Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time: Saturday, 15. Mar, 03:32:01

Oops, I exploded! [Open]

Hase Aki

New Ninja
Jun 28, 2017

A scream bellowed outside the academy as she ran around the courtyard outside in circles, hands palm inward, but as far as she could get them out in front of her. She was running and running, terrified at the sight on her palms. There where mouths front in center on her palms, bearing teeth in a big smile. She had never seen them before, and they were freaking her out big time. It had started that morning with an itchy set of palms she expected was because of an allergy to the phosphorous she was playing in, but never did it occur to her that mouths were slowly forming on her hands. Then when she went to brush the hair out of her face, some of it had went missing. That's when she discovered she had these weird things on his hands, and it immediately struck a panic. She ran to the one place somebody might understand, the Academy where she had enrolled recently, but her thought process ended there, and so she was left running in circles as if she was waiting for someone to notice and just inquire.


She exclaimed as she fell to the ground, using her hands to catch herself before she hit the ground with her face. She could feel them shift and began to devour the very dirt itself and as she stood back up, she noticed them wiggling about, as if chewing. Scooting back away from them, as if she could escape her own hands, she yelped. Then she had a genius idea, she would just burn them off of her hands. She loved a good flame anyways, and it would surely solve the problem. So she carefully ran through hand seals as to not lose her own fingers, and took in a breath to shoot out every Uchiha's favorite skill, but instead what she did was vomit some kind of clay tasting material and it roll of her hands onto the ground. She sat in shock as she looked on at what had just been essentially birthed out of her body. She scooted across the ground on her knees at it, getting close and poking it. As she did, it erupted into an explosion, rocking the front of the Academy, possibly breaking the close windows with the force of the blast. It kicked up a dust cloud, like a small nuke had went off, and as the dust cleared and the smoke blew away in the wind, she lay there with scrapes all over her face and arms, dirt covering her, and her laying almost unconscious.

"Wh-whyyyyy~" She stated weakly, as she looked at the hands. They had gone dormant, the mouths in her hands becoming noticeable, but small, slits in her hand. Like self harm cuts that had never healed. As she lay there, half awake from the concussive force, she thought to herself one simple word, "Open..." and they did. Toungues coming out of both hands and lapping up the blood and dirt from her palm. She could control them to some extent. She didn't quite understand how, or why she had this deformation in her body, but she would have to find out. She'd have many questions, and hopefully someone would be along soon to not only help her find out, but to help her get up and possibly give her a band-aid for twenty.

[Bloodline RP WC Total: 595]
[Join me join me!]
Being in the academy was quite the experience for Hoshirei. She hadn't been much liked when she first journeyed through these walls and had mostly avoided the building ever since. Every now and again, she would stop by to say hello to the ghosts that inhabited the building. She still remembered one ghost that would yell lessons at students, trying to correct their form or correcting answers. He had been easy to help move on, he just needed someone to listen to his teachings for a while. Hoshirei had helped the man while she was still an academy student herself, though she was careful to not pick up any bad habits from the ghost.

She was giggling at the antics of a living squirrel when a young ghost ran up to her babbling about something. It took a moment to get the little ghost to slow down enough to understand the girl, but the ghost's words provoked action even before the explosion occurred. Girl spat out clay after screaming at her hands. The explosion made the earth tremble slightly and Hoshirei quickly made her way to the front of the building.

Once there, she saw a dust cloud settling around a singed girl staring at her hands and asking why in an almost pitiful tone. Hoshirei started walking toward the girl when a ghost ran into her from behind, almost knocking her face-first into the dirt. Heard an explosion! How beautiful! Oh, I almost knocked you over. Hello! It's a new one like me!
If it's not, I'll sew my mouths shut!
<i></i> The ghost stuck out his tongues, all three visible at least.

Hoshirei rolled her eyes a bit and continued making her way forward. At least she had a good guess as to why the girl was freaking out now, with a ghostly Toujigikou hovering over her shoulder. He ran into her back again and Hoshirei ignored it. The third time, however, she rounded on the ghost with a glare. She was close enough now for the girl to hear her speaking to the ghost. "Look, I know you're excited. I would be too, but she can't see you and you can't pass through me like any other person you probably ran through on your way here. So chill! You have your entire afterlife ahead of you, but I can and will hit you if need be!" she scolded with a finger pointing at the visible-only-to-her ghost.
"Look, I know you're excited. I would be too, but she can't see you and you can't pass through me like any other person you probably ran through on your way here. So chill! You have your entire afterlife ahead of you, but I can and will hit you if need be!"

She reared her head back so she was looking at this lady, near enough to her to hear, and let out another exasperated sigh as her long colorful hair sat against the ground, splayed out. She got to her feet, ever so slowly, trying not to touch her hands to anything, and once on her feet, stuck her hands out to show the lady. The tongues where sticking out and wiggling about suggestively, but she didn't mean it to be happening, it just was. She'd walk toward the woman, a look of dismay upon her face.

"Listen crazy lady, I have mouth hands and I need you to not be talking to yourself right now so you can rip them off. They've already eaten part of my hair, some of the ground, and a small bunny." she made the bunny part up.

"Please, concentrate on my problem and they we can fight your senile brain!" she offered, quite cheerily all of a sudden, a compromise, though she mispronounced. She would help the old hag in front of her return to a time when her brain wasn't mush, and she would get her hands lopped off, or whatever it was that would be the answer to fixing this nonsense.

