Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Going Missing One, Two, Three.... Go!

This thread is marked as containing someone attempting to go Missing from the village.

Sude Reina

New Member
Mar 31, 2024
OOC Rank
Due to her recent failures, Sora had suffered catastrophic loss in strength. However, nothing had been done about her recent assault. The many faceless medical ninja readily available and lack of a more skilled practitioner proved exhausting to her state. Because of this, any amount of hope she had of quickly regaining both her strength and the strength of the leviathan sealed deep within her had all but faded. With all the death and carnage she had witnessed, as well as her lack of ability to become a Medical Ninja or at the very least a medical ninja in training, she had given up on the village she called home. What little of her strength that she had recovered had been the results of her efforts, rather than the efforts of those within the villages medical branch. This was no place for her to be and as a result, her decision was made. She would continue on her path and seek refuge somewhere else; hopefully, a place capable of helping her recover what she had lost. In the middle of the night, with the moon set high up in the sky blocked by clouds preventing it's natural illumination, Sora attempted to make her escape.

[Going Missing]
[Run Time: 1 hour (60 minutes)]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Yuna had made good sure that there won't be another incident at the gates, and thusly had visited the gates every other night, with her own operatives scouting around when she wasn't around just in case.

And what did she find tonight? The Anbu Sennin, in her anbu attire, plain mask with fake hair covering her real hair as she would seemingly appear right in front of Sora. She listened to the other one's blood flow as she made it apparent that the girl won't make it past her.

"What do you think you're doing?"


Orochi Sakura

New Member
May 14, 2023
OOC Rank
☆☆☆☆ ☆
The Spider isn’t so itsy bitsy…

“I think that it is pretty obvious where she is going. It reminds me of an old nursery rhyme about an itsy bitsy spider with dreams of grandeur. It was washed away by the impending storm of the land of lightning. Her predicament is much like the itsy bitsy spider’s, wouldn’t you agree? Seems the storm has arrived…” My cold dark glare would pierce through the runner. Unflinchingly, I stood above the stones with my hand fixed to the hilt of my blade. What will you do now little spider, now that the clouds were darkening and the drizzle began (metaphorically speaking)?

[Andu - Sentinel]
[Caught - 1hr + 45mins]


Nov 21, 2017
OOC Rank
Two ANBUs, one being the Sennin herself, had already made their presence known. It was rare, but attempts were made in the past – people causing trouble by escaping in the dark of night. There was reason to suspect ill intent if they felt the need to escape under the shelter of shadows.

Wearing his own mask and outfit, Byakko kept his Byakugan focused on the escapee, but he kept his distance. For one, the two other ANBUs had things under control, and too much interference could be detrimental. For two, if any distractions would arise from beyond their fields of vision, he’d spot them.

He got their backs.

[ANBU - Sentinel activated]
[Caught - 1hr + 45 mins]

Sude Reina

New Member
Mar 31, 2024
OOC Rank
Suddenly, a voice called out to her. "What do you think you're doing?" They asked. She had immediately been caught. At that moment, she closed her eyes and accepted the reality of the situation. Sora knew what she was doing and she knew the possibility of what could happen if she were caught, but her decision was made despite the possible outcome. The very act of attempting to leave in this manor was treason, a crime of the highest level within the cloud village. Logically, only imprisonment or death awaited her. The two options laid out in front of her offered her no true salvation; if imprisoned, there would still be no truly skilled medical ninja readily available within the village to attend to her health concerns. If killed, aside from the loss of life there was really nothing else to consider.

The path of a Shinobi; a journey filled with death, destruction, and desolation. Perhaps this was the end of this journey for Shun Sora, though like the many comrades she witnessed fall along the years, she would not falter in the face of fate. Letting out a brief sigh, she went to respond only to to but cut short as another figure had joined the fray. This one, seemingly more intimidating than the last; speaking in such an odd manor, while eerily glare straight though Sora's very essence.

Normally you'd say the situation had gotten worse, but the outcome was most likely inevitable from the start. A new addition to the party meant little at this point, though it might make this even quicker than it had to be. If by some chance Sora managed to survive this, and was placed inside of the villages prison system, she was certain even they wouldn't be able to hold her. Even if she were as weak as an average Genin these days, the cloud village had trained her well enough to figure a way out. "Hmph!" Would be the only sound they'd hear from her initially, providing them with a sense of her annoyance at the situation.

