleed 1]

0.37s Umashi creates Wind Elemental Clones
[Sunuke sees the real Umashi, Kouin doesn't!]

0.75s Sunuke strikes Umashi's arms w/ Lethality

1.50s Sunuke strikes Umashi's arms w/ Lethality

1.82s Kouin activates Active Camo

2.25s Sunuke strikes Umashi's arms w/ Lethality

2.96s Umashi summons a Mega Blastoise

3.00s Yuuto does a hidden action
[Success! Success!] [Sunuke loses Wrath Seal & Chakra Absorption] [Kouin loses Inborn Mutagen]

3.33s Wind Clone 1 uses Wind Slash on Sunuke and Kouin
[Binds break!] [Misses Sunuke, Hits Kouin]

3.33s Wind Clone 2 uses Wind Slash on Sunuke and Kouin
[Misses Sunuke, Hits Kouin]

3.33s Wind Clone 3 uses Wind Slash on Sunuke and Kouin
[Misses Both!]

3.50s Yuuto shatters a genjutsu on Sunuke and Kouin
[Genjutsu was broken by Umashi's clones!]

3.63s Kouin surrounds himself and Sunuke in Hidden Mist

4.50s Sunuke uses Crescent Arc on Umashi and Yuuto
[Hits Umashi, Misses Yuuto]

5.19s Umashi uses Concussion Pulse on Sunuke and Kouin
[Misses Sunuke, Crits Kouin Bleed 3, blows the hidden mist away for now]

5.25s Sunuke strikes Yuuto's legs
[Crit, its Yuuto!, Bleed 2]

5.91s Kouin does a hidden action
[Kouin isn't stealth but succeeds on Yuuto!]

6.50s Sunuke uses Cross Rip on Yuuto's head

6.50s Yuuto does a hidden action

6.67s Umashi uses Kinetic Blast on Sunuke w/ Ripple effect
[All Hit! Uncanny Dodge!]

7.00s Yuuto shatters a genjutsu on Sunuke and Kouin
[Crits Sunuke, Hits Kouin]

7.25s Sunuke strikes Yuuto's arms

7.96s Genbu uses Protection of the cascades on Yuuto and Umashi

8.00s Sunuke strikes Yuuto's arms
[Hits the wall!]

8.18s Kouin creates a Storm Black Panther

9.25s Sunuke uses Cross rip, dancing blades, on Umashi and Yuuto's legs
[Crits Umashi's Wall, Hits Yuuto's Wall]

9.25s Sunuke uses his free cancel

9.00s Yuuto does a hidden action
[Succeeds on Sunuke, Partial on Kouin but its not him!]

- - May only have this technique cast upon one target at a time.
- Umashi you used 14 AP, not 13.5, so your last action didn't go through


HP: 42000 - 1184 = 40816
CP: 33163 - 9901 - 236 = 23023
AP: 13.5 - 11.5 = 2
AP Next Round: 12
Status: Bleed 3
Maintaining: Hasted Steps
Cascade Wall: 4208 - 1395 = 2813


HP: 36750
CP: 17000 - 2750 = 17000
AP: 6 - 3 = 3
AP Next Round: 7
Maintaining: Protection of the Cascades

Wind Clone 1
HP: 2380
CP: 2040 - 135 = 1905
AP: 2.5

Wind Clone 2
HP: 2380
CP: 2040 - 135 = 1905
AP: 2.5

Wind Clone 3
HP: 2380
CP: 2040 - 135 = 1905
AP: 2.5


HP: 41229 - 420 - 135 = 40674
CP: 33253 - 7420 = 25833
AP: 10 - 9 = 1
AP Next Round: 11
Status Bleed 2
Maintaining: Stuff
Cascade Wall: 4208 - 135 = 4073 - 558 = 3650​


