Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Private Plans of action

He stood in front of the door... No matter how many times he had gone through this door. This time it felt different, he had a healthy set of rose-colored cheeks and his mind was just filled with this one person. "Excuse me!" He pardoned himself inside, twisted the knob of the door, and entered the office before closing it, with his back towards the person in question. That was till he turned around and kept one hand at his back. "G-good afternoon Keiji-san." He was still shy in this whole manner, despite the weeks that had passed now. His hip had been fully healed by now and he soon was found standing there with a big goofy grin and rosy cheeks. He felt happy and his heart could almost pop out of his chest too.

[pvt. topic for Keiji]
The paperwork seemed endless, and his companion Hitomi had done little to assist except providing logs and further detail to each paperwork needing to be done. Sure, it helped making his work more detailed and ultimately better. But it didn't really help with making the sheer amount of work any less, in fact it seemed to do the opposite, just adding further complexity, not unnecessarily mind you. Alas he closed his eyes and took a deep sigh as Hitomi took the last gulp from the tea cup that rested on the table in front of her. Then stretching valiantly like a gazelle after a long run. "I'll go for a quick run" she with a stretched out body, then jumped down from the couch and promptly jumped out of the window, swinging on the windowsill to slow her fall and adjust the angle.
You would've thought she was running from something with that speed. He decided not to think too much on it and let his gaze turn back down to the papers on his table.

But then. The second he sensed someone by the door, he lifted his head to acknowledge whoever would step in, hearing the voice as they grabbed the doorhandle had him already setting aside his paperwork and standing up as his eyes met with Nao's.
As Nao turned to face the door, and promptly turned around Keiji had made his way in front of him, standing eerily close, he saw the flushed cheeks and smile slightly as he reached up his hands to caress the neck of Nao, and then further up to hold his cheek in his palms, then urging his head forward he proceeded to plant a proper kiss on Nao's lips.

Letting the moment be there for a second or two, he pulled back, "Missed you" Not even letting Nao say anything in response he turned around again and sat down on the couch, with a smile on his lips. "Come on and sit, what's on your mind? You seemed to have something on your mind as you walked in, sorry if I just reset your mind a bit." He wasn't really sorry, he loved messing with Nao like this, it was fun for him. But in honesty he just loved seeing Nao's reactions, the little flicker of his eyes, the red blood cells gathering around his nose and cheeks, the way Nao's lips kept being licked and suckled on after a kiss, he found it almost endearing to do it again just to see his body adjust and angle itself whenever they were close. A warmth within him always seemed to blossom when they were close. Maybe Nao had the same and Keiji just hadn't realized he was doing the exact same things as Nao. It's hard to know exactly. In those moments he felt himself sort of vanish within his emotions.

It was a good feeling, one he admittedly dreaded to ever lose.
As Nao got in, he gathered some more nerfs of steel to tell Keiji certain things that had transpired. ' You can do it... You have to be honest with him anyways-- If you want to continue on, you have to tell him. Hey, Keiji! So remember when you helped me those weeks ago? That is always around with me, I am not even sure... No... not like that... That will most likely just scare him away. Uhm... Keiji-san, I need to talk... No... not like that either, what if he thinks that he had done something wrong? Keiji- I need to discuss something with you... What if that comes over as he did something wrong with work... I do not want that! Gah- This doesn't make things even easier!!' He could almost smack himself on the head for how much fighting he was in his head.

Just as he turned around, Keiji was so close. He was so close that his heart skipped a beat and all the thoughts he had prepped himself with just moments before- were now all useless. His eyes widen up as he saw how close Keiji was, the hand in his neck almost could give him goosebumps, it felt good that he even looked into Keiji's eyes before the kiss was planted. Nao was, to say the least surprised, pleasantly surprised mind you. But just as he was closing his eyes and leaning a bit in... Keiji seemed to have pulled back leaving him a bit pouting as he saw Keiji walk away. His eyes were looking slightly annoyed at him, the color on his cheeks only had gotten worse and he crossed his arms. He did not agree to that one... Nope!

