Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time: Saturday, 15. Mar, 06:13:17

One Last Thing Before We Arrive [Tutor]


Well-Known Ninja
Jan 26, 2017
Tatsuo rose from his bed, letting out a yawn and a stretch as he looked over to Saito who was sleeping on the other side of the room. They had decided on staying in an inn before making the last stretch of their trek to Konoha. It seemed like Saito still had been sleeping, Tatsuo wanted to go over a few things before they arrived in Konoha. While he trusted those in the village there were some ground rules that needed to be set. Not at his expense, but mostly for his safety. As he wiped the gunk from his eyes and let out another short yawn he found a shirt and balled it up. Sleepy eyed he tossed it over to Saito hitting him square on the face. "Wake up kid, we gotta talk." he said as he stood up and stretching.

They shared a room whilst the ANBU had gone elsewhere with Baba. It was almost an unspoken agreement that they should be in separate locations just in case anything went wrong, but Tatsuo was almost sure that there was an ANBU nearby. He made his way over to the blinds, opening them up and letting the now rising sun pierce into the room. He scratched his butt as he turned around checking to see if Saito was up. Now that Tatsuo was illuminated enough to really get a good look at, he was wearing a long pair of cotton pants and a plain white t-shirt over it. He made his way over to the seat of his bed and crossed his arms, closing his eyes as he waited for Saito to wake up fully.

WC: 277/1500
Post Count: 1/5
"Wake up kid, we gotta talk."

Saito turned over toward Tatsuo, relieved that his sensei had finally woken up! The young boy had quietly bided his time, reading a book with the light coming through the window on the other side of the room from Tatsuo's bed. Given the older boy's tendency to shift around in his sleep, Saito couldn't be sure if the leaf ninja was awake before now. At Tatsuo's voice, the book slammed shut and the boy bounced out of bed immediately thereafter. The shirt, hitting him dead in the face in the midst of it all, barely slows his momentum as he stands.

"I'm awake! What's up, Shinrin-sensei? Breakfast I hope?" The boy asked, throwing the shirt back at Tatsuo playfully -- and missing, rather wide, despite his sensei not moving in the slightest to dodge. To say Saito could eat would be a solid understatement; the boy was ravenous. He kept himself under control, however, listening carefully to Tatsuo despite the growling of his stomach, an aspect of physical control he had yet to master. Saito himself wore a set of pajamas -- blue, with ninja stars and kunai knives all over them. Along with the matching sleeping cap.

You're not even really awake yet, sensei... Saito laughingly thought to himself upon further analysis. The older boy didn't appear to be awake as much as napping upright. The younger boy kept his thoughts to himself though as he listened attentively to Tatsuo, his excitement beginning to bubble up again. Today we FINALLY get to Konoha!

WC: 258/1500
Post Count: 1/5
Tatsuo failed to notice that Saito had always been awake prior, with a few wipes of his face it finally seemed like Tatsuo was awake enough to talk. "You--" he was interrupted by his own yawn, "You're not in trouble or anything, I just want to go over some things. I haven't been home in a while so i'm not sure how everyone will act, I doubt you'll find yourself in any trouble but if you do.. don't say anything. If you're ever in a situation where you think your life is in danger try to get to me as fast as possible."

Despite seeming calm about the whole situation his tone was stern, "Also be careful around the adults. They're generation.. is different. Some of them are still stuck in the tribalism that comes with being in a village. Not all of them are as keen about the alliance as the younger generation is. It's not to say to avoid adults, just be careful what you say and if you feel threatened make some excuse to leave and tell me about it. If someone threatens you, tell me about it. I don't care if it's a kid, or the Hokage, let me know and i'll deal with it. While you're training under me you're also my responsibility." He stopped there, before lowering his voice and making an effort to make eye contact with Saito. "And because you're my student, I won't hesitate to give my life to protect yours. So if you value my life, try and stay out of too much trouble."