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
One shot, two shots, three shots, four! Although Umashi found that his aim was just simply negated by the speed at which the samurai seemed to move, Having grown frustrated, Umashi pulled out his pokeball and linked it to his Blastoiseite and summoned forth his starter pokemon! had summoned Genbu to his side and with the towering creature controlling his height to fit inside the coliseum, Umashi found that hiding behind his protective wall was probably going to be the key to winning this thing. Looking at how little he was doing, the Hokage shook his head as he spoke to his old friend. "Am I getting that rusty? Back in the day I was the man homey! Now I couldn't hit the broad side of a mountain." Despite the fact that he was seriously doubting himself, Umashi perked up when he caught the flash of the signal that he was being summoned himself. Unable to call a time out in the heat of battle, Umashi shrugged his shoulders and stayed behind the barrier. If they wanted to get him then they'd have to cause a scene because he had to even up the gap. As far as he could see, him and his new friend were severely losing.

Crackling over his headset though, Umashi slapped at his ear as the static turned to a voice.
"Lord Hokage, this is your escort. You wanted me to remind you about your appointment . . ." The voice of the man who was supposed to be watching his itinerary for him reminded Umashi of the fact that he had other duties to attend to. However Umashi wasn't one to run from a fight. "I'm a little busy if you didn't notice." Umashi was brief as he noticed Yuuto rapping and beat boxing. This guy was something else! "If I may be frank sir, my Hyuuga counterpart tells me that you and young Yuuto have the clear advantage and are in the lead." Scoffing, Umashi laughed over the headset. "I don't know . . . we look pretty worse for wear. I barely scratched the guy and that's about it!" The man on the other end paused as if holding back his opinion of Umashi. "One might say that Yuuto is hitting them where it truly hurts milord." As if on cue, though he couldn't hear what Yuuto had said, Umashi began to notice the way in which his two opponents began to bend and contort in ways that weren't comfortable. Yuuto was clearly a genjutsu user!

Slapping his forehead, Umashi smirked and gave a hearty laugh.
"You mean to tell me that they're getting bodied by a singing ninja? Oh that's rich!" Umashi could hardly stop snickering as more and more signal flares began to go off signaling the end of this bout. Apparently the only way that they could actually stop a fight was to make a showy display about who all was involved in the fight. Calling attention to the fact that he , the Hokage, had an important meeting to attend to; Umashi would try to get one last word in with Yuuto before the village folk had to kick him out of the village for standing up the Raikage. "Yo, my main man Yuuto! We da best! Who? Weeeeeee ninjaaaaaa!" Impersonating one of those rappers that he'd heard about from the airwaves back in Konoha, Umashi gave Yuuto the thumbs up and turned, or rather, was firmly guided towards the exit of the Colosseum. Speaking to the escort out loud, Umashi gave his take on the bout with the sincerist honesty. "You know, I was caught completely unaware of the might of Kumogakure just now. I think that they'll tell tales of Yuuto the Otokage of Kumo and the Legendary Swordsmen of Lightning in Konoha. Mark my words, they'll never be forgotten." Ushered away before he could sign any autographs, Umashi soon found himself preparing to meet the Raikage.

OOC: We all agreed to end the fight due to time constraints and reasons via Discord. TLUS~

Thanks for modding Sanyu!!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Yuuto could feel his genjutsu sinking in on his opponents. Their apparent frustrations becoming clearer and clearer. As the fight continued, he knew that it would either end with them going all out to break free from the illusions or their imminent loss. Yuuto could hear one of them mouthing it, preparing to state "I Surrender" but they didn't have a chance before Umashi was called. It seemed like a summit for the Kage was to be had, and with that the man he was fighting alongside was revealed to be the Hokage. What an impression Yuuto must have left on him proving that they were a dynamic duo. Like brothers from another mother, and it helped they seemed to share relations via melanin. Yuuto looked at the two other frustrated shinobi wondering if they even wanted to continue fighting him. He was disappointed the battle ended early, but none the less happy that it was over. Yuuto would take his leave enjoying the way "Otokage" rolled off his tongue.

[Topic Left]

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