He let out a sigh before he would close in again if he wanted to play it that way... Then he would do to- Without asking he just attempted to sit down on Keiji's lap, knowing well that he didn't weigh that much so it shouldn't be a problem, or so he thought. "J-just a bit...." he muttered as Keiji had asked if he did or didn't reset his mind a little. "S-so.. Uhm..." He had to think as to why he did actually come here and was reminded by the bandage around his hand. "Ah-! Right-! Keiji! There is something I haven't told yet!" He turned a bit on his lap as he looked towards him, being all serious all the sudden with the blush slowly settling in.

"First things first... I had been an idiot again-- but it is being fully tend to! No problems about that!" And he showed his hand proudly to the other... This was a different scenario than the weeks before with his hip at least. "And second... Uhm... that thing where you found me in those weeks ago... that thing that we keep our secret... Uhm... I kinda had that life long... it may or may not have worsened over time.. and Uhm... In the basement, I keep whole research about it- but I cannot seem to find a cure..." He would look a bit defeated and would lean in against Keiji if he was allowed, basically placing his head on the other shoulder. "At first I didn't care... but.. then I met you..." And he nuzzled his nose against Keiji's neck. Payback time... "And... now I kinda want to change that... I want to be longer around- do more things." He would give a soft kiss on his neck and place his arms around Keiji after. Payback is done. "J-just before you will check out vitals... my heart won't stop beating as fast.. so don't check that now.." And there he was too embarrassed to look him in the eye for now and hid in his neck.
Nao had looked as defeated as he had expected, but quickly shifted pace and settled his bum upon his lap. Unexpected, but pleasantly surprised. He opened his arms and embraced Nao within and held him close so their bodies were sharing temperatures, he could feel the pressure and the words Nao was holding back in, like small tense muscles within his body. This concerned him, but he maintained his composure and awaited what Nao had to say whilst being held close.

His words came and went, Keiji couldn't help but scowl slightly upon hearing first off he had gotten himself hurt again, but also, that he has a life-time illness that had remained untreated, or at least unsuccessfully so. Even mentioning the research in the basement made it seem like Nao had been wanting to tell Keiji before in the past, during these last few weeks since he had assisted Nao that one time.

That kiss though, jitters was sent through Keiji's spine and he could feel his own body tense up for a brief moment. A gleeful smile crept upon his lips, reciprocation of this nature was unfounded for Keiji and his past partners in life. It soothed his soul he sensed. This he didn't want to give up.
"I guess.." he said as he squeezed his arms around Nao's waist tighter, leaning his head close onto Nao's "We'll just have to try and look through that basement of yours together then." He kissed the forehead of Nao's briefly, then continued as he leaned back so he could look into Nao's eyes.

"You mind if I move in with you?" His eyes were serious, but within a second he realized how his words might have come off, just out of nowhere, then stilted, and stammered he added "Uh, until we find a way to get your illness sorted of course!"
Then releasing one of his arms from Nao's waist he scratched the back of his own neck and blushing slightly with his eyes looking to the side, "Unless of course you want me to stay over, or whatever.."

His other hand was holding tightly without squeezing Nao's waist, his legs were holding up Nao's light weight they were sitting as close as anyone possibly could, he could still feel the touch of Nao's lips on his neck, it felt soothing. But his heart had settled due to the seriousness of the topic, even though his hormones and bodily functions was combating his bodily needs, it was an internal struggle that nobody could describe but he felt it, right in this moment. There was so much more he would want to do with Nao that didn't involve such a critical topic. But it had to be said at some point. Now was as good a time as any he thought to himself.
He lay against Keiji and... he actually felt safe in his arms like nothing could get him here. It was a reassuring thought for himself as he smiles softly at his own thought of that. He was proud that he finally found someone like this... "Sai told me.. that another version of me had it too.. he is better at explaining then I am... But I still haven't even found out what it is exactly... I know that.. The symptoms are very different depending on my body... and the strain of it of what I had been doing..." He would sigh a time before he felt Keiji move under him, he pushed himself a little off, thinking it was him getting a bit heavy for him to support.