[Bloodline Total WC: 855]
The girl called her senile. What was the world coming to when young shinobi just called another one senile. If she was psychotic as this young one said, there would be a good chance of her going off on the little thing in front of her. With a sigh, she turned to face the young girl again, the ghost finally settling down and actually apologizing for his exuberance. Once Hoshirei looked the girl in the face, a serious look graced the Isaki's countenance.

"Lesson number one, don't call a random shinobi crazy. It could get you killed one day. I am not crazy, I can just talk to ghosts and phase through stuff like walls. As for the mouths on your hands. They won't come off without a mednin doing the job and I would advise you to not do that until you understand what you would be doing to yourself.

"I was talking to a ghost of someone with the same ability as you."
She paused for a moment, listening to the ghostly man. The few seconds of silence saw her face gaining a slightly annoyed look. "Yes, yes, explosions are pretty. Now could you please get to relaying to me how she gets her extra mouths to not eat everything in sight? Oh? That's a long answer, how about a shorter one until she can study more about it? Ah, well, that could do it," she nodded in thanks to the ghost and turned back to the girl.

"First thing you need to do is take a deep breath, a couple of them as slow as you can. Then concentrate on keeping them closed. Apparently you'll need to find the best material to feed them or they'll run wild like they are right now. New mouths will eat basically anything, so you have to teach them what to eat."

She glanced over at the gho- great, he moved on.
"Lesson number one, don't call a random shinobi crazy. It could get you killed one day. I am not crazy, I can just talk to ghosts and phase through stuff like walls. As for the mouths on your hands. They won't come off without a mednin doing the job and I would advise you to not do that until you understand what you would be doing to yourself."

She blinked confused. What exactly was wrong with what she said, she was after all talking to herself next to a small crater.

"I was talking to a ghost of someone with the same ability as you."

"Oh, not crazy just ghosts....ghoooosts" she mocked every so slightly, with a bit of a weeeewoooo tone to it.

"First thing you need to do is take a deep breath, a couple of them as slow as you can. Then concentrate on keeping them closed. Apparently you'll need to find the best material to feed them or they'll run wild like they are right now. New mouths will eat basically anything, so you have to teach them what to eat."

She took a deep breath, getting ready to explode a bunch of questions at her.

"Are ghosts really real? What material is appropriate to feed hands? Drawings? How do I know when they like it, can I taste through them? Do I get full if I give them food? Can they talk? What happens if they're removed? What happens if they eat another person? Can I make them make out? Is that weird? What time is it? Can I have a band-aid I'm getting woozy and lost a lot of blood I think." and this whole time the mouths were calming, closing themselves up. It was working, though perhaps not in the way that was expected. Though she was very woozy, and her eyes were a bit droopy. She had just exploded after all.

[Bloodline Total WC: 1,176]
Hoshirei couldn't help but blink at the child before her. Instead of the girl trying to calm herself and focus, she basically exploded with questions. At least she didn't literally explode again? Yeah, probably a good thing that she didn't actually explode again. But the questions presented to Hoshirei were ones that she could no longer answer. She internally swore that if the ghost was still here, she would have turned more ethereal just to see if that would allow her to punch a ghost.

"Uh... I can't answer all of your questions. The ghost left, you see. But, well... I can answer a few," Hoshirei paused to clear her throat, trying to begin answering the inquiries. "Yes, ghosts are real. Not many people can see them and they can't really interact much with the physical plane of existence. I am unsure what they usually eat, though through his babbling, he did say something about earth and rocks being most common. I probably wouldn't recommend making them make out, though I don't know if it's impossible. Any other answers, I'm afraid will have to come from the library."

She did notice that the mouths on the girl's hands closed up for the most part, probably as a result of the young one's focus on something other than her hands, or perhaps just exhaustion. "You should probably get some sleep, young one. Or at least some food. Tell you what, after you rest, head over to the library and see what you can find out about Toujigikous and if I find another ghost of one, I'll come find you. Sound like a plan?"
MFT; WC: 272
[Topic Left]
"Uh... I can't answer all of your questions. The ghost left, you see. But, well... I can answer a few," Her cheeks puffed out like an angry anime character. "Yes, ghosts are real. Not many people can see them and they can't really interact much with the physical plane of existence. I am unsure what they usually eat, though through his babbling, he did say something about earth and rocks being most common. I probably wouldn't recommend making them make out, though I don't know if it's impossible. Any other answers, I'm afraid will have to come from the library."

She gasped, as her anger face turned to an scared face.

"My worst enemy, books" she said in a dire tone. She would have to sit still and read, the worst thing to happen to a girl that just looked like an explosion waiting to go off.

"You should probably get some sleep, young one. Or at least some food. Tell you what, after you rest, head over to the library and see what you can find out about Toujigikous and if I find another ghost of one, I'll come find you. Sound like a plan?"

"Sounds like a plan! I'll run home right now and eat all the sweets, and then have nap time cause I guess I feel tired, but don't tell anyone, it'll ruin my street cred! If I don't see you again before I graduate, let's meet up when I'm whatever comes next!" she said, giving them a goal to meet either way. She would wave, the mouths closed but the tongues still kind of peeking out as she ran off to go eat her family business's delicious treats. She wouldn't forget the kind, lying about ghosts, shinobi that had helped her find her way.

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Time: Saturday, 15. Mar, 03:32:01