Shrugging off her doubt about her decision to blatantly, while clearly displaying her intent to simply ignore them, she turned and continued to leave. If they stopped her, it'd be a fight; even if she were clearly outmatched and out numbered.

[Attempting to Leave Topic & Village] - Clarification: Since I was caught, if allowed to leave topic/village I plan to leave lighting Country IC for all intents and purposes.
[OOC: Anyone else is free to join at this point, since I've already been caught.]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Yuna had noticed Sakura appear. Even though her anbu captain is a Human Puppet, Yuna came to train herself for situations like these, something that her father had made sure that she remembered. And then she would hear the blood flow of her other captain. But nevertheless, her full attention was on the girl before her.

An attitude on her as she decided to blatantly ignore the three as she would walk past her. A sigh would escape her lips. "We could have done this the easy way, but since you have no intent of at least talking this out, you will just have to suffer for your ignorance."

Blood would seep out of her arm and form into a sword. "Just remember, you could have done this the easy way."

(Bmod called)

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
You have found a battle mod!

Good morning/afternoon/evening to you all! I'll be your battle moderator for this battle. If you happen to have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask them. You can contact me either through NC or through Discord. Yet please keep in mind with my work I can react at odd times and vary in time.​

  • Send, in a PM on NC, not discord, your actions, and all your battle information: Stats, class, abilities, jutsu, items, weapons, etc.
    • When sending this information, I would prefer to have hyperlinked stuff or regular links. This greatly decreases the time it takes for a moderator to mod as it cuts down on searching.
    • Do NOT just link your dojo, your profile, or anything. I really want that information in my DM box.
  • Rolls are in Discord -> Bmod-rolling. This is an open channel for you all to see.
  • UBR rules do apply: meaning you have 48 hours to post and send actions.
Please be clear on your actions and conditionals, even when stating what you're maintaining.

For this fight, as there are multiple people, you will need to specify who are your allies and who are your enemies in your opening actions.

This way I don't have to do any guesswork and you don't get upset if an item is modded the way you didn't wish.
I am human which means mistakes can happen; feel free to point these out!
Let's enjoy!​

Orochi Sakura

New Member
May 14, 2023
OOC Rank
☆☆☆☆ ☆

The audacity of this runner was, to say the least, amusing. I must admit, I found her unconventional reaction to her impending demise rather intriguing. Most would have their actions dictated by their anxieties. Anxiety induced by the unknown outcomes of their failed attempt to successfully commit treason could only logically trigger one’s fight or flight response. But her… she simply acknowledged the situation with a disapproving grunt and continued towards impending doom. It was irrational, illogical, and insane… Reminds me of my mother. Nonetheless, her actions had incurred the wrath of the Anbu Sennin. Her bloodlust was so palpable that even the blind could perceive it. Perhaps this was the runners plan… could this runaway actually possess the emotional intelligence to outwit the Anbu Sennin? Was her plan to manipulate the Sennin into a frontal attack? If she was indeed this intelligent, she we need to be preserved, studied, and manipulated to my will. But first, this situation would need to be rectified. The Anbu sennin’s furry was evident and her intentions were clear. As the smartest person in the entire village, I suppose I had an obligation to act in the best interest of those who could not do so for themselves. And so, there was but one thing to do…

[sending actions]


Nov 21, 2017
OOC Rank
Hon’s Byakugan didn’t discern its appearance between active and inactive. In days past, he had trouble turning it off, but in the care of the ANBU, he’d had ample time to push his eyes to their farthest limits. It was… tough to lose one of them, though.

So his right eye wasn’t the shining blue eye that saw all, in the end… merely a placeholder.

But the moment the escapee tried to continue on their way, as if ignoring their presence, Hon felt that something was up. She was… not acting rationally, that was certain. Did she, in her own way, give up? Was she awaiting their apprehension of her?

Either way, while cautious, inaction could prove fatal as well. Just like his fellow Captain and their Sennin, he spun into action.

[Sending Actions]

Sude Reina

New Member
Mar 31, 2024
OOC Rank
Glancing back, as she heard the first voice announce that they could have done this the easy way, she smirked before glance forward and then double taking back towards the woman. An odd blood like sword would form out of nowhere from her arm, while the other seemed a bit baffled as to what was going on. Looking ahead once more, Sora cast caution to the wind and continued her attempted escape. She had no hopes for a miracle to happen; knowing damn well this wasn't some fairy tail. These type's of emotions were of no use to a Shinobi.