Yet as Keiji looked over in his eyes, he himself looked up rather curious. Halted in his movement as Keiji's hand remained on his waist. Then the words followed from Keiji and his eyes widen, his mouth dropped a bit and he sat straight up again. ' D-did I hear that right? I heard that right, right? move in... with me... t-that is like-- next step! What would mom say... no wait; mom isn't around... dad..? No bad idea... he would scurried it off probably... what would I say?! what would I say... Of course! ' He repeated the words a few times over in his head before he noticed he didn't even reply.

Nao smiled bright and out of habit he somewhat hid it by pretending to scratch his nose. "Of course you can move in! I have enough room, enough food if you want we can- s-share.." And that is where his mind was already a bit further ahead and he got red in his face. "my- room is big enough if you want that is! I also have like separated houses and the all and I know I am not that amazing at cooking... But I can cook stuff..." and he rattled on sadly for Keiji. "W-want to get stuff now..? Or later? Want to get to my house-- or erm... our house?"
"Our house eh?" He commented swiftly, pointedly at the choice of words. He turned to face Nao again and with both arms grabbed Nao by the waist, turned him to face Keiji properly. "A little early for calling it that wouldn't you say?" Then, before Nao could respond or react pulled him close and reaching up with one hand, pulled in Nao's face and planted yet another kiss upon his lips.

Squeezing around Nao's shoulders and holding him tightly he pulled back to take a breath. "We've got plenty of time to do the move, I'll get my men on it, don't worry too much." His eyes rested on Nao's eyes, unable to resist though he kept glancing down upon Nao's lips again and again.

"I'd love to know more, on how your body reacts to different stimuli, what the causes and issues are that you experience throughout so I have something to go on, and know what to look for, within that basement of yours." as if to ease the tension and punctuate his last 3 words he gave Nao a brief slap upon his butt. A playful grin was apparent on his lips as the loud smack played out within the office.
When Nao was kissed like that, he himself wrapped his arms around his neck and deepened the kiss a little. Yet inexperienced as he was, he was a little out of breath after the kiss and looked him in the face. He looked away for a second, before looking to him. "Y-your the one that asked to move in... I mean... I said yes... Doesn't that make it our home then..?" He muttered the last bit but was easily told to not worry too much. "Hmpf..." Seems like Keiji still had to learn that he often worried too much for others instead of his own wellbeing. He saw how the other was keep getting distracted and decided to play a little mean. He would lean back and lick his lips. "Hmm.. I guess you are right, we can let your men handle it..."

At the words about how his body reacted, he was swept out of the devilish behavior of his and actually looked curious. "huh... How do you mean that with my body rea--" He yelped through his words at the butt smack and he actually got red, his body stiffened up and he placed as quick as he could a hand over his mouth. It took him a moment to gather what just happened and couldn't think much rather than how he must have sounded. "Keiji?!" He said his name moments later as a gasp somewhat... He had no idea how to actually react to it, he didn't dislike it or so. But he wouldn't tell him that right now. "Hmmmpf!" He really didn't know how to respond to that got off his lap, crossing his arms as he walked towards the door. He had no idea what kind of look he must be giving, trying to pout while having this huge blush on his face and with a slight attempt to get a mean face on.
Nao's reaction did put Keiji in a space of "Wrong time wrong place" mindset. As Nao turned, Keiji got back up, and with a split second stood behind Nao before he was able to reach the door. "Sorry, what I meant by my question on your body's reactions I mean your illness, how it affects your general health." He whispered that to him as he reached around Nao and with both arms held him close, stopping Nao in his tracks. His head leaning down onto Nao's shoulders, the tall stature of Keiji easily reaching around and above Nao, his dreadlocks falling down in front of him and hitting Nao's chest.

