With the requisitioning of the passport completed, the oddly garbed 'child' made his way towards the official border gate of the village. From what he had seen, it would not keep out anyone determined enough to bypass its defenses. Scaling a wall was trivial for a shinobi of any significant capability, and siege weaponry would dismantle the perimeter wall with little effort. There would, of course, be the issue of transporting such large constructs out to this remote location, but a determined force would always find a way. Resources were somewhat scarce in the village, given its desert habitat, and so a siege of attrition would likely be enough, in either case. As random scenarios and other ideas ran through the artificial boy's mind, he approached the gatehouse and pressed a buzzer to gain the guard's attention. With luck, the post wouldn't be deserted, more delays were undesired after the routine he had already went through for the passport.
[Requesting Exit]
[Requesting Exit]