Giving a few moments to let that all sink in and register into Saito he stood up and stretched his arms above his head letting out a final yawn before grinning at him. "Now that's not to say don't have any fun and remember what the Blazing Spirit is all about, sometimes the rules that are laid out for you are wrong. If you feel like something is the right thing to do, go ahead and break that rule. You may get punished, but you'll never live with the regret. Anyways, that's enough big-boy speeches for a while from me. I hear the inn does complimentary breakfast, you wanna go stuff our faces?" No matter how serious he was just moments ago Tatsuo was able to switch back into his cheerful mood like the flick of a switch. There were times to be serious, but he always hated that his sensei was always serious, any time Tatsuo tried to connect with him he felt pushed away. Even if Tatsuo was technically Saito's superior, he would always want him to know he could rely on him like a friend.

"Now put on some clothes i'm starving, i'll change in the bathroom, i've got to.." Tatsuo smirked and side eyed Saito. "Drop a log." he began to laugh at his own joke as he made his way to the bathroom to change.

WC: 771/1500
Post Count: 2/5
"You're ridiculous, Sensei," Saito giggled after Tatsuo's pun, shaking his head as the older boy found his way to the facilities. The giggling ended rather quickly once he was alone though, replaced by that thoughtful silence of his.

I think I understand what Shinrin-sensei means... Saito thought to himself as he went about changing his clothes. He knew what it was to be despised for no reason that he could otherwise control, afterall. Receiving a great deal of discipline from the monks at the monastery simply because classrooms gave him the itches and the sleepies, the boy found every excuse to escape the tedious lessons regardless. He had always known that the forests outside and the libraries inside were where he studied best, and to be punished for that always felt unfair. If someone in the Leaf wants to hurt or punish me because I'm from the Cloud... well I'll just have to do what I think is best!

As long as I don't hurt Shinrin-sensei... Saito thought a moment later, looking back at the door and cracking a smile at Tatsuo's's log pun again.

"While you're training under me you're also my responsibility." Tatsuo told Saito before he left... then paused, before specifically locking eyes wth the younger boy. "And because you're my student, I won't hesitate to give my life to protect yours. So if you value my life, try and stay out of too much trouble."

In that moment, thinking back on his sensei's words, he realized his enormous responsibility. Because Tatsuo guarded Saito with his life, it became Saito's duty to protect Tatsuo's life by dealing with tricky situations he'd encounter as an exchange student in the way of least overall harm committed. Be quick to assess if any situation is way over your head... and if it is, escape to Tatsuo-sensei. That way, you'll be able to protect each other!

He'd gotten dressed and slipped on his shoes by the time Tatsuo had finished his business, ready for another day of training, traveling, AND KONOHA!

WC = 330
Current Tutor WC = 598
Post Count = 2/5
A quick flush and a fast shower was all Tatsuo needed, he got dressed quickly and stepped from out of the bathroom stretching his arms. He had dressed into a green shirt with a red Konoha symbol on the front, a pair of black ninja pants with some bandages wrapped around one of the legs. His headband was proudly displayed on his forehead, keeping his dark brown hair out of his face. He looked over to see Saito was dressed and made his way to the door, "C'mon let's go liberate some grub." he said smirking as he patted his stomach a few times.

After locking up the room and walking down to the first floor of the inn, they were met with a very jovial environment. A few travelers already enjoying their breakfast, coupled with a small trio of musicians in one of the corners providing a nice ambiance to the area. With Saito in tow he made his way over to a table and looked at one of the menu's stacked on top of the table with the familiar set up of sugar, salt, and pepper. Tatsuo opened one and furrowed his brows a crinkle forming in his forehead as he looked over it. He quickly placed it to the side and looked over to Saito, "What are you getting?"
The menu would seem quite typical for a breakfast place, but at the bottom there was a huge advert with a giant fish on it, reading:

!!!Not a challenge for the faint of heart!!!

The Giant Fish of Takuma town! If you can eat it all, we'll put a picture of you on the wall and the meal is free, but if you cannot eat it all within an hour.. you've gotta pay up! - 9000 Yen!

WC: 1069
Post Count: 3/5
Saito quite willingly follows Tatsuo to the food downstairs, and the warm, boisterous bar environment brightens the younger boy's spirits. With spirited music playing from the corner, the room full of happy fire country citizens brought him great pleasure. THIS is what traveling is all about!

Dressed in a plain white t-shirt and loose, dark blue trousers, he pushes shaggy white hair out of his face as he took a good look at the menu. The main thought churning through his head: GET AS FULL OF FOOD AS POSSIBLE. Their party likely would not stop for rest again until they hit Konoha... and he and Shinrin-sensei might even train, so a ton of food right now seemed very much a necessity -- especially considering the currently completely empty state of his stomach!