"I'm sorry, while that slap was just me playing, my question however was.. He paused and turned his head and kissed Nao's neck. Then continuing with his whisper. ".. Purely academic.

He was genuinely afraid, he didn't want to ruin any moment, but the topic was such a serious one he felt it'd be disingenuous to entirely ignore the reality of it, even though deep down all he wanted was to just enjoy every minute of every day in Nao's presence. He could feel his lips tremble and the muscles in his face jittering as if tears were on their way, but he kept them in, the last he'd want to do is to further ruin the moment like with his playful mannerisms.
He rested his head there on Nao's shoulders from behind him for a brief moment after having said his words, then leaning back up, he stood straight and while holding Nao's shoulders with only minimal forcefulness turned him around. And proceeded to hug him tightly, arms reaching all across pushing his body into Nao's feeling the warmth they share. Then whispering again "I'll be there for you, for as long as you'll have me.

He let that moment rest, holding him tightly.
Nao thought it was smart to just listen to the other, as he seemed to be troubled by something. He didn't quite puzzled it together as in why... He tilted his head a little as Keiji rested his head on his shoulder. Giving him a little more room to place his head there. "A-ah-- W-well..." The kiss on his neck left him to tense up a little and breathe a bit shivering. "Mean.. so mean..." He mumbled under a whisper as he would start to play a little with the dreadlocks that were in front of his chest.

As Keiji stood up correctly again he wanted to turn around Keiji already seemed to have that same idea. He would hug him back and felt like he owed him at least an apology. "Sorry, guess I was a bit... out of mind with that. but... truth to be told... I am not even sure what you are doing to my body... Or why things react the way they do. Be that my heart, mind, soul or.............." He left that pause there and just took a moment to excuse himself by leaning up a bit to kiss Keiji on the lips, trying to keep the kiss going for as long as possible till either of them needed breath... Probably himself. ' how can he kiss for so long and I so short?!'

"Want me to summon Sai so he can perhaps explain a thing or two..?" He asked Keiji as they both were now probably a bit tense due to the situation?
The sweetness of their lips met again, and he felt a sense of relief within him, like his soul took a leap out of his body for a split second, the warmth he felt from the embrace and the kiss was soothing to the core. Then releasing the grip of their emotions shared within their lips Nao asked a peculiar question that seemed to insinuate that he or they somehow needed information that perhaps the contract has, considering he's met Sai a couple of times at this point, perhaps he'd have some things that could benefit the initiation of Keiji's research into the matter.

Mentally putting his own personal projects to the side he was opening his lips to respond "Sur-" He was about say yes, but Hitomi whom had apparently been hiding underneath or around the window, within the depths of his mind, he sensed it was to give him and Nao space, but now with Sai incoming, she didn't feel it necessary to keep up the "pretense" and came in, leaping through the window she had previously jumped out "Well! If he can join, so can I!" she said very adamantly having already made up her mind.

Surprising Keiji slightly he sighed to himself looking a little flustered at Nao, who might be able to figure out that Hitomi had been there all along, considering her choice of words upon arrival. Keiji had no idea she was there, most likely she had opted to hide her presence so as to not disturb. People outside might have seen a large and bright coloured orange haired with purple gi hanging outside of the window chilling. Standing inside staring at Nao, as if she had some parental disappointed resntment towards him, but then relented and instead walked over to the lone cup on the table by the couch and poured herself another cup of tea from the kettle standing near it.

"Well, go ahead, get that blasted Sai out so I can give him a stern talking to!" A little mouth-agaped Keiji turned from having been slightly staring at the brashness and harsh tone of Hitomi and looked back to Nao. "I'll be honest, first off, didn't know she was there, secondly, no idea what bothers Hitomi in regards to Sai now, except for the usual bickering between their natures. But regardless, yeah, Sai I suppose might have some important intel. We need to start somewhere, I'm intrigued to visit that basement though."

