Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Okami's Blessing in THE FOREST :3 [Prior Kin Dev]

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Faithful Ninja
Oct 22, 2012
[This is me filling in some much needed information to get Kido to where he would be when the system comes back online.]

Hunting. A popular past time for the individuals of the Inuzuka clan within Kumogakure. Gekido and three other from his clan moved through the forest on swift uncovered feet, changing direction with a grunt at a moments notice. Their noses had them on a track toward a group of deer that they were going to fell for a feast later that night. It was at times like these that reminded the Alpha just what it was like to be outside the walls. Living off the land and moving from place to place. Not a care in the world. Truly living free. That's why he often went off on these expeditions; it was a reminder that one day the village might just stop being so isolated and open up. A hope that probably would never occur. But most hopes never did.

Regardless, the group was comprised of a skilled hunter and two subordinates, one of which whose first time hunting this was. However, for once the Alpha was not leading the pack but bringing up the rear with his ninken Judo. They were getting closer, as the smell of deer was now heavy in the air. But something else seemed to be mixed in with that scent, something dangerous... He quickly came to a stop, whistling quickly so that the others would as well. It grew eerily silent as they waited for their commanders direction. The youngest began to whine: "We are going to lose them if you don't hurry." Gekido looked to him and growled before sticking his nose into the air. He had only encountered this smell once before. Bear scat. And it was fresh. But it was to late. The roar of the behemoth pierced the silence as it's claws came down across the back of the eldest of the followers necks. Killed him instantly. "Scatter!" Gekido exclaimed and quickly jumped backward with Judo. The other subordinate did the same, but the youngest just stood in awe of the blood on the claws, and saliva in the bears jowls. "Okuda!?" Gekido exclaimed.

The alpha and his subordinate were already in the tree with their ninken when the young boy returned to conscious thought. But the bear was already on top of them. As soon as it incapacitated the young boy for later it looked to Gekido with eyes that raged. Only the Alpha was looked back with the same feral glare. "We kill it, for our family!" he shouted and descended to the ground with Judo. "Surround it!" Gekido ordered, his subordinate doing as told. The four ninken along with the two Inuzuka trapped the bear in confusion. "Judo now!" he shouted. The four dogs jumped inward to attack the legs. Both Gekido and his ally jumped in to begin their assault. But as his subordinate flew the the air, the bears strength was placed into one blind swing that hit him so hard against the head you could hear the skull crack. Dead on impact. Gekido was already on it's back, tearing it's eyes out and ripping through it's flesh with claws of his own. A battle so quick, yet three had died.

Gekido collected the bodies and placed them together, closing their eyes with his fingers. Their ninken at their side, whimpering in sadness while Judo and Gekido cursed aloud before kneeling. "Okami take these hunters souls and protect them on their journey. Use them as you see fit." he said. As he finished and opened his eyes, there was an intense pain in his own head. "GAH!?" he grunted. It felt like he was being split apart. He fell to the ground writhing as his consciousness was split apart. Minutes went by and Gekido lay unconscious. But when he opened his eyes, so did his dead companions. And to his surprise, their bodies were as good as new. When the man stood, so did they. The phenomnenon could only be explained one way. A blessing from Kami. Gekido looked at himself through four different sets of eyes and then down to each respective ninken. "If you would assist me, I believe it is Okami's wish to strengthen the Inuzuka this way." he said solemnly. The three other dogs seemed to understand immediately. "Let us return home..." Gekido said to Judo and began to awkward task of learning this new ability.

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Current Ninpocho Time:
