Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

On the Threshold [Requesting Exit]


Active Member
Mar 8, 2015
OOC Rank
With the requisitioning of the passport completed, the oddly garbed 'child' made his way towards the official border gate of the village. From what he had seen, it would not keep out anyone determined enough to bypass its defenses. Scaling a wall was trivial for a shinobi of any significant capability, and siege weaponry would dismantle the perimeter wall with little effort. There would, of course, be the issue of transporting such large constructs out to this remote location, but a determined force would always find a way. Resources were somewhat scarce in the village, given its desert habitat, and so a siege of attrition would likely be enough, in either case. As random scenarios and other ideas ran through the artificial boy's mind, he approached the gatehouse and pressed a buzzer to gain the guard's attention. With luck, the post wouldn't be deserted, more delays were undesired after the routine he had already went through for the passport.

[Requesting Exit]


11th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012

NPC - "Usagi"
Name: Hinami
Age: 18
Core Ability: Steadfast
IC Rank: Jounin / ANBU Captain
ANBU Codename: Usagi

Physical Description: Hinami is small in stature with pink hair, but don't let her small since fool you. Usually wearing baggy or loose fitting clothing, one would not realize her body is etched almost entirely of muscle.

Mental Description: Hinami is quiet and only speaks when she feels it is necessary. She is incredibly perceptive with high deductive reasoning skills. She rarely gets frustrated, and utilizes her goofy mask and silent persona to get under the skin of her opponents. Due to her body, one that seems to be forged of steel, she has developed a rather teasing persona for her ANBU self, using quick remarks to send her opponents, especially male ones, into a frenzy.

Background: Hinami became a Jounin at a young age, 14. This was rather unprecedented, but she seemed to care little for the title. Her acts of valor in combat, her high intelligence and her unbreakable body gained her notoriety, but her true goal was within the masked division of Suna's military personnel. Once initiated, she was no longer the renowned Hinami, but merely another faceless worker. Her work ethic got her quickly promoted but after that her career seemed to stall, like most during the previous regime. When the new ANBU Sennin were appointed, Tenken took an interest in Hinami for a special task force, which she immediately accepted after her promotion to ANBU Captain.

As if to appear from nowhere, a small framed figure would appear before the individual at the gates. Raising up, it would be hard to discern who or what was behind the mask but the long pink hair might have given an impression that this was a female ANBU member. Her bunny mask was very child like and crudely designed, with a small staining of something red upon the lower portion of it. The bunny would talk;


If the individual answered 'yes' she would quickly follow up. Her words would be triggered upon the first utterance of an affirmative that might result in her cutting off any longer explanation or details.


Upon handing it over and giving it a check, she would make a note of all the data present in it through the use of the ANBU technique Snapshot. She would then hold it out to him but would not release it until asking one more question, one he might have tried to answer earlier but she potentially interrupted.

"Why are you leaving... planning on returning...?"


Active Member
Mar 8, 2015
OOC Rank
If Ren was started by the sudden appearance of the strangely masked person, he showed no signs of such, replying as bluntly and as flatly as she had, "Correct." He then held out the passport he had procured from the office not fifteen minutes earlier, his name signed at the bottom with a crisp and steady hand. "I am on a mission an individual in the Moon Country. The details are confidential, it was officially assigned by the village, and I expect my return within the month. I would allot two, should there arise unexpected obstacles that may arise during my trip and mission." He would take the passport back once she was finished with it, awaiting her go ahead to leave. Once given, he would reply with a flat, "you have my appreciation." He then would give her a half bow before making his way off to and through the gate.

[Country Left, unless stopped]


11th Kazekage
Oct 22, 2012

NPC - "Usagi"
Her body would remain stoic as she listened to the response of the individual. With her face hidden by a mask, it would almost appear that he was talking a statue. Once he finished, the rabbit masked female would not move but would begin her banter once more;


She would release the grip she had on the passport, returning it to its owner and once more showing signs of movement and proving she was not a statue. She would then wish him the best on his journeys and encourage him to be back promptly, avoid danger and return safely.

"One month... I'll will find you if you are late... you don't want that..."

The words of a concerned and caring person, no doubt.


And with that, the ANBU would disappear.

OOC: Granted exit / left topic

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