After a brief moment, a slight cough for attention from Hitomi was heard "Oh, and also, your stuff is already in the process of being moved, I went ahead and initiated the Harvesters, they were getting restless either way.." In response Keiji turned to her and in a moment of inner frustration took a hand to his forehead. "Right, appreciate telling me.." A sigh, and then looking back to Nao to hear where his thoughts were in regards to the speed of the idea of moving in suddenly having come to fruition in less than a day.
He was a bit rattled by the fact that Hitomi was that close by. He always knew she was close by-- but never would he had thought that close by. His eyes darted from Hitomi back to Keiji, judging from his own reaction he never thought about her entering. "H-hitomi-chan... How long have you been there..?" He asked directly to her, as to how he knew contracts were a being of their own.

"B-blasted... what..." He asked but did say so. He bit his thumb to draw blood and then made the seals get the Contract Summon jutsu going. "Contract Summon- Excursai!" He said as he placed his hand on the ground and with a brilliant light, Sai came out forth, he had his wings but as soon as he noticed that it was a close space, he folded them a bit backward. Sai's hairs were white as snow, his eyes blue as an ocean and overall he was light-colored dressed. "Mornin Nao-Kun, Keiji-kun, and brat." he knew damn well what she had called him and wasn't afraid to show that either.

Keiji spoke and Nao looked towards him. "I do not know either as to why I should be the one getting shouted out..." Sai said before Nao could say anything who just smiled soft and sighed at the same time. "Don't worry too much... Sai-- Could you explain it all to Keiji please?" Nao asked and Sai turned his attention from the Yokai towards both males. "You... might want to grab tea..." He would explain that this would be a long story... But hearing that the move already started, Nao did look a bit shocked. "W-wha... Hitomi-chan! You oughta say that first before arranging! They have no key to the place! Not to mention- how will they even know where to place things of Keiji? Of where Keiji wants them himself too?!" He said and stood with hands in his sides, trying to look mean towards the girl but the male obviously failed at that.

Nao sat down on the couch again with a tea, this time in a stone mug clearly having a good day at least with his illness and Sai started to explain all the things that were going on. Everything that he knew about Nao's illness, but ended with rather odd things. "Keiji- The first time you met Nao in the herbal garden, where he explained something... Did you had that dejavu moment- a different scenario than what had happened..?" Sai waited on an answer of Keiji, Nao only looking more and more puzzled to the both of them, as they knew something. "That-- is because that was a different timeline Nao. That Nao version; was a temporal strider one. That is also the reason you never really saw him having any symptoms as he skipped the time forward till it was past that time. Yes, it left him often in a sleeping state as it drained his energy. For his mind, it was always better than what this Nao is suffering. Yet even he wasn't able to get far with the illness discovery." Sai waited for a moment and before Keiji could say anything; "I do not know any of this, Excursai was a contract of that Nao version too-- He did meet me twice, saw me grow up for a long while apparently... and frankly enough- I don't even remember anymore when Sai came to my side, being there most likely my whole life..." He quickly said in defense before Keiji would think anything of it.

"The other version of Nao- Was mentally deteriorating... I know he often played with time when he was a medical ninja... Turning time over and over again to get the best possible outcome for his team in battle... Keiji... Remember when you met that Nao, he often had a hand on his hip..? or was stiff in movements..? That Nao version was covered in scars that you never could see. That Nao version never worse short clothing... I remember every scar that was on his body... While Nao here now... Doesn't have all those scars.. Yes, he managed to get one just like the other one had... The one on his arm." Sai looked a little frustrated at that, that even he couldn't prevent that as the manner it happened was exactly the same. Nao instantly undid his doctor's coat to check the arm, partially undoing his shirt too, indeed that scar was there on the bottom of his bicep. "Fell out of a tree on a kunai... I remember..."