With her mind blank, and her heart steady, Sora had faith this situation would play itself out. Obviously the village would employee it's most talented and powerful foot soldiers at the gates, but even in her weakened state, she felt confident that today would not be her last. She had survived so much at such a young age, surely fate was by her side. In truth, Sora's story seemed to have only just begun. There road to regaining her lost strength was one that would be filled with adversity, tough decisions, and time. Her decision to leave, rather or not it was made in haste, was simply her way of forcing progress. If left alone to write her own story, she would go on to become a mercenary; gather funds to afford treatment and research into what exactly happened at a molecular level. By doing that, perhaps everything could be reversed and she'd have access to the leviathan's strength that she so desperately needed in situations like this.

[Wc: 250][Marked For Training]
[Actions Sent]
Last edited:

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
HP: 5200 - 5840 = - 640HP
CP: 4200

AP: 10
Next round: KO.

Maintains: KO
Status: KO
HP: 39600
CP: 36000

AP: 10
Next round: 11

HP: 40200
CP: 40800

AP: 10
Next round:

HP: 42000
CP: 36000

AP: 10
Next round: 11


What happened?
0 seconds - Sora used 0 ap for a shrug emote.
0 seconds - Orochi is pre-equipped with a mechanized form!
0 seconds - Yuna equips Crimson using Initiative.
0 seconds - Yuna enters a Divinity’s edge physical Style using Initiative.
0 seconds - Honnou equips Kitsune-sama's Shinobi Prosthetic Arm - Type Two through quickdraw.

0.5 seconds - Honnou goes into a gentle fist, physical style.

1 second - Honnou’s Hakumei Byakugan became active.
1 second - Honnou enters a lightning chakra style.

2 seconds - Yuna’s Genatic implant became active.
2 seconds - Honnou casts a mask summon on himself.

2.75 seconds - Yuna uses a multi-hit combo with Jutsu expansion against Sora.
46 vs. 20 Hits
665 dmg
50 vs. 23 Crit hits.
1.330 dmg
Bleed rank 1.
1% dmg bleed rank 1 = 520 Dmg.
50 vs. 12 Crit hits
1.330 dmg
50 vs. 17 Crit hits
1.330 dmg
31 vs. 24 Hits.
665 dmg

Total damage 5.840 dmg.

2.75 seconds - Orochi uses a ninjutsu technique against Sora and herself.

3 seconds - Orochi’s stealth check against everyone.
[ 28 vs. 34 ] Hon is aware
[ 34 vs. 28 ] Yuna is not aware
[ vs. ] Sora is KO.

3.5 seconds - Honnou tries to enter the arena jutsu.
[ 41 vs. 43 ] Honnou failed to enter.

4 seconds - Orochi uses ninjutsu technique.

4.25 seconds - Yuna tries to enter the arena jutsu.
[ 27 vs. 38 ] Yuna failed to enter.
5 seconds - Honnou tries to enter the arena jutsu.
[ 38 vs. 41 ] Honnou failed to enter.

5.75 seconds - Yuna tries to enter the arena jutsu.
[ 32 vs. 33 ] Yuna failed to enter.

6.25 seconds Orochi uses a ninjutsu technique.

6.5 seconds - Honnou tries to enter the arena jutsu.
[ 26 vs. 38 ] Honnou failed to enter.

7.25 Yuna tries to enter arena jutsu
[ 38 vs. 38 ] Tie, Yuna wins, and Yuna is now inside the Arena jutsu.

Yuna ran out of AP to do anything else.

8 seconds - Honnou tries to enter the arena jutsu.
[ 31 vs. 27 ] Honnou wins and is now inside the arena jutsu.

Hon ran out of time to do anything else!

Sora KO. Since death battle due to gate battle fight still going.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Yuna would not hold back. She merely shook her head at the impassiveness of the girl when facing her own demise. The Anbu Sennin had to admit. She's seen more self-preservation from a wild animal than this girl. One trained eye can see that the girl would not have the capacity to fight a skilled ninja, much less three. Her bloody sword transformed around her hands to form gauntlets as she rushed in and within seconds, knocked the girl out.

