Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

On A Pilgrimage [Requesting Entrance]

Oishi Shichimenchou

Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2012



INPC Countess Bakunin

Ruri was the name. I was the Countess Bakunin, second to hold the title. My great uncle had been awarded the title for his part in inventing the modern toilet and saving future generations the hassle of having to do our business outside. Chances are that your toilet has the 'Bakunin' brand, a turkey perched on a bird house. Don't believe me? Go check your toilet, I'll wait.

I was visiting the Sand Village as part of a pilgrimage. When I arrived in Wind Country I was told that the temple of the Mango God was hidden away in the Hidden Sand Village. I was also informed that Wind Country did not use the same currency as Lightning and that I should convert my money at the nearest currency house. I of course did no such thing. Wind Country currency was, like Lightning Country currency, fiat currency and fiat currency is for Keynesians. There was nothing I hated more than Keynesians, except for heretics who worshiped the Apple God instead of the Mango God.

I waited in line to get into the village. I had my Lightning Country passport out along with my ID card.

I was still wearing my pajamas. My night cap had been eaten by a sand worm a few miles back. By this time my hair was dis-shelved and filled with sand. Before I went looking for the Mango God's temple I would take a bath and buy proper clothes. It went without saying that I would pay for the clothes with money backed by commodities, like dried mango fruit.


New Member
Oct 24, 2012
Somewhere along the gates a voice solemnly read the most holy scripture of the Mango God. Though passing heathens did reap scorn upon the faithful, any true believer would undoubtedly recognize the chapter and verse of the passage.

"And Santo Tamarindo did raise his holy Mango on high and said, 'O Lord, bless this thine Mango. That with it thou mayst stain the fingers of thine enemies yellow. In thine mercy," he preached.

Kouhantei Kouyuu was there along the village borders. Ostensibly he was there on the usual shift of patrolling and guarding. However, in the dead hours, when fewer travelers came through, he had little else to do than preach fruity salvation to the masses. He stood there on the sand, with stiff and formal posture, reading from a heavy and weathered tome. His congregation had but one member: a simple turkey.
"Watson!," he snapped. The turkey was pecking at the ground, foraging for food. "Pay attention! This concerns your immortal soul."

Watson contemplated the command, twisting his head and staring inscrutably at Kouyuu. Then carefully considering the theological and moral consequences of refusing Kouyuu's ministration, he chose damnation. Watson's attention turned to a traveler approaching from the distance. He waddled along the sand, stared deeply into her soul with his beady little eyes, and after discerning the deepest contents of her soul and essence, began pecking at her shoes and shoelaces.

Noticing the traveler, Kouyuu closed his holy book and approached her. It was time to return to the secular world and attend to his duties.
"May I help you, madame?" he asked.

Oishi Shichimenchou

Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2012
INPC Countess Bakunin

I had to stop myself from crying as the turkey attacked me. The pecks did not harm me physically, but it hurt me to see such a turkey with such bad manners. In Lightning Countries our turkeys were noble creatures. For their southern cousins to be so ill mannered... I had heard that Wind Country was a cultural cesspool, but I did not know it was this bad!

I presented my passport and identification card to the gate guard.

"I am Ruri Bakunin, Countess of Lightning Country. I request entrance to this village in order to complete my pilgrimage to the holy Mango God's Temple."


New Member
Oct 24, 2012
"Watson!" Kouyuu snapped. "You can shoeshine later. Allow our guest some space."
Watson respectfully ceased pecking the Countess' shoelaces. Her shoelaces, buckles, or whatever manner of device that secured her shoes to her feet were left untied and unfastened by the turkey. The shoes themselves however, were left remarkably clean for someone who had trekked through a sandy desert. Watson was stubbornly give and take.

Kouyuu was delighted at the traveler's mention of a pilgrimage. What wonderful happenstance it was to encounter a fellow believer. The Word of the Mango God had unfortunately yet to spread very far around the world. Encountering this good woman, he thought, was like finding a peaceful island in a sea of heathens. He lifted the holy book he was carrying and turned it upright so that the traveler might recognize it.
"It is a pleasure to meet a fellow devotee, Ms. Bakunin," he said. "If you would allow me, I would be happy to escort you to the temple. But first..."

He removed a small pair of spectacles from his coat pocket and placed them on his nose. He leaned forward, peering closely at the documents that the Countess presented. After some blinking and squinting, he was assured that they were genuine articles and returned his spectacles to his pocket.
"Your papers appear to be in order. Shall we?"
He gestured towards the village.

Oishi Shichimenchou

Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2012
INPC Countess Bakunin

"Countess Bakunin." I said. "But yes, I am a disciple of the Mango path."

My shoes, made of carnasour leather, were tied. I supposed that the turkey's actions could be excused if they were its way of shoe shining. Still, the fact that it had failed to tie the shoe laces disappointed me. Even a trainee turkey would not make such a mistake in Lightning Country. I looked at the gate guard's shoes. They were tied, so it was not the case that this was the village fashion. That was unless this gate guard was behind on the latest trends.

I took my passport back and pocketed it.

"Actually I was hoping to visit your clothing district first. I cannot help but feel like a pickle in a cucumber party with these clothes."

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