Seeing the fish breakfast challenge, Saito's blue-green eyes go wide! A touch of drool appeared at the corner of his mouth. The boy immediately grins and looks at Tatsuo. "We could probably save some money if we do the challenge! I didn't even eat last night, I was too tired. I never saw a fish I couldn't eat in an hour!" Plus, the idea of eating that much fish really got his stomach grumbling.

The boy takes a moment to look around, to look for posted pictures of who beat the challenge! Saito looked excited -- both to eat, eat a LOT of fish, and to eat really well!

WC = 835/1500
Post Count = 3/5
"Huh?" Tatsuo said furrowing his brows as he listened to Saito's explanation about the challenge. He looked over to the menu for a brief moment before shrugging his shoulders. "You're right, I've never seen a fish I couldn't eat in an hour either.." which was followed by an audible grumble of the stomach.

It wasn't long before an older waitress approached the two boys asking for their drink order and if they found anything interesting on the menu. Tatsuo wasn't sure of the specifics of the food challenge, but he knew he would seriously down some food and if anyone could eat this fish it'd be him and Saito. "Let's do the fish challenge." he said leaning back in his chair and patting his stomach. "I think we're both starving! I'll take water though." he said with a firm nod as she grinned before calling over to one of the chefs at an open kitchen. "We got a fish challenge over here!"

Before the two boys could react everyone in the bar had turned to them, the music stopped playing. A few of the patrons began to laugh, apparently the fish challenge was mostly done for parties of five or more, it had never been attempted by a group of two. One of the chefs even made a joke to his fellow employee, loud enough for the two to hear, "Looks like we got some suckers over here. Time to make a lotta yen."

The doubt from everyone else did nothing but embolden Tatsuo. He looked over to Saito and nodded firmly, "You know what we gotta do right?" he rubbed his hands together as they brought out a massive plate nearly the size of the table they were on.

"It'll be a few minutes before it's done.." she said walking back to the kitchen to help prepare the fish challenge.

WC: 1380
Post Count: 4/5
At first, the room's reaction surprised the young academy student. The music stopped playing, the boisterous noise died, and all of a sudden all eyes rested on Tatsuo and Saito. The 9-year old boy just looked at everyone looking at him for that moment, his happy smile fading just a touch... Have we done something wrong? The Fish Challenge is okay to order, right? Maybe it's some sort of local joke... but then Shinrin-sensei would know about it! His mind began to swim with various theories, a bead of sweat running down his face. But then everyone in the room just started laughing at the two boys, joking with each other at the boys' expense about how foolish they were. The regulars and staff in the room felt confident the two couldn't complete the challenge, that the house would win their money, and that everyone would get a great show watching them attempt the impossible. It was, after all, a challenge meant for five or more people! Those boys have no idea what they just signed up for!

When he finally understood the reason for the room's change in behavior, Saito relaxed with a sigh of relief, then just smiled wider. Unknowingly resonating with Tatsuo's surging spirit, the younger boy felt his excitement for this fish challenge shoot through the roof. They didn't think Shinrin-sensei and he could do it? That just meant the two of them couldn't possibly fail! Maybe the two boys didn't know what was coming, but neither did the rest of the room! Saito and Tatsuo were HUNGRY! The younger boy's belly growled mightily just then in response to the room's laughter. Nearly beyond poor Saito's control at that point, the child's own stomach would never allow such disrespectful attitudes to go unanswered.

Tatsuo looked over to Saito and nodded firmly, "You know what we gotta do right?" he rubbed his hands together as they brought out a massive plate nearly the size of the table they were on. The young boy looked from the table back to Tatsuo, and recognized the same fire he felt within himself burning in the older boy's eyes. HAH! We're so on the same page... this is gonna be epic!

"Yup!" Saito answers, getting just as pumped for the event as Tatsuo, somehow managing his salivation. "Do our best, and make our spirits blaze bright! You'll DEFINITELY see it blaze today, Sensei!" The boy grinned, a fist clenched in front of his face. "Call it just a taste of what you'll see when you finally get to feel my strongest punch!" He then giggles and turns his wrist so that he and Tatsuo can bang their forearms together before the fish is served. "Ganbatte, Sensei!"