She would walk forth, closing the distance only for... Something to stand in between them? She doubted that the girl had enough power to still stand, especially since the Sennin had aimed at hit vital weak points on the body. Nevertheless, she would eventually break into the arena and would be followed suit by Hon. That left... She would let out a sigh before approaching the girl, healing chakra would fill the Sennin's hands as she would let the chakra flow to the failed missing ninja. She would only heal so much to be able to keep the girl conscious as questions were asked, enough for her to stop the girl should she try anything else. But in the end, it would be entirely on the girl's body. Yuna herself is no medical ninja prodigy. That was her father. No.
Once the other girl gained consciousness, Yuna would speak,
"Tell me. What did you even hope to accomplish by trying to abandon Cloud?" Whether or not the girl spoke, Yuna would get up and focus on her surroundings. She didn't sense Sakura here, but that doesn't mean that she isn't. "Wednesday. Give me your reasoning for isolating yourself with the would-be missing ninja? I will listen to your reasonings and then decide what to do with you. Just be glad that it wasn't my predecessor that is in charge for they would have immediately pointed fingers and attacked you." Yuna figured that this would be the best course of action. She is willing to listen and not go out and be overdramatic as Miro was. Yuna had seen the reports in the ANBU files made for Miro about how the Sennin acts. The first one, regarding a Yamamoto Maru and a Mizu and Xaiyu, Yuna had surmised that Miro had a hatred for all kitsune folk to the point of outright hostility. And another being her father, in which he had received hate from her because of his recent forced change into a Kitsune and then basically stood up to her.

Yuna had that fierce look in her eyes as she looked around, but also an air about her, one that would tell anyone that she is more willing to give people a chance than the previous Anbu Sennin.

(using Mystical hand (mastered) on Sora if battle is off.)
(If Sakura wants to have this fight continued, then actions sent, but otherwise calling it off, giving Sora the Victim's choice)

Orochi Sakura

New Member
May 14, 2023
OOC Rank
☆☆☆☆ ☆
“I’m standing right here.”

With arms crossed and a dark glare, the Anbu Sennin would find me standing right beside her. I hovered over the runaway’s unconscious body as my Sennin began to question my motives. Before addressing her questions, there was a more pressing matter—the mystery to be solved, the equivocal "why." This runner had committed treason, challenged shinobi far beyond her caliber, and yet did not put up a fight. My cold stare bore into her unmoving form.

“It was suicidal. Because, she wanted to die… fascinating.”

Darting my eyes back to the Hon and then the Sennin. Perhaps there was more at play or perhaps the girl was just ill. This occupation wasn’t suited for just anyone and perhaps the riggers of death and espionage proved too much for the girl. Regardless, what awaited her now was the same as death. Turning my attention strictly to the Sennin. One good question deserves another. And so I would utter my response with a question of my own…

“You wish for me to explain why I secured a perimeter and preserved a crime scene? Or do you wish for me to explain why I prevented two Anbu operatives from using excessive force on an already unconscious and subdued perpetrator who maybe suffering from mental illness or psychological trauma? Contributing to the further erosion of the shinobi and villager’s relationship. Shall I explain why the head of diplomatic relations, effectively does the job you appointed her?


I’ll have my report ready by the morning.” Like most, she may not appreciate my particular bluntness. But it was without doubt that I was good at my job… no, the best. Admittedly, I am a hard pill to swallow and I act as if I don’t care if people dislike me. Deep down… I secretly enjoy it. Placing a headset over my crown, I’d contact the team most suited for the occasion. It was a kind gesture to have your assailant attempt basic medical ninjutsu but these injuries required professional care. It would have been much worse if I were not here. “Medical CORPs, please send a representative to the gates. We have a suspect in custody that is in need of medical attention.” Folding my arms once more, I would wait for the med team to arrive or to be addressed further.

[Victim's choice concurred]

Sude Reina

New Member
Mar 31, 2024
OOC Rank
Every story has a beginning and an end, but it's the journey in between that matters the most. Tragedy, Drama, Adventure, and Mystery; these a but a few possibilities in a wide variety of choice and preferences when delivering the end product. Sometimes, things don't go exactly as planned but that is the harsh reality of life. For Sora, she was already in a weakened state and seemingly months or years away from regaining what was once lost. While he motives may have been unclear to most, it was her objective to leave the village in hopes of finding someone or something that might immediately solve her situation. Rather it had been medical attention from a more advanced and skilled doctor of another village, or perhaps even a shaman within the shadows of the worlds more illicit scenery.

Still, her decision to leave the village without permission had severe consequences. She would either die or be imprisoned, and while it would have probably been an enormous task to escape the village's prison system and eventually solve her problem, that was not what fate had in store for her today. While she took no action against those who pursued her, their onslaught of attacks proved to be more than she could endure. Already weakened from being previously assaulted by radioactive Chakra, the bombardment of physical pain and stress placed upon her took it's toll.

