INPC Countess Bakunin
I had found my flowers, purple canterbury bells, in a small flower shop. After securing them I snuck my way into the banquet hall in the Nimbus Delectatio. It was empty and judging from the thickness of the dust had been empty for some time. I sat myself in one of the center tables and began to dust a bit. When I was satisfied with the level of cleaningness I began to lay out my picnic.
First were the sandwiches. I had cut them beforehand and now organized them into a neat pyramid. Then came the chips; these I placed around the sandwich pyramid and spiced with seasoning salt. To the left I placed a small bowl of cut apples and oranges. To the right I put another small bowl with dip for the chips. Finally I took out two cups and filled them with wine.
Then I waited silently for my date.