WC = 1,293/1,500
Post Count = 4/5
"Ganbatte!" he exclaimed while bumping a forearm into Saito's. The two had no idea what they were getting into, but Saito was right their spirits would definitely blaze bright today. After they encouraged each other, Tatsuo's head shot to the side as he heard a door being kicked open. In the chefs hand was an absolutely massive fish, it was nearly the size of Saito. Topped on a bed of rice and decorated with veggies galore. The meal could serve a platoon of shinobi with ease, more food than anyone could expect two men to ever defeat. But who were they to stand down a challenge, Tatsuo watched the fish as they slid it down. The fat chef who brought it to them smirked and patted his grease stained apron, with a hearty laugh, "Good luck boys.." pulling up his hand he stared at the watch. "Since it's just the two of you.." he grinned, "We'll give you an extra ten minutes.. starting.. now."

As if a gun had shot to start the race Tatsuo had picked up his chopsticks and began to devour his side of the fish. Bit by bit, veggie by veggie, there was NO WAY he was going pay for the cost of this gargantuan. They had an hour and ten minutes to finish the whole meal. Without even speaking Tatsuo trusted Saito with this goal, they had to win, if not everyone would laugh at them. It wasn't even as much about the money as it was the pride of the two. How could they ever return to this restaurant if they would be defeated by just a fish!

Tatsuo continued to eat and eat without an ounce of hesitation, occasionally he would glance over to Saito between chewing. "How's it going kid?" he called out from over the fish, "You better not lose your appetite now!" They had to keep morale high, they could beat this fish but only if their spirits blazed!

WC: 1709
Post Count: 5/5
It would have been too much for one of those two, almost certainly. Saito would not have been able to eat it all in an hour, probably not even in three or four hours. Tatsuo seemed impressed; maybe he couldn't tackle it by himself either -- though he'd definitely have a better chance at it than me, the 9-year old thought, respectfully granting his senior his due.

When the chef put the meal down on the table, Saito did not immediately move to pick up his chopsticks. Even when the timer started, and Tatsuo jumped in both guns blazing, Saito remained silent and still, simply... considering the problem at hand.

He was responsible for consuming one half of this meal, which could be a problem. There was a LOT of food! He couldn't just dive in, he had to plan, and consider for a moment what the real challenge was here... eat the Giant Fish of Takuma Town...

...the FISH!

"Don't eat the rice and veggies, Sensei! They're a trap!" Saito shouts, just as his mind wraps its way around just how this whole thing could be accomplished. No rice and veggies -- at least while there's still fish on the plate! The skin and meat on his half the tail side looked like it would peel or slide off the bone far more easily than the front... start there! Don't forget to drink plenty of water! One hour is more than enough time!

After that first few moments of stillness giving way for calm and strategic consideration, Saito swiftly took up the chopsticks. The *SNAP* sound they made as he pulled them apart could've been mistaken for the strike of lightning in that small but bustling tavern. He had his plan worked out. There was no way he'd lose.

"ITADAKIMASU!" the young boy announced! Before diving in. That boy ate, and ate, and ate, chopsticks working furiously but also methodically. Executing his scheme in a calm, coordinated, focused manner, his side of the fish slowly but surely began showing signs of its impending doom. Neither Saito nor his stomach would be denied; skipping the rice and veggies, the large, white skeleton of the beast on the table steadily revealed itself where its flesh had gone to the Beast within the boy.

When Tatsuo asks Saito how he's doing, Saito barely hears, responding with only a grunt between a gulp of water and another bite. Looking at the boy, Tatsuo would see that he's crazy focused! He's definitely taking this seriously, as seriously as when he practiced packing every night or worked on his jutsu for hours. It's clear that there's much more eating to do, but it's also clear that the boy's pace isn't slowing in the slightest, nor is he even wholly conscious of anything beyond the next bite each time it comes. This Giant Fish of Takuma Town... had certainly met its match.

WC = 1779/1500
Post Count = 5/5
The two were locked in combat with the giant fish, bite by bite they were lowering it. Saito's advice to not eat the rice was well received, Tatsuo forgo eating the rice and veggies and focused on the fish. A small crowd had appeared around them watching as they devoured the fish with the utmost gusto. One of the chefs began to tug at his collar and bite his bottom lip as he noticed just how fast the two boys were eating. It had been a few days since either of them had a real meal, mostly just assorted snacks they had packed for their journey. To say they were hungry was an understatement. The strategy proposed by Saito only gave them a boost which they would need to destroy the fish.