Her vision grew faint, as the world around her seemingly turned to black. Her mind, filled with nothing but the desire to escape, soon began to fade to nothingness almost as if someone or something had simply pulled the plug. This was the end for Sora.

[Wc: 250+][Marked For Training]

  • [Victim's Choice]: The winner gives the victim(s) the option to choose whether to live or die and lose the character.
    • Loser(s) of modded combat can either choose Live or Die under the Decision of the Vanquished

Decisions: Victims Choice - Die.


Nov 21, 2017
OOC Rank
There was something seriously odd about all of this. Yuna knocked the would-be escapee out real quick, so even though crackling lightning began escaping his skin, Hon knew the clash was over. Still… how? Moreso, why? There was something up with her. Was she under a Genjutsu?

He should che- oh, wait, something separated them now. From the flow of chakra, tracing it back to its source… it was Wednesday. She was far more delicate dealing with other people, as per her position as leading diplomatic affairs, but… like, she could’ve at least given a heads-up. Hon faced that barrier, quite literally.

“I’m not going to discuss the mentality of someone truly suicidal… I know too little.” Hon didn’t want to be a dick and assume stuff about the escapee or their issues… but man, did it feel fucking sour. Painful in the eyes, too. Orochi even had a point…

Even if he was late, why did he aim to kill? Little or lot, his hands were ready to draw blood – that was the truth… was that how any escapee should’ve been treated? Or was he still influenced by Mirō’s leadership? Was it even her fault to begin with? Or did Ziren’s words fly over his head again?

“…” His Byakugan could easily see through the chakra construct – but it surprised him that chakra quickly faded away from the escapee, until… nothing was left. Upon a closer look, he saw chakra damage in many places – her system, entirely, was out of order. Many lines between her Tenketsus were… burned away. She was like a walking corpse? How on earth did she stay alive until now?

The medical corps was going to figure that out, anyway. What bothered Hon the most… there was nothing she could reveal or share outside of Cloud’s borders with a condition that severe. Was their medical system lacking? It couldn’t be… his arm was thanks to them. His eye, too… he must’ve overlooked something.

And it cost this girl her life.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
"Very well." Yuna would say. She understood what Sakura was saying, though she should have given the two a more of a heads up. Her ears behind the mask pricked at the sound of... No, at the lack of the sound of a blood flow. The girl that was before then had passed away.

She also had listened to Honnou's blood flow. She might not be as good as her father when using the blood flow to discern how a person is feeling, but she could also tell that his silence he might need some talking to. "Wednesday. I leave her with you. Do take care to honor her body. I may have been the one to deal the killing blow, but a respect for the dead is still needed. Byakko. If you need to talk, I'll be at HQ."

And with that, she would take her leave.

(Topic left unless stopped)

Orochi Sakura

New Member
May 14, 2023
OOC Rank
☆☆☆☆ ☆

By a twist of fate, the girl did not survive her ordeal, carrying her secrets to the grave. Such mysteries intrigued me deeply. With the Anbu Sennin's permission, I would be responsible for the burial arrangements, the autopsy, and, most intriguingly, the harvesting of her organs. My attention turned towards the other Anbu Captain as a flick of my finger disarmed a concealed puppet trap. With precision, I manipulated the chakra strings, disassembling the puppet to form a makeshift operating table. The urgency of the situation necessitated immediate action; the organs had a limited window of viability postmortem, and prompt harvesting was essential.

I was likely better prepared for this task than any of their medical personnel, save for the Medical Sennin. Summoning my harvest puppets, I revealed an array of tools, vials, trays, and equipment, transforming the area into a rudimentary field hospital. My storage puppets released cold vapors upon opening, ensuring the organs would be preserved effectively. As I gazed upon the lifeless would-be defector, I reflected on her choices. She had betrayed her village for reasons unknown, but in death, she could still serve and restore her honor. There was always a need for hearts, kidneys, and other organs, which would significantly benefit transplant procedures and medical research.

The other captain remained mostly silent, the ideal companion for this somber task. However, understanding the importance of social protocol, I reluctantly addressed him, "Did you know her? Perhaps you would like to say a few words before I begin. If so, please be quick. I need to quarantine the area before starting, and time is of the essence."

[topic left with Sora’s remains]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