"I saw him grow gloomier, pushing more and more people away, getting more and more frustrated.. and eventually his thoughts about ending it all. Yet at one day- something snapped and he didn't end himself in that way. He took that time, to alter time. Remember when you found that scroll with hidden teachings as it was called. The reason where you went away..?" Nao started to nod a few times. "That was your other Nao's doing. So you wouldn't follow his path but your own new path.. Luckily that man didn't change any other timeline wobbles.." He sighed a time loud.

It was at that moment that a medical knocked on the door. "We have an emergenc-- PLEASE GET DRESSED." "THIS IS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!" Nao explained loud and did his shirt right along with his coat on. "Just show me where the emergency is!" and with that Nao left the place and seconds later... Sai would remain back. "Keiji- Might be best to follow him... You never know- I will catch those harvesters that sent ahead before any plan was made by a little imp."

[topic left unless stopped]
Will make the clanhouse topic in a bit keiji~!
Keiji listened intently and relaxed back in one of the comfy chairs of the office, considering that the couch was taken by Hitomi and Nao. He reluctantly didn't pour himself a cup, his body was still at the time a little tensed up from the teasing and decided not to indulge himself.

Nodding compassionately and moving his eyesight from Nao to Sai and back again as the conversation proceeded. It was a little hard to believe and perceive properly. Him being or in this case having been, (past tense) one with temporal strider abilities made sense to him at least. Having met them in the past, and even dissected some, locating their nerve ends and analyzing some parts of their brain chemistry, their chakra veins within the brain itself is on a completely different level than most other chakra users. They were unique specimens in that their abilities were exclusively centered around their brains and nerves. It always seemed to take a toll in those same areas. Not to mention their intestines flora resembling an Akimichi in their ability to burn their calories and carbs with insane speeds. But instead of it going to their muscles it essentially boosted their brain instead. This being why headaches and migraines were very common in their daily struggles.

But the rest, in there somehow being two, and that the future Nao, had somehow taken control through his abilities, that must've not only taken a toll on the future Nao, but also the past/current Nao. He was, intrigued. If only he had known the future Nao, while their relationship probably wouldn't have progressed in the same manner, but at least he might have had an opportunity to examine him if in some fashion there'd have been such a chance. His eyes glanced back to Nao briefly, and smiled warmly. Dark thoughts, he pushed them away. Nao's features warmed him, if those eyes and that body suddenly stopped being in existence "alive" if you will, he wouldn't know what to do with himself, take him apart? No, never. There's too much.. Attachment he admitted to himself silently. He wouldn't want that to change, not now.

Palming his face for a second, he could feel the conflict within him, one part was eager for the opportunity to at some take apart Nao to examine him to see what unique talents lurk within his genes, granted, if he had an easier way to test and check these things that didn't involve opening up a body he'd have an easier time. Blood can only tell so much, from his own experience. But at the same time, as he looked up from his palms to look upon Nao as he was examining his body, he couldn't, wouldn't in any circumstances want to put a scratch upon his skin. His scalpels would forever stay within their box with him. There was a demon within him, and it lurked behind the surface. But Nao, Nao would be spared from experiencing this side of him. He sighed and was midway to stand up as Sai had ended his last sentence to call it a day and make his way, maybe with Nao under his arm towards their new home.

But then the Mednin stepped in and announced there being a problem, an emergency even. He rush to grab his lab coat and had it in hand as Nao made his way out.

Fuming and internally screaming sat Hitomi who had managed to stay silent all this time.
"Oy! Who you callin' Imp! I'm a dog. D. O. G. You imbecilic winged numbskull. The Harvesters are just doing the heavy lifting. And besides! They don't need any keys, they're perfectly capable of getting in. They're trained Shinobi from Kumo no matter what anyone says. So just relax!" she sighed heavily and then proceeded to take a big gulp of the last in her cup. Then standing up and walking over to Sai to begin further "talks" with the preposterously pretty-boy bitch of an angelic being which is Sai.

As Keiji ran out of the office he sensed, conflict within Hitomi, but ignored it as he came up behind Nao as they made their way to whatever the emergency was.

[topic left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