All thoughts had been lost to Tatsuo, the only thing he could think about was taking down the fish. A quick chew, a drink of water, and a swallow was the only break he would get. It was getting close to the time, the chef was looking at his watch regretting the ten minutes he gave the two, as they had about five minutes left. Tatsuo had eaten more fish than he could ever imagine, there was just a small clump left. Tatsuo lifted his arm to grab it but failed, he looked over to Saito and said "Yo-you gotta get this one." the clock was ticking, time was not on their side. The patrons of the inn began to count down, "Ten.. Nine.. Eight.." Tatsuo looked to Saito and knew he could do it, he couldn't stomach another bite, but if anyone could it would be Saito!
Saito ate that. He finished the rest of his portion and ate that last clump too, before the the crowd had counted down past five seconds. The fish completely consumed well in time, the 9-year old boy then turned to eating the rice and veggies. That kid inhaled literally all of the food on that plate, the crowd's reaction to the sheer spectacle of it may have fascinated him could he have even noticed. As it stood, he noticed nothing at all but the food, consuming everything on the plate down to the last grain of rice and yummy veggie.

"WHEW!" exhaled the boy as he stood before the table, so eager was he to devour everything in sight that he had unknowingly risen from his seat sometime before. The loud, satisfied burp he let off echoed the equally satisfied smile he bore on his face as he put the chopsticks down. "Now THAT was a fun meal!" Young Saito then put his hands together and bowed to the chef. "Gochiso sama deshita!" the 9-year old chimed respectfully!
Tatsuo grinned as one of the chefs nearly stormed out in a rage, they had won and there was no way anyone could contest their victory. The crowd broke into laughter as they noticed Saito not only finished the fish, but wanted to enjoy the trimmings. As he continued to devour the rice Tatsuo let out a burp loud enough to burst an ear drum, reaching over to take a glass of water he took a few sips before standing up and stretching. "You know.." he said letting out a yawn, "I'm not sure if it was wise to eat all that much, might make me sleepy.." followed by another yawn he shook his head a few times to wake himself up. "Welp, looks like we're about done here kid. I think we should get ready to go." He looked over to the stairway and stretched once more, throwing his arms to the side.

"Alright, i'm heading back up to the room to start packing my stuff after we're done I guess we'll go see what the ANBU folk are up to and start the last stretch of the journey. We should be in Konoha before it's dark, that's if we don't run into any more issues." he said before nodding to him and heading over to the room. His stuff was mostly packed but he had taken out quite a few things the night before, such as a change of clothes. He was really beginning to get excited, he really did miss his home and was eager to return.
The 9-year old Saito poses for the picture that will be mounted on the wall, with one foot on the chair and the other on the head/skull of the large fish skeleton. Big smile and hands on hips, the picture of he and Tatsuo (with Tatsuo looking a bit sleepy) would hang in the spot reserved for the conquerors of the Giant Fish of Takuma Town for ages to come.

"Welp, looks like we're about done here kid. I think we should get ready to go." Tatsuo said, looking over to the stairway and stretching once more, throwing his arms to the side. "That's sure right, Sensei! We're sure done here!" Saito echoed, words to which another chef reacted by growling, throwing his hat on the floor, and stomping on it. "Alright, i'm heading back up to the room to start packing my stuff after we're done I guess we'll go see what the ANBU folk are up to and start the last stretch of the journey. We should be in Konoha before it's dark, that's if we don't run into any more issues." he said before nodding to him and heading over to the room.

"Right behind you, Sensei!" Saito happily replies, following Tatsuo out of the bar and away from the remains of their great fish-eating adventure with the raucous room of patrons, the only topic of discussion in the room being the two boys and the legendary feat everyone had just witnessed. For Saito, stomach happily full for the first time since leaving Kumo, that victory already receded into the past. Without the hunger pangs, he could be excited for both training and Konoha without distractions!

[Left topic -- onto The Strength of the Shadow]

Current Ninpocho Time: Saturday, 15. Mar, 06:13